The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 17, 1898, Image 2
nd NR re Uy Te esos “BIG — ain in the Side ! Great Bell Cracked, Broken Up, Raeast, | | Could Not Do Hard Work Until Hood's Sarsaparilia Curea. “I bad a sevare pain in my Jeft side and could not do any bard work, My hashand ot me a bottle of Hood's Barsavariiiaand | and Then Cracked Aguim. “ig Ben” so called alter Bip od Pogiet Hall who was the Are dommes LC ghonier af work wher the ander # I began taking! it avd soon 1 was able th do | my work. I wis aise troubled with serofals | sore throat. but Hood's Sarsspariids line cared this © Wes, Bwsa Prreen Norin Hudzan NX, ¥. Remeber Hood’s "vii. i ahe lia which pow graces ¥s the best - fn fact the One Troe © Biot Po Fifler dia id Hood's Pitiy cures Sarr Uns iy 2 BRO, Dr Williany B. Fieto ner has a grin sonverir of the phe of a Taroors sur goon, the Baran Larrey, ans Nape Yeon De ame in Ris wil with a gift of 100,000 francs, and the tribute “20 Larrey, [ay surgesp, the most Vis tious man | have ever known” The relic 1s the upper part of the skail, the valvarium, and shows a sa ber cut sxtezsding from the innction of : the occipital and parietal hones ward to the oriital ridge on the rl side, 1 weil knew the man whowe skal , turning, the calvariom Wi ie, hand “Fie wax 3 German [| Lave forgotten his name and lived tn this city many years a¥ ing about 1X75, at the age of $0 year He took can of horses for Dr. Parvin and myself long shoul 1585, and ais sawed wor! to earn hfs Hving “He was thken care of by the Cathe He sisters hore [ug hospital during the Le Jax: years of his itfe, To 55 be Dadi saved bis parpined, snail though thes sper, be Joft them & small farm Kansas 6t his death “Me wag nt German In the army, and received this fern Prov a Hussian saber, as he tad during the tetreal from Moscow 312 He told me that Baron Larred operated on him. He was abent 1 years old st the time, sod though b fe was saved, Le was panially par alyzed on ote side aver after, spd cles was given, was Nemran, fpesr Sook! $E™ ait, wan moa poem (AC Panprmous ell wis: conveyed bo fa it had on a small vonliuiraus 3 passage Pennie : YOHTE SS, wanthd send the vessel hearing 11 10 (02 Phatiom of the ocean Nol yery Pafior the clock hml bees plated {EIR pOrkry ition at Woeswiminater bom alrer, E, INNT and while 11 was Pa { int Tang. 8 y a tired at 1 el Eon Saturders, it was | patios that Uf nad a orgowed, moar Etmlr sound (38 whante syapdsation with Tigre arad | to extend from the rim about half way { up he stde. Ih Tastrapne 10 an io PRITanen Wain %2 LA.AYS ramet the | question as fo whi was to pay for re ieneting it The founders pepudmtad responsibility, declaring that ton heavy a clapper df wiighiog 12 0wt had been iaseld. The auihorities however, pia onc 5 [om mecord that it was “por { genous, unsotind, and a ¢ wr’ Bs that - a rma Le # fas lirs Wee Erie iE tried dragpel ons foo until the day of his death, “Here is 3) Yoars ago, tnepoy ol ap the Gegremsed bone 10 rrlieve besin. The orifice and the saber through the aknll both flosed up a membranes Hie dianapolis News, Wty oan A LIVING WITAN Mrs. Hoffman Descri bea How Sho Wrote to Mra. Pinkham for Advice, and Ise Now Well . Dean Mes Privgnaw—TFelorm wang your Vegetable Compound | wis a great sufferer. 1 have bern sick Tov months was troablic with sever ba in both sides of abdomen, sore for jn lower part of bow: Cig, Blso eaffered | with dizziness headache, apy 1 ay yo eB letter Qeser fh LT cual Blu asking advice ~/ replied fed &” ing me jo 5 what to dn “ followed your diree tions, and eannot praice Four medi enough for ‘what it has done fo Many thanks to you for your ad Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetall pound has cured me, and I wil mend it to my friends ~ Mes B. Horriax, 512 Boland St The condition deserited by Mes. Hof | man will op wal to mast women, yet | jots of sick women strugeie with their dally tosks tisrey arding the prgent waraings uni overiaken by acinal collayse ; The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi- ence in treating female (ls is poparal- jeind, for yours she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E Piskbam, and for sometimes rast has had sole charge of the correspondence depariment of Ler great basiness, trai iing bor letter oad £ ve ods oY ® Lag ow DARBY BRD busdred thonsasd slg hn $e tari aE HS single YER. En alrer’s Seeds are Warvasiad ¢ hod Prodan. SE Hany war) « Waiter, jelaveiin. Fx pasa 3 - Be rad 10 DOLLARS WORTH Fon 10e. Shae of vase Ses semis Flag Few Band Yeah TE Sorsaninn Lang, o8B Sim owe I RnB E fg oi * grid pripan or teen PR de Fred so wwe wl pow of pRdEe, Wl sFeouip) uf Dat Fe port ag pom vely 4 WE le, AND TUMOR PERMANENTLY cured Al forms of BLOOD DISEASES ; thoroughly eradicated from the system, Si weeks Home Treatment for $10. Book of Information fee. NATURAL REMEDY CO. , Westioid, Mama. re SE it SA For Poultry half cost of Netting Ain farm yard, segnetary fences Fretent paul Ustslogue free KL SHERLADFELG KL. SF St Atlanta Gs. | MEN WANTED. TO TR AYE for ord estab linked hours Permanent BEEN BAC per soni and All expan ses rw. Z1EG Bk CU fed Locos 88 Paliadeiphin mvs i Thompson s Eye Water bir at rested wi 4 The First Polar Explor» Tiny Ld arte wark | py pment were # pea lition, wv fan Holand in Ing snack Marcus af His voy Rge shows min eHA ES Arie} Sey BRL RA soda ih for he yarpese of sailing aroupd 4 Lu norih ed of NOYA Losi Ing 8 northeast passsy ea lor 8 Ege * - 4 ¥ 5 ¥ ¥ 4 Bren Rned 16 Na» (RECR, Win vessel aheut eighty oie trereling back amd ford edge far sel emeen highest Dorth ramblul adapt te sppie ot #3 5 Fo NE f (7 £5 he Wit Hid 4180 : nd % 0 . deze pla bgupd Tosser we vest By Ska La i lp beset {i ¥ RB brats RI3 Xi ies A Prastifnl Girl's AMicilon, smd PREG i Bry Tv via bitniar, lisa ; i Been, and Hm & Bash Divrugsed Thitr Surugh ei Cape for Drurs Ths dooto ised 10 see sith ak 1m PRO i of a Toe Rew giving Bb hie sed 4 a, ist adie ih sandy ny : Peppy gal WF io wy My sick sinin an abl trombles retard almost miata Fuiwz To: Mas fasss Sulseribad and sworn to befor g6th dav of Anal 0 dese Jd ae ‘ 5 Hp ® oo Earn aed, shatternd porve for % They ars adaptad 10 young ug wid, and may i he Bad at any drug store i NAT YATE Ve 19vesturs bry we % E As 5 3 EH Fe kA $= o, & corn Jeera ge A Once Wasted. Modern man os gradually wo king ug fart that he can Utilize avery Coal 's por only a source of hmar and Dght bet a storehouse of roars, LamteR esti aps, perfumes and sxplowvas Fram 140 ponds of gas gr ino fom of oval over JANE district trea gre made A05t ore paving Leet el BUECRT ; msierial foe inks vis irniah, roan and 8 BALTIMORE, MD. Passe Mention This Paper, cond of am: Kuocwed Out “ka ant ail salenlations of attending By hm right way for s we wake un in 4 sorning Bor La § The isang right snd waling Up Te WARY i 1a =! hat men Wairy anike™ Pigs STE mow ef the | ream its when ort ralkens it is ploganng Yer 453 the teste. and acts mptly on the Kidneyn, wels, cleanses the sys. iv, dispels enki, head- Gv cures habitual Iation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro. MAL Fas ; Sr =a ang of Gused, pleasing to the taste and ae- : ii ¥ xen — to the stomach, prompt in « getion and truly beneficial ip ite - propane ¢ sniy from the most healthy and agreeal: Tosubms AHO0E, ie many exoe He ne frialition commend it all and have made it the most erie remedy known Serap af FF Hrs ia far =ale in 50 sent bottles hy all leadine dmg. How she of Oistspents for Catarrh That | guutg Any mhahie draogest wh i any not have it on Juul will pro. entre it promptly { prog ane who wih to ry it. Do wel pe ntany gubstitate, 5 CALIFORNIA FI8 | SYRUP co. 548 FRANCISCO, © LOUISVILLE, XY. wy ORE, AT. Established Baker's S NAS A TAR A SRE A rat es Sm Fa Chocolate. To Cure A Cold in One Day. Poke Lasative Bromo Quinine Tableta AR Irugaists rafuad money 112 Deir To eure ae NONE OTHER GENUINE, MADE ONLY ay WALTER BAKER & CO. Dorchester, Mass, Fira perm parsntie snred, No fia or nervone aan wer Fad Anytx 17 Thr. Ries (ermal are Lmaisrmr { berisle atid treaties ree we HoH hriass sl. KB Arh ne Phils Pa WE HAVE NO AGENTS %% wt jie 3 ars sil aE 9815 dads a ELKHART CARSIAGE AND DaTinss ue. Co. Wo LL PRATT, ** East, West, Homo is Best,” if Yep! {lean hich are inte: tn FIRE TI aT rT a nf Griders, i 3 : SE A a. ; wwavent so i111 v fear 1) {3 f Feet kel. i ~. svat PRSYHIL zi 3 El 4} , ; an iL ph ‘i, With 1 ve sud gvs id a1 2h 3 i i 1s sigtasd Tal ax fi 3 | 1nent Broker, 6 ail roe rk I RMD ~NEW Ba » Wind for eh A Cheap. Homemade Saas Boat, ss ow's Soothing Symp for ren a tba ts ne ha toathi softens the gums, reducing infammas To make the stone boat j ke 8 Pain, cures wibsd colic, Lous buttie | in the illustration, writes C0 © Urns. : bee im the American Agricuilunist { mogarchs,