THE PATTON COURIER FEBRUARY 24, 1898. “ORE OF TWO WAYS The bladder pose, namely, a receptable for the urine, and as Panic | it is not liable to any form of diseinse except oy one of two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the Kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases, CHIEF CAUSE, Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad- der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too mach 18 not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any in, disease or IHCONVENENCEs Mani ested in the kidneys, back. bladder or nrinary passages is often, by mistake, attribrted to Fae weakness or womb trouble of wome sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly set your urine aside for twenty. four hours; a sediment or settling in Heates Kidney or bladder trouble. he mild and ex. traordinary effect of Dr. Rilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney and bladder jer medy is wOan realized. If you need a medi rine yon should have the best. Al draggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle anid pamphlet, both sent free by mail, npon the receipt of three cent stamps to cover cost of postage on the bottie. Mention the Parion COUIRER aud send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Ca, Bingha mton, N. Y. The pro etors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. Gradante Piindelphin Dental College mpwcdnl site given 1 Ths prosryi. tion of the nataral teeth, ArUb a ti i speia ity code Bathing, Patten DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND RURGEON, (fee in Good Building, Room No. 3. Sa Genarsl Surgery and fhe Eye a Specialty AD elle will receive prompt attention, DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mallon block, next door to Postoftice, Patton, Pa. All onlin, day of night, prom ploy Bi, Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OMoe in Ariing on buck, next Pemtaffoe, Patton, a Ai eleht ewils responded io proonptis Tree pee oof thie ear. nose Red threat given sped int atiention. OPFOR HOUBR Stadt a mand 20pm foamy PE py Aad oat £4 Business Educaton. The A tedersan Stuns of Business, Allee ne, Pew give ye 8 grads at ng riding fr Poole wes ping, mhoribatal, Peaswinship and ¥ a] iat Brave? PRICE OF ONE -BOORS FRIER SEND FOR CATALOGUE. on $00 thie ARE YOU READY For winter! Trwss yiuir Bemier give you stisfactiva® Dom's put ap with troubles the a mrrnvsexd yo ust yor. A XaNxi iT hesiing Vour hove, either hy he ? walter of steam, URN give you eta rnaten ov ANY work. GOULD & BEEZER. 2a:t PATTON, PA CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are prepared to do ail kinds of Casting. Mchinery, iron ketlles, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re pairs. Our charges are reasonable. Of medal taken in exchenge for Mew Wari $2-1ye CHEST SPRINGS, PAL Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ParTtox, Pa Office in the (Good Building. JAMES NOLEN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. -10tf. Ww DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, EppNsptra, Pa. legal business promptly altended to. All Office tn Barker Building. TOBACCO and CIGARS The fpet line in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restanirant on Magee avenue, near P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Your Watch may need Regulatimg. Tet usiook at it. Nag for exateination. If it pesds stlention tefl you, ard If yon wold eave Us put shape wi il du dt well at a nguler charge yOu worl ob eet TEN TOZER, The Patton Jeweler, CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best, Bar in connection. RATES $1 Large weil iin First-class .25 PER DAY. PATTON HOTEL, WM A MELLON, Prov's, First-class aocommexiations. Talde supplied with the best {he piarkes affioeds. Chole WINES and LIQUORS al the wid Har AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahafley, Clearfield Co., Pa. fons firstolaxs. Best of Liquors Stabling atiached, GRORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r RUNK we CURED fthout the NK edge NN {ES sng, ean be given strictly tn tea, coffee or em. and the pa- tient will lose 11 taste for drink without Know. ine why: it 1s safe, sure and reliable, one box Will cure any ordinary cas. Price $1.00 posts | paid; free particulars in plain envelope for 2, stamp. THE south Second St, Aceommoda and Wines at the bar, Philadeiphia, was created for one pir. : $100.00, CARTER CHEMICAL CO, 1% A\egetable Preparation for As- similating the Food and Regula tng the Smacks and Bowel: of Aperfect eer for Cons tion, Sour Stomach, ps Worms Convulsions Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Yac Sumile Signature of of A ess amet he Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Fac-simile ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. TRIE THE KIND Y0U HAVE LWAYS BOUGHT. COMPANY, NEW YORE CVV Beaver Dams Letier, An annual meeting of the Beech | Grove Grange will be held in the ball | neat Thos (ravers on Ratarday even- |. ing, February 268 © H. Wirtner, who has heen seriously | iil toiith a sprained back for some time, is ubie to be about again. (lsas Noel, of White Just week visiting ris and Bradford cou The festivais at Ht now stopped until after strange the literary are which are, we just as bad we festivals for our child to attend during this season A A pregaring to erect a {ow nesta p, Spend neds in MoeKeéan IEEE oholera aire GELaline ent, but 14 HAY © XAT 0 Eas y fro NEO, and in Lhe & % 5 ¥ oy. gn ; bass Tiga $ Avie eT a nauing S100 ew Ronse “near future Williaa White township, ng i West Virg turned and Raymond Gabriel, of who had been work re lax nda for some Line, ome on Wednesday of woes kK Vincent White township, Randay wila the ner, of near Patt Thos. and Fdward Wirtner, of spent Saturday and ir brother, 8 J. Wirt {"hest township, recently about $00 000 feet Af timber from Engicbert Bender, and Craver pur hase wd js now busy preparing it for market A Grand Offer, On Janoary 1, 1508 CC. W. Hodgkins, of Patton Pharmacy, will give tothe perion retarning the largest amount of canhi register checks that is the largest amount of money nepresented by checks a parlor organ The exhibition in September. is a re markable offer and ever should avitil themselves of the opportunity of taking advantage of it. The (i CRIER readers well know from past offers mule by Mr. Hodgkins, that every detail advertised by hin will be carried out to the letter Have your checks. values! at will be This x ane 3 . - & 5 instrument oan very The Prof. MeBride's closed on Monday Dancing Sebi dancing school night. The boys and girls speak very highly of the and were They the re. will be Prof. as a dancing master sorry to have the ciass ciose. will be organization of about six weeks helice, anxiously awaiting the class which A Prer Children and adaita tortured by barns, scalds, injuries, eczema of skin diseases may secure instant rebel by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve It is the great pile remedy. C. W. Hodg- kins, Patten Pharmacy NSo-To-Bace fur Fifty Ceuls. ex SOD BAROIT wry eo ImHETE Wel K pod pure. Rie 81 Au druguisia ir uRa: BULL SACs. {Care that coug! with Shiloh's (ure The best cough cnre. promptly. One million last vear. 40 doses for at Corner Drug Store 13 2 £3 Relieves croup sid Kad ¥ tl Lien 25 vents (Gio to Daus’ Bakery fresh bread and cakes, Overcoats below cost at Mirkin & Rusner's. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Barvs. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as 4 can- didiate for the nomination of Assembly subject to the rules of the Republican arty of Cambria county governing the same. . YOTHERS, Hastings, Pa. { Farope and A anent relief Smith, of | ¥ rederiria. shpanic fle had a 5 iy A Mr. Ward |. town, Mo dinrrhoea for owas troubled with wer thirty years ! hecome fully satisfied that it w Tied would treated | question of a short tine until Hed brs t [have to give up hy of the meres BOTTI 3 Dal got ® Ho poked asl 3 One day he newspaper and chanced to = vertisment of and larrboea got a bottle of it him and ita continged awe CW. Hodgkins, ' ole He hed rwad ! Chamberlain's Kereu 1 5 the first dose enresd him For sale by Patton Pharmacy A Gremt Mativise Given Away W. Hodgkins i& now giving to all a trial package of the herbal remedy Rao a ele If ladies suffering from orders and constipation wiil remedy they will soon be res headaches and backac cansed them «0 much a perfect regalator. It i renn, indigesti i, the skin and sil blood diseases sizes 25 and 5 conta ars wis ¥ quickly eruptions of Large Cures There are three little things which do ttle ant, the liners little pills for Ww more work than any other three i things created they bee and DeWitt's Little Early the jast being the famous stomach and tronhles Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy am the liver Pome LC gIve : possible prices! 1 dak We are anxious to do a little good in thin world and can think of peas. anter or beller way do it than b recommending One Minute cough Cure as i preyentive of pneumonia, consump- ial to vicn and all other serious i that follow Hodgkins, Patton Pharma AY ng troubles negle teal colds, (1 OW Dresdfal vy Nervous fsonta: 1 was dreadfully and for relief took Root Tea. It quieted my strengthened while m. | Ruiney Neryans ane Karl's Clover nerves and RY Nervons sys was troubled with const and bowel cleanses m that 1 strength pation, Tea maghiy “. HL oar ce Fol Fistiinie” i200 ha wie 1h 8 and Hartford, os cur. md rapidly gained health Mra 5 A Sweet Coun. After years pales, B. W, was cured hy using a single bo Witt's Witch Hazel maive wach shinate sores $Me peal Parseidl AR SCIEINA, Tash, fans reeds Pats Hin 71 Pharmacy Foto one Yaar fio vais With Casenreta adi Whooping ng malady; Leak troubies, mid Patton sind Pharn HCY Toa Cars Take Cascarets Ca: 12 CC 4. fail to cure westipation Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant Hegulates the part Clears the compiexion. laxative. bowels, jes the blood. Easy to make and pleasant to take. Sold at Corner Drug Store, 25 cls, One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what it was made fer. ¥! A GOOD LFTTER Clork of the Cirvesit Cont, Fernandina, Fia . Feb J. George Suhrer, Droaganst, { From he Ox 1s08 Mr Dear Georgy ity. Please send me a bottle cough remedy. | wonld not feel easy if 1 knew there § of Cchamberiain’s was none of this valaable remedy in the Bose I have given it a fair test arid oonuider it ane of the very best remediog for croup that 1 have ever found. One domes has always been sufBeient, al though I ase it freely Any cold my children contract vellds very readily to this medicine 1 can conscientiously ans t fails HE y for croup Yidips resis {yi k Sold by | Wo Hodgkin Pa A few months ago Mr. Byrn of Waoxdstonk, Mi oh rheun ww alien feng d 5 te Chamberiain’a great suffering. wine advised din Halm hig considerate offi teil a ay i Rigawd RIV O00 bottle Lhe 2H and Hod hei pand vanaed Mi rent HN hettie gina, Patton Pharmacy THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE v ren ‘4 . . YE ee TT vray E ”y Aoihad i i Pik her RS LE YP DC LA ICh fn Eminent New Tork Chemis? and Seopntigt Moder a Free O%er to Our Readers New Y wiratainiyg GrK ol The dist inguish ed A. Mioeum, demon # a reliable Gpryerimntanyy Print en and ali or hpant ET sy lomin heonrh and Ase asen, catarrhal affections and weak ness ponditions of wasting away vii THREE FREE BOTTLES all differ ent of his New afflicted reader of the PATTON to writing & wr them His “New Seientifte Treatment’ cursed thonsands permane timely ose, and bh yaiders it professional duty to suffering hun ta donate a trinl of his infall Retonen daily develops new and this mist perimenting for years, rewtiita PA, stithlsars elie ¥ toms of flesh | Hecoveriex to any Hi¥H © Force, great he patiently ex. 1 pr as benefleial to y as can be claimed by any er Ns His assertion that tronhles and consumption are in any climate is it Lot top WF rat ann and Eoropean shotwaids from parts of th seid Medical experts cone hat bron. fon 4 . atlas wi lool tn arinterrupted rertain death. write ta T A. Shoeum, IW Pine steve, New York, giving and exvoreas address, and free my will prompliy So fferer ould take vantage of Hix grenerons propos 2 Pry Please tall } eq ih #1 i) suffering eden lng i ctiraile ® proves i LE i 4 . £% “heart fe 13¢de Niet In labra. t homer are 3 Ws sing, chest ana CENTER . 3 mans steed and Simply NT ¢ ju it. 1 $i ifiioe bap it instant ai Pswtor that yous be ParmaN Cor rIER 5 pi the ARN a ® 0 \Y i Iii Fila WY peopl ¢ Of State, an nave oo ntinued (0). FORTUNE Yours Rappiness tx your tre Ph 4 Thront cles spd it sirens tan ato 4 21 test SDS eave '. -ENTHOL NHALER 1% ihe on ia ef to merking in all besd Ss COLDN, RY THARODA cs RI. That aw ful wdor of Catareh din Tans By ie pes, Waongderial in 1 Fever and Asthma. FRY Y ony. Cun ANH, Hes satgu im) x mall, 8 sen Smt Taw & we bat, from. CUNMN AY wit6 OO, YINCEVSER, eT A et Your Yous Eo orden Freates bones nis MARKET, FIRE INSURANCE: =-5-xa senses. vnor James Melion. J.P. i 3 Good ana reliable com- up. ; DATE . {yn sr pny of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. R. F. Notley, Paapler in Wines, Liquors, \ } JRA 116 pr HAVE YOU Fe £1 wt se hte CORKS vor "rp 3 TN] > A ko Nii. (35. andl Ports 13 : SX AN Pew r Lider pan Par AMEE FI. ASKS, JUGS, ETC. PA; FirsiNation'| Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa APITAL PAID UP, SURPLUR £5 ey OY R731 (WM (WY vx Individa sri int Wie irae ry ative he # nmattag § favs d wit yield im Ying depdwits Wa H SANDFORD, you, £3 iN President Cashier, arnell & Cowher FIRE LIFE AXD ACCIDEXT INSURANGE- Loans and Real Eslate. OFFIUD IN («00D BUILLIDYG. Tg Ls sold at over. as Hay CAD 1 ws iar me * aed Aa% Fa Ph A Lil. Lp? A Cd . ron next we are-TOHON aa Tuesday, } ) 25 100d LAA CL ) Pennsvivania good mest mer Wo the lac eto ang ng 1 your ~a ALTOO! wide by every succeeding chatdise (Goods Selling vour meat bu from 6 cents t guaranteed to of the best 5a adil WEIGHT! . money 8 wort h or ie, IR oltr motlo, TRIED US YET? McCall Z dohnson, Patton, Pa. Great Bargain Sale at QOINN'S, JORNSTOWN. The entire remaining stock of Ladies’ and Misses’ a great We will not keep any of these They must he sold, svary body's business to buy as cheap coats and fam will be sacrifice In prices. and it is come and +t a bargain. Wea sell the best yard-wide bleached muslin at ie yard Outing cloth at 4e yard, Ginghams at 3% yard {ut prices children’s underwear, the lowest made AT an ladies’. misses’ and QUINN'S. (A, PA. began our business feet long. Our dav was, and 18, to at Lowest in this part of the Lid High Class Merchandise at Low Prices! ¥ hae ; A nas heen NIT CUsOR As - +" ui for some vears past, we will on Qf — Next Tuesday, March First, Fourteenth A ——— «1 muslin vards SOLID to al tis pre ¥ = s $a ¢ % iil, thi teil Myer Unbleached pillow 2 inehes wide for 6. Good nadity CANIN, of colors, for 3. (reat 1884. ALS ‘One and a half Block 12 AOR RE PRT of special ral Terk . BA % ¥ LE that mibieached $4.00 and $6 00 values March at for $1.00, binck linen lined and velvet bound, worth $1.50, for Toe. are only wonderful price reductions that will slreeta, mi "good quality of muslin fixe Hw Ladies’ Men's LICE ELE. gnhieached shirts, The best 50¢ shirt made, for These ii he One lot coats, $1, Ty ¥ 8% me 1t wil donbiy Anniversary ABLE & CO. TOOXNA’S BEST STORE. from P. R. R. Depot. DINARY V ALUES $ 3 * fo tr} Ys 4s DAry ins r 1aatl Gay. £33 gs Lasky matde for td y Si Over 1ae We xcept: Nv I ow xceptionaiin Low only ! Y our choice on dress skirts, weil lined a small part of the wat day only repay vou to Day Sale! - 1898.