RCIA OR RT RE GOOD ROADS Missouri Road Convention, A jargs and havmonions conve in 8: Lonis spent two days in ing the road question, questions were the means of improving the | est method of ntilizing the #19 eriminals, misdemeanauts and tran ahd plans for sntapission to the La fature. A committees of fies "appointed to suguest 8 meth tare procedure. Tt. was resolved that counties in the Riste which are an i thorized to levy a tar of sicty cinis for county purposes be asked to set aside one-third of it for road bnprive ment. If this wes made law, good vouds would be hunt, 8 resolution was adopted asking the sabmssion of 8 constitutional swendoent ting county conrts fie increase levy for road purpses and an resointion in favor of a Bate Highway eornmissiaon, The Missoni Eoad lie provement Asgaciation was invite 4 unite with their orjanization, and was decided to hold the next tion in 8t Louis, NOTES, © Ta Locate Fonds Properiy. The importance ef locating ms ron sorrectly at the outset, ardoiding Y sompetent surveyors and thorough ex. amination, can hardly be mated, Whers repurts are viewers to sone superior body wi whom ths final dessin rests, it 1s | great importance tint the viewers : liberal minded, intellicent and public spirited, and that one of them sl always be a thoroughly competent on gitieer. A fall report of every exuin. | tnation should be wade, and should sontain sufficient dat to make y pos sible to base an intelligent and aseu- rate opigion on it ii Deputy Secretary of Agrienltin Jolin Hamilton, of Hamilton, Penn ta endeavoring to sesnre belter work ‘in this direction, and has prepared the following form of report, with the Jeet of securing fall and expli ‘raation in saswer to each ue : ROAD VIEWERS EERO? All reports of board ers, to view anid this district, shall plicit information points: : 1. The date of 1 Whore hell Whether proper given. What viewers were presen Whether they sworn or affirmed 6 Petween what points posed road is desired 7. Is sur a road pecescary? 8 Bhonld it be a public or a pri vate road? 9, Babmit a plot or draft of the proposed road, giving conrses and dus tances; also indicating where the line of the proposed road crosses other roads, property lings, streams and ravines; also showing location of haild. ings and other improvements neat which it may pass, 10. Submit a profile drawing show. ing the elevations and depressionsand eoutonr of the surfacs over wlich the road rans, © 1L Draw all maps and drafts toa meals. The vertical lines of the pro .. file map to be upon a larger seale thas the base line. 12. Show the number of degrees of grade al various points. 13. Describe the character of the ground over which the proposed road ‘rans, giving also the kind of sab.soil whether rock, clay, gravel. sand, mask, 14. Mark on the profile map the | ents and fills, also the herght and length of all bridges and calverts 15. Make out and sabusit an est mate of the cost of constracting the road. = i. Btate whethar BY Bat oa are demanded. if so, how mau by whom, +117. State whetheranuy protests wore made against the laying out of proposed road; and if so, by whom : 18. Bate the ohections, if ny, pained against granting the road, 19. Have yon laid oar this road over the shortest aul best practicable yonte? If not, why not” To be dated and signed by each manber of the Board of Viewers pros ent at the view, giving names in full, and postoffice addresses YET uli page by S| of Tiemis Ria RN legal Wee lamages eh, and Items of Interest, The common road iw to wagon what the steel track locomotive. State aid in ros d-bnilding 15 4 vys tem of co-operation by which good roads can be econouiically and rapidly constructed. The general ignorance and poverty of the Turk, and his bigotry and fanaticism, sre largely due to the al. most universal absence of means of intercommunication, The bad roads of the South, ~ Btate Geologist Holmes, of Carolina, levy a mud aud sand tax of five dollars on every man, woman and child in the Southern States, « Ex-Governor Notthen, of Georgia, ‘says that hie is in favor of four reforus oa State first, textile training sgoond, any policy wliel fi gerentitie farming: third goo roads, and fourth, a reformatory prison for the detention of youthful eriminals, At the next State election in Mine nesota an amendilent to the State Constitution will be voted on provid. ing for a tax of one-twentieth of a mill, to be added ta the regular State road and bridge fund, and for the ap- pointment of three State road come missioners. The present fund is about $12,500 a year and the new tax * Js expected to yield $28,750 more,” ww CAE Nortis bu the proposed service of that * nat Po ¥ the rervnval of YOore at de hon Mrs Harr riled womar York, Forest For ol oberg ig fen praia, Thin invent states may be Bages ope an tant et on The I'he exact b KSown, ge ie There frofght is i aim the enlire gy bo de ahoE yf Te ek matiute Gver the 3 United wiate arisvorat he Bends erg 0 Hoh Fiat Yn Moss Fran: eT Dims Genin, RYT we taken Lo Kenia Bas! leeng The primehiiting commilies ner shooting trigl wil asx fund tha case gals Shei Martin asd tities, Bishop Ddiey, of Rentusiy. has the afarsd positing of grocers se the board of managers o Foreign Misplonsry Sosw att Eplscopal Church Tha Amerhnn Instiiate of aoa, whish lise Veen m City, finaiiy ndiourne The FPhilwmlsiphis snd vation in Phiisdeiphia, was fire, Clarence Diyis was saitons X. dd, ten rears imprisons mos Haviand Bishop Criistard, of 7 Thoonasvilly, fidorgia, aged waver MUAY GO UNNAMED. Conditions Frescribed by Canada for the Lelie! Expedition Avceptesd Tho Secrstary of State has rv t fron Ir KG men Tard Love ton Ntale {ana liian thas wis tarritory.” in iasion IBATD AS eNTLY as arrappeemeiil is Mates goverom vise the Marius SFrnor Levy The Nath terms offered Monument to Lalavette, A movensst has fagion to have te monument to Geusral Lalas of Paris to be doadiraiad Exposition, The projee te Mr. Rolwirt Thom psas, sured by the French iy, through M. Picard that monument can be ; FAY Py - municipality of Paris in inadvisabids to erect © Lafayette, which is now | post unmaised, MAINE BLOWN (P. The United Statesz Destroyed in The Battieship Har- hor at Havana. MANY MEN KILLE Others of the Officers and Crew Wounded. 5 Reveral of ihe Wannded Raliors Who Were Fritervieeied Said the Explostowr Took Fiare While They Werte Anierp avid They €Cornid filve Np FParticniars The Awind frank (soe Rbout Ten o Clack # af the Explosion Marines Aftac kel Ever relaried FE nt HETans WOTrE erriias » IPE TAILS 3% THE J:ivsAsSTEER og thie § net Wore ket Mae 1 Warsi p i Fever ple id bw t | Mepind sare i { ! | | RenoTe, aller wiper Bowie wn LF ew ISLA pudiates ABSTRAC OF NOTE. Frpreenrs Thar Avy snonid Fist of Spain's Sincerisy bs the Treaty Yhe Res Pelore P Presented trae Stde of Case, mre re Front me far a Was Secepied Cowan, § pwr rged of Nate ta 8 gs : INDY TRIES PEOGRE NS INE baisiorrs of Foreign Unmaniivario Nant Eeetavi fest Bow Faerie Bea ¥ AEE Si