A KRICHT IN A MUD MOUSE. or SSS Ai AR A AY Pl AAR Ad A BS Th ; brant 8 Jdorzey os i £ : LB LZ ar. RS. A aS A } 3 3 ere are about 8 dozen song os ei en 8 ? od a i. ers die ae | EXE rayon To ba sures they } SEE 4 ¥, y % wR TW SW NN TEN FW AH Fb | . . : » orgy vq 3 rn : ant nd frond * En 4 Presbyterian churches in London, 2 neat 8 + : 2 | ¢ Carious Frperrisnce in the Dwelling of & Ligand: Das : © Haessian Americas, y whose membership is made up almost | Se. y nT 2 4, igh, fmt k my entirely fromm ne Worging « ins ses | 3 AJ i i A #7 il s. ss iv} er Av TH RET. vtyit 4his : AAAS AA A MAI Ss isi, = # 3 i : *, J ’ * Fog "oy - s ¥ 3 £y¥ 3 gn are hE 9 An effectual way of comapeliing peos | (3% A | NO! IN i Y I R] : : . oy wii 4 4 F Al} 3 T Ray i ple to submit to vac adopted in Norway. have not been are not alowe The Gurman ordered that a transiat Mahan's “Innence History” be supplied to all libraries, schools and g stitntions, At a recent lectures Nublhaunien, Germany, named Eichler Chinese bionk of which present Eiriky of resemlilance th Dante's “Inferno, | ma anly restriction wlacsd apn their | tl al ant atid ng each Tr of the paint 3 ~ Vi other country, “The entire bnd Republic now reac lion Maeaxican silver dollars per vear, considerably leas thao it roxig New York CO ment.” The literary lish speaking £ frees Oliphant re simple porlmps Of soholars and ament Professor Walliams an iL represe wood and Drisler and Dr, Jo sor. Professor He Henry Googe rant nalive fara. semanas sondamie deg the ren, of frades un official raport Ciermany himney BOYER KP ANA smitie, 279 Ar: and quarries, ——————————— The insurgent pines win sarror SAR II Sao i 1 i } i * i i i on the promise of sa Hong King knew better than rast § Yiee-H are rey ge the mere word of taeir cay the New York Mail asd Their followers held their pistols & the head of Bpasish “honor” ust word wins received of their safe ar. | manner of rival at Hong Kong It is this knowl Tl Ihara ow in wrested ith 8. 4 nd Cuban inenrgents for peace only the basis of satosomy, N family vs : ply faith, aud thers is jus tistie donq bis faith in Hy i Ee al ROY] ANXVR Care, BOCIALION. gies ings and « € a . the grow Clreat Britain's dependence upon thy Yi : wita the United Sitates in yeatly pronounced, Not only i of agricultural aad mand that power bestowing upon the Amery tn the purcha mercial products, been said of the extensive which Great Britars bas recen in this miarket of eleclirical onifit supplies. Within the last five years the aggregate value of these purchaser | hag monnted far up into the millions, | “4 4 # : 1 rE ¥ 1 - NR : eh omar mss i A 8 > ¥ 5 W i RT and yet larger orders ace being roe AA depp ER to ; Fr ali eerved from Great Britain } peje = Rea Ly - i ent time than ever before The latest wrinkle in the trade relations between the two countries is a ae a etd Es a from a recent London dispafeh: = ? Maiesty's stationery office, whic 1 plies all the departments, allows cou mon sense to take precedence over patriotism, The India office, which 14 the most exclusive and old-fashionad Ladies As%or Tesniis in FE one of the most extensive purchasers i 18, via fig Fi Pai, «id of them all, grumbled upon waking the | | of i 34 ALE BY atii 3 shocking discovery, but of the chiels in, or identified wit of the stationery departments an family hile ia . urine tha watlierin swered: “What's all this fuss about! , Duriog Mr Een : ast year, Mrs. Charles C If we can get notepaper in Ameria Ey rr Eh iy ; SE son, of Phatladeiphia (Vice better und cheaper than the British | Pannavivania . manufactarers cau sapply, we will Malion Rogers, place our orders there.” Twenty-five tect of tue ry . > Jenn | 1 years ago Great Britain wonld have | 0 Hail, t : KG oan hooted at the idea of buying mauz. tan factured articles in this market, Wilk faliv « the arrogance which Ler industrial | by Mr prestige brought to her she naturally 8 Pr 3 } bac looked with contempt upon the dade : . SIRE manufacturing enterprises of tranal; United States, but Bes : of the changed, and Great Britain is to-day | The restored dence all bas pr 7 American products. She buy We Colonial beauty and stmphicts pias bart ; nish of Har ered after the 12 the how trae and f 3 : : oe rrican pros HOLS, fie DRY Could, | restoration of th } ; : = Had iron, bread-staffs, electrical supplies, | antique stairway of M cotton, tobacco, paper and numerous | vividly yeoall the faces and gestumes — ; : tof 1) ek ais ® abv Fav anit ah other wares. What a splendid begiu- | the Carys, Fairfaxes, Lees, : ts 4 : Uianys, Jounsions, $1 ing for the power which onee spuruw : : ning foi power which once spurnwd | Prades. Rawmsays. Fi : £oploy - itEau ¢ oi pp : * ¥ SIG Assia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers