Le ae I Passengers Rescued in Mid-Ocean the St. Louis, EE SHIP ABANDONED AND BURNED, Hole Torn in the Veemndum'’s Hull by Broken Propeller Khaft Floods the Engine Boom-Galian! Heseue of the A Passengers and Crew, Nembering 212, hy the American Liner No Lives Lost. New Your Crry (Spesiaiy The Helland American Line's steamor Veéndam, form: wrly the Baltic, of the Vihite Star Line Bimnd to this cite from Rotterdam, struck ® $ubmerged wreck on Fehroary 6, at the dirarway almost to the Eagiish Channel and foandersd. There wera 213 passens gies and erew on the Yeoman at the time, sind dvery one of these was waved hy the Amerioan Hoer 81. Louis, trom Southamp- te, which landed them here Raturdsy, The transfor of these 212 slipwracked poo pie took place fa the middie of the night, thas thagsands of glittering electric Hehts on the St, Lonis aiding the great search. Haht of that veasal, The story of the loss of the ship, as gath- ered fromm Captain (, Ntenger the oom. wander of the unfortansts sraft, and ror the officers, passengers and crew of the) Louis, i as follows The Yeendam oft Rotterdam at 100 ojoak oi the morning of February 3, with a gen eral carps, nine saloon pupengers and 118 de the stedtrage, the latter mostly immb gptants a crew Hint of eighty-five men mak pati Plowing down the Foplish Channel the ship ran into a series (Ff hard westerly | gales, which stirend up towering sons, and | the polng of the ship was conseqoentiy | slow. Kearly all the imntgrants in the stesrage were down forest salering from wi plokness, when st 517 Sanday evening there was a terrific spash, the Veendam's stern rose high inthe alr turned overtoan angles oftwenty. five degrees, and amid the streams of the passengers and the shouts “af the officers and crew, came for a mo- meant toa standstill Resavering her moment im hogsesr, the! Yoondam drove ahead again a minnts later and for the second tims strack some nn Eaown object, this time, however, with ro. daced forse, anid at thes bow. Captain Rtenger was on the Lridge when the crash enme, nnd with several of his officers loft that post and ran aft. On thelr journey to the stern they wers met bir an army of panies. stricken immigrants who rashed on Boak | coming in! We PRINCE DAVID) TO MARRY KAIULANI Daughter of the Ex-Governor of Hawai! to Wed Kahale Ponli's Son, The engagement is announced of & mar. riage that has been arranged between Prince David Eawananakoa and Frincess Ksfulani. The formal betrothal merely swaits the sigrarurs to certain deeds of family settiement of 1 Kapiolani. PAIN Priva: Babaisnd ox the dag i Clavernor Arshitmid Sent Oleg Cte late Privo i ander the me giynoandad {J al fawatl, rinee David is a som of Rahals Poo gnmaons high oie! and Kinotk the younger sister of Quesn K bins Doon well silgsated in gry Caittorain and Engl tined under ths mopar LATEST, yy TWO PICTURESQUE FIRES. The New York Depariment Has (he Basi. est Time in Yeurs, Two deatractjee frees Hn orn and ons at the nortern on lan Isiand. surly Friday svening zavs the Mow York Fie Departs pork 13 has had in seve Former (iavernor yhepy Mresrosd of VEY ners fn Nama { fre an lproperty w ii Ae ibars was 4 § Srill pong sounded. snd ap frome the recesses below, and out’ from | nlley- ways and stoke hole and staterooms ems the shiny company, the passeugérs | (in A Sinn EH A AAR SM od Ch SSR i —- THE AMERICAN that filed tha str. Xa blunt Iv iw LINER 27 (The steamship that rosoned the passeng:is and crew of the Wreeand Vesgdas In Hideo gathering around behind them althoush wiv of them were so fll from seasicEnoss as to be searcely atde to stand, The captain sald the ship hal sirnek a submergad wreck or some other objeat, that » hole had bean tors in her hattom and that all hands wera expected to do what they sould with the had pumps 14 fuip tha steam pamps kesp the vassal free, | h nae of the others who were nit en. gaged In engine or frevoom work below s pat to work st the hand pumps, The ship, meantime, had besa brought to 8 | standstill About 7 o'clonk it betme apparent io the raaster of the siip that the steam and jand pumps woald bo saabis to cape with the terriiic inflow, The lifeboats had bean all provisioned ry this time, and everything was pranti SSA) ds # fast rezont alarn of tha freemen, was reed in, 13 owns the second time sinte | the present system was is aagnrated that Pith swaaning giare has lows turned In Phe Bare started in a Moyile stars In the saement of the Nasssn Chambers by and the mtire struriore wtrived, A great crowd lined the brides i i § 3 Wile thie grees i tention another alarm was sent ip frog Mah street and Eighth avenue, whers pmaer's Casing bad taken fire. This stegs of fand 29 boy 300 Pent sraed Sesenly and rapidly. Jt was a mda? etresgne shane ard fifty thousand por 2d the viaduct aad (thar polets Efe 1 hn tha 4 cally ready for abandoning the yess | should occasion demand. The passengers | shout this time had paftly recovered from FAITH CURISTE their fear and began helping the sallors at | the hand pumps. Dut all their efforts were main. : 8a, from Bo'clock to 1 30 of Monday morn. fag, when the American liner apportunely | wrrived on the gaena, Captain Stenger sent up roskets, following thew at intereas wit the “fare up,’ end once or twhie with the dapaon, The ship ai midnight had sank Coroners Jury Holds Them Bespansibile For an 113 Woroan's Treath, Mee. J. O. Whit highiy respecio] Fenn, dist in | timded By fain down aft gut her ipl desi Thiers was almost submerged. “The feeling ol dumb epathy which pre | veiled on the Veendam gies way at a quar H far after midnight, Mondsy morning, toa whirlwind of exoitaanent when tha lookout | peported the Hghts of the Bt. Louis. Sig nai were exohangad ani ali on boand made haste to arrange lor departure knead!” was the ery Liat rang over the waves in Duteh, Eagish, Frendh andsther tongues, Captain Stenger saw bis promise to Nis passengers on the eve of fulfilment When the condition of the Veondam was | muda plain to Captain Randle, of the wt fouls, thera wis no hetitation in his are MAfgements to eave the imperiled Praspe ‘The vessel steamed np asl close as possibie | roy the Veendam, and transier af Uae passen. wers and crew was begun at 1.43 a.m. At 4.53 a.m. Monday moraiog overyhody was tronsferresd to the Bi Louis, When : Fi 4 § RE nd reist Fade F ah RE 0) Te Ene, CHSICN BRECKINRIDCE DROWNED. Pmgrept Overboard Frew the Torpedo Moat Cushing On the Way to lavens. the last boat loft the Veendam was labor | tog very heavily asd sinking rapidly by toe inridoe of the 1 stern, The transfer of tie passengers and | raw took, notwithstanding the great Giff}. vuities and high sea running, three hours and ten minutes, without the slightest as- vident. Boat load after boat oad of passengers wame to the Nt, Louis's aide, There were women weeping for the money which thay aad lost and deploring the fart that they Bad left their best raiment upon the desert- wd Veendam. Purser and stewnrds were busy all this time preparing for the reception of the newcomers. Hot coffee; rofis and sand. ‘wiches were handed to them as soon as ghey got on board. Btawardesses found dresses for the women, Captain Steenger, the last to ieave the ‘wteamer, set fire to the sinking vessel just nhafore he departed for the St. Louis, Our Fighting Yoree. The total militia fores of the various states, according to the returns of the Ad- utant-General of the arniy, aggregates 114.7 fi62 The total number of men available for military duty is placed at 10.901 .329. New York leads all other States with 13.504 oft. vers and men and 300,000 avallabie for mii rary duty. Expedition For Cuba. An expedition, supposed to be under the ieadership of General Banguily, is said to have sailed for Cuba with arms, ammuni- tion and supplies from a point near Tam. pa. Bia a 3% lr Is Were Rae] it R85, | Hin home wie exlrgron By His tather ts La oeousin of Clos 3 terly Minister to W. OP. Brecaineides tiv in Congress tr spain Torturing An A desnonstration of thirty phe agains Annexalion Sentiment, The Nionogin ¥ ig why Propcraes te lry negotisl with the fnagrgents in the hopes siding the war, beiieviag that the {ns ' the foren of a he setimnent © of tanexation to the United Mates is gn ing, MceKisson to Contest Hanna's Election. Mayor MeKisson, of Cleveland, Ohio, an. nounees his intention of contesting the sea? of Senstor Hanns, He has sent to the United Stites Besa» formal notien of the contest upon the ground that Mr. Hanns used (ileglimate fpfuenre to so. sure his election, i arp td HRA [ KEYSTONE STATE NEN NECK BROKEN Horse and Rider Killed at New Castle by an i Elertrie Car THE NEWS EPITOMIZED, aa Washington Demag. Raner Dion Jaan du Boss, Fi of the Kpanieh Legation is mow the A'A%aire of Snain in Wasi yong man wha has Sepa ho 35 sul pur phmencs in Giniorns @ President ang na to the Senate ErTeYOY 7 v. dosent W h « BF $ I Cnstams, Distriet of Mo C Purioed ts Ba Chief astiie ERM TY fared] i reaxgrer sf 15 18 ha irl Agr J ¥ Esme ad Shag Canada has on & TA af ine mew Ervemic. ani | Yih rut ani ea Pennsylvania Railroad Time vai Lord the oldest Masa jut . : Frated States and probally thee word Table ged miss the oldest O44 Fellow in th . atv died a few dave ago at San Bernard November 28 1807 i He was born in New York Ct) T7100 and frst went 0 5 After 5 Main line fanenin Day Celstrations 4 Pimtbhdny was genarall in those States whem [8 vl ip and Clearfield oo OGLE IR Pd a. Es si ut Dome Sug KF wy Saved SAR Saat XLS - : arnt #r. x 3 HP § Cima lgttes The Xo w wo Kansas Facile Sale, rrev. General Grieg agrosd y Partin Beorpanieatis MARKETS. PITTRBURG, Grain, Fiour and Fenl WHEAT Na imd ¢ No 4 red a Wh pe Be Ne 6 FM x 2 % Hai. N upotly 003 6b CONDENSED TIME TABLY a $ . ¢ Hay, fron FRE An Brows sui Bran, Dow ETHAW Wheat 5 affect Dimpemtor a bit We 8s Ga LA iE wk Bi & Products. reRINery Frate and Vieeeialien slekod ie bu. #1 Poaitry. Bio pal matin 3 P ge son NCINNATI Fadl TAS PHILADELPHIA 3: ¥ C & M Division FALLS CREEX AN CLEARFIELD A XN “% a EFFECT NOV Wma ward ire &a worn that it ut the inseriptioa, the § shit i gradually Leated, and in 3 FL Asia we neCripgldon will ape ran Bates and Hoehester
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers