TE PATTON COURIER, MARCH 3, , 1808 Gna Groesry, For fine cakes and pies go to Daos’ bakery. . Overcoats below cost at Mirkin & Rasner's. Oysters on the half shell Restaurant. Fred Mellon spent Sunday friends at Hastings. among March wap gahared in lke a lamb — look ous for the finish. Mrs. John Callahan, of West Magee avenue, is quite ill this week. fats, caps and mufflers, also gloves at cost at Mirkin & Koaner's, The two-ynar-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stolitzy is ill this week. | R. W. Gitting, of Cambria township, was a caller at the CoURigR office Tues- day. Mrs. Chas. W. Wasson, who has been ill for the past week, is slowly im- proving » A. A. Noel, of near Kaylor station, | was a welcome visitor to Patton on Monday. Mrs. Geo. 8. Good and son Ralph, of Lock Haven, visited friends in Patton Monday. Editor E. 8. Gray, of the DuBois Morning Courier, transacted business in Patton Friday. Good's stcre is headquarters for farmers to purchase good goods at reasonable prices. Dr. H. Somerville, of Chest Springs, made a business trip to Altoona and Hollidayshurg Saturday. The J. E. Kirk, Hardware Company, | has something interesting to say this week. See new ad on first page. Elsewhere in the Courier will be found a larg: new ad of the Bon Ton store. You should not miss reading it. 8. W. Bddy, manager of the J, E. | Kirk hardware store, is confined to his home on Beoch avenue by severe ill- ness, ing house on the Patton Fire company extension of Beech avenue, near the park. H. H. Cooney returned home on Monday from a few days visit among friends at Williamsport and Montours- ville, Pa. About 75 cases are down for trial at the March term of criminal court, which opens at Ebensburg Monday, March 7th. Eaward Morgan, who has been vis- iting friends at Hamilton, Scotland, for the past four months Petammed 16 Pat. | ton on Tuesday. Druggist J. A. Woleslagle and W. A. Donahue, a prominent merchant, both of Barnesboro, transacted business in our town Tuusday. A Kansas minister is preaching a sermon on ‘How to Get to Hades.”' This sounds like an attempt to head off | J : : isigns in Men's Dress Shirts. the Klondike crase. Peter Campbell, an esteemed citizen of Carrollitown, accompanied by his daughter Miss Charlotte, visited friends in Patton on Tuesday. John Pell left on Tuesday for Hast- ings to take charge of the compressed air machinery for the Sterling Coal company at that place. Washington Douglass, an aged and much respected citizen of Clearfield township, was a pleasant caller at the QCoURIER office on Tuesday. D. H. C. Warren, the painter has just completed a very artistic sign for Jacob Daus, the baker. Dave is cer- tainly an adept in this line of work. W. W. 8tratift is confined to his home | on Beech avenue by a severe attack of muscular rheumatism. His many friends hope: for his speedy recovery. W. H. H. Bell was down to La Jose on Monday in the interests of the Koni ghts of the Golden Eagle. A | may be organized in that town | soon. In the Somat ail Friday at 10 | o'clock, Sheriff 1 read to John and James Heddy the Governor's death warrant ordering them to be han ad on | the 26th of A for the murder of David Berkey, in Paint Township that yd TS SOA Na 5 end Raucate Your Bowels With Cascarets. oe 00 C ten fall, druggists refund money. at City | will Clark Heist is erecting a new dwell- ‘nouncement of Men's, cure Sonstiptuion forever. Pr. V. 4 Maras ie ob ha sich Tist. Have you called at Cash Grocery yet? City -Restanrant. Go to Daos’ Bakery fresh bread and cakes W. J. Donnelly made a business trip to Barnesboro on Monday. Don’t fail to read the new ad of the Bazaar in another column. Don, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hubbard, is quite iL (io to Mirkin & Kusner and see their fine line of fall and winter coats. -1t 3. W. Rhine and W, H. Goodfellow, of Altoona, spent Tuesday in town. Samuel T. Swanger, of Coalport, has for Dave Wilson is confined to his home at the Commercial hotel by severe iil TORE, Michael Lucey, interests H. 0. Winslow took possession of | his new residence on Beech avenue one | day last week. | Chas. E. Wilson, the hustling shoe salesman of Philadelphia, was in Pat- ton on Tuesday. Dr. McMillen, of Barnesboro, stop i ped in town a few hours Monday while | enroute to eastern cities. Mrs. C. W. Moore, of Madera, is vis $ ‘iting at the home of E. A. Mies on Magee avenue this week. At present writing Superintendent | EB. C. Brown, who is quite ill of pnen- monis, is somewhat improving. The average man who doesn't ap- prove of the game will alwa ays take the time to listen to a good poker , story. The Glen Campbell Comet says that the Catholic congregation of that place ‘are endeavoring to érect a church in ! that town the coming summer. Call at Cash Grocery for cabbage, carrots, red beets, radishes, Joutiom, apples, sour and sweet pickles, fresh lard, meat, flour, corn meal, ar. : SYFEp, country butter, eggs, and many too mamerous Lo meation. j Just eall and see what we have Kindling i great fire. We are preparing for a hot } time. We are putting in the ling of low prices and the coal of excellent goods and ‘you see the blaze 1t kes There are plenty of things we make it warm in nd plenty of places where you will appreciate the saving we give you. Let us benefit vou ‘in Shoes for your Boy or Girl. We sell the best and est shoes 1n town. Shoes, Boys' or Girls’, a ‘hummer. Lots of folks say ‘they are the best cheap Shoes ‘they ever saw. Then our 1.18, 1.28, 1.18, £1.48 Shoes are money savers and wearers. We carry a full “hosiery for Bove and ‘Men or Women. h Cal » Our g8¢ is The ones at 10c, 15¢, 18¢, are best money can buy. For 48c. you will find 1 ’ A0 ONC WILGoOWw a hundred de- Dollar values and the ‘less than half. For 25c. The other window is full of choice neck- wear which we have just placed on sale. You can’t Sptenie them in town for style, beauty or price. Our Hats for wear are now in and con all the latest shades. Our Caps are in and we have 3 das Took 3 in the window Boys’, Children's shapes. atch price S spot ny prises oan Rani) for Men's ar Misses’ for our spring an- Boys’ and Children's Suits, Pants land Shoes. It's early yet. Still we are always ahead. Our motto still Is “Penny Profits—Big Sales.’ THE KEYSTONE GLOTHIN AND SHOE CO. | 9@r Directly opposite the Bank. Shell barks as iarge as your head at | your been granted a pension of §8 per month. | of Altoona, was in| town Tuesday looking after business ure, C. C. ‘Bp om : mt sail. "afforded complete Again, ndy line. be riain’s i | LP Tanghuan, of the Sr or! | Hunter & Banghman, transacted busi. ness in Somerset county the first of the | week. | John MeMahan returned home on Raturday from a ten day's visit Baltimore, Md and Washington, D. C. He reports having spent an enjoyable | time, £0 On Friday, Febroary 25, the Senate at Washington, D. OC, confirmed the appointment of Festas Lloyd, editor of the Cambria Herald as postmaster at Ebwashorg. F. M Well Wilkesbarre, and George Exley, of the firtn of Reed & Epley of Clearfield, spent Friday in Patton on bosiness pertaining to the Clay works Mra. T. N. Nagle and daughter. Beatrice, left Wednesday morning for is £35 ‘A few days visit at the home of Mes Nagle's sister Mrs. Harvey Sebastin, at Jersey Shore. Prof. McBride is assisting the organ- ist of the Catholic church, Miss Ada Mellon, to put her cholr in good shape for Easter Sunday. The improvement so far has been recognized One day last week Juaac Tidswell had the misfortune to have his shoulder broken by a fall of coal. He also re. ceived internal injury his chest which has developed a case of pneamonia. te» into The voung men of Nwktown have organized a gun club. They start off with 21 members, and intend equip ping themselves with a good ground for practice and a nomober one outfis Carrolitown News The Patton Clay Cornpany is making pre rations to extend the buildings the factory thereby increasing the capacity of the product of that thriving plant. Par ticalars will be given later, B. Kusner, of the firm of Mirkin & Kusnwer, merchants of Patton, returned bome on Saturday from New York, where he has been for the past ten days, ander the physician's care for the treatment of a severe throat trouble The application for a charter has been received hy K. GG. EE Castis No. 73 of Barnesboro, The Organize r was chief W. H. HH. Bell, of this place, Manufacturing ‘who ix a member of Patton Castle No. : BO It will be instituted by District Grand Chief, OO H. Closes, of Altoona and a team from Patton. The members of the Carrolitown Fire company held the annual election on Monday svening. The following offi- cwrs were chosen: President, Jos Kay. lor; vice president, E. A. Binder; tress Adams; secretary, OC. CC Reig: assistant sec, A. RR. (iray; chief, Fdw Blum; assistant chief, CJ Buck: tows, Henry Blum, M. C. Schrott and Edw Blam Edison Phonograph Concert, dacted by J. W. Trimmes, of Altoona will exhibit at the M. E church in Patton on Friday night, March #1h, at The program will co nsist of refined musical and lterary selection vocal and instrumental solos, orchestral and band music, bumorots spesches, artistie whistling, chimes, musie of birds, the cornet, piccalo, ete, eto Benefit of the Epworth league Fadi son's latest improved instrument will te used. Can be heard in the largest hall. Children 19cents; 25 cents, family tickets NM) omits For Saie’ tras. £15 1%, Twostory frame dwelling, with fin bed basement, seven rooms, on Magee avenue, Patton, Pa. Owner will at purchaser's price. No reasonable offer refused. Two-story frame dwelling on Lang avenue, Patton. Four rooms; stable om lot. Will be sald at a bargain Two story frame dwelling on Beech rooms All modern con- _~ wer avenue, eight VEL UOes, frame on Palmer avenoe, erected fitted with all modern Owner is leaving town and Will be sold cheap. ties are in Two-stary dwelling, eoigt 4 i in Lah TOOTS, 1296, res, {Yel All of above prope good | tion and any of them will make a fine home, or would prove a profitable | ent to anyone with any capital | PARNELL & COWHER, Real Fatate Agenta, Good Building, Patton, Pa Somat 0 Vestn tO invest On the morning of Feb 2 Isa | was sick with rheumatism, and lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle of chamberiain’s pain Balm. The 8rst application of it relieved me alme tirely from the pain and the second relief. In a short time | was able to be up and about A. T. Moreaux, Laverne, Mina Sold by Patton Pharmacy, CW Hodgkine wt en. Patton Marketa. Sabdect to market changes Ras tter aisle Puck when? Fees Porn tivws EIS POR = sonia per pong | . $. »- Miners STORE Co. [Limited } A man stands no chance of being elated to the mavorship of a city OF8 Live neigh Unless he vatenm of Humphrey Swanton £- Bk & » akg 4 isk rye MILTWS €©0} an Ww mavor of a0 Bde ns PE his {490 i= te of Jan “This to certify to our appreciation of cham- cough Remedy. My famil and neighbors have tested it, row its excellent remedy for wd colds George W. Hum. phre rey. Solid by Patton Pharmacy, C. Ww, Hodgkina : and ww i 1 kas he wy | "| ate . Enlil ; Sunday Desturbance. ! Every one was sorry for those people in church last Sunday, who were suffer. | ing with a distressing cough. A full dose of Downs’ Elixir on going to bed | ‘at night and small doses during the day will cure the most persistent cough. | Whenever there is a tickling sensation | in the throat take a few drops of the Elixir on the tongue and jet it ron slowly down the throat and immediate | relief will bw the resnlt & guaran- tee it 1 rough, oold, croup or lung troable or money refunded. For sale hy W. Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy » Sar Any ] A thril rror is experienced when 0 p sonnds through me at night. But the terror acon changes to relief after One Min- nte Cough care has been administered, Safe and harmless for children, © W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. a brassy congh of the hn Wark for Aitoooa Shops, The improvement of business has made it incumbent apon both the Pennayivania and Reading railroads to inorease thelr ve power to keep pace with the increased traffic. The Pennsylvania railroad will build a large nomber of engines, about 100 in ail, during the coming year. Some will be | of the large {ve recently constructed for the hauling of heavy freight trains an others will be mognis, to be used on the lines wost of Fittaburg About a dozen large passenger locomotives and a number of standard type passenger engines will also be The antire work will be done at Altoona Paid A Shor: Cut fo Health, To try to cure constipation by taking pills is Hike going around in a circle, You will never reach the point sought, hat only get back to the starting point A perfect palaral laxative is ons Celery Ring, the celebrated remedy for all nerve, blood, stomach, liver and kidney dims a. It regulates the bowels. OC, W. Hodgkins will give you a sample pad — freee. Large sizes 35 and 56 cont your home bakery and Dans, oppo Patronioe bay your bread from site the Palmer house BARGAINS go 0 worth she, : on wish v > Is » x: % THE 8 Men's gum shoes dared to Sree wT re. Laden’ { worth Mae, y=ryy rubbers LHW . . $i She fee Se re lipen talkie nloahdy £4 Best Linen ¢ N Mion Float rei border, wash per yami, oe 4 crash, per yard, £8, nicest pate CT price, - « 134 sailor sn + hlipe 4 ts £8 on hregstex] suite, ages laally ol Gi term made 5% PTR, ry ® uA ¥y w * AT rvenl Aoi i) - 15, ~ Kent } {3% 4 % 4 5 \iso Men Me okey Jam pants addnits 15. 2 for Ten gy gigs yg En ah aN Aen coup! e of dai- THE BAZAAR y BR G. OO BRADY. Pr PT. NEXT TPP ODODOVY ot he: { SOLOTELY GUARANTERD 2. TE ¥ ple and bonkiet free. id. Srrsine READY Co oe ainttion. Casares $5 are the Jeans Lange a ostursl resviia. Sand Conor ow Tort. 1 HAVE NOAGENTS Biwew wig immed Se the son war Sor X23 years st whnie sin preven mving Rian (he saber pov NEY wharves Sir eRmmmebation Ervorstions warraniod iis Yin x4 Viebicinm, Ke 7M Sas een. Price BIS. Wagsns Send inepe Srey Bao Pees Cotalogws of off sur strbe ELKHART canmisex svn MARNESS MPG CO. W. B PRATT, Ser'y, KLERARY. DNB. NR a You can always hnd FRESH GROCERIES At and of the ven Our Ur store Siore 1s tor evervbody h C 10 Wo. JI ORE G0. LIMITED. TTT FFE FETT AIRE bbb bbb RAAB RBA SAS aR AR Saba b RSA 844 SBALEREEARARARSEEAIARABARRAIAIIAARALARII ALAN > | - , O { EEK. Quarters and Half Dollars will the Work of Dollars!