The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 10, 1898, Image 2
A— Sn A SA The Chicago court which “decided 1 that poetry is legally worth twenty. sents a line is no friend of the news- papers, exclaims the New York Tele gram. N ow 5 T¢ is a litte caviows, mses the York Independent. Uatholic missionaries, for whosa murder by the Emperor of Ge valuable port and fons miles of territory, belo: Order of Jesmitu peiled from Germany A ATR AS TT Ia Germany it fix the aga of electors at thirty, instead of twenty-five years. This 1 a vine die tive thrast af wornan suffrage, declares the New York Mail and Express. Femininity may adwit to years, but with the limit at thirty it is going to take s tramendons sense of moral daty to drag it to the polis, A ———————————————— Professor Fall, of Vienna, profession seems to be the pre liction of the world's destruction, now fixes the date for November 13, 1899, by means of Temple's comet. One thing that will go far toward reconciling mankind to the destrmetion of the world, confesses the Lonisville Cone. | jer-Jonrnal, is that when it does come it will destroy also these predicting professors. Ww wasn that ine rotniiatn wr dry 1% now proposed Toy faulty five w home At s recent lesture on Alpine climb ing delivered in London a photograph was thrown on the screen showing how a guide saved a whole party by his presence of mind. They were prossing a perilonsly steep and narrow | slope or spur when they suddenly slipped and disappeared down ihe side of the precipice. The mide promptly threw himsell down the other side of the slope and struck his age into the snow. fall. In the picture the tourists werd out of sight and only the gmide could be seen sticking like grin death to the side 4f the precipice, The strair npon the ripe was shown hy the way in which Jt had entnto the snow at the top. Bat the ‘and the party was saved. thna hreaking the terrible Again the foreign dispatehes are filled with wnrnings regard be things which a ‘‘proud nation’ like Speiu cannot endnre, aud sgma, io consequence, arises the impmise to ask what right or excuse Spain has to be “proud.” Surely there is strangely little in her story to explain her haaghtiness, maintains the New York Times. Sines the expuluion of the Moors—and of learning aad civiliza- tion with thers—her record has been one of grest opportunities wasted, of cruel persecutions as theonly evidence of power, and of a steady drop in the scale of Earopean influence. Does she elsim credit because to-day only thres in ten of her population can read or write? What has she to show for the gold brought by shiploada from Mexico and Pern? Yet, after all, Spain really is proud, she can at least be proud of her pride, for surely never was there another nation sble to be anything elne than humble when considering a record half as black as bers. in There is pow pendiog in the Legis {ature of Maryland a measure which provides for the protection of song birds in that State. On account of the rapidly increasing demand for songbirds made by the millinery estab Yishmenss of Maryland, the forests of that State have been almost completely depopulated of their tauefal inhabi tants. Prom present indications this wise measare is more than apt to meet with the hearty support of the Mary. land lawmakers. Throughout the en tire State there is a strong sentiment crystallizing in its favor, and even the women seem to be joining heartily is advocating the proposed reform. This is just as it should be; for the practice of slaughtering nature's songbirds merely for the purpose of decorating gaudy bonnets for the fair sex is abso lutely barbarous, Other States are in terested in similar movements. Withir | the last few months the matter of pro tecting songbirds has been agitated ic New York, Rhode Island, Massacha- setts and other States, with hopeful results. As millions of dollars are spent annually for the purchase of songbirds in Europe and America, it | is almost useless to hope that the salu. tary reform which is now being at. tempted will ever become universal but still there is no reason why the most vigorous efforts should not be put forward iu that direction. It cau not be argued that songbirds are abso lutely necessary to the artistic embel. lishments of hats, for the world is ried in oenamental products which migist | be used ta, even better advantage. Surely no good can eome of the prac tice which robs the world of its melody in order to enrich its vanity, dn who “stood ap” Canburn mastache, i axon hair, sad and whom the girls all liked, and Nina | Juite as much as from her tor thie bride expectant mother-of pear! one’s eyes HER REWARD, TE at wad mevryat 1 pate! rin Bb r soil by yx seg ioe | ning Each % Of gior The hagrig th OT ANY Sarvs j.08a was Ton 3 i bad bal made On Ft hon w Ah! anyed iranghisr of heaven, Tha hearts that loved thas § bat fhe Noh Ay returs “Por thors shalt heogtie And in its giorl To the famiitar 83 its J Hagven i= what thon hast hod AA NH Fh NR Me NAAT A > Ly ne siielle] 4 A AINA THE fivy MELEN bod rdd pig i vied allies dpc Teialie etd HAT is pries of Nina Carron sacked eagerly Pan doilars, mn am, : se ag ab org the ticket which hang be Bon tive seniniter “Tan dollars’ somree I can’s affor And Nins laid trinket, and wi gtore She waz a sparks bran«ite, with month like wa beawitohing way sailed sharia, appreciate at all great, ré wat Ald IRIE OY 3 4 And y ioand Mus Philpatts Id asked be | second bridesmand bridesmsaids bad given such wedding mfis- Nina, mel-like, had np wish to be left ¢ hehindh nd. “Phat white lace fan, with the lav ender silk lining, and the pear] sticks, wonld have bean the very thing, ery Nina to herself ‘Oh, dear, wratehed life it ia to be poor! what will Mr. Fortescue think, give Nellie nothing on earth iwo-s|z-penuy dad of a pocket hand kerohief?” Mr Fortesciie was ErOGIERIINT with Nina a baud sotae young gradnate of Yale, with au a head of enrly isashing blae eves, elegant a Mar ih the well, she liked Bim, de. At all events, she stand well in his eyes, and from this 3 Hart 47 just a Lit $n ; sprang her de sire for the white Ince fan. with the lavender silk hining and the carved sticks, Mortimer had given a shan, and FETT stachiion +e sald Nina, Rs thpretlier, Ber grim il “Uncle Leap Fon spare mie Jen Unele Le ap ith-n sharp at ‘You know, ba, ‘M ey Carrols chat throggh the gave yon five terday. Itisallt present. “But, nnceis, here 1a a whe desk--a tea-doliar bull “Hamph'" and shragged his sho some to that if you want it soanlerfeit—a dead loss, so far as | am eoncernad. I don’t know where 1 a pe agi Es rat? . bastiie LED HE wey 4 » t * BERN px An't so plenty n-doliar bills air like sparrows dal) lars day before yes taal you ean bate al 2 sould possibly have taken it in.’ “Bat it looks good, Unele Leopold.” Of course it at else I shoaldn't | nave heen sold as [ was. shild —take it away’ [U's not pleasas to be reminded of one's folly by the | perputual witness lying there And so, with a sigh, eonnterfeit, sadden 1 “1 dare “f don’t believe it's said she to herself, a springing ato her mind. it is a good bill, only seme old fogy or | other has refa to take tt frou Unoels Leopold, AL ail the experiment any barm, and I £ ini evens, It certainly ean ¥ Wir want thao t do money 30 mueh! “Mass Carroll!” ‘“¢2h, Mr Fortescue! it Nina colored scarlet, tle vexed that Mr orton have avertaken her mst on the thre: hold of Newton & 1 axley $ great ote ! stor; and yet why should she be an uoymd? “Am [ia the way? ap Fd CBE gular Wr EH ARO wis whgll on Joie et oe ie es pido a WHITE LAC FORREST AN. £4 Ne Ay 2 SA, 7%, RH SS 5 SOB pany vou?” he asked in an o what a i And if Ii bat a glittering WAH A nx IR t¥Mass Ao rol Take it aw he read tA hefurs | Nina pat the | money iu her pocket book and went AWAY, fea sy : mea bo try | May [ aceom- | Tome ir reward A a whe Hoey shalt sient bose im Renven thy native al e great and alr it, a hag Frances Ekin LAison 5 ANA AYA, I Bo irre ke dry NA, at oo 0 00 , pee 070 Jeli HOS 0 RE PRE OL FAN fal 4 AVES, r Boon Tt PA SUNITA SLY > v, - © I Cre a 1%! pe Sa id vt 2 = FERAL Boks A743 a wid Mist, Pail tts | Lars % 2X hit oh as eae pi Ball vonscons that vag, yet uowilliag to deny her. laxary, and herself that done, Nina Carrol handed ponnterfmt hill in payment and scented trinket sliure it owWathon atthe sie was do ¥ snintel ¥ Hi harm ear i suading Tne piri took vi anid presenti wn packet arrived, “fam ready 0 ing Mr F leaning against emplary patience, XE ssid Nina. w a Hter £3 Bad = with * Ww irteso ie 8 Lites : tha transsatiion Nule-by-side 2 id 70 thin A Yirig arkesl. #8 soon were gale ont on the varement she will ig tis © Me tered LAMAN Y spectacies ered in aNd i The be Ki eoper § ; Kis Rie i woman, looxed ars } i “It was Miss Cli canes sie tore 1t i and i had TRA fat. There ao Cs parsieas’” “Call Miss Charaoek at on proprietor. Fhe Was pe, spt * 33 3 thie bail 1a sonnierfeit mnterieit? th, Mr i eo i La%ey cannat possyl iv ba I took 1% fron young lady Cal you Amy fhe { ae eyes an i Wiiite ae . f gaeant des ribe ler sitatanl very protiy, PEA Pate THI, watid My 14 ‘Hampi! sno bow Lat alnle i M inn Chia $s piensy, 18 waiting Ro Amy was discharge i harried home turongh spend to we dae w An : na heavy a% 3 a as ashe 5 # Forteasone, may I ask +1 don't my Strange wire Rs with a little 5 3 The vig wonder yon are przziad at Amy interrupted, and , hysterical iangh I she pau wana connterfe it, it has cost mae my situstion And a lationg Mr 3 Treat tahd the simple story of 1 Han y Fortasone ry rte rest Fie Was One : 4 VEE nen, said to Hae wonld have helned an old Pax 3t 434 Sirheny Pit he A | mnat be reiastated in the faliwonyat across Broad way, or stoned 3 attorsd show! of » nists wi fa as readily as the ndkerchinf of a Flora nuteral 0 Glaser ra . the any tears that that pialy vol tha words ara 1kn a anil give you pal he a ide 3 3. 3 “x BAATHH BS ppmlig TRAINEE T@, NES en thoaght pact Ning you YP ¥ havo di i wt goa thas intarranted imma Lar YONI, Hist Piya This poor iri her place witii= Vaxi ay fail Pw at delay!’ "Az ¥ Pde sod mo Nina, bw LE ; 5 TERY of mortid maf Joris “Paro waid Mr F Let me 4 : Ce this Giltle aceonul hae Briasete, lava the ¥ LU acle Leopold, hrasqne- Are paar But wae dre My niece can afford neitper dilow “Wa Heda wai} melt ten r fans nar Wo ARrTYInG EYEE 8 Yoox w ety u = IRN Will 8 shepper, a9 § 3 ¥ < than as oB0 Caltivater, PAST HE (OW SHELTER. er #4 Ae io ithe farmer av? will a inoreasa the profit Amerson Agric. SriCan from tha teat Time tor Plagrin, Beye ress When to Subssil, : fRieri mothing Viaere 18 a right way and A rou way of subsotling, Several of our sx periment stations have recentiy invests. the with more or less most cases sub. in the fall hax frend osnesial iy ils resting on a hard and packed nl The fall and winter rams valk into the surface layer six, eight as the case may enter the hard subset! of water rans off into ditches and STOR spoistare has zadry spell in spring ther supply Benes at any deepal of tinie FReet in ! cannot do mrad arietly tharonghness soiling whan sean a HOY 2 sand snbiect In dong ter tive 5 tent Jere RERYY dee cited When fist obs war PRE nig itary Wek vi x42 3 i FAS bg HY gr ten ihehes cADD wv that the 3 SH BEE Ra ety & $ % 3 us y pay for itxalf 0 ee, BOT aril he CT Harm me yy fora ny PORN fhe site fare rs riviera ¥o % pring wikitering vets, when tins sariace ceanarates) durin SIN er I% 1 fur gonad ‘ $ Ek \ y RKuheoiling Jesnens the nat tirera x £333 He SVS mnt 3 FARE and allows the vied to ran off ta stpbwmonl AE % ot be drawn on when the iiasr tise QV varie Rais an eychateed stu etween subsasiing ih SLELNE, as FERS WPUREY Lan file 3 porous daring tha ad from malts Lasaiim Foe sir ti, sarin Free sud the mul ahd then Th no water to soak down and ide 4 doe “RUNS Cerne Cw pw ed Enonaa STRcas Ewes Elia Lanne 2. 88° earth dhe we 13 Pies fi LL WAY ye suheeglinge wingt iittie mod Lier ak ial fall srs water for next sao while sn ang sunbsotihng Bittle » thse 3 at wast i moisture ary Io tire dry i i Provention of Chirkesn and Hoag Chelera. theory about the ebaolera, wken and bog. 1 shail + beeauss | olmervad in the newspaper HUIS mornaug that a profes. it agrienitural college holds Pilar Tinta it My theory is that imply a diet di HBAYa o wh ch Aouad fet Sai ¥ bi 241 a ra ah both whieh gate often msile of ee Farm gates cis d $y = RAS 3% Foowry ¥ ne ofthe +. oo Hei 3 anise TANG 08 Mir as much fortunately the crave exercise; they peed it, lack of |. cholera 1s asd LR Lan ara ha str sHsp chickens may 1 believe the att hogs, Hogs anid ex {= fo uot they walk knows that srpids » : $83 DR fat Heaitay: Trae pay “ any anal mri Sueatakos, PARDINL 18 the hraces a chat New Fuglaud ® ® fer Bisrss HRY in or need fresh waler, SYELRe an yury: poarisy ch 3 The [oe Hanes, 4h a 3 ! § E34 i perish for The number arise on ahieh ? petead J = siothfuily dread 11 Nurely sw honses (re to ' . : ] , af tracedy ip the dd ris 1A rand bariy Marventadt: IR 1D : in TRA " + 3 4 ; wig iat ii tu us of ae os } # east that of i= Sreasing, an | iis FET ee ‘ . Nes Lae fiat ta 3 . i 30d fi fdier und and oe Lr naitted vantages of @ Clean bBiatise Mari ¢ EDT RIELY OF Ue Gliack Pie dry Sw ARCH seaman! smoniy duanag ‘ pol ¥ A Le wp 13 Rf in ished wav fie Boasis- they they need dust in LEY Hot any will wich 18 53 pet TMEIR AYES full victuns 10 Oakes CAXT: nupa the xki 1 fit stead 5143 dirt, aspects caiind mk mask barn in the country is enouga 10 Late A society. They are wo, the moking® can forage for They are permitted to drink ont of gutters tioongh which all of sewage may be making ite way. And at might they go by forse nto a stithing ponitry-house. Why shonldu’t they choiors ’ Fromm “The Blaming Hen-Coep,” by ntave Thanet, 1n Hurper: 3 Maganae, more Lal pigs fir: and water he condition of fowls Yar i% humane fod on corn and pekin Fy : ng whatever thew Kireenyiod SEY RNY fing wa AYE oy (Leas Tra RE are MiRaner HEIRS ansyo A Pasture Fae She or Niabbe, inky Firwt English Government, ie Hpst nent of New York, ; x York, was RANT AUrres un 1664, aud Ly vanes, LEON ARE ii AW SIREN Petras Savy “ % togwmsir i ¥ Sed Fiat ériok, as Nin York, Lf . Way REO, Lao. Lam lepmiy fain Thiel § zr to fie iMag e wi Honey. industry, JL nr rheys 3 He much honey A The lees Teaspaoninl 1 simi ties at wi tie ial eof siRneiions ihe, and the 1% as to pe rigrm, w TRREp OY nnn gniined pore thau a sugle season, bison youl des alfurd proteciion § El .