THE PATTON COURIER, FEBRUARY 24, 1808. Pe 5 a : ] : : wi ’ Wedding Helis. : To Take 5 Rest. Patton : Courier. The home of the late Wm. Hewitt, | After the Supreme Court shall have PATTON PUBLISHING €O.. Proprietors, DOW deceased, of Burnside township, decided the Capitol injunction case Gov- E Wine Greens Editor. (fearfield county, Pa., was the scent of ernor Hastings, Mrs. and Miss Hastings, Attorney-General McCormick, Mrs ESTAELISHED - . 1803. | & beautiful home wedding on the 16th inst. It was the event of the marriage ¢f his third daughter, Marvie J, to lawrence W. Roland, oldest son of A i. Roland, their next door neighbors The parior was beautifully decorated, ‘and at the sound of the wedding raarch, played by Miss Virgie, sister of the bride. D. A Keirn, of Hastings, i groomaman, and Miss Tamar Hewitt, sister of the bride, appeared at the | deor with the contracting parties. The ' ceremony was performed by the Fev IN. O. Patterson, pastor of the Baptist | chmreh, of Patton, Pa, in the presence ‘of J. P. Frye, Esq, and wife, J M | Wesiover and wife, Mrs. Jane Frye IMiss 8 A Roland, all of Westover, Pu; H. M. Frye, wife, and danghter, ‘Olive, neighbors; A. E. Roland and | wife, parents of the groom; Rosa V., | Bertie (O., Marrell, Margie, Lyle and Gwen, brothers and sisters of the | groom; Lydia, Pyra, Virgie, A. 8 and 0. 8, brothers and sisters of the bride and Mise Esther Beck. After the cere mony all retired to the dining room where 4 sumptnons feast was in wait- ing to which all did justice TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Ome copy, ye your, in advance, - - - $100 SF Advertning rates made Known upon ap plication. A No papers dbseantinged anti all arrears ages are paid, drless at the option of the publishers, Eritersd at the Postoffice at Patton as second. class mail matier, THEIR VIEW OF WAR The following is what four very pop- alar and well known daily newspapers say in regard to war with Spain: The only war we will have with Spain is being fought by the idiot editors and Congressmen. — Baltimore Herald. There is cme thing which a war with an European power would terminate, and that is whether the Atlantic coast of the United States is in need of any more fortifications or ships to defend it than are now sapplied Cleveland Plain Dealer. It is time fur the devastating war in Cuba, destructive alike to industry in the island and to the commerre of the United] States, to end. the Goverment at Wasihngton to com- pel peace. --Chicago Record. We have been treading upon the edge of a volcano with Spain, and our near- | ness to the crater should teach us a lesson. already wenkened by the loss of the battleship Maine. The safety of our own country to-day is due to its new pavy. If we had not built it, does any- one doubt that long before this we would not have been at the mercy of the Spaniards. - Philadelphia quirer. whos POOR LAW FOR THE PFOPLE. Congressman Loud’s bill to alter the postal laws relative to second. class matter (news-papers, © books, ete! should be termed “a hill to enonurage illiteracy.”” [It can have no other effect than to reduce the brain food of the common people by raising the price. The object off low postal rates is to in- doce a reading babit among the people. Every dollar that is saved to the Gov- ernment by Mr. Loads radical reform. measure will mean the loss of know- ledge to the rising generation out of all proportion to the money saved. We commend to the careful attention of our readers {he article upon this subject and trust they will not only read but act, by sending pastal card protest against the bill to Congressman Hicks | and Senators Quay and Penrose. A NEW county is “talked of by Johnstown people with that city as the county seat. What's the matter with Patton ? in ta ne mb THERE were 1,655 {rain accidents in the United States in 1807, as compared with 1,357 ir 1808. Of these accidents 781 were collisions and 873 derailments. Brox H. Birrier, one of the efficient members of the editorial staff of the It = time for’ We must strengthen oar navy, In- The bride and groom were the recipients of many bemutiful and They begin life under cirenm- stances, and the COURIER with their large circle of friends wish them a happy and prosperous voyage. Ferd ne tee fal presents favorable Sunday Destarbance Every one was sorry for those people in church last Sanday, who were suffer- ing with a distressing cough. A full deme of Downs’ Elixir on going to bed at night and small doses during the day will cure the most persistent cough. Whenever there is a tickling sensation in the throat take a few drops of the dixir on the tongue and Jet it ran siowly down the throat and immediate relief will be the resnjt. We tex! it to cure any cough, cold, croup or lung trouble or money refunded. For stile by CO Patton Pharmacy PaRran- When you take a trip to Ebensburg stop at the Blair house and vou will be used all right. Accommexiations ex. cellent and rates moderate. 66.11 (Good's stor: ia headquarters for farmers to purchase good goods at reasonable prices CASTORIA For Infants and Children Tie foe time ¥ by 1 and Miss McCormick, and Senstor and Mrs J. Cochirar, of Williamsport, will eave for Californias, to be alwent a month or six weeks Patton: Colrivr Stages. Kmoke the Patron Corrien sdogies Hand made and long filer For all the in Patton surrounding towns. Two brands, tong and short. ¥ SI and merchants Patronize Horne buy your bread from kite the Palmer home y or bakery Diane, oppose Children’s fall and winter coats at Mirkin & Kosner's DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous litthe pills. Fine Millinery. announce to the people m and vicinit that ] M:lliner A. Asher full ine of Millinery, Goods, Notior ; pay vou to caii. On April 6th and will have a Grand Opening my millinery store when you can see my new line of Spring Hats all stylos and shapes and at all prices Als: I wish to announce that the wr. views of Miss Alice A. Ashoroft have been secured in my trimming depart. Mrs. Anna Dartt, PATTON, PA. ¢ {¥3 If You Doubt Pittsburg Times is the prood father of twin daaghters, born unto his house hold a few days ago. One of the other editors of that paper was also recently blessed with a pair of twins, which is proof that the Times is bound to keep ap with the times in more ways than one. The COURIER extends congratal. ations. How suddenly the centre of war news shifts from continent to conti nent, says the Philadelphia Record. A few weeks ago attention was concen. trated upon the movements looking toward the disemberment of China: the disaster in the harbor of Havana turned all eyes toward America, and yesterday's news of an invasion of the Sodan by the troops of France seems to indicate a territory gobbling conflict in Central Africa. Not for many years TR US! > } tho yo i. = You perhaps have some dou we CAN GO 107 vou in our store. 1 st ahout what - Y ol , i ATC DOA certain, maybe, how we can sell High-Grade Goods We nae. The only way to at the prices be convinced is Lg to come and look at our goods and see what th Cy Ni ' are, may be you will be conv vantage, too. ad to vour v for have the portents of war been more ominous und unmistakable than they are now. It is sad to confess that the Christian nations seem to be the "trouble makers. The heathens appear to be less savagely disposed. Wisahington anil Baltimore, To afford an opportunity to visit Washington while Congress is in session, the Pennsylvania Railroad company has arranged for a series of Jow-rate ten-day excursion to the National Capital, to leave Pittsburg March 17, April 24, and May 12. Round- trip tickets will be sold at rates quoted below, good going on special train in. dicated, or on train No. 4, leaving Pitts | burg at 8:10 p. m., and carrying through sleeping care to Washington; returning, tickets wil be good on any regular train except the Pernsylvania Limited. These tickets also bu good to stop off at Baliimore within their limit. Special train of parlor cars and coaches will leave Cresson at 10:59 a m.; rate, $7.35 Should the number of passengers not wili be sufficient to warrant the running of special train, the company reserves the ght to earry participants in this ex- cursion ont regular train. Tickets on through matter what your prejt 1dice wil] ass : ; inced, and it he We are headquarters Fr, m, In fact cveryvthing kept in a hrst- class up-to-date (General Store. whether you wish to purchase or not. Call All goods delivered to your home sale in Pittsburg, at Union Ticket Office, 360 Fifth avenue, Union Station, and at station mentioned above. For full information apply to agents or Thomas 1. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District, Fifth Smithfield street, Pittsburg. avenge and. promptly and without charge. GEO. 5. GOOD. and ( « “a Twn gy 4p i g] : X Press (own? 5 a a go» ht . A ¥ § Ing C3 X xf. LG pam e SEMA enon ft wre 8 3 * s Mir durpins i Stick {ire ONES tie R ead Y Cash. F 1 an Wi me ob soe reciae e Aid and winter stock comnsist- a 3 v 3 en's Underwear. Hostery, ha Mea . and Mittens. [.adies’ Skirts ~ : ~e Clearance Knife PRICES ho whgawe t +h Tae cvs of a eves iG tae Nistor £35 "an Siw wesw Pa ration ® * toere ever De Such a Grand Opportunity 3 Tr xn * sw yn 8 oR oy wen We en GHEE GWE £id%ao whivRid RTT oh 2 te {reat Red T ag Clearance Sale which TESDAY, FEB. 15, 1898, AV ye Ya y ihe uhewting i £5 es rect tag price 16 ti : we Lind, Snr rind JAR Prae 10 esti Fun] WW Case thers ask 120, our i tag price Sig : J ns Hehe shirting cali ers ask Ae, sur red tag price fo i Indigo Blue print, ota and red at cost read tag price & AU Mises Hi PR hail morsel yok hae wear at cost sur read tag) » Re Potter's Sd tah! Hill half bleached muslin, otherssak 150, our pri Potters’s ot CHR oT jo, i Yo SX ¥ TEs 55 £ a 8 de Ail Yastie L,. - . EIN Sek 0. GUT >, ial Kes GROCER PE hp RNR } ioe 5.40013 Nive sun dried (ond Raisins Ler GEASS GeK ET HE EA 2 LA Does the work oe i “ on ih x g Of same lo make ye oy 1ag Na & . * Py a i ~ » od wh DE . Ra EE : (1 a iN Dal aiils . . ‘ x above oo Ke 2 & FEE chen Weed wm roan gn seg WAAL a SIONe Ind JF Fogg amg shaw, ” ML RE paw 2 $e aml i = BRT ; ) Glee rs Ase wiry nad at PasAY STS ? ETL. Tyrie Se Aaa we must cose Jd Will Teac said fi $a <4) . * Py we dE turned to make this Red Tag 3 la IMA MAIIMOR er mixed candy oniv Se thes pins per d Te Rd i Miners’ pack handles 8¢ Pride of Pattern Boor finest that spring wheat will make, per sack $1.50 BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. foil among sur in ne these Lines woud #™ a Onr Ulearanoes Knife footwear and SAashed prices . - : dyie. For resaits read figures Men's Gams, reed Tag price Xk Men's storm Gums reguiar pre “ i * pw oe oar red tag price 58 Lasliew! storm Gams meguiar price Se, our rsd tag sae $30 Boys’ ium regular price $e rend tag price 10 Ladies’ (inom red tag price $4 Minow’ (ims red 14g price Xe Child's (rams, reguiar red tag prow Jc All Men's lad NT Larne Children’s iam Boats at cost. SEE RED TAGS. Megliiar price S50, our -— » a regular price de, regular price Je, Se, 0 Lew * » ENO ERY #3 Calli 3 . nrg Tr vhs oh “hk A mad ha pike - - ew *n pe more lor the » ART sae