TA EA RRR is Aiea i ins SA WR PEC TAA: ime CEA A A SR re FS A SN sR BEST-PAID WOMAN OFFICIAL, |THE TOWERS OF SILENCE. fecvar wiil notice evidences of sxoita. ! BLCULAR SCIENCE. Miss Mary Kirk Gets $1800 a Year For : raent among the sumerons large vul. | ls tures perched among the palms and! Dr. Nicnoias Bra) of Dmbugne, TEACH I NG y Vv I LL.D IN DIAN . 5 Franuiiing Torruguear. | { HE PARSEES OF INDIA DIS gypressas near the tower, They utter ows, has invented . ravge-finder fon ? 9? The highest salary drawn by any! i : a 3 : : i POSE OF THEIR DEAD. j 3a wit paonte reatisanly on the naval alinen br will meeastire ac women clerk in Uncle Sam's employ | | “A ALIA SALAS FA, re A 3 on 4 . OHO OS HGH ORR ROS DE0SOIORRE |W B10 per amma, wich 1 pad vate plain! hair carately distances within ten miles, ay 3 : mo +4 ol = lia fapnt 1 ak API rE ail fyut hake “i His iw Wp FESR TECY Abaut ihe Towers =x Yerie | Bx 2 8 ah MTS x Fr pha. fy ha oss dig RANE 3ealiad ® He In 1892 the ‘Seger’ school was | with brilliants and rabies, others | _— | jabs Paradise—fodiss Given Over to built in Oklahoma Territory, among 8 with farguoises and emeralds. In | 4 Sh ¥ Sures avd the Fone fhrows fate a The nas siaTR Having The ol glands of the kis ars most colony of Cheyinnes and Arapahoes, t some the stones are set mn the shape Zp Central WellmStrange Burial Servives, | their task, emega from the tower, mumser 3 in raves Bving ande th considered among the wildest, most! of a monogram i ell hal . CU deming the dear with s sharp bang, tronics. heeanse ihe bir Fsnihen backward and non-progressive of all | When not exhibited on their plush ' ni dine a nh A a or ie 1 the Indians. Fortunately, says the background in the shop windows the 4 od their ie of srw nitiap arises a loud whae of wings and a low fn lot countries is schon is ofte Chicago Record, the Superintendent avimals are allowed to crawl around 3 4 } orjental * minis. And _jroar as ol a GLerce Wing 1X gis wistod by ue appli a ge hie af the new school-—Mr. John Seger— in a little doll garden in the store, 4 Hl is Ey A treat. A sioud of valtares or soimal oils. 2 : vegetable had already gained their confidence in whieh is planted with real shrubs ; bia Town npos To the srerage oy » 3 another capacily, so that when they and lias a rustic bridge and gravel ’ oo ; wa ev vt aah inti A: eth Lia ar fron ane 10 08 es £ x if on wb Bye Sat Tare yuan wore asked to put their children in | walks, A 5 tess the apehitestaal ir. ri ihe bones of the dead man are pickes A us WY ¥iuible; Some school they said that they would as amg kc ain Ft es a ; the ainia p aus b 3 taane wind the gurged hinds Gy ian per . rE e isi i A Strang soon as they were weaned, And they | ues CLOBE FOR PARIS EXPOSITION | / 7 3) oh 2 ls a eri 3 : yaa), nek in thelr ‘purolses of 14 : ey: . ean fee shan gi thonsand Carried this out literaily. FOR PARIS E 7 i , 1 r, appears in a I ar REE Of ihe token. wall stars; through the Lack telescope and Many incidents are told illustrating | To Measure Eighty-four Feet tn Dinne. um Shot A the splendid work which has already ter, and Will Slowly Revolve. STS Vite been accomplished directly and in- | The great globe which 16 to he the Satin fie waves of directly by the school, for often the | leatare of the Paris Exposition is now | TERY >» aloe tax of ued : [he hearers. noon lea he tow. ©, long distance abead influence in tiie commnnity is equal | pearly completed Elevators and VE AND as Ly FR Sinn. sarth. B ad we we pative to spall inolosars sear b A a RE ite 16 wha} whisl se to the actual amount of education stairways will ran to nine tiers or | GQ Cat . Be sacred Clesients | fal sa ne | remove all their elotiung, para ian bo filed with off aid placed 15 within the school walls. | floors, from esch of which a section of SEAR 4 {tcc fant latiad to ha tefl ithe’ th bodies theron Nut, SPINE Be hielt Shows it 6 the ge : oF -— ot “ : pha. Ww Ppt. : we foam I : aired distance, a weighted valve open. EE es AS ———— rs Sh a en f = Ra i 2 By Way EY Al SIF EhiK ey Li Sa rs h1s Shs Lvs or ES teally to Qsehgrge the of nae ae a $ e # oh as “ poard there protection agiansl (ne heat of the san, x2 By gaye HWY SAAS their nests be on lian hean enlied in anestion by (i. Butler, of Lendon, who ny that the ressan why many of them at y segson trifle with Mise MiBY EIPFL some me helfor, AAAI Sn " a a —————— AAA] 1 r en . Miss Mary Kirk, transiator of Ports. | gnese in the Burean of American Reo- | publics at Washington, Merit is ro- sponsible for Miss Kirk's distinction. | : She was bora in Philadelinhia, and, eat ael = . >? wi tumiplem at resem bilag dusting at Saaribhmors Cols his cd ia i od a : : TT hemp Ink tha peigtral wall, win is hear legm, she wont to B to become _ v Chr Are : i we 4h Aitihnately eramblo and aneh as the apple, pear and raspberry professor of languages 10 a girls cole! i. oval sion : A. oil pass into the nl lerground drains, have also an aromatio priveipis in the soe exactly she chararter of ihe they first saw 3 Fria sg 3g. a aod . : 2 . . x : « * | lege at Rio Janeiro. She returned 90 ©... 00 By t] ag To 1h aan 3 ha Parsse, “the rich leay If these are immersed in a the United States ns transistor for the ; SE ie : : ; Clea nese mast foamatiiew an ong Radchariie dad. tnsether with ase > A . »% Gv sy 5 sido i i v NE : FOREN 3 £353 o =: SR de adat $2 Ta at ess ? 35k 4 Pr Brazilian Minister at Waslungton, and : hh : } 3 tele 1} Eo # » a . ¢ i 5 NTE other anvine, 4 3 % gi y a 1 Wig £5 %s : : a iL 3 : iately sssnmed her present pomion, a : om thes Aund will acqaire both the fava a sa Fo we fo0000 10 Wena n i % : p : ¥ slate A phetarsiine eles : ie : iid the odor of the fruit, and the al : The Diet of Ostriches. Wh x mm ; fr 7 tha ai gi Vg rgisore Bare ranchind | sedyel abtaine 3 Hatiilation fromm The omunivorons aualities of the | ¢... =... 4 iE ar, a Mise En from the northernmost part shi 4 ¢ : j . ostrich have hardly been exaggerated. | oun Fv ar ho lad Fhe! Dwed thst gold has been found it swallows oranges, yn gll taryss, a ee : ki Bd s Taran Ea bl {oper Toran ; o ys : 3 § | § 1s 4 a tg § - : : £4 ; { TEE sinatra } tne uo i fowls, Kittens and hones. Mr | Li and have tra » ® | Jt hae bean fowad both in to SER I we 5 $id La : i the Dia i wf prt Ws ir 1G periorate mora ann Sehreiner tells of one swallowing also - af vra med Sp wetness amd in meyers P 1 pariofale more ma : : » nt 8 stable parade i , : " : Ennion rane ow Bn Ariel a box of peaches, tennis balls, several oy... el po places indiated a richness that may ; x a i at 3 a : é Stl FORTE ONLY Flea Biv gic i bh ; : g Tire peloete, oodurraad 10 He KO i yards of fencing wire and half 8 dozen © vy ; Lo pmaTa a NRA aon Ad Boasn Rat ape ya * aE Ba BAG 2 Lory : ite papnal, England A partiaran target & sartriiges One followed the work- a ok a : 4 the répart was variled a rush wa hh thied : ; % i » 1 aah <i . * ; : * ike Vikien Longa Finite kk ren and picked up tha wir as is Sas 3 ox wile from Stoekbolm by deveral buy p vo fev \ wi fraqueptiv he ol TE _ Celie i wl : or this sew Fi 0 dy ty-ve feet in front, at an angh allow each dlinty separately, ta maveral Uf 1's throat and than swallows them all st once. Some- it is strangled. Its windpipe is then eut. the ohutacls taken ont, fand the wound sewed up, when ail goes well agai A onse hold Worde, WhN Pp great do pf io W% ¥ . 5 ¥ Eerye Men laarraas, i OF fer to break 42 pa : Tr 3 ; : ; roy fuer aud throw Mo wi To Lapland. . ¥ X, Fat WEES ¢ ha Mg a vt of Sweden or werghing a wie 3 i A I RIE i Waning or Hf The Of Alden Hones Rill Stands. hoaase at Duzbury, ati] stands, ap ¢ when John and Priscilis Alden ceeupied it. Farther. : more, thers Hyves Lora yaritabla TYPES OF INDIAN STUDENTS. | Priscilla Mullins Alden, a lassie of 2 hr Ein SE TEN rg mm eleven years, who is es ninth genera. Oma of the girl papils who entered the globe can ba seer. Tt will thus be | tion from the ons Priscilla Mauls ed withen | ki 100 wards of anh ts BE Gost en Bi the school whea it opened has had possible to follow the equatorial air jing. who became Priscilla Ahlen. cae ad voeetialie Biden boy the aves # Probie ron Sha Fam pa” a y and Jiselmming U qaite a remarkable record. Having cles aud make a thorough study of the | There are rsany others of the direct | haus diaes of nals aed on A i Gledlavare Ore Loss Fol afrese pray ly taught me. instead ne previons ednpation and leaving her earth's surface | descendants of the original Pilgrims seq Five are aie for tha wemosmral” Et cea whieh I dropped on my Kuees al really savage home for the first time, { The globe is being bmiit by T Rad. | living thereabouts to-day. of the hodies of Pars tm pond A a ington’s feet and burst mio tears | she has demonstrated what education | diman Johnson on a sealeof 1 in 500, | : : sinsidine in the comrade ils TUE AL fiw 30 4 pari of Dal All the resourses of dramatic art sonic is doing and will do for the red man. | 000 of the actaal size of the earth, or! Fas Killed More Than 4000 Deer. te sixth 2 : oe Donlinn of cris. | TO EE hurdly have devised a more effective There is a system in nearly all the | roughly, one-eighth of an och to tha! Jeff Watts, the king of denr Killers wis and outeoas Pipe frat ; SHAY BRI ABER IR : : ie = me of 22 Son, Washington shonspsead sad ten Government Indian schools by which mile. It will measure sighty-four feet | in the Ozark country of Missouri. ha ia 154% and the sevond mm IT 108,00) krovot $6,133 Anh for 108 deny raised me, saving with @ sue ~ those pupils whe are both industrious | in distneter, and have a surface ares gone with a party of his Webster | Rach tower is d cat thet feet Binh EF raesn = wundwry ramlwsy “Why, what is the matter with the amd frugal may earn money in the of 22,000. Bome ides of the vastness | County friends on a haoting trip to 156 fast an creiaieren e and au aagh lars of swag : sewing room, ou the farm or in some | of the work is conveyed by the fact ithe Leatherwood Mountains in Arkan- siraeted of Mocks of trap roca wo A land, with have a tender sound, hut one of the school’s other industrial de- | that if ihe material composing the cov. ‘as. Watts had over 4000 deer to hin Jaton samental ola and any. i ¥ Shea RAN rulway BRE. may sot convey the genticness of lus guts. Of course this must be | ering were unrolled it wonld form a score several years san He is one of i smoothie on the aatmde by whbelur letter to Chicago Inter: | manner and the winning softness o outside of their regnlar work. This | band one foot in width and four miles the most successful hunters im the Leavy coating of ehasaw rym mp a ——— his volo, as he wipad away my tear young girl, after taking a regular in length. In order that the globe Union, atone parapet abo Spa 4 high of thet racy Babess with Lis own hamikerchiel, kissed my course as a scholar, was judged capa- ie ; 4 above the three concentric or t 8 To mbar of Batans. Dil + forehead, and led me to a seat as he ble of receiving i salaried position. In| las of enrPpHe Peopplal which sions: i cttiiney tor. Walls DN Shr TOY Hmagat 4 young prineass. He sat be | the conrse of a short time she filled | Zz harply toward the eenteai well and | cq ws at the Riga a a ars. | We me, and ws lsugiung jest sot one, but several, and worked in| Ds ho hewn wot of solid tsk. | While hers. hur celled on Dies | Dasight s tu the piste of m) the sewing room besides. Out of her | : teary feature of the stracturs repre | MoKinley and was of oi savings she bought a wagon, harness, | asad -~ arate a Zoroaatrh w princiule or fest. | wenctice 16 the was also admitied 9 | uy aye, iY ; : Kg ’ o , ; . 4 hl IrRO TIONS 10 Lhe 3 yb MUATewR Mp roame a3 team, organ, bedroom set and a sew. Fs 8 Ca % : A Uery are Peni iw Seer » Lor pate ha ie GE A Ar ing machine, all in view of her pros 8 AS = = ee a : Ra Ping the seventy fawn af is & ined ao Ee praRipre Hao enarded me from my pective marriage to a young Indian to | Ox PHL RA Sh df the Yarus, of Zoroaster, ay antl nid * Tab I WP mother 3 oulingn : Rept me with | whom she was engaged, snd when! : Ea, a ive Land iia TE serie. BAYS RM ©. his wiale 13 the drawing roam, R they were married she took enough’ - , : ot of Go ay a face! le 1 : nie savings with ler to build a home! | ] — j ] he dead we 8 theown, Baboon! aah bon 1 aT as I : All this was accomplished iu three | 3 wer : pimaty feet in evr and Thi: iecal ha Nysis = pu sil the good things on my phate. years' time. : ’ : —- . rs ‘ mr é aides and b § ar suit wih ati Sa * ive . EN % Rae * dinner he took mie fo walk a the gw v same, and 1 ww vr to Maan Veram i A toobizh elidd? The wor ¥ sigs Troan LIVING ANIMALS FOR JEWELRY. | ] pr AVE Lis well Aesr Than Bottom, theo fe i 3. ast segson, oR Se gy uy intellectual staturas, Bd A sy- New Fashion in Paria Uses Live Tortalecs 3 - ; SARE " ! - [oma ; {wn te vn ima th = whilin ‘ fis fierst ; ; 1 weve Hrmterstanding of my =u Yor Ornaments. vt ibd a 4 - fone sadergronnd piron af tha Base Ysas BE Rs i yi ag, Ra SEA and need, he drew BE Alam Rh Ee fhakine Ma d0HE IN ; LK ¢ the themes of ay me ato revedst f uv hopes amd fesry 4 end Mau PAE he new “living jewelry” is all the page in Paris. In a show window of a prominent jeweler on the Rue Royale here are a nuiber of tiny living tor- foises imbedded in jewels aud crawl ing about on plush cushions The tortoises sro from one-third to one-half of an iuech long without the | head. Their hells are covered with | df ; an ornament of filigree gold in which | ds mg a Lt es LC” SRL hot wach : Raiaer DAF | Panniers fe estate ermmier, but sbi woul enka Wor iaset 8 number of precious stones. pT “ren Ry haw I ere Sha. | ! Em ih in : : eo iby tho sake aneetiled, there hanoh she lived to he Sfty ¥ The jittle animals sre in no way ia- ar : Bre | commoded by their ornaments, To —— a OR BNI FA 135 Wiipnt Fifty Years: Now Caniet Steak. Catford, of Bine + a ay foames aif view share taal Rat = climes inv onl A A A RS SAR NTS iL AG (35% Lo ELk and then he palle WAR Saude GEFAT GLOBE FOB PARIS EXPOSITION | ane oF by v Parsee priests CS tar cou si hi : 3 ne m————————————— a x : chim erdats E lian ¥ Es Tha A's Ag, 1 for oa re lniul | 7% « %3 aiasty Eraan OW $10 BOWER . J DA Tay ay lhe properly inspected it will be Utilizing Seaweed. og frietian of the deceased in 3 : z 3 HALLEY PPR R We illad : 2 oi : mh surrounded by a circular wali, round forway i utilizing seawead for the | vac vous holding the opposite 2p hinat nu Miu a ion cs aamin 20 which will ran a series of galleries. FV inction gine, starch and wo ga wit! Mid Reten ih 1h i - wlan y So Hh gasme ee nd The globe itself will revolve slowly, ter tha extraction of the iodine the. pats siiA Bre alliredd A Rew whl Ce £35 ta a Ais farm. Bar , wil ik | thus permitting the spectator to vies sed contaizs A sinng for paper i ss TERE RS A ‘5 The Marviand State Fish Commis oe stig : Ea er 3 Fp ons nel every part. : PL ‘ ¥ vow aedent i vw woah i ¢ stseitml = arn Byres ot cyl aiid . riers” Pasi) 188 j Every piace of any © £ ® a3, : : ; : RR : Ekg ried Hor voial muscles Dad Tg i.3 YE yo oasis Bok | giver: and all towns of | tants, while larger towus will be | excellent substitute for gam arabe, Ase ANA i : eal¥ which Marviand has long been MMONS, | posome atrophied from Jong Jdisase | marked according to seale. Various oid Ln th rg i$ Tard 1m great dang TREE nea] tet woh. By Hg a | colors will be employed to distinguish i He Spoke From Erperieace, put ul x 1 or moses 1 sxtioet. The pries SL VE Pus emi i a uutiem dice | between «ea and land, forest and des- Li : Rat 2 cing within | cous Ww eXiravapunt thal. BOBS eXeept hod a oar * Sa ; <. : { ert, while every gone will have a dif- : than a : RL “ » ¢ivRptionally ait Ak 12 i gt Ed By Er a pon Pm “ jurrmitn dL , t ferent shade Fal Fane 1 Ladd 5 i i ————" ¢ Unidergronmnl Sanitation. » : : . A g . Sgn # : 13 is declared in London that the : vr oN 8 a 5 Th Prag ' i $ Bn BIE 4 PB TEYe #4 Tle Tu oh bf Thea MER g ; : s 3 ny : : - test ” t : : : . ’ . g i $x i . . edi i ¢ . : . : is $3. PEORIA Sr Are Lol Que health of emploves on the Under ¢ Ride ar Tr : Ss fh cp ah 5 185 and aany of RW v | ape FY : . - 3 $ : : § i . . . a : . : . - ' . k Ne 28 3 RoE, RIEL (TARTS ] NEW EIVING ERNELERY. ron i Rail Ww ay is hotter than on ALY : " hr 3 ak 4 : 2 3 : % + Sik : i 5 gl Lak LES 3 $10 Hal 15% farviand ea; hon s : . : . : Find : ——_ line in England. The atmospheres is . : Pad 2 1 : hall 3 Aaahad Nd abais k 3 : i TH i : Ln hn anf : ii. i A } pa ae 10 fhe shel} is sRached a tang gold cba | (40d to have positively cured cases of a, Tow Ben "i hon rin A Th tous IB 1 WIA ae Teasn | Sa a th wil 4 theft Ty ¥ 1 3 Ag : . : 3 3 bd ide Fail eid Vs v7 i : 4 - \ i, % i _ : HG IRe nt 3 ail t era theft, that can be pinned on the corsage by guinsy and bronchitis sud to have EER. Am NTU A lL Ta, : Ei IAVEL Derunia GI Husieiye mony Bail geqpkenness, gam! | > safety pin. Hane ted yop le with ions troubles : g oT ny : ‘henge, eI SOPs 3 tana 1nta th Fond air Tei vposinead a2 aint i Tillie BE : KARL ; i : on po poops #2 thin Hit . a i: i 3 . In aad brawiag the persons in The illustration represents one of reins Elon ] . ! Wower ny Ian Goial bearers. called | eradibly siuall, and we pevomitsnad ih x a Sant whine A 3 ¢ . » - ; ec dhe amoral Aare {1rd he Iya these ornaments, It is a tortoise cove Cost of 3 Cavalryman, sialanel Flegel avon ting to IRSSANEATS, OW IFif IT Gas deposit &t ise aent of £10 rls 2. Eas . re 3 P : iar, teil plight : * Ne TN ia 5a 2 is ¥ § : mea " WAS esRenes oO vo Rhea in : wo ered with a fine treliis work of red i ‘The cost of mamntaiung 8 snvalry i1sany money in Gorse rac ; i asked tn coe of the open recep. | convenlsnl to pals sand tae marsh Ee / I 3 raenie ue diamonds aud brilliants in Louis soldier and horse in the British ary “Yes, indeed] : EW | shore of the Chesapeake and its tmba- |, A Le Nee Mm ney ut ae s En Ag . x met Yaeinme al $1 : . ? chided anpepuial persans we » Quinze style, Some are orramented is about $500 per annum. York Times, . During all this 1 Wale aries, ipa aw. ery piles do eggs aud other QRSATOTY missles, —————— §———— -: RA BAHAI ro a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers