THE PATTON COURIER FEBR. ~Y 10, 1898. Bato of Highway Draimage. There is one fault fesnantly sons] | mited ini the ase of the road machine; | there {for walk. Those who operate the ms. 0 | chine ot fects to being bothered by bars, . or the sb called “thank you, marms” i not being put in their ‘80 these are is an insufficient escape allowed i ARS I RCH 3 A GOOD LETTER From the Cierk of the Cirewit Court. Fernandina, Fis, Fel 2% 1996 Mr J. George Subrer, I'ruggist, City. Dear George: Please send me a bottle of chamberiain’s cough Remedy. would not feel easy if | knew there was none of this valuable Bemedy in the | places 18 they should be. If there i 8 hones. | have given it a fair test and Kid. | short sig to be filled, it can probably | be doris from material at the sides by using drag scrapers, then dress op and With a road machine, or if the soil is a she | suff ¢lay or muck, haal on gravel, rock, shale or sand, if they are available. If - 7 no, tive embankment should be raised to an exact beight to give a quick ‘drainngge. The worst feature in the is often, by , | weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly wot your urine aside for twenty-four heres: & sediment or settling indicates kidaoey or bladder troubide, mild and ex. traordinary effect of Dr. Kitmer's Bwamp Rook the Ereat kidney mand Vadder reed oH Atd me “in " and At dr ‘vents ¢me doliar, Yoo may ny 8 Sam bottle and pamphlet, both sent free nail. Mention the PaTron COURIER snd send your $idrems to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The pro- tors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. CC Pem™ Ta rd Spit aA Save Baur [ie Aug, To «uit tbsecs oily so? fornver bens tedie. tu of Lie nerve pad vigor, iad cea, th weanior wor ier, thal pales strong. All drapg isis, Me or @, CO wre dns teed Booides sad simple fred. Allrow Merling Bemely Oo. Oblcago or New Yok Visit Miller's "White Shoe Store. Broad tires shut the jolting rot. Overcoats below cost at Mirkin & Kasner’s. Go to Mirkin & Kuasner and see their fine line of fall und winter eoats. -1t Patronize your home bakery and hay your bread from Dans, oppo- site the Palmer house. ; Table Boarders Wanted At the City Rettanrant, C. M. Leets, proprietor, on Fifth avenoe, néxt to Palmer house. Care that cough with Shiloh’s Cure. I'he best cough cure. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 dewes for 25 cents. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Kari's Clover Root Tea is a plessant laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri, fies the bicod. (Clears the complexion. - Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 ta. Sold at Corner Drug Store. ; | Don't annoy others by your coughing 1 and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute cough cure cures cooghs, volda, croup, ip. and all throat and lung troubles. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat- A thrill of terror in experienced when | 8 brassy cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Min- | ate cough Cure has been administered. | Safe and harmless for children. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. The following is a testimonial given by a gentleman in regard to a certain | ulery Sompoutd on the nervous &)s- | : 4 Before resorting to the above on remedy my wife was so ' mervous that I could not sleep with her, | Budy ean sleep With her.” £) Wanted iH 500 Electric Light Poles. For particu- | | ars inquire at Cleo. 8. . Good's store. je but since taking two bottles of it any. ! ! | One-fourth of the people on the earth ‘die before they reach the age of & I years, one-half before the age of 18, and 20ly one tn each hundred born live to the age of 65. “The deaths are estimated | at 67 a minute, 97,790 a day, 35,639,835 Ls year; and the births at 70 a minate, | 10,080 a day, 36,792,000 a year. The worlds population, therefore, gains | From everywhere come words of _ praise for Chamberlain's cough Remedy. “Allow me to congratulate you on the merits of your Remedy. It cured me ' of chronic bronchitis when the doctor | could do nothing for me.” Chas. F. Hemel, Toleclo, 0. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. school Report. Following is the report of the Beaver Dam School in White township for the month ending February 2d, 1898: Namber of pupils enrolled during month, males, 25; females, 19; total, 45. Average attendance during month, males, 25; females, 16; total, 41. Per cent. of attendance during the month, ‘males, 95; fomales, 86. Names of those _ missing no days are: Zella Burgoon, - Saran Durbin, Thomas Burgoon, Theo- | philus Wirtner, Matthew Durbin, Jo- vita Darbir, Thomas Wirtner, lewis McMullen, Edward Burgoon, Thomas Davis, Frank Davis, Francis McGuire, Maggie Bargoon, Bessie : Lena Burgoon, Charles Burgoon,Joseph Noel, Jams Noel, John Davis, Blase Durbin, Janes Burgoon. VINeiENT MuLvesILL, Teacher. Oysters on half shell and fresh line of green groceries at the City Restaurant, next to Paliner house. could] prepare it. working of the roads is that they are The | ditch on the upper side of the road: gathers all the water from the field made the gutters of the country. above the road and carries it 10 the foot of the hill; diteh on the lower side psithers all the water coming from the read, and between the two our road systems are being washed out. Drainnge can and should be provided to get the water of the road limite at short intervals. Water is a poor road material. Keep it from getting on the road when possibile. the When roads ane good and hard and fr It don’t wen far 10 muy where If Roads, The following interesting comparison was mode by a farmer of Wisconsin recently: “1 wonder it has never oc- enrred| to our labor-loving taxpayers to demand the privilege of working out the whoo! tax. Why not? Mr A, who has a large tax, could teach the school for four weeks, Mr. B. could work bot his in two weeks, and Mr. C. ponld tesch put his in three days. D. und EF. could haa! foel, and Mr. F. There would be same advantage in this svstem. If Mr. A. should be ill, or have bosiness in town, he could send bis boy or his hired man to teach in his place. Of course, the Why Not Selon ® ‘school would not make the progress that iit does ander the management of a competent teacher, but the tax would be puid, and the result, as a whole, would not be worse than that obtained under the present system of working out the road taxes for the bettering of ‘the ponds. The two cases are parailel in many respects.” Gord roads enhances the value of your property. Rond Invirnction in Sells Competent instroction in road-build- ing and the economics of transports. tion hiss been arged upon our colleges ‘and higher institutions of learning, and ii provided by some of them; but why not begin further and teach some- | thing of the economic valve of good highways in the public schools ? Every pupil san understand something of the 'fandumental principles involved, be- canst of his practical acquaintance with the subject. In a few years the {influence of a vast namber would be ' thrown naturally on the side of perm- anent highways, and the Good Roads problem would be solved. Then, too, this instruction would make easier other instruction now so sadly needed | on ecxmomic subjects L.A W California has passed a law requiring the mse of wide tires after Janvary ih 1868, A Poet on Rough Roads. If “Bobby” Burns were alive to-day, 1 thes #0 he would be an active, enthusiastic , otal A Wr and weakrtie, everything in his power to forward the work of securing good roads, says the L. A. W. Bulletin. It was, no doubt, the chief regret of bis life that he lived before the wheelmen had organized a League, the chief object of which is to Haprave the highways But “Bobby” his mind on these subjects as be cid on pearly everything else. In ‘an “Bpigram on Rough Roads” he says * fn 1m BOW arrived, thanks to the gouda! thw rough and 4 maddy. A coriain sign that makin’ A Bo’ this peopie’s stady Ajtho’ "in not wi Scripture erama T'm sure the Hib says Theat Dewxilens siniers stall be Sasi’ Unless they mend their ways’ Wagon manufacturers are turning out farm wagons, some of them with . metal wheels, having tires four inches wide. And Hens Want Good Roads. County Controller W. E. Thompson ‘this morning received a box of two ‘degen eggy from an unknown furmer of Elisabeth and Forward townships Each egg was stamped “We Want Good Roads.” The donor, io a pote, said the eggs bore the inscription when the eggs were laid, showing that even . the hens objected to the present roads. ~-Pittsburg Paper. One of most essential features which ‘ gees hand-in-hand with good roads is guide boards placed at every CTrOss- road. Gentlemen see our spring samples of suits made to order $15.00 and upward. Tie KEVsTONE CrorHiNg Ud a: fis BR aX RR hd ©. Bit PORERAY Eh % Abin 3 ver ainsi fai ipels, vivansing lhe & ire system, disvel voids, Cre hed deope, fever, babdtual constipation Cmavd biliousuess. Please buy and try a box Lol CC. C today; 18, 50 cents. BNoid and | #iaranieed to cure by druggists. Children's fall and winter coats at Mirkin & Kusner's. orders and consti remedy they will soon be free from the headaches and ‘Sufferers should take consider it one of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, ai though I ase it freely. Any cold my children contract yeilds very readily to this medicine. [| can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children. Yours respectfully, FE Wally Hixigkins, Patton Phar. {we Sold by C. W. macy.’ Mr. Ward Lo Smith, of Fredericks town, Mo, was troubled with chronie diarrhoea for over thirty years. He had become folly satisfied that it was only a question of a short time until he woald have to give ap, He had been treated by some of the best phy sicigns In Eurgpe and America bot got no perm. anent relief. One day be picked op a ne WSpE per and chanced to read an ad- vertisment of Chamberlain's Codie, cholera and piarrboea Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the find dose helped him and its continoed nue cursed nim For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. A Famwons Gerson Dotor’s Wis Consn faption BW onOwW Enows earabde if taken in remedy known as Otte’s (x tween found to aa almost care for the disease. Asthma, chitis, croup, coughs, colds, preamonia and all throat and lung diseases mre quickly cured by Dr. Otto's (Gerest (wrman Remedy. Sample Otto's Cure are being given away by our agent, C. W. Hodgkins. Large sizes 5 and M0 oents. time ire, Ray ving CREAT Broan. bw bettie of A few months ago Mr. Byron Every, of Woodstock. Mich, was badly affficted with rheumatism. His right leg was swollen the fail length, csasing him great suffering. He was advised to try chamboriain’s Pain Balm The first bottie helped him considershie and the second bottle effected a cure. The 25 and 50 cent sizes are for sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Dreadially Nervous Gents I was dreadfally nervous and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whale nervous sys tem. | was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that | rapidly gained besith and strength. Mrs 8 A Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold at Corner Drug Store. We are anxicos to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleas anter or better way to do it than by recommending One Minote cough Cure as a preventive of preamonia, consump. tion and all other serious lung troubles that follow peglected colds. CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. A Gremt Medicine Gdven Away. Ly Hodgkin is now A ong free to all a kage of herbal i ie Xing. If ladies su froth nervous dis pation will nee this backaches that have moch suffering. i regulator It quickly cures | the eaten 3 an un & There are three little things which do more work than aay other three little bee and DeWitt's Inte Early Risers, | the last being the famous little pills for , eruptions of Large FE sho Soma A THE THE BON TON BON TON THE New (Goods Arriv 1 The output of Mer expectats yn! t 1c a DT at our Ys daily VED \\ £5 PY Eke : WS & dict Vv A : cx83% WE? tO i 455.3 Store. Worry Our store 1s far greater than fact that The Bon Ton is the about the dongs business Our and while we are Reliable Goods at Lower Prices than others we are €&r to-day : i t bargains: Because 1 oe da . fo v defending the interests of our custom- you know they ar ¢ genuine ADVERTISED BY US. 8¢ Unting Flannel Dark Outing Flannel, good heavy quality, worth Se * AL yard. Men's heavy Cheviot working shirta, cannot be duplicated for loss than 50, our price 330 seach 5 iF "5 igh fo hs he Bird rye colon you have been paving yard, Pd wa ‘ » Towehn * SR Le TERS Shirt 43¢ each. Lanndried Negligee shirt, fed cudors made with doable yoke slope shouiders set on collar, 3 inches wing asd fall width, 45 each, fe kind far, 4 Tras, . i : isu Di vwacls 3 toc Lanen Crash 5¢ yard. crash well worth ns art Sw wher, & Lines: vat Bend wa 16-iow be, Dis 12¢ Nainsook S¢ vard. Cross bar and laoe stripe Nain. LC eg yr sock, sold by other merthants at 23C i ang Damask OK 13e, our price Se yard. Ranch oom dies table the kivd that sold every 25¢c, onr price 1#e yard where for 12¢ Ladies’ Hose gc parr. fant Black full semis Bowes, never sokd for jess than 130, our price fe pair. ¥ $ x Sak TN 18¢ Sheeting 12%; ¢ vard. Unbleached sheeting 20 yards wide, sold regular for 1%, our price 12 yard :c Men's Half Hose gc pair. Mens half hose 0 browns or fast Biwek. try Wo march | at 13, our 6c Mushin 4c yard price Be pair Yard-wide anbleached muslin, good weight, worth 8, our pre 4c yard. 6c Men's Cotton Socks gc pair Men's seamless cotton socks, . worth Sc, our price 4 pair. 10c Dress Gingham jc vard. vu Fast color dress gingham, shoold be sold at lOc we bought it at a special price--Tc yard. 15¢ Misses’ Hose roc pair. Heavy black ribbed Misses’ hose, guaranteed fast black, worth 18e, . . our price le pair. .25¢ Linen Towels 14¢ each. All Linen Huck and Damask towels with colored border, made to sell at 35¢, our price lé4c each. sc Handkerchiefs jc each. Men's Turkey Rod Handkerchiefs worth 5c, our price Je each. stomach and liver troubles CC W.' TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. An Eminent New York Cnemist 384 Sc Scientist Wakes a Free Ofer to Our Readers The distinguished New York cheniist, | T. A. Siocum, demonstrating his dis covery of a reliable and absolute core for consumption Pulmonary Taber culosis | and all bronchial, throat, lang and chest diseases, stubborn coughs, Seviine catarrhal affections general Pexh, and all and weakness loss Of conditions of wasting away, will peru THREE FREE BOTTLES all differ ent: of his New Discoveries to any ; reader of the Parton COURIER writing for them. His “New Scientific Treatment’ has cared thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it ‘a simpie professional daty to saifering humanity to donate a trial of his infaldible cure Scienee daily develops pew wonders, and this great chemin, patiently ex- perimenting for years has produced results as beoeficial to ‘suffering humanity as can be claimed by any modern genins. His assertion that lung troubles and consumption are curable in any climate is proves by heartfelt letters o gratitude,” filed in his American and European labra- Joris in thousands from those cured ia a} paris of the worid ical experts concede that brn chial, chest and lung troubles lead to consumption, | which, uninterrupted means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. Os 88 Pine street, New York, giving office and express address free medicine will be promptly sent. instant ad- vantage of his generous ition. Please tell the a | | his offer in the Patron COURIER. $1.00 Umbrellas gc. Ladies’ Gioria umbrellas, silver trimmed haodies, steel rod pars gon frame, Te each 13c¢ Pillow Casing 10c yd. 45-inch bleached pillow case mus lin, worth 15¢, our price 10c yard 50¢ Lace Curtains jg c pair Fish net lace curtains pretty Aoral border, a good curtain for small windows, 39 cents & pair. a 5s $:.00 =5C A very showy and effective cur tain 3 yards long by 39 inches in width, worth $1, at 75 cents & pair gS ¢ Fine Brosssls «fect cortain with deep border, exira wide, worth $1.50, our price 98 cents a pair. 2.30 $1.39 Imitatition real Haniton sce, very striking and effective pattern, $2.50, our price $1.39 a pair. 4s 4% ae 1.50 “a wh “= ME as 1.48 Plain Grecian effect centre, extra reproduction of the high-priced Grecian curtains, 31 yards long, 38 inches in width, price §1 45 a pair 3.00 Our prices are not regulated by the prices of others. We don't care a little bit about the prices of others so far as the making of our prices GOES. We don’t know that any other merchant lives. Fifth & Kerr Aves, Patton, Pa. of our 5
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