SPECIAL GOOD ROADS EDITION. EUROPE VOL. Vo NO. 11. I. W. COOK'S DE Of all kinds at our store at all prices. Any kind you may ask for. Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars #8 Tobacco. In the front rank of Hard- ware Dealers is the J. E. KIRK HARDWARE CO. ready with a sprin line of Ranges and Cook Stoves. Can get you any stove you want, but keep the best in stock. The few remaining heating stoves will be sold at Bargains. A full and complete line of Floor Oil Cloth from 1 to 2 yards in width. 40 pieces Table Oil Cloth to choose from. Bissell's Carpet Sweepers. A few plush robes to sell cheap. A full and complete line of almost everything kept in a Hardware Store. Send in - your orders by mail if you can’t come. Haven't you a room or two ready for matting ? The cleanest, cheapest floor covering ever made. We have just laid in a supply of _ new fresh China and Jap mattings. Also a full line of Carpets rang- ing in price as hows: 25¢, 35¢, 40¢, 50¢, boc, 65¢ yard; also better grade. Come and see for yourself. a E. Kirk Hardware Company. use the Cinderella Range PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA.,, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 18¢8. Communicated Eprtor CoUrRiER:- Replying to com. munication in Wednesday's Herald signed Taxpayer, would say: In graded schools such as we have in Patton, you cannot determine the question of BOOTY Med that dividing number enrolled of rosms The Pation greathr overcrowded in every but the high school room, and present sohool facilities inadequn properly accommodate the present en- rollment. The population of the town is stendily growing and taking the growth of the present over last school vear as a hasis of probable increase for next term it will be utterly fm possi. ble to rouse or seat the pupils in primary and intermediate grades. The average enrollment in those grades bung very much in excess of similar grades in the schools of neighboring towns or cities, The writer believes the int machines for mining of Patton: district an open vet. But should it be done resait we A Very in output necessitating the empio ‘of a larger number of men than at present employed thus increasing the | popuistion of oar town, i The School Board looks {need of additional immediate and imperative, discharge must provide sach accommodations. This cin be done in one of wit: a 13 mill building tax aid each year beginning with the present until the debt incurred for additional wing is met, or by issuing a long term bond at ow rate of interest. The last is the pian the Directors desire to adopt, and have submitted to the taxpayers for their decision on Tuesday next, for the reason that it will lighten taxation for present property holders and taxpay- ers, (distribute the burden over a long term of years, thus providing that the children now being educated will in time bear their proportion of this expense as well as those coming into pur town in the near future, de- riving th? benefit of the schools and ‘should bear their portion of the debt in e¢uity and fairness to all interests concerned, The School Board believes that with the srection of an additional wing, the four additional rooms thereby provided will meet the want of our town for years to come, and in the opinion of ‘the writer it would be a very grave ‘error on the part of our citizens ‘burden themselves with the fall amount ‘of the debt within two or three years; | tho exempting those coming in in the dations by average, i ware grade [EF] MT 4 gi adi > v rediuction of the as think the coal in gueRtion LETT se sy iad bw arg Yiment apon the accommodations as sand in the under the law of its duty IO WAVE, to i fatore to enjoy equal benefit of the Mellon, Patton hotel, retail; Simon M. i schools, without assuming their equit- ‘able portion of the cost. : We agree with “Taxpayer” that our | citizens should weigh this question i very carefully and vote intelligently, (as we cannot afford to make any mis take in this matter, and your interests will be best served by voting for the bot issue. ar example: The owner of a prop- t valued at $1,000.00 would be re (is defeated, while if the bond ise is {authorized this additional school-tax ‘would be §1.50. Taxpayers and prop erty o owners don’t vote against | interests. Vote for the ‘and use your personal a and in- fluence to ani ita adoption. LE] Equ ITY. + Election day, Tuesday, 15th, will be a Red Tag day. PATTON SUPPLY Co. Hon. jas Ker v In: rested. i The Northumberland Electric Raiil- way company, of which Hon. James Kerr of Clearfield is president, will ! build a trolly road between Easton, Pa. ‘and PBathlehem, the most important ‘business centres of that part of the state. The road will be 12 miles long. ‘The company is composed of Pennsyl- ‘ vania capitalists. : Mus! Wear Masks Al ladies who wish to ati the masquerade ball to be given by Patton , Fire: Co. No. 1 on Friday night, Febru. “ary 18th are requested to wear a face i mask. If not an admission of 25% cents will be charged at the door *Te3 Time or Temper No time or temper wasted whet vou Its large and high oven insures perfect baking ‘and roasting. Sold and guaranteed hy 'J. BE. Kirk Hardware Co. Talk about nobby Sloghing wart to see our line young men, Hovs and the Hitthe bo Tug You 5 #y AERA, & for m Va Li REYSTONE CLOTHING LO Closing OnE Sew Me are § at cost in olor to make spring goods. Don't miss this of tunity while it lasta. Call at once. MigsiIN & KUsNER. i. 3 wn. ¥ ig atm 01 CRIT SL ys a nar air ood FE i After voting for your favorite on Tuesday read our Red Tag advertise. | ment. PATTON SUPPLY Co. Back Horn hotel Lop kA gi bond ese February Miner's Brass and Reed Band of Pat- | 5 LOGAL AN (;leaned Here the * ‘Conrier” and Th srg Py nere Dy LICENSE APPLICANTS For the sale of Liguor of Meth Cambria £ anny Folinwing is a list of applicants for lignor license from the extreme North Cambria county: Ashville barough James Hanlin, re- John T. MeCay, Fonntain honse, retail: DG. Myers, Ashviiie retass tal: Bone, J Caroline boroigh Dravid Maple and retail; Thomas Brown, City Jodoy Hindle, PD. E. Notley, MC Weakland, Barnesboro Bougher, corner streets, hotel, Inn, retail; hotel, retail: hotel, retail Barr township Nichol: AR 150 retail: Barneabors Commercial { gicdms =t A. Lather, wel, petaal A. Blum, A. Fara Carroditown borough B, Oud San Brewery, brewer; © baggh, Main brewer, John Glasser, Star hotel, retail; Andrew H Haug: The Hobenuohlern, retail; Julius Rager, American house, retail; Vincent Reig and John W. Dumm., Main street, wholesale: MO Schroth, St law- renee hotel, retail, VV. J. Stolta, Gray hotel, retail Carrali township Patrick Harrigan, Harrigan house, retail; J. D. Kirkpat- rick, Fair View house, retail, Chest Springs borough Ivory, Dexter house, retail Chest Sewrahip ~~ MH. Rix wy ha ile 1. sired Richard B. Allison, retail. Clearfield township Arlington hotel, retail; Lawrence, retail Dean township Richard J. Tree, retail: F. J. Me. Laughlin, Arbutus hotel, retail; W. G. Snyder, Dysart, retail Elder township-J. W. Anna, St Bonifsce, retail; F. X. Ott, Union hotel, retail. Hastings borough EL. Beckwith, Hastings house, retail; Marshall Gill- patrick. Fifth Avenoe hotel, retail; Ed- ward Kelly, Grove hotel, retail; Patrick M. Kinney, Kinney hotel, retail; M. FH. Nagle, retail; W. L Nicholson, Central hotel, retail; RB F. Notley, wholesale; John A. Parks, Park house, tail; Frank Warga, retail. Loretto borough -B. M. Bengele, St. Mary street, retail; C.F. O'Donuoell, retail. Patton borough -W. W. Kessler, Fifth avenoe, wholesale, William A. Cwearge Harber, 8. P. Nagle St Wilson, Commercial hotel, retail; John A. Wolfe, Palmer house, retail; avenue, rea. Cresson township, retail Reade township — J. F. Bonner, Lioydville, retall; A. O. Brown, Arling- ton hotel, retail; W. A. Chaplin, Alpine hotel, retail; Stephen A. Cooper, la- retail: John J. McCann, rea. Lilly, Pa. retail; Joseph Spangler borough Richard Bowen, Crawford street, retail; A. J. Hopped, retail; 8. B. King, The Brandon, retail. Robert McGowan, Franklin hotel re- tail; D. C. Sullivan, Bi Susquehanna township PD. W Hoover, Travelers Home hotel, retail A Genyreus Act On Saturday the members of Con. cord Pomona Grange clubbed together and presented J. E Johnson, a brother member, who belongs to St. Lawrence Grange, with a sled load of grain and provisions beides a large purse of money. Mr Johoson had the mis fdrtane, fall, to loose nearly all his property, which was consumed by the Hames It is an established custom of the Po- mona Grange members 0 help a brother member out when he meets with adversity, and tbe above a sample of their noble generosity » At Palaver Hous. herman, the regular visitio wili te at the Palmer Hoose it, February sth to 22d inclusive woe of testing all defective dd and young and fitting All errors corrected with glasses that glasses will correct. [t will pay you to deal with me forl come regularily and do proper work. Parties wishing to see please no above date, at Palmer ho 2 Eves tested free of « barge J. Lo LinsgsmaN Uptician. xl hea, Grund Ball A grand ball will be held in Fire men's hall on Wednesday evening sth for the benefit of the ton. All are welcome. Tickets cents. PARTME GENERAL NEWS | particalar. saying that the rendition brought out more applause and anything that has ever appeared in the John ‘I. Yeckley, Fifth avenue and Lang love with the teacher. avenue, retail; M. C. Westover, Higler avenue, : wholesale. during the forest fire iu the NT 5 BADLY LOCATED WIGHWAYS owing is Token From The L.A. W. Bilietin and Good Boads he Fo A serious drawback to the improve: ment of many roade is found in their location. Originally they were not ont bot were firmed by paths from cabin to ning along farm lines other considerations. As cap along them and travel thelr dissdvantage became more Working them was almost useless, and the time and energy wastewl in hanling joads over them account of poor sorface and grades amounting (0 immense sums In northern New Jersey, Morris an excelent of at alg, ato 8 4 ie ra’ Apart {¥ry wae ¥ SHILY this Was illaet ration Before the work of macasdamizing begun there, rend the fresholdors on the He found thst many of the roads ran pil after hill, when often have fudlowed the valleys skirted the bills with saving of distances and grade. One connecting a village Creneral Stone ad stitviect. they and Deis principle with the distant, and runs over, four oat id Toad eounty seat, seven niles the same valley, great | This township 28 hill. alcine he figured “ag the wie of half a ton per acre carried annually, ont and in, and at the rate of one dollar per ton extra for the hills, paying a Bill tax af §,000 per year on 14,000 acres, Al same rate for the other hill township the total tax is over $100,000 per year Io such cases the most important thing to do i 10 alter the course of the roads, or lay new ones ander scientific direction, Opposition to such changes may be expected at the cutest, but the result will satisfy the most critical When points at higher elevation must be reached, the most aconomical method is to approach them graduaily, even at the expense of considerably lengthening the distance. A grade of one in ten in the greatest that should ever be owed. Railroads are carried up steep iniines, but not by attempting to scale them. By serpentine lines they travel miles to reach a higher elevation, though sdvancing but a mere trifle, The san policy should be employed in building highways ow ewmtin Yeo Pwestreoct Show Firemen's hall wis crowded from the stage 10 the rear doors on Monday night to see Mehitable Pendergrass it and her “Huckleberry Korner Skew!” which was a great success in every It is no exaggeration in merriment than Firemen’'s bail. All who have attended ia backwoods school will recognise in | very many of the characters correct portrayal of childish innocence as there found. It is true the picture may be overdrawn in some respects but it only adds to the humor of the entertainment, Every character as fouad in the country school of early days is represented from four-year-old Luther Brown and Sim Dipeey, the bad boy to Hesekiah Jones who is in performances brought out glimees of characters so ludicrous that it was impossible Bock who visits different places giviog this play certainly has a most taking entertainment and sbe possesses the talent and tact to make it successful OMeers Tonstaliod, The following offlcers of Patton Lodge of Goud Templars were installed in Beil's hall on Saturday evening, February 5th by Lodge Deputy Thon Whitehead: Jas. J. Ingles past chief mpiar; Wm. Clark, olief templar; gorta Radcliff, vice templar; champlain; Miss Sadie recording secretary; John assistant secretary, EA financial secretary; George Gradwell, marshall; A. H Bridson, treasurer: David Emannel, deputy marshall: Richard Rowland, guard; Peter Pope, sentinel; Wm. Elma, Rade and Joho Hunter § Hunter, Morris rusioes, Arm Ulokes On Monday Amandus Back, of Car- roiltown, had the misfortune to a fracture of his arm. He was hauling ice from the Kirk dam west of Patton to Hastings and in passing alcog a slippery piece of road his sled suddeniy slipped to one side, ausing Longe of the same break. His tes be- came frightened and in endeavonag w omen Tom receive Lhe 28 runny away be was & tree. Besides re De was lhe wise was al taxen was properly cared e1 Arn: Sve wl Fy Still a good assortment of sails, overcoats, shoes, underwear and shirts : at the half-price counters. TE KEYOorons CLoThHiNG Uo, Found -A key. Call at this office, receiving what, meat, should be an adequate reveuue. The various pot to be pleased. Mim oy 0), lb 5 113 - . ” vs A 5 5 + Fy gine sh bl EE Vv dl Fathe: Kittell, Lad iret ¢ ai (x + rynY : . Has to nay A DONT 1 en. FOR CAMBRIA COUNTY. The Polling Written by peared ina Bre Tr bane, At the Farmers weeks ago ar Loretto, Rey Ferdinand Kittel of saany on “Ooord Roads” tained some valuable hints and sug. the He HE rye necaanity : Watpnyer Ap rt funiie af the jodsmstipwn of a few Father [rstitate read an OV. AL Tie, which gestion on sithieed, placed of evel as will special apn the xtaling public INOS Gs BeRPLY the lopograsby the Houantry width Loria & i sta pvigara ARTEL 2 admit. mak throgghon sufBeienthy To paws Uhre ont rooting te bread TWD Leams x hey practicable, The ome of vishi "The writer said veliches upon wheels wore eight inches axie ahorter making a track 18 inches wide practically a roller on the roads. He favored the canstraction of durable roads, as whatever is worth ing is worth doing well, and ws cheaper in the end than ship-shod work. Roads abonid be macadaminsd. He had been informed by a competent authority that a stone crusher may now be pro from $0 to $400, thought every (ownship shan deny of stone, tires on wagons and other clos was advocated he hod ridden Tires with 3 the of which wide, the front than the hind one, Bh dos and he id poses ours at one, and pat it ta goomd (an If the latter assertion is Or pect and it doubliess is there is no good reason why several townships in Cambria county shonid longer defer the cob. stroction of good rads. [pn the eastern part of the Stale townships have been known to borrow large sums of money, constract practically all their roads in a year or two, and not inorrase the rate of taxation Then the people view the matter from this standpoint: The township is botind as firmly as if it were bonded to expend from $30,000 to $40,000 in the spcoesding 30 years for the ordinary making and repair of mud roads and at the end of that time will expect nothing better to show for than a lot of clay roads Why not borrow money, make good roads now, and have the use of them in the mean. time when it can be done withoot nereasing the rate of taxation? In one instance thw rate of taxation was lowered by the transaction, and the early tax was principally devoted to paying the instullment on the indebt- edness of the township. In this county there appears to be an, generally speaking, there should be ~& great dread of bonds. But this should not deter many of oar town- ships 10 take 3 step in advance in road- making, as many of them are now with good manage- The writer knows a certain township which next year will mwoeive from taxes on unseated lands fur road pur poses about $500 as this tax is paid bi-ennally, the yearly average is about $400 . In the futore it will receive from tax on ooal rights about $400 annually, making the total annual cash revenue, outside of the usual working tax, of about $800. For this sum, prob- ably, an entire outfit fur the stone crushing could be secured, or the bare crusher could be purchased and a steam engine could be hired for a reasonable sum, as many portable engines that are used in the Mil to run threshing mae chines are idle during the winter, spring and early summer. Quarries of good stone can generally and in tcalition, the best of which for romd making is the bite stone ont of which Belgian blocks The next in order proluhiy Are mrad bive alate. Then comes the grav hard sandstone sandstone i» alinost valaeless for road ballast. Crushers could generally be so much handling of material avoided. Gravitation could be taken advantage of in the location of the crusher that the crushed stone oid ran down a schate to a place of lading, much, if not ail of which, might he done Dy having teams hauling as the stone in being crushed, and ruo- ning it inte wagon beds specially con- structend so the load id be dunyped, ar into carts. {1 » estimated authority sed it will cost perch to crush stone when the township owns the eter With the farmer, hand, the is about 15 perc. Any ordinary team will haal a perch of rubble—cuarse, broken-bottom stone —or of small crushed stone, and where the stone is abundant that the haul may not exceed a mile and not ap hill Foes WHI Venient are mimic et mnemts lowated that souad Iw S00 ON a 5 wi 15 vents Der by CONT oenis Der SOI $1.00 PER YEAR. ALTOONA, PA JUBJECT OF GOOD ROAD. it should average 15 loads per day One perch will make about two feet lineal of a road 18 feet wide The greatest care should be taken to have the rosdbed well drained. Wher new rods are being constructed the evil the bed seraped wing laken in the shoald be removed and with a road to have middie 1 ways, and shoald be made to carry the water from the apper ditch. Roads shouid be rolied by a heavy rolier as the stone is being pot on, ronping along next the ditehes first. Sharp sand or gravel should be worked in with and well rolied Migehine eared anew hat nigher y abwad fhe water both 3 i +a ws hillsides enlverts on tne fine stone on top near falar probably at the next meeting of the Legislators State aid will be extended to the construction of public made. In fact, this proposed aid is a sine gua aon of the of the Hamilton Road aw: as that Jaw » meeting with much the agri cultaral its repeal & not ime probable. but wheth add from the Commonwealth would be a very desirable thing It ws expected that in the Gperat won nat Snoosition in districts, oF 118 ar not, A lel tows Die wbeive mess thy wane ancl hell epoaseh I= are mough TRI mite x Mend the road after Where roids are best the horses rest sarily and ood Roads can be much appreciated by every bods The Corn what are you for 7 The depth of a road is more to be dreaded than its length. Let Cambria county be the first to commence the Good Roads movement The common rowd x to the farm wiggi:n what the steel rail the lovsmative, Negleotedd and abandoned farms are one result of the costly transpotation caused by bad roads 1. A 'W. Bulletin. This is the season of the year to witch the roads. A road that is gen. alnely ix fit for traffic at all SRT In maintaining a road one of the most important conssderations is to prevent the formation of ruts by keep- ing the surface so aniform that travel will be distributed over it and not fol- ow ln beaten tracks. Bi is Leow] Roads, ™ wm lo aie wi A sorrespondent says Butler county is among the many Ohio counties that are pushing the work of putiing up guide boards all along the pikes and highways, and that even a stranger in Butler county will he able to tell where be's at without looking at his watch or asking a policeman. —L. A. W. Bulletin. If rommala were righ that now abv wrong Kaols Horse might serve as Twior as long PO. % of A Festival, A grand festival will be held in the Firemen's Hall under the auspices of the P. OO 8 of A Camp of Patton on the evenings of February 22 and 2. All are invited to attend. In the Mosse. A good thing to bave in the house is a Cinderella Range, a good baking of bread is always assured. Sold by J. E Kirk Hardware Os Wanted A good gir! to do general boosework. Inquire at this office at se Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tat is whet it was made for. Merchant Tailoring Means a good bit and if vou come to our establish. ment at is what you get We make vou a Fine Suit of Clothes ranging in price from Sis ap, and perfect fit guaranteed. We will show vou the largest and fopest line of Spring yoodds ever brought to this section of the country EE HERE 335. - > tl Dee and after gir, oleansd ee DPC TiRsend. DINSMORE BAGS, PATTON, PA. Next to P. On 2090 HVL RVR YYe Year
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers