THE PATTON COURIER, FEBRUARY 17, 1898. . Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO., Proprietors. aR i E Winn dineexe, Editor, ESTABLISHED - - 1893. _ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. | Omit copy, one year, in advance, Bc Advertising mies madd Enown upon ap | plication. { No papers discontinusd anti sil smear ages are paid, unless al the option of fhe publishers, : Entered at the Postotfion at Paton as som claws mall mntiter, ; p THEY COME TO PATTON, | Patton is now placed in the front ranks of first-class stores and business houses of every description. People: residing in and around this place are benefitted by the same. Those ‘who formerly went elsewhere to do their! shopping state that they can be suited much better in the Patton stores in both: price and quality than they could | in the large stores of the nearby cities. | Onr stores are all weil stocked and properly conducted and the manage. ment of the same put forth every effort possible in supplying the wants of the buyer. Patton still continues to be tire “North Star’ of Ciunbria from the fact that people come from all di rections to our town in search of what they need in the way of clothing, gents furnishings, dry goods, notipos, shoes, hardware, plombing, tinning, groceries, flour and feed and in fact’ everything sold in an up-to-date thriv- ing town, and last but not least, raany ocomn here for amusements of different kinds, and they are generally accom. modasted. We have good business houses and capable men to manage then, of which we are proud to state. THE NEXT time Senor de Lome has occassion to coummunicate with a care. less person he will hardly put his views in writing. THERE ARE OTHERS RIGHT AT HOME. Without undertaking to underesti- mate the magnitude of Minister de Lome’s offense, it is probable that those who will most vigorously desounoe his allusion to the President have them- selves been guilty of applying phrases equally as insulting to Mr. McKinley or to his distinguished predecensor, says a prominent eastern daily news paper. When Mr. Cleveland was the chief executive of the Nation he was denvunced in Congress and by tha op- position press in terms compured with whith the phrases attributed 0 the Spanish minister are mild and inof- fensiive. Since Mr. McKinley has been in the White House he has had a simi- lar experience. Scarcely a day pisses in which the advocates of the recogni- tion of the Cuban insurgents do not attuck him in the language of bitter denunciation, while those who are at odds with him on the financial lssoe employ the vocabulary of abuse on every possible occasion. For the hene- fit of those who do not aneerstarcd our customs and methods it ought to be stated that we reserve to ourselves ex- clasively the right to abuse our public officials, from President down. The right of denunciation, which we claim and use unstintedly, is not transferable, and woe unto the diplomat who thinks otherwise. ~The privilege of insulting the Fresi- dent is a national prerogative which we do not share with the represinta- tives of the inferior civilization of Europe. If Minister de Lome had not mattered this fundamental principle of rand adulterated Americanism he not used his powers of observation as wisely as he should, and will have only himself to blame for his recall There was no necessity for him to write a letter. He could have found more vigurous phrases and an unlimited sup- ply of them in almost any copy of the Corgressional Record published nince Match 4 last, and he could have kept Senor Canalejas and the Sagastu min- i slowly down the throat and immediate weeks in Florida. 3 % Te Florida, One must appreciate the advantages Sunday Dsstarbance. Every one was sorry for those people | in church last Sunday, who were suffer- of modern railway travel when he can ing with a distressing cough. A fall leave the land of blizzards one day and done of Down’s Elixir on going to bed find himself in the land of flowers the at night and small doses during the next. To do this take the Pennsylva. day will cure the most persistent cough. | nia railroad tour to Jacksonville, which Whenever there is a tickling sensation will leave New York and Philadelphia in the throat take a few drops of the by special train of Pullman palace cars Elixir on the tongue and let it ran Tuesday February 22, allowing twe Excarsion tickets relief will be the resnit Wa guaran. including railway teansportation, Pail tee it to cure any cong, cold, croup or man accommodations one berth | and For! meals enroute in both directions while Patton | traveling on the special train, will be aosld at the following rates $0.00. Philadelphia, 848.00: Canaan. daigan, 852.88: Erie, $51.55; Wilkes lung trouble or money refunded anle by CC. WW. Hodgkins, Pharmacy. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve in Cures Piles, Scalds. Burns. 2 : barre, $60.35: Pittsburg, 852 J. 8. Funk, of Altoona, was lodged proportionate rates from other pnin in the Ebensburg jail last Wenesday on po. (ickets itinerarics and full 5 a charge of forgery, which was pre- ion apply to ticket agents; Tourist ferred by Landlord John Brown, of Agent, 1108 Broadway, New York Creason. Funk presented a cheek for address Geo. W. Boyd, §15 to Mr. Brown which bore tne name ' oy] Passenger Agent of ex-County Commissioner J. 'Qration Lloyd, which Mr. Brown cashed. | Funk was arrested as soon as Mr, | Brown learned that the signature was laxative. Regulates the howels, a forgery, He was sent to jail in de | fles the blood. Clears the complexion. ’ ar 2 Hr oh wpe . 4 . hs ach + pe . fanit of bail for appearance at the Easy to make and pleasant to take. N ye x iis . N March term of court {ota Sold at Corner Drug Store Ful Ove i Assistan Gen Broad Street pt ri To Cure Constipation # Take Cuscnrots Oar : 1c rn moO Int 0 ony s ruee One Minute Cough Cure, cures. | That is what it was made for. If You Doubt You perhaps have some doubt about what we can do for you in our store. You are not certain, maybe, how we can sell High-Grade Goods at the prices we name. The only way to be convinced is to come and look at our goods and see what they are. No matter what your prejudice may be yi iil be convinced, and it will be i Wii to your advantage, too. We are headquarters for 3 i In fact cvervthing kept in a first- class up-to-date General Store. Call whether you wish to purchase or not. All goods dehvered to your home promptly and without charge. ~~ GEO. 5. GOOD. istry busy for months finding out on American authority how bad a man even so honorable and conscientivas a President as Mr. McKinley can be represented to be by his political opponents. : “The Kioodike Krate.” The rush for Klondike has already began and one authority estimates that - 200,000 people will go to the gold flelds this season. There ia now no doubt but: that the fabulous wealth of the country has not been underestirnated and the wildest speculations as to ita resources are surpassed by the facta Tte Buffalo, Rochester & Pitsburg rail- way has already ticketed one large party and other parties are organizing at various points on ite line. The B., R. & P. will furnish tickets via any of the lea’ ing routes at low rates, and will no doubt secure a lirge share of the business. For particulors call on nearest agent of the company or ad- dress E. C. Lapey, General Passenger Ajzent, Rochester, N, Y. AS "ORIA For Infants and Children. um very Ippo. at of * Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach, |! ’ : et Mall Order House in the State. MAIL SERVICE AND THIS STORE x ; Service in —- : Dry Goods Hous » % ——— interior Pennayivana : tnakes SHOPPING BY MAIL absolutely safe, prompt, pleasant and satisfactory for the ladies of Central Pennsylvania, We prepay Postege end [xpress oa all goods ordered by Mail, but for Cash only. -- alse for Samples of any goods you may wish to see, Best Goods at Lowest Prices your Money Back if you want it. E 4 ALTOONA, BLE $' PENNA. Send for our new Booklet and New Ye rR, 3 Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant to Clear Onr Surplus Stock and get the Ready Cash. Value, cost and profits ground ont of sight Our entire Fall and Winter stock consist- Shoes, Men's, Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery, 20S Sha y 3 vp YH) Io Cer by soe liaAWisS dl ABUT ALS dX ¥y ™ risk nkets and Haps, Gloves and Mittens, Ladies’ Skirts shire Waists, Yarns, Flannels, Ete, are ail under the Clearance Knife. t Cut and slashed below the Manufacturer's cost. % “aw Known to you was there or will t FPRICES bh. + ¥ hv gp eV % ere rin the history of Patton and vicinity ever be Such a Grand Opportunity to save your hard-earned TU ‘and will end Tuesday, bh AN March begins Sale a success and a dollars than attending this Great Red Tag Clearance Sale which DAY, FEB. 15, 1898, We haven't left a stone unturned to make this Red Tag CLEAN SWEEP 4 ‘on When t * 1 v with it, and here are Fy oney saving lor you, bis PLUINIC é DRY GOODS. ask ~f Patton Lancaster gingham, others Ber. oar red tag price 4o Cambirie lining, others ask 5 one red tag price 3 8c calicos, our red tag price 4ic Turkey red calicos, others ask oar red tag price Se #4 Mohawk bleached sheeting, oth- ers ask Me, our red tag price fi 9-4 Mohawk unbleached shesting, others ask 1%, our red tag price 13¢ 45-inch bleached pillow case muoslin, others ask 130, our red tag price Sic Simpson's light sisting calicos, oth. ors ask 8c, our red tag P of 40 : Indigo Blue print, others ask Te, our red tag price 4c Hill Ie muslin, others ask Be, our red tag price se Hill hal bit muslin, others ask Se, our red tag price Sic Spunweil bleached musiin, yard wide, others ask 8c, our red tag price fe White Star anbleached muslin, others ask To, oor red tag prioe Se Outing flannel, others ask 100, red tag price Se Saxony yarn, per skein, others 10a, our red tag price de Alabama hon others ask Seo, red tag price bie Bleached table linen, others ask She, aur red tag price 8be Unbleached table linen, te, our red tag price 0c 2, our ask our others ask $ » * 1 . ta * Dis sae closes we want the prices that tall k: that's last dollar's worth of Fall and going to do the work for us i that will daze and hewilder our competitors and will gladden i 1 cesparry sur and viemity. linen, other ask e, one red tag ries Ge Ladion' 95 gibownal shonlder shawl otir red tag price dhe Lastien’ £1.50 all.wool double shawl, our pod fag price 82.70 Dr. Warner's Hoalth carseta, our red tag price $1.10 Dr. Warner's Caroline corsets, our red tag price Se All 50¢ comets, oar red tag price 38 Cosmo Buttermilk soap, others ask 10¢ per cake, our red tag price To Plain felt shades, others ask 100, onr red tag price Se All men's anderwear, others ask $1, our red tag price 7h AH men's underwear, others ask Sie, our red tag price 380 All Indiew' underwear in natural wool and red at cost. All Misses’ wear at cost, Potter's 5-4 table oil cloth, others ask 15¢, our price 12¢. Don't confound Potters’s oil cloth with the cheap stuff on our market selling at 12ie GROCERIES, ETC. Good rice, others ask Se, our price 5¢ Lima Beans © “Bi “Bio Navy * i 4c a0 Dried peas do Ja 10 cakes Ouy x Soap het 10 lion ‘4 he Nice sun dried Apples prib Good Raisins per tb Loose Starch £ A Unbleached table and children’s ander. ah wa i 4 . i% ad re + £2 os Grond Columbia Salmon per can Se Good mixed candy only Se per Ib Clothes pins per dozen lc or 8 dos for 5¢ Miners’ pick handles 8e Pride of Patton flour finest that spring wheat will make, per sack $1.50. BOOTS, SHOES and ROBBERS. Our Clearance Knife fell among our footwear and slashed prices in fine style. Por results read these lines and figures. Men's Guma, regular price 85¢, oar red tag price 5% Men's storm Gums, regular price T5e, our red tag price 58¢ ladies’ storm Gums, regular price She, onr red tag sale 42¢ Boys' Gums, regular price 50e, our red tag price 420 Ladies’ Gums, regular price 40e, our red tag price 34c¢ Misses’ Gums, regular price 30¢, our red tag price 26¢ ; Child's Gums, regular price 25¢, our red tag price 21c All Men's, Ladies’ Missew’ and Children’s Gum Boots at cost, SEE RED TAGS. ¥ Does the work. ¥ y we LHe DOr ony in . ‘ Of Sale LO Jake raon ™ i | iia [ag Sale closes } by i rite tho NG res HES GAN & tai iid i ial a dD Wl " Kee £% Yiu ~~ Ve Are Red I 18 mnartanny whil Fy hh aii Le YY Yakg 4 \! A Ha 55 ir ! Siting aah i . NE VOUT oye oll v i 3 : L.ook for it amo If vou miss it . 5 # . * > © : wili profit in the uture o kl ¥iy “ mr Dress Goods [ine Or ir a5 We mn > N « New Spring 1 3 ‘ _ +4 Me 1300 a wl th have paid Ey im to watch oe 1 1 x FAR Win Save val ¥ Tay LEE >. Cy i IO aur REG i i . t during ou SUH ML %y t ony and wait for our money, Tag Sale i Red T ale commences Tuesday, February Sto ust clase out our present stock ich will reach us by the time our Red more for the same goods listed Seki? so 11 von have bought too mind that lag Sale, so it you don't grasp 4 12... ' aedar In bl a | : > » bl re 4 visit daring this Money
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers