i a THE PATTON COURIER, FEBRUARY 17, 1898. _ PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. BE. Wri Grexxe, Editor. © wholesome and delicious. BOVAL BAKING POWDER OO, WOW YOM, From I. &. W. Bulletin ) vt of Bowing, And it killed her when «ne 0, Would the Jury devei de that the animal In a cata denptic i? i “Ta keep the walf fire the door,” he eried, SF wrote this silvery rhyme.” And the sditor read the thing, and sighed, =r Pwill do it every time” tied Soon be sugar making time. Visit Miller's White Shoe Store. Get your eyes tested by J. I. Liber- man. Overcoats below cost at Mirkin & Kusner’'s. The finest display of teas in town at Cash Grocery. Michael Lacey came over from Al toona on Monday. Merchants are benefitted by adver. tising in the COURIER. Go to Daow’ Bakery for your fresh bread and cakes. Thomas M. Craver came ver from 8t. Augustine on Friday. Both Christmne and New Years will come on Sunday this year. Dr. J. Van Wilson spent Sunday with his parents at Tyrone. Dr. D. 8. Rice, of Hastings, was in town on businews Monday. Hats, caps and mufflers, also gloves at cost at Mirkia & Kasner's. The post office at Dean, Cambria county has beer: re-established. Have you seen the beautiful presents given away at the Cash Grocery? Editor Swope, of the Cresson Record, was a visitor to Patton on Monday. Louis Cohn, of Johnstown, tran. sacted business in Patton on Friday. Miss Jennie Craver, of Ebensburg, visited friends in Patton on Monday. ‘A pension of $8. per month has been granted to Samuel Clossin of Galitzin, See ad of C. W. Hodgkins on first page of this paper this week a grand offer. Uncle Tom's Cabin at Hastings Opera House on Friday evening, Febrnary 18th. At Firemen's Hall on Friday and Satarday nights, February 25th and 26th. Mrs. J. H. Abbott is confined to her home on Palmer avenue this week by Several new buildings will be erected in Patton the coming spring and sammer. Postmaster (has. H. Perry, of Chest Springs, transacted business in Patton on Monday. John M. Stowart, representing the Pittaburg Dispatch, was a visitor to Patton on Thursday. Your attention is called to the new ad of Geo. O. Brady, proprietor of Ba- zaar, in another column. Colonel George E. Parker went to Patton Monday evening on a business trip.—Philipsburg Ledger. W. H. Prunner, a patron of the COURIER, who resides at Loretto, spent Thursday of List week in town. John J. Stoutenberg, representing Bronson, Brown & Co., wholesale deal- ers in teas, spent Sunday in town. The Courier subscription list Ia rapidly increasing. Several new names have been added since the last issue. Miss Myrtle Singer, of East Palmer avenue, who was previously reported to be ill of typhoid fever, is slowly recovering. Peter Kairus, formerly of this place, but who is now employed at the Reed Mines, near Carrolitown, was a visitor to our town on Monday. There are only eight remonstrances filed against applications for liquor licenses in Cambria county this year, which are all from the south end. 8. B. Crouse, representing William Hill & Sons, wholesale importers and jobbers in teas and coffee, was look- ing after trade in Patton on Monday. A full line of the following articles kept at the Cash Grocery: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples, cabbage, onions, turnips, flour, fish, meat of all kinds, fresh butter and cgas, lard, lemons, oranges, bananas, in fict too many things to mention. Just call and. : ¥ see for yourself. Everybody welcome. the galleries mixed? Hastings Tribane. | Children’s fall and winter coats at Mirkin & Kusner's. given by the Patton Fire Co. on Feb. 18th. Mr and Mrs. Elmer M. Smale spent Sunday amoung friends at Williams port, Thoms Jervis, {heen granted a pension of $8.00 per month. of Ebhenshnrg, has for ; T ; {roads stars in headguartors | farmers to purchase good goods reasonable prices The seven-year-old daughter of Mr Land Mrs. John Cramer, of Lang ave nue, Bs ill this week, I Charles son of Mr and Mrs John | Rehedd, via quite iil this week, but at | present writing is improving | Mei P. H. Iddings is lying seriously L411 at her home on west VV | Her speedy recovery is hoped for by her friends. | Saturday, February 12th, wis Lin- eoln’s birthday, and was properly | pheerved by many business houses throughout the country The Ge new engines for the Basch Cpoek rativond have Rhors and are being distributed at sevivral points along the line Dr. & W. Worrell, L. M and B. F. Wise, were at Williamsport | the first of the week looking after the interest of their handle machine. . When you take a trip to Ebensburg | stop at the Blair med all right. Accommodations ex. | cellent and rates moderate. 89-1. Robt. Shaw, of Jersey Shore, was in | Patton one day last week in the inter ‘este of Junod Potter & Co, manu- factarers of cigars at Jersey Shore Pa. | Mm. Freeman B. Williams, accom. panied by her daughter, Carrie 1, | visited at the home of Evan Morgan near Carroiltown a few days last week. Prof A. P. Weakland, of Loretto, “will open a normal school at that plice commencing on Monday, April 18th, and continuing for a term of ten weeks | The Eisteddfod, to be held in the Ebensburg Opera House on February 294, will, without a doubt, be one of the greatest affairs ever held in that | place. Cum that congh with Shiloh’s care. The bust cough cure. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles soid last year. 40 doses for 25 cente. Rold at Corner Drug Store. The Philipsburg Ledger says that Mrs. Howard Walker went to Patton Satarday to spend Sanday with her brother, Mr. Constans Holter, and family, ex-Philipsburgers. Mike Breslin, an employe of the clay works, has been unable to work during the past week, owing to a very painftd hand, which is inflicted by what 8 known as catarrab. Patterson ! i i } An exchange says that a fellow who claims to know about the matler, says the more women voters there are, aod the more ‘‘rights’’ women secure, the more old maids there will be, Concord (irange, which meels near this place, is the musical Grange of the ‘county. It has a male gquartette, a band, recently purchased a §150 organ, and a choir is now being organized. | Om Wednesday physicians performed “an operation on Mr. Sapert, who lives ‘near the Pardee collery, removing a large abysiss which has been causing hum rauch annoyance for some Lime. Don't fail to see the projectoscope at (the Piremen’s Hall on Friday and Sat urday nights, Pebruary 25th and 26th. | Tickets only 25 and 15 cents. Benefit ‘of M. L. Society of the Patton Luth- eran charch. in the wide world where young geatle “men (7 invite ladies to party and then let the Ladien pay for their supper , ~~ Cambria Herald. If the editor of a newspaper told all things about people that he is asked to | pablish be could have the community in a vonstant uproar. An editor covers up & multitude of sins other people's wins, of course. Ex On Monday Mesers. Cupples and Miles, contractors, com pleted the sree. ‘tionof Dr. V. A. Murray's new resi- dence on Beech avenue. These gentiemen did a fine job of which the doctor is well pleased, { CC. E. McBride, “West Virginia's greatest violinist,” was one of yester- day's callers. He and Prof. Barns will furtish the masic for “A Bunch of Keyw'' at the Opera House to-night. — St. Mary Pa. Gazette. Children and adults tortured by { burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin | diseases may secure instant relief by {using DeWitt's Witeh Hazel Salve It Wo. Flodg: a meting sid young and the rig. is the great pile remedy. C. kins, Patton Pharmacy. ' Edward Culp, of York, former resident of this eity, was one of the | speakers at a banquet of the Machin. ! ists’ Union at York last Friday evening. Mr. Culp is a son of Councilman Culp, Lock Haven Express i¥ A ¥ af this city 3 {4s L3%Y LL TARGak On delphia Times srnatorial Gallery” a picts Hem. Josiah DD. Hicks, of this district, Wonder if the Times hasn't sort of got Wedn Ril iY Oi ng TH Loi) Yt published in good Don’t miss the masquerade ball to be arrived at Joep house and you will be Ebgnsburg ia probably the only town Among the many who attended | the shooty at South Fork on Thursday | was Chas A. Wolfe, of this place, who | made a very good showing among ‘the many professional marksmen in i attendance the frst the COURIER appears a cot of the new Goldstein block now ander conse of constroc. tion on the corner of Fifth and Magee of which particoiars {ny pugs of Eavenne, were Liven ina former issue of this paper Baek on Monday to take charge of of Mes Michael Burns, who on Sunday. She 80 vears. Interment Angustine on Tues Undevinker H. = went to Erne the fneral dierl at that place was aged about Sook place at St day morning. { Monday evening Mrs. J. 8. Dugan | gave a party at her home on Main street to the members of Ladies’ Cirele, No. 5, of this place. Refreshments were served, and everyone in attend | ance spent a very enjoyable evening. Coalport Standard. i J. R. K. Shook, of Westover, and | Austin Corry and son Court, of Five | Points, were Patton on { Monday. Mr informed the writer that he expeots to take charge of the new brick the first of next week § Fieltors to shins hotel at Ebendburg Joseph Farabangh, of Carrolitown, was a pleasant caller at the COURIER office on Thursday. Mr. Farabaugh annoances that hereafter his photo graph gailery at this place will be open for business from every Thorsday until every Saturday of each week. The Walnut Run Supply company, doing business in North Spangler, has severed its connection with the Cam- bria Supply company and will hereafter conduct the business of general mer. chandising at the old staad indepen. dently of the Cambria company. A man of the name of Alex Damn, of Blair county, was recently married at a neighboring town and a few days later a letter from his father in behalf of the family contained this endearing sentence: Please accept congratu. lations of the whole Damn fumily.’ Friday evening Judge Barker flied an order and decree in the divorce pro. cendings brought by Mra Clara M. Lloyd against her husband, Abel Lloyd, Jr., of Ebensburg, an absolute separa- tion being granted. The costa of the suit were placed on Mr. Lloyd and his wife was given possession of their child. W. B. Drake was arrested yesterday for non-attendancs of hisnson at school The warrant was sworn out before Alderman Harris by Troant Officer Kinley, of the Second Ward On promise to have his son attend shod ease wan dismissed, Mr Deake paying the costa Lock Haven Expross. the At present writing W. CC. Hubbard is the acknowledged ‘crack’ ten pin roller of Patton and will no doubt win the prize of a gennine diamond shirt stud offered by Manager L. J. Kerr at Fifth avenue bowling alley. On he beat his own record of by sdding 32 to the same, making a tstal of 287 points in ten frames. Nevertheless Moore and Wolfe are ‘going after him’ with a vengeance the Satarday 25 pointa i Ex-Burgess W. J. Donnelly is in! Willimsport this week where he at- tended the foneral of Dr. Flannigan, | a close friend of Mr, expired on Sanday. were held on Toveday. £2. Wood Donnelly, who Funeral services Miller, of Stormstouwn, was in Bellefonte on Wednesday, ap ttle the He 8 one par-ntiy concerned abot hit oldness of the day of the thres Miller brothers who run farms in Half-moon vailey, a store at onnty, and ship pro- They have a very pleasant agreement among themselves Patton, Cambrian « dace ax a wide sane, that permits them to move around and exchange c% whenever they feel that it he mntaally beneficial Bellefonte Wate! {Ha wold PIA. Unels Stetson's Big Tom's ( abin. Unele Tom's Cabin company is at Kelley's Front Street Theatre i They have accessories for producing the play in the most approved style, and were highly successful in pleasing the andienes, It is singuolar how Pee draws, and over it. There is no necessity for speaking at length over the presenta. tion last night [t pleased the majority greatly. Topsy wan good, so was Uncle Tom, Fva, Marks, the dogs and the singing. It was a good enter. tainment, and the andience, which had faughed heartily and i week, aii the By Weary come to laugh, were antisfled, double band orchestra, composed of white and colored musicians, Topsies, two Marks, two Orphelias, Eva and her pony ‘Prince’ the Lone Star Quartette and African mandolin players, not excluding the pack of savage looking blood-hounds. The Raltimore American At Hastings Opera House on Friday evening, February 15th THE BAZAAR is having daily arrivals of new goods, So great are the Barguine we offer that our cnstomers have learned to look for hetter values at our store than else where, Reflant on thess rices: Oak clock, 22 inches nigh, 5 day, 4 hour strike $240 Nickel! glarm clocks onr price Decorated chamber set, 9 pleoes, worth $4.00 - Footed glass cake or terry dish Nica line of glass dishes at . 2-quart glass pitcher, worth 200, at 10¢ Nice gold sedge smail glasses Fine line of sait and pepper shak- ore 1 joked op, Se * ~NIOeS are anr big hold. The great amoant of customers we Jesse shows that our stock is of the Po guality, and prices lower than any others have the nerve to goose We plank down the cash for big Parg:ina, then hand them over to our customers for a very modest sercent. Henoe lowest possible nrloen at THE BAZAR G. O._ BRADY, Prop'r. age WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE that has borne and does now bear the fac-simile signature of This is the original “ PITCHER'S EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA,” AND “ PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, was the originator of *PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” the same of Hyannis, Massachusetts, on every A wrapper. CASTORIA,” which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. the kind you have always bought and has the signature of No one has authority from me lo use my name ex- ner. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is on the wrap- cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March 8, 1897. Blut 7 D tin illsg on BD. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in- gredients of which even he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Tnsist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THE SENTAYR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET uw YORK Sve this the andience laugh The company had a. two Em aT} : or di: Our £4. ple and hoakist free, eres Sr » . Men’s Suits: All 85 and $8 suits now $4 All 8.50 and 7 00 onea now $5 All 750, 8 and 8 80 ones now $8 All 8, 2.50 and 9 now only §7 All 9, 10 and 1] now 5 Boys Long Pant Suits For boys aged from 14 to 19 years were ®5, 5.50, and 8 now #4 $8, 4.50 and T now only $8 $0.7 5% and 88, now 88 £5, 8 and 10 now goes at §7 Boys Knee Pant Suit or Boye aged from 4 to 15 vears sold at from §2 to 4.50 now go at from 1.50 to 2.50, All Overcoats at Cost. Beginning on Continuing tor 15 day lowing bargamns, and ££ LLOTOFPHATSTHAT W hh I~ Ul Lined Gloves will be J aernrper ve THEI NNGerwear musi g SPRING ABSOLUTELY Gill rT ED 10 ruTE ANY Cake oe ronetipation, Casrrrets ave the Teal Lave AM ARS ME re, never grip of aripe hat cause cosy nataral results. Rew FULING BEYMEDY (60, (hicnpn, Montreal, Cin, , or New York, BE a a A Su ALL DRUGGISTS Lia Mens Trousers marked away down. We have some heavy sole dress shoes which we will close ant at a sacrifice and some Men's Worki “% it 13 ». E03 ' Shoes mm odd sizes which wi he closed out at $1 they were I. and pai T. per paar 2.78% SUE Winter Caps Must all be sold at cost, Thursday, y. Feb. 10 and s we will offer the fol- remember that what- r we advertise we hive strictly up to) ERE sc, 1 & 1. 4 HOW GK, sold at a sacrifice. BOYS WOOLEN UNDERWEAR to be sold at cost; and ” cio. $f ails » ory at 4 sacnhce to make room for our GOODS Wea do oan immense hosiness in shoea, All goods bought at this sale must be Spot Cash to All WOLF & THOMPSON, Good Building, Patton, Po ITE ET EEE EET EO ETFO ETE PETE TE POT E TO PIT ETT ER ETI TIT ETAT ETI FIO EON EOOSOSYY 3 12 4 3 poe 3 3 A = 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 Bible 4 bag with milk we have received a nmr prices. § & Melly s and honey were not there at the time, but since then finest Kind of both contd and honey, which we are selling at one-half competitors ching ® stapie : at the iowest possible INERS STORE CO LIMITED. m land Howed Well we Lile large amount of the extracted are asking. with our entire groceries; the [0kbAAbRABAL Eh bE ORAIRABARARAARARLAS RARE LAA RRBARRALARARB ARAL BRA BARALMAINS | SA ALES \
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