The ‘Shadder was etd for one pur- :, namely, a receptable for the arine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except b ways. The first way is { action of the kidneys. way is from careless other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad- der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not lable does to weakness or disease, except in FAYE yhey pat on a bl cases, [It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore n, disease or INCODVERICNOES MAN ai ¥ ins the kidneys, back. bladder or vanity urinary passages is often, by m ristake, attributed to trouble of some sort, easily made and may be as easily avoitled, a find oul correctly set your urine aside for twenty. four Rosen a sediment or se ttling iriclivates kidney or hladder trouble. The mild and ex traordinary effect of Dr. Swamp-Root, the grest kidney bladder remedy is soon realize A you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and ane dollar i bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention the Parrony COURIER and send your wddress to Dre. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The pro prietors ‘of this paper guaranice genuineness of this offer. Pan't To qu! % netic, at of Le, Bae, thn woes and Foleen Spit sod Seale Your 1H Away, yer Lae ag tau $Y and ve and vigor, hr pow thi pron en woess En stro. Ald druguinia, oe or $1. Curses gustan tend Booklet and samples free Al Breriing Howedy Co. Chicago or New ¥ ork iT Children and adalts tortured by burns, scalds, injaries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by asing DeWitt’'s Witch Hazel Salve It ia the great pile remedy. C. W. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR.S. W. ‘Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No. 3. Sr Goners! Surgury and the Eye a Specialty culls will receive prompt attention. DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next door to Postoffice, Patton, Pa. All esis, Any ar night, promptly responded | to. af Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Aflingion black, next to Postoffies, Patton, a. All night calls rsponded © propgtly, Disesse of the oar, nose and Thre given special alle tio. OFFICE HOUR - Tia mand IZ wd pan Business Educaton. Tho Ate pron Re Biol of Basiness, Altos er. Pa will flee you os gradasting foun inn Bawaba petra, whorthand, Tepewriting, Penstvatsinlp and English Bras tes for the PRICE OF OXF BOOKS FREE SEXD FOR CATALOGUE. Ant ARE YOU READY For winter? Thy yoms hemter give vous | sathdaction? Don't put op x itd trou thes hat | annoyed you last year, ONRULT ox atest hosting your house, either by hotdeir, bet | waler oF ints, Can give you estimates on | nny work. GOULD & BEEZER. PATTON, PA CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We ar to do all kinds of | Casting. M , iron kettles, stoves, | - leured thousan stove repairs plow points, plow re- | charges pairs. Our are reasonable. Od metal taken in exchange for new work, @-1yr CHEST SPRINGS, PA. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PaTTON, PA. Office in the Good Building. atu cra JAMES NOLEN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. 1 WwW DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, ERENSBURG, PA. All legal business promptly attended to _Ofec in Barker Building. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at .G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, near P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, Your Watch may geed Regulatio 14 Gs lok at iL. No charge for examination. I it needs atlention weil tell you, and if you would bave us put tie shape we'll doit well 5t wu regular charge that you won't olifect ta TOHZER, The CENTRAL - HOTE JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best. First-class ‘Bar in connection. RATES $1.23 PATTON HOTEL, WM A MELLON, PrOF'R, First-class scoommadations. Table sappliod with the best the nmrket affords. Choice WINES and LIQUORS at atta Jeweler, PER DAY. the MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa Accommodations first-class, Best of Liquors | and Wines st the har. Stabling attached. Grorak FERGUSON, Prop'r. one of two m imperfect | The second ocal treatment of | ing more nor jess than crnale weakness or wo smb The error Kiimer's if You may have a sample the advertised, the Bar. | i Classieral Massie. Prof. W. P. McBride thus pleads for the abolition of classical music: 1 am tired of hearing people rave over class ical music. in classical humane nature. You can say what you | will, vanity is the name for it, and nothing else. People have an i desire to make believe, They want to appear w are Everybody ir people can’t do anything else, rk font and look wise, | Lh yy OE 3 ani. op # FEN an Ba 3 lieve their whieh fi Hane position, aiid satisfies or Reeps from being wounded. No one that jie to enjoy classical music, They £7 iy worid, laborer, say that will admit Goes not Every - heard desire body desires 10 have » thee plassgoal eritie= who do ne rat poured apon the AGY mores COMIODest Bunge are mere ye 3 §.0% You win The eritics have told them than the henntiful Hol mas that a series of thumps and wild plano and srich wiil when habinds and beatings make up classical music, that if a long have any music in them they anderstand and enjoy it. Then a reputed musician comes, who in well the social world, filed ) x they study Liiva, with vanity, and the desire for appear. gnoss, rashes forward, fills great most halls, nnd makes believe that sach music is grand and enjoyable. They hear a sweet strain in the great musi tians paying; they begin to think that it is pretty, when all at once it is hroken off by & series of wild rot that is no more musical than a a cracked door ‘bell. They credit the latter as being classical, and applaad it because some- one else applands it. They don’t en- joy it. Take the most ignorant person on the face of the globe, he will ap- preciate a piece of music which con- tains inspiration. If the great com- posers would cut out part of sweet strains of masic, which over half are taken from the great other instrumental writers, thers would be nothing to their composition but an imitation of a child playing a bass dram. Pror, W. P. McBsine From everywhere come words of praise for Chamberlain's cough Remedy. “Allow me to congratulate yon on the | merita of your Remedy. It cured me of chromic bronchitis when the doctor (could do nothing for me." Chas. P. | Hemel, Toledo, OO. For sale by CO. W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE $e Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. An Ewmimen’ New York Chemist and Soweatisf Makes 3 Free (Wer ts Our Readers | he distinguished New York chemist, 'T. A Slocum, demonstrating his dis leovery of a reliabde and absolute cure for consumption Pulmonary Tuber. Lenlosis and sii eh onchial, throat, lung tand chest diseases, stabborn coughs, | |entarrh al affections, general decline and weakness loss of flesh, and all Leonditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLES ali differ- tent: of his New Discoveries to any | afflicted reader of the PATTON COURIER | writing for them. His “New Sejpntie Treatment’ has permanently by its | timely use, and he considers it a simple | professional duty to suffering humanity tos donate a trial of his infallible cure Science daily develops new wonders, | and this great chemist, patiently ex- | perimenting for years, has produced lpemulta as beneficial to suffering ‘humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and consumption are curable in any climate is proven by hesrtfelt letters of gratitude,” filed in his American and Furopean labra- tories in thoosands from those cured in a ria of the world ical experts concede that bron. ny chest and lung troables lead to consumption, which, uninterrupted, ‘means speedy and certain death. : Simply write to T. A Slocum, M. C 9% Pine street, New York, giving post. office and express address and the free medicine will be promptly seat. ' Sufferers should take instant ad. ' vantage of his generous proposition, Please tell the Doctor that you saw his offer in the PATTON COURIER Don't annoy otheraby your coughing and risk vour life by neglecting a cold. One Minute cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lang troubles. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat ton Pharmucy. i The Peiny-Giver to Chuarel Calloetiniin Edward W. Bok makes plea, in the February Ladies Journal, for a more hberal giving church collections. It i» an insalt God and to His church, he tends, to surreptitiously drop a peony ir) the collection basket, when one can readily afford to give more. People, he says, take literally the teaching that religion is free, when in fact, it costa money to have free religion. He sug gists even that from their pulpits that no pennies ar wanted, and he shows how the mone) for church work could be greally in civased if those who now give pens would make a nickel their minimum contribution. This of course, does not iriclade the very pour, whose penny is indeed the “widow's mite.’ AD earliest fa con. clergymen announce Tam A thrill of terrur is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after Oue Min. ate cough cure has been administered. | Safe and harmless for children. CC. W { Blodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. It is certainly queer, but! music you have actually | something that » xisting Hpos noth. | the vanity of | innate | i pr phen, “eaareh’ and Deiat or by | OB An ordinance granting permission to George 8. (ood 10 erect poles and steing electric light wires along the streets and alleys of the Bor ough of Patton for the purpose of lighting the same. SpcrioNn 1. Be it enacted dained by the Burgess and Town Conneil of the Borough of Patton, Pa, and it is hereby enacted by the author- lity of the same, that permission be and is hereby a tor {pcre 8 Cromnd, his Belre snooeescrs or ass gos to erect string wires along #t raw ta janes and alleys of Bor: gh Patton, Pa, to operate and m plant for the purpose of manaf and distribntung etry the streets. (anes PESTO, pr Di * buen Siw Of aint ely Ail Ai Teriiad i= Wom. & Patton, ahr pm, wba, ough of vicinity, provided bw pent and RY TATIELIORS i lorm na pale shall be jess than tw ney from the top to the ground, and wire shall be ss han we nty from the ground, and provided also that he aiways meéep said wires propery insulated and Fi) AN Sc. 2. The poles shall be nnder the supervision r shall id Are tani Driirems rte rie Ls thee catesi as not ta of the streets by George 8 Good shall rep erly relay any sidewalk or street pave ment which may be displaced in U0 Erection of the pores, AW: Ul to Go 80, the Bourough 5 repairs at the expense (reorge 8. Good. Spc. 3. In granting of this S. Growl agrees 0 the streets, residences stores, Kc, as low i pre as the an age price now or which may hercafle tae © barged in other owns in the Stuste of Pennsylvania, and «hall at ali times furnish adequate light to meet all re quirements of the citizens and the orough of Patton, Pa. A failure at time to furnish adequate | light or lghte as cheap as the average town in Pennsylvania, ix now or hereafter may be furnished ser thirty days notice from the Burgess and Town Council so to do, and failure to comply therewith, shall give the Borough the right to furnish light to the citizens and for the §fets by a plant owned and operated bY Hiralves or shall give them the w Kwrpugroiie a franchise to any indi vidual or corporation so to do. Spc. 4 This ordinance shall be eonstroed {0 give nto the said George 8. (wnt the exclusive right to farnish light a= shove speciled, but shall be constroed so ak (0 prevent any one from farnishing light by electricity, gus or other manner for his, ber or their own private use, or to prevent the Borough from farnshiog is own hight or to grant & lke franchise to any per. won or corporation on the failure re of said George So fpewl tO comply with the oonditions hereof. And this franchises ix granted sod intended to be a per petaal franchise, defeasable only hy of the terms and conditions herein contained Spc 3 said George 8 Good indemnify the Barough of Fasten against, and sssame the Rabid for damages which may aris or ace rue to said Borough from any injuries § person or property from the Git © of Any work herein ast ciprigecd 08 lect by said Crore Good © of bis employees ta © 3 with iar relative to streets and alleys of mid Borough; and the acceptance by the said George 8. Good of this ordinance shall be an Se by him to pay saad Borough any sum of MOBY £50 which the Borough may become fable, from reason of such injary. Spc. 8 Raid riglis be rehy granted shill at ail timex Pe stbiect 4. Lhe Be a - ough ordinances now in force or which may hereafter be passed relative to the use of the public streets and alleys by tele plu ne or telegraph companies. Spo. 7. Sad George 8B Good shall file with the Boargess and Town Council his acreptance of this ordinance withi thirty days and shail begin work on said plant within fifteen months from the date hereof Sic. % This ordinacses shall full forea and effect from and after date of itn passa re, Acceptance by George 8 Good, and Jegnl publication thereof, prov ided, however, said George 8. Good shall bear all the bid pie in- «i printing curred by the publishing this ordinance. Enacted and ordained by the Town Council at Sazon, fa, the 21st day of January, Appr es ~ the Burgess the 35th day anuary, 15958, Geo. FE PrINDIRCKE Bargesa W. OC. HiBRARD, President of Council Tae and prog FRR Form erate ee oy & iran Tat wiki OEE the Te ory be in 1 Ben Law of Altesl BE. Wie Greene, Clerk here are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, ihe bee and De Witt's Risers, the last being the fu (ols ditt, fiver Tro Early Latiie ¥ pet ot 1X ¢ {¥iis8 for stomach and Ww Hodgkins, Patton of Predericks. gnronr He had nly a he wondd Mr Wand 1. Smith, town. Mo. was troubled diarrhoea for over thirty ve 5 eve full ¥ satinefied that ari AM it tig iv Ws f a abart time unin He Pact Fugaps baont } iQ emt moo have to give up tren tend me of the and America bat go t relief. © 0% od Eom nen bre da 3 newspaper and chanced vertisment of 13 cholera amd Diag 4 bseud tus of iz. tinned 1 WW. Hx im and 18 von For sale by Jarkcine, Pharmacy We are anxions ! this world and can think anter or betler way to do recommending One Minute cough Care as a preventive of ppeumonia, consump ticn and all other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. CW. ; Hodgkin, Patton Pharmacy | DeWitt’ s Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. Tay 20 § and or eS Com Saran es One Minute Cough Care, cures. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA,” AND “PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hydnnis, Massachusetts, was the originator of “PITCHER'S CASTORIA" the same that has borne and does now Z. bear the fac-simile signature of Te ur wrapper This is the original “ PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” which kas been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on the ind has the signature of No one has authority from me to use copt The Centaur Company of which (Chas. President. March 8, 1897. Qt Genial Fofsder—trn. D Do Not Be Deceived. {Jo not endanger the life of your child by accepting i cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you {hecause makes a few more pennies on it}, in- gredients of which even he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE yon o> nr iy Tr nd nde H. Fi2LLnET ram ¥ x ne ie Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. PE SEWTEGR COMPANY, TY SUERAY STHECY. Bw YosN Ivy. gas of fhe reries, Rochester, N RED TAG SALE. Pation Supply (ompany. * Am Tong rte Chaestion. If your friends or neighbor are suf fering from coughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat or lung diseas inelud- ing consmmption ask them if they The {irvat Press Almuinne. The Philadelphia ° Press’ almanac for 1808 ia not oaly worthy of the great newspaper whose name it bears, but is fully the equal in most respects, 20d in some Lhe ero, oof the 2 at ay formes have evar weed Citas { ite This most almanac publications. It isa well famous German remedy printed volanwe uf aver oh pages, | and large sale here and in performing ore ntains information (53 I: ra wonderful Le of throat and ung i the stadent, the | professional i waves. CW. Hodgkins will give man. or the workman can possibly de. YOu & sampie botlie free. No maller aire tO « ale It will the especially what other ine adic kpus gave failed Wo dn interesting, because of ta look statis. WY Ollo’s Cure L sues 25 and ta every esi fent of Penaosy ivan ? New ARTHEY Delaware and Mar: ¥iana Specs ial attention has been given tw alters of vital importance Wo farm ng amd agricuiaral rests he Philadel Aas pla Press’ in brief, a comprehensive and exact hemmed ree? onovoelonae 4) the 5g dian and dictionaries of oo Bry, ringing thelr wealth of mformation np to date. it will answer 3 iB the SCopDe of al ; may be placed befor PELGEIN Fie Tun a 2308, fees bundy Save So. vd (881 five REET CET BY mil ruc Ais Ag bins * AIRAEC, Lis LOW Hs pen- Li Prewdfully Nervaas. TErV OLS, art's Clover nerves and strengthened my whole nervous sys suri tenn 1 was ip ith constipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleanse] my system so thoroughly that | rapiily guined health and strength. Mrs 8 A Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold at Corner Drag Store. Gents: 1 was dimadfa and for reltef took vour Ki Root Tea. I quieted my Sele, “g 2 x ¥ a 3g Karts Clover Root Ten is 8 Dicasan 8 1 bie w sraiates the Bowed Clears the complexion. fa) LARP lasative Be fies the blood. Fasy to make and pleasant 35 Sod at Corner Drag Store, ols WANTED ~eneral agent; need not have had experience in po soliciting required, p be intelligent, and able to give security if asked. Write imediateiy. Brown Brothers Com pony. Cantinensal Nuarse- . Y. agora a No To Bae for Fifty Centa Oh uarsaieed Debecld halal ig MARGE WAR men siroiy, blood pure, We $1 AL dragiists Patronize vour home bakery and buy your bread from Kessler, oppo- site the Palmer house. mysint HE» hi eil PR "iT i A bowtey Seon o mentation 1 Main } 3.05 IA Tons ecm sett ‘ . Hantinige Jor Clean is having &° That is whet it was made for. UNKENNESS 8 wy wireline, offen oF soap, sae the pt wii ome gli ate Sor drink out iis wnt, sare and reliable on BUY 1 rd inary case Price $1.00 pow Frew partis in plaba envelope for 3. np hy ¢ iTen Phawiean I» * Sevaeyd 2. Philadelphia. YOUR FORTUNE arf i in wos Es 2: RY Yourbks Edm REET at wre nd yi Low, FRE LR Tent y Ep By It 5 3. LE i wy ONE CAR, Hyon sus’ got Bw wd for B. od Tay BRS nr TOE ey ne re Beech Creek Railroad. NYC &HR R Co Lewes Condensed Time Table ASKMEN HBT ESN, @ wt noi Wn di a wi nl wk BH Est Shest ow 3 nr -dorw Bowes § rowdy Mi Hall fowk Hazy ee) re 5 tar WH tm maa gaer EgnsunEsnyEannys ns EOE WS A ge AT We wf BB #5 “Dil Ese wrEw te 3 fn ' iy wy 3 . ar 5 BN 13 arbi SH @ YW oe kod ve Wp om Sanday Hie 55a me Runde ve “ia Wows York wsiemetgory fravedisg Pail adeiph in on SE x om imadin Pro nn " Tomenepmrs 3 Paige Smrs at odnebis Ave Phils verti Fre AL Wis Tort Fit Palle ded tphia and Cd tag rubies al Joey Shore write | they Bewik Ry at Mii Hail Bail wast ar . Tennsy ivan wt ; wd wih meiinoed ast AR tine 8 wired at Hafan, Hoebester amd af Mabuthy and Patios Crna d Ajulaiogy of the any vasa ratirond at Mabaey with the wy ivatite snd Northwestern milway Paine FE Herrioan, Pavti Pass Agent Pailndeipbm, Py DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds, Bures. Pennsylvania Railroad Tinie Table November 29, 1507 Man Line, ¥ Leave romero Bat ward Reng Ripe Kage Pa Wowk days Went i ave WIth 4 erstral mew ri nte na deal daily sass. Anily xg SER, Babel phn Frise, dail % 1 ASE Cray Wo dared fodrviatvre n Savvis Ai 1% Paeifie Express, duty : Way Passage Jails i rb ir & x pees 5 Wad Win Fast Hae dail Fohinatow a Roos. week dave cambria and Clearfield. eatin ware wr Padi ara Crosman ea ves 3M Haan fhvy aa HIN fk Hastings LE Gan Patton Sh Hoel hex Mo sislg tepin Rk % er Hens Carp Joes 5K Com aEY WaY Pwr 4 ead ATW Iamthon 70k Kavier fe BReashany: Ti Arrivisag at irvescs at XO 8 IB A ferment: tain for Paton aad Crosses Tegviw file Campdell at 20% poe Mahaffey al 20% Ladowe LOR Westover 20 Hastings TED (dareay fw Crvmman BW Pubes £8 Bradley Janetion PNY Ravior P88 aria ol risa ab Joli, Nort hwnd Morning Train aves resson foe Mahia Mey Bins Ht shary mR Navior We33 A Patton eT Cmrwny Sor Bast. 1am Hastings for Michin Bes | LSE EE Sor Mahaffey: 10880 Westover (06 La PERE Mant sffey le arriving at Glen Cian peed Wt Ish Afternoon tin for Pal hig x ars pled} | aves Cresent of 3% Kays or ed]: Fhenshboarg old Rrsalley Funsetson se Putten S43 sareay Se Te ans pbeil TK Harway Pr hes Capppbwile TRY over Tae lado Mahaffey 0 armiving at Chem Lnmyplwlt at em oom Fur mule map, ode, *pPpty to theket agent ar gddovs Thos KE Wall, PA. BW. Db, Fil aveioe, PNIE tsbare. Pa. J. BR Hutehisson, J R Woe tien. Mgr. tae. Pass Agt B R & P Time Table. The what Line Between Dadlels, Ridgwas, Helfanl, Sagmenca, 8a Hawtustor Ni ugar Malle End the apper wil wi after Not, iH NSS jw twins srefve and depart from Falls Creek Station daily, excepl Sunday, as iow aN a. mn Rufio and Rochester mail For Brockway ville, Ridgwsy, Johnsonbang, Mt Jewets, Headford, Ssiarmmoca, Bafhio, snd Roehater aonismel ng at Jobnsanbury with P&E mio § fe Hoos, Kame, Warren ore, and Erte, 15. Kx press Ova Rradfond, Jodhaa. lidgway, Brockemyvilie, and inter te stations, for DuBois and Puanses- 34 al pesinnis in 4 yenorranadation For DuBeds, Sy k = ro Run. and Punissulawoey Ja op om Rewdiord Aces saodation-- Fo Shes tree. Hire wavy ile, Floss, ¢ Bromo Hidgway, Johasonbung, Mi Jewell, and Roruit fied $5on saad Por Dots Sy kes, Big Run, Pun osatawney and Walston pug Gyno LVEN8 mm rail froma Walston cetilawniey HRT Express fun sid intermediate sta we Ln wi aroun headin tion hats Pun xastawse: ra Foaprves foe Pan xsatawnes: 298 pom, mat! Prous HintSeaoand Roetiester, C & M Division, FALLS CREEX AND CLEARFIELD Fadl Creek Pra Bevis Tra eis Junwdion ETN Lathersburg How in Anderson Visto Hwans Bridaeponrt 3x2 7 Oureensville £1 aR 5 Wrights - 1h a Cone? 1 Market 8, © © Bewh Uren Depart i EEE 2 Sr Ati mi Pk ATR aim IX ar Hig. (Daily, cxoepl Sunday, Tomin Nis. 7! somneets at DnBods So Ridg Bradford, Butislo way, Johnsonbarg, Hawes Train No 78 conte ty at Dubos for Bondiond, and Migsharg. Train No T§ connects at Cleaaficld with Bewerli Uren miirosd for Philipeburg. fawck Haven, Jersey shore, Willamspenrt, Philades: and New York Thousand mile (ekets al ten cents per mile, Fguand Ror passage Del ween ail wintions Edward OC. Lapey, en ak Pas. Af, Loc heeter | gar Passenpers are requested to purchase tek ts before entering the cars. An exes chinnge Loaf ten cents will be ouilected by conductors when fares are patd on trains from all stations | where a thekel affice ix maintsined.