The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 17, 1898, Image 7
THE PATTON COURIER 7 FEBRUARY 17, 1898. ONE OF TWD WAYS. The bladder was created for one pur- namely, a receptable for the urine, and as such it is Bot Hable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys other diseases, CHIEFY CAUSE, Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- nevs is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad- der, was created for one purpose, and if not dootored too mueh 1s not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. Tt is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any n, disense or neon veniences mani. in the kidney a dak badder oF rar is n, by mistake attributed to A weakness or womb trouble of some wort. The error is easily made and may be as easily av To find out correctly set your urine aside for twenty four No a sediment or settling indicates Kidney or bladder trouble. mild and ex. traordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder ‘ is soon realized. * If ou need a pe you should have best. At druggists fifty cents and ane dollar. You may have a sample ~ Bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention the ParTrox COURIER and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Lo., Binghamton, N. Y. The pro : of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. BUSINESS DIRECTORY J. VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. Gradoste Irgs iphia Detital College. = i attention giren tor the preserva tian of the natural test AICI teeth # specialty. Good Building, A Patton, Pa DR .S. W. Worrell, Office in (Good Building, Room No. 3. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Surgury and the Eve a Specialty All! nil will receive prompt attention, DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next door P ostoffice, Patton, Pa. > enlls, day or night, promptly resgoiied i Dr. Vv. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. in Arlingion bloek, next to Postoffice, Ps. All Mg onlin responded to prompliy. [iommse of the sar, nose and throat | given special a OFFICE HOURS: 3 0? am and 12 wo 2 » a np Business Educaton. ma Fa. 315 Gv Boho! of Business, A ito will give jou 3 » Kadusting o Soiree nd, TYpruTs ting, tn or ard, for the PRICE OF ONE-.§ BRN FREY SEND FOR CATALOGUE. § id GRRL 8 a SAA 5 ARE YOU READY For winter? Des voor heater give you satisfaction? Don't pat ap with roubles this annoyed you last pmr. CONSU LT us Riel | hemting your house, either by he fr, hat | weber or destn. Cen give you ewtitnnles on any work. t GOULD & BEEZER. PATTON, PA. i CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. Caste ared to do all kinds of | ry, iron ketties, stoves, | stove sere Fopir iow plow points, plow plow re- grace nin > taken in rrigitel for new Nasonable. a 4-lyr CHEST SPRINGS, PA. Reuel Somerville, a I Attorney-at-Law, { PATTON, Pa. Office in the Good Building. SAN wp) £1 RAR FRR Sie JAMES NOLEN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. -100¢. ! WH DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, | | Witt'y Witch Hazel Salve. ‘such as eczema, rash, pimples and ob- TOBACOO and CIGARS The faest line in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Mage avenue, near P. R. R. depot. MEALA AT ALL HOURS Your \ Watch may need Rugulati J41 us look at 11. Nao ew for examination. If it nesds attention wel tell you, and if you would have us pat it in bend we'll do it well at a regular charge that you won't object (0 TOZER, The Patton Jeweler, CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best. First-cliss Bar in connection. RATES $1, 25 PER DAY. PATTON HOTEL, WM A MELLON, PROPER, Flestcians pronmpioiations, Tabies spgiied with the best thy market affords. Chad WINER and LIQUORS al wast Lh M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Hest oof Ue tabling attached sincedn tions firsbaolass Jeo and Wi Bes at te bar GEORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. DRUNKENNESS tie Cust) & tthoat the Rnowicdge of the patient, an b piven strfotly i toa, coffee or soup and the fo tlent will jose all teste for drink without Know. ing why, It is wife, sure and reliable, one bok will cure any wield INATY ise Price $1.00 posts posi; free parting elope Ke Je stamp THE «© ARTER CHEMO AL te BERLIN en "hilude tpl, £€, Ha A The second way Is from careiess loc -al treatment of visited school, in White Twp. The term tendance, males, 6; females, 12; total, month: Flora Craver, Maggie Hitch, “day: Those perfect in attendance: Philip Yahner, | Wharton. tained the following: famotis remedy. Patton Pharmacy. diate for the no { sig Ee rr 4 Prom Nartheastern Cambria. February 14, 1898. The Democrats A $hort Cat to Health, To try to care constipation by taking | | of Reade township had a big day on | ils is like going around in a circle. on will never reach the point sou Bt, We hope they pat only get back to the starting po were successfol ' A perfect nataral laxative is Loon al Mr. Clyde McManomy, of Van! Celery King, the celebrated remedy for all nerve, blood, stomach, liver ani Orraer, is slowly recovering after kidney diseases. It regulates having a serious illness, bowels. C. W. Hodgkins will give hod The Frogality Grammar school was asa ample package free. Large sizes 25 last week by Misses Annie and 50 cents. Wilt and Annie Luther, of St. Augus- | tune. ‘ this world and can think of no pleas The Frugality people claim to be anter or better way to do it than by the recipients of a few “Barker'' missed when constructing asa preventive of pneumonia, his new aimanac. The COURIER requests to mention that follow neglected colds the fact, that on account of its limited Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. space, it was unable to mention that | Patton was visited by a crowd of young folks from Frugality on last Fri- | day a week. The party consisted of Tuesday of this week. Cc Ww Dreadinliy Nervous Genta: 1 was dreadfully nervons, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and tho teacher and pupils of the Grammar _ gthened my whole nervous sys- | : School, in that place. It was a jolly tem. 1 was troubled with constipation, band and all seemed to eujoy them’ kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea beives Haves hes Net) soon cleansed my system so thoroughly | ¢ Beaver Damu is a thriving little rapidly gained health and’ place; when a man can’t find any bet! strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, ter pine lo puta brush-heap, he sim- (..." Qaid at Corner Drug Store ply puts it on his neighbors saw jogs. ; Mrs J Ellwood Brown has resigned Pus! Tobacco Spits her position as teacher of the Fiske! a Bh. ie wd Samohi Your ! ped far onr Amis, SO eunily BY gorve and © fie yoouy war. ta Ni Ti a | strong. All druggists, 3c or Bl. ure gusrin- ‘be completed by Misa Mabel Caton, of] LL outer ond saple a Conlpart Bierling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York The ix is gone and many eople are o every of at a loss to know how they can satisfy on } iitee tome or their empty ice-hotuses. {P ore rian’ cough Remedy The County Superintendent has not! “Allow me to congratulate you on the 4, merits of your Remedy It cured me t ye ) he schools of mle vicln- ¢ chronic bronchitis when the doctor ink e's on a ng 0 ould do nothing for me.’ Chas F. B to Fo : Hemel, Toledo, O. For sale by C. W. “0 Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. School Repnris Report of Beech Grove school for fourth month ending February 23d: Puplleenrolled during month, males, ‘9: females, 13; total, 22 Average at Eduente Your Howells With Cascarets. Candy Cetbari.c dures coretipation foreser eo Me IC CC fail, drugeists refund money There are three little things which do 18. Pupils who missed no days doring bee and DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. C. W_| Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Maggie Lynch, Ellen Craver and Rose Lynch. Those who missed but one We are anxious to do a little good in valentines that pecommendiog One Minate cough care consump- | tion and all other serious lung troubles masquerade ball to be will | Bar. the wonder worker, that Mies weak men . more work than any other three little | things created. they arethe ant, the fine line of fall and winter coats. 1t | J. L. Liberman, the optician, at the {Pater house from February 15th to { 22d inclusive Farmers your attention is called this he | week to the advertisement of Geo. 8 {Good in another column of the Cot- RIE. Headquarters for all kinds of - general merchandise, Talk about nobby clothing. You want to see our line of suits for men, | young men, boys and the little boys too. Tie KEYSTONE ULoTHING Co Mus! Wear Masks wish to attend the given by Patton Fire Co. No 1 on Friday night, Febru. ‘ary 18th are requested to wear a face mask. If not an admission of 28 cents will be charged at the door. Ail ladies who A thrill of terror is expiriznoed when | a brassy cough of croup sounds through {the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Min. ute cough care has been stiisis red. Safe and harmless for children .W Hovighine, Patton Pharmacy. rXershony Kays So, increta f gede 4 gth ed thie most woo Pd medical discovery of the age pens nid pafroshang ty the Ld won tively on Ks deve, Hver ard haorels some the ontioe svatem, disne] colds, meh, fever, Babitval consupsiinon Ti ansness CL (F teedy, Foaranteed to cure by sil druggists A few months ago Mr. Byron Every, | of Woodstock, Mich , was badly afflicted with rheumatism. Hin right leg was swollen the full length, caosing him great suffering. He was advised to try chamberlain's pain maim The first bottle helped him considerable and the second bottle effected a cure. The 25 and 50 cent sizew are for sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Patton Courier Stogies. Hand made and long filer. For sale by all the merchants in Patton and | surrounding towns. Two brands, the long and short. es om Go to > Mirkin '& Kusner i a soe a thelr] Cenlds ore Mp, Please buy and try a box 10, 38. 30 venta Noid spd Smoke the PATTON COURIER stogies, of = Patronize your home bakery and’ bay your bread from Dans, oppo-| site the Paimer house. i Wanted 500 Electric Light Poles. For particu- lars inquire at Geo. 8. Good's store, Don't annoy other hy your conghing and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute congh cure cares conghs, grippe and all throat ard W. Hodgkins, Pat- ery ang tronbles, OC ton Pl THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE j.une Tr les and Consumyp- tion Can be Cured. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Make a Free Ofer to Our Readers The distinguished New York chemist, T A. Rioeam, demonstrating his dis covery of a reliable and absolute cure for consumption Pulmonary Tuber. culosis and all bronehial, throat, lang and chest diseases, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, neral deciine and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREF FREE BOTTLES all differ ‘ent: of his New Discoveries to any | afflicted reader of the PaTToN COURIER | writing for them. ! His ‘New Scientific Treatment’ has ‘enred thousands permanently by ite timely nse, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity | to donate a rey of his infallible cum. Science dally develops new wondems, and this great chemist, patiently ex- by Hid perimenting for years, has produced results as beneficial to sufferiog humanity as can be claimed by aoy modern genius. His assertion that lung troobles and consumption are curable in any climate is proven by “heartfelt letters of gratitude” filed in his American and European labsa- tories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world Medical experts concede that bron. chial, chest and lung troubles lead to consumption, which, i means spesdy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. | 98 Pine street, Now York, giving pont office and express address, anc free medicine will be promptly sest 'Ruafferers should take instant mde vantage of his generous proposition Please tell the Doctor that yon ssw his offer in the PATTON (oURIER. John Long and Mary Hitch. MixNTE B. CRAVER, Teacher. Report of St. Augustine primary school for month ending Feb. 3, 1888. Giraon Adams, Olive Nagle, Fannie Jacobs, Margaret Harber, Maod Litzinger, | Pearl Litsinger, Katie Perkins, Dell | Nagle, Charley Adams, Cyrillas Nagle, | Roy Perkins. Those missing but one ‘day: louis Adams, Maroellos Yahner, Ada Adams, Mary - Arena M. Duspaan, Teacher. Wicked Gailitein. The (iailitain Times of last week con- “What is our town coming to? Look around, and on all sides the gambling business is I aos Is it any wonder that the pulpit and press are at war with this | kind of business? It is one of the lowest businesses, if it can be called a | | business at all, that one can indulge in, | ae it breaks down the morals of & dome} munity and scatters shame and dis- | broadcast among the young. We look for some very queer things to come to light yet through this . nefariyus practice of gambling. Down | ‘with ii! Let our officers keep a keen lookout for offenders and promptly | ; arrest them, be they rich or poor, high or low. He, who gambles, will steal, | and he, who steals, will murder. ‘Be. sure yonr sine will ind you out.’ n ; Married. Mr. Jacob Balwin, of Barsesboro, | Pa, and Miss Sarah E. Baker, of Sus- | | quebanna township, Cambria county, | Pa, were united in marriage by Rev. | Chas. W. Wasson at the M. E. parson- | {age in Patton on Saturday, Feb. | 12th, 1894 After years of untold suffering from | i piles, B. W. Pursell of Knoxville, Pa, wascnured by using a single box of De Skin disease sy rups.” stinate sores are readily cured by this C. W. Hodgkins, Ladies watch for our spring shoes! Very nobby and all widthe THE KEYSTONE CLOTHING CO Announcement. and all colds, . | 5 I hereby announ a CARR remedy, a of Assembly + . Repu! furan eC mira COBNTY worn BE. J YOTHERS, Hastings, YOUR FORTUNE Pp Fiar he wih : ins eas And Tara: t wn i w mveelfl as shy part es daft toy th of sae EPR EW Aim Pa pak ar et HMAN S MENTHOL Taman i Teal pas ee iad tia ¢ ah fen OLDS, PSO KE THROAT. tA TAN RE That aw fal ador of €at rel din APRs hy its wos OW mony Fd 1d frRLyY CN. x M ' sits AN .. row want get oad Bepawivs send Be 0 Sait, MW penis, Semi fur Bunk ea Westha CESMMAN BRIG D0, YINURNERES, 130, R. F. oes. Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc C. ho iii 'S Bee a wetlalty, Beer not be a pe . A D laut: & S Ular Bottled family use on * t amd Porter tor excelled. Prices are reasonable, FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. | HASTINGS, PA; is not to be confounded with any of the cheap Such remedies (so called) simply soothe the st are mere palliatives. They never touch the root of the disease or cure a chronic cough. Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is a re: al remedy: it is the pre- scription of a practical physician, and not sible medicine maker. oh » ~ ba gn aa It preparation of an irrespon- } wen gtraay; boot pure. 0c. got a bottle of it, fering from diseases. . bronchial troubles. : Patton Pharmacy. A GOOD LETTER the Clerk of the Cireult Court. Fernandina, Fia., Feb. 28 1886. Mr. J. George Suhrer, Druggist, City. Prom Dear George - Please send me a bottle of chamberlain’s cough Remedy, | would uot feel easy if | knew there was none of this valuable remedy in the bouse., 1 have given it a fair test and consider it one of the very best remedies for croup that 1 have ever found. One dree has always been sufficient, al- though [| nee it freely. Any cold my children contract yeilds very readily to this medicine. 1 can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children, Yours respectfully, Geo. BE. Wolff. Sold by 1. W, Hodgkins, Patton Phar. wasey Mr Ward Lo. Smith, of Fredericks town, Mo was troubled with chronic diarrhoea for over thirty years He had hecore faily satisfied that it was only a question of a short time aotil he would have to give ap. He had been treated ‘by some of the best physicians in Europe and Ameriea but got no perm- anent relief. One day he picked up a newspaper and chanced to read an ad- vertisment of chamberiain’s colle, cholers and piarrhoca Remedy. He the first dose helped him and its continned ase cured him. For sale by C. W. Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy. As Important Question. If your frienda or neighbors are suf. colds, sore throat, or any throat or lung diseass ‘includ ing consom ask them if they have ever used Otto's Cure. This famous German remedy is having a iarge sale here and is performing some wonderful cares of throat C. W, Hodgkins will give you a sample bottle free. No matter what other medicines have failed to do try Otto's Core. Large sizes 26 and 50 cents. Whooping cough is the most distress. ing malady; but its duration can be cut short hy the use of One Minute cough cure which also the best known remedy for croup and all and Cc. W. Hodgkina, Mo-To- Bar for nay Comte. Guaraliend votices 3abit cul. di KES Week Ail aruggista DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The temous little pills. FirstNation’ | Bank x OF PATTON, ‘Patton, Cambria Co., Pa CAPITAL PAID ID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $30,000.00. Arenunis of Corporations, Firma, Individe- ais and Hanks received upon the most avorm- ble terms consistant wilh safe and conservative Mamma! p tickets for sia inf ail the Mndtng © linew, Foreign Panis payshle in the princips i : A. BR Parrox, +s v. CilXars “ cough They - eT. ition of the Old W . Fespofe will baveour prompt and attent terest paid on time depots. Wi. H. SANDFORD, Coshier. President. Get Your FIRE INSURANCE James ‘Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable com- panies. . Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, = R I arnell & Cowher FIRE LIFE AND ACCIDENT Loans and Real Estate. {OFFICE IN GOOD BUILD G. Telephone Connected. Great Bargain Sale at QUINN'S JCHNSTOWN. ning stock of Lasties and furs will be share 1 Pres i any al Lima iis aver. They mus id, ad 8 $y ery body's business to bhiy as « heap as they can come sid ovr a bargain We sell the best vard-wide bleached miusiin al yard. Outing cloth at $e yard triinghams at 33 vard. Cat prices on ladies’, misses’ and children’s underwear, the lowest made *T QUINN'S. FE x - bes ssid s eg