The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 03, 1898, Image 6

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Good weather for coal dealers.
\ of Lent begins on Monday, Febrnary
Ton} PUBLISHING CO.. Proprietors. | 25th,
E Wir GREENE, Erber.
Frosh country buiter
| Cash G.ocery.
| Children’s fall and winter coats at
Mirkin & Kusner’s.
Go to Hastings Opera House on
Wednesday evening, Feb #th
| Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs John
| MeQuillen is ill with ppetinonia.
and eggs at
A fine line of ladies’ Tancireate ir 82
Mrs. Rook’s store, Magee aven
Go to Patton Pharmaey for Kinds
{of masks for the masquerade ball
Go to Mirkin & Kusner and see their
{fine line of fall and winter coats. -1t
Notice the bargains Wolf & Thom
i son are offering in their ad this or
Sint Dipsy, the bad boy in “Ye
| Deestireect Skew!” on Monday night.
Sera Sons SOSTER 3: bw TOR J An infant daughter of Mr and Mm
i _ | Webb, isill with ppeamonia this week.
| Frank Chamberlain, of Philadelphia,
M® was visiting friends in Patton on
| Sunday.
Don’t forget that you can save
mony by buying your tes at the Cash
Did you see the horseless sleigh
Job Printing.
The COURIER wishes to state that all
“Ye Denstroect Skew!” on Monday
kinds of job printing will be turned
4 out at this office as low in price as can
“he procurred elsewhere, especially on
note heads, letter heads and envelopes,
of which it will pay you to get OUR
prices before going elsewhere. You
CaN SAVE money.
PaTrox Pra. Co.
¥ From L. A. w. Balletin.
A lzity man's vice is a sorry affection
Betuuae if he s & chance, you kpow, |
He'll hop on
+ wong direethn
Rather than walk in the way he should go.
Opera House
Wed. February 9th.
Visit Miller's White Shoe Store.
Easter Sunday will be on April 10th. |
It was briow sero on Wedensday,
Overcoals below cost at Mirkin &
Attend the masked ball to be given
by Patton Fire Co. No. 1.
Go to Kessler's Bakery for your |
‘fresh bread and cakes.
Hata, caps and mafflers, also gloves
at cost at Mirkin & Kasner's.
Liveryman A. Lantzy, of Hastings, |
[win Patton on business Tuesday.
Miss Anna Bock, of Gorton Heighta, |
Pa. 19 viduing in town for a few days. |
Ladies’ fascinators st Mrs. Rook's
which traversed our streets on Monday
morning ?
Wilter Banm, of Chicago, is visiting
his sister Mrs. John Schied of north
Fifi avenue.
Mis. W. W. Spencer, of West Beech
avenue, who has been quite ill of grip.
‘is convalescing.
J. B. Black, of Washington, D. C.,
| was in Patton looking after business
| interests on Monday.
Dit. Murray reports that the young
dagithter of Mr. and Mrs. Quinn is
| quite ill with pneumonia.
Jen Dinsmore, who spent a few
| days among friends at Punxsutawney,
| returned home on Monday.
Harry Good, who has been spending
| several days in Patton, retarned to his
home in Lock Haven on Monday.
Mesars. Jos. Dick, Frank James, Fd
'Lother and Harry McNamara, drove
down from Ebensburg on Sanday.
Flour, meat, fish, lard pickels, beans, |
syrup, vinegar and in fact everything
in the eatable line kept at the Cash |
. Grovery.
H. G. Dill, one of the efficient book- |
keepers of the Patton Coal company,
spent Sunday with friends at Phila
This is the kind of weather when
the water pipe must take its medicine,
the tame as the stove pipe did in the
‘early fall
Mims Jda Gearheart, who has been
J. A. Thomas and F. B. Byers, of visiting friends in town during the
Pang were visitors to Patton on
¢ Sunday.
P. B. Breniser, of Ligonier, Pa, had
business in Patton on Monday and
~ Qall at the City Restaurant, C.
Latin, yr proprietor, for oysters on oe
M1 heh. Parnell, of Houotadale, is the |
guest of his brother, J. Edwin Parnell
this week.
Frank Garman, a leading citizen of |
Indians, Ps., was in Patton on business |
on Monday.
The Bon Ton will surprise you this
‘week by low prices. See ad elsewhere
‘in this paper.
Mrs. Mergaret Yingling and daughter |
Ella, of Altoona, spent Sanday at the
home of F. 8. Yingling. |
Ladies new dress skirts just dv
by Mrs. Rook at prices from $1.75
$4.00, Call and see them.
Attend the festival of the P. 0.8.
of A. In Firemen’s hall on the even.
ings of February 22d and 23d.
The fourteen-year-old daughter of
Mrs. Singer, of East Palmer avenue, is
quite ill this week.
LE Oysters on half shel! and fresh line of
green groceries at the City Restaurant,
next to Palmer bouse.
A bright little daughter arrived at
the home of Landlord Cromer at Ma-
haffey on last Sunday morning.
According to the tradition of
“ground hog day’ we will have six
more weeks of cold winter weather,
Don’t fail to read the hig ad of the
Bazaar elsewhere in the COURIER this
week. Prices are “knocked silly.”
Table Boarders Wanted--At the City
Rettaurant, C. M. Leets, proprietor, on
Fifth avenue, next to Palmer house.
The three-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Rolland, of Beech ave
nue, is confined to her bed by illness,
Fine line of tobacco, cigars and con-
fectionery at the City Restaurant, C.
M. Letts, proprietor, next to Palmer
- house.
Apples, cabbage, potatoes, onions,
sweet potatoes, celery, oranges,
' jemons and nate of all kinds at Cash’
The Boston supper, given by the
Ladies Aid Society of Patton at the
home of Wm. H. Sandford on Friday
night, Was a success.
When you take a trip to Ebensburg
stop at the Blair house and you will be
| ean party.
and is well-fitted for the office of which :
| past few days, returned to her home at
Clearfield on Monday.
Hon. J. J. Thomas is confined 10 his
home this week by iliness. If his health
permits he will go to Baltimore next
. week to consalt a specialist.
Misses May Myers and Minerva
{ Spencer, and Messrs. Phil Evans and
Oscar Kinkead, all of Ebensburg, drove
to Pation on Friday evening.
E. 8. Bacharach, representing Ferdi-
‘pand ‘Westheimer & Sons, wholesale
liquor dealers of Cincinnati, Ohio, was
| looking! after trade in Patton on Mon-
| day.
Dr. W. E. Troxell and iady of Hhiren-
| fleld, W'. D. Gilson and lady, and O. J.
Deemer and lady, of Gallitzin, were
‘goests of Mr. and Mrs Frank McTigue
Alex, son of Mr. and Mra. F. W. Me
Connell, 8 confined to his home on
| Beech avenue from a serious attack of
pneumonia. His speedy recovery is
hoped fur.
Don’t fail to attend the ‘“‘Deestreect
Skew!” in Firemen’s Hall on Monday
night, given under the auspice of the
Epworth Leagne of the M. E. church
Admission 15 and 25 centa
The (foURIER was favored with a
very pleasant call on Thursday by T.
'L. Gibson, superintendent of the pub
lic sedwwcls of Cambria county. While
here hie pimitend the sc hionis of Patton
The roller skating craze is apparently
to break; ont again, after being dead
for about ten vears. Manager McNelis
proposes to open a rink in the Opera
House in the near futore — Hastings
The Pittsburg Dispatch contains
more telegraphic and local news every
morning than all other Pittsburg news-
pers combined. Of course it also
has the Associated Press reports. Ouly
10 cent per week from your carrier.
The Bon Ton has just received from
‘the largest importing and jobbing
house in New York City, a large line
of laces und embroideries AoE all
the latest novelties and patterns at
prices that will astonish persons inter
ested in the same.
Elsewhere in the CoURIER will be
found the card of R. J. Yothers of
Hastings, who announces himself a8 a
candidate for the nomination of As
sembly subject to rules of the Repabl:- |
Mr. Yothers is a good man |
he is asking for and will represent the
used all right. Accommodations ex- people of north Cambria in a becoming
cellent and rates moderate. -69-tf.
Are ye goin’ to attend the “Dees- |
trecrt Skew!” in Firemen's ball on
Monday night ? :
On Monday a large pipe accidently
fell on the left foot of Mr Gould. of
the firm of Gould and Beezer, plumbers, |
inflicting a puinful and disagreeabis
Indiana ecunty had sixteen, of her
Western penitentiary
The oowmt ¢
5% 3 Pus
preGpabe in
daring 1997
was $1,571.08 with a abor credit of
$47 88
A sieighing partly
foliowing yous 1g pep
burg on Sunday ¥F. 1. Baker,
Ella Evans,
if thadr Raw 1d ng
SoS poe} of the
« droves bo Elen.
Patton hotel on Thursday night in
honor ¢f Miss Marie Cramer, of Al
toona, who is the guest of the Mises
After a courtship of 30 years, the
marriage of James 1. Leavy to Miss
Jennie Mitchell is announced. Both
mre prominent Clearfieiders — Mahaffey |
Jefferies Ashoroft, of West Palmer
avenoe, is ronfined to his bed by a se
vere attack of rheamatism. At present
writing bis condition is considered
quite serious
On Tuesday, Wm. Reiley, and Miss
Fmma Nagle, both of St Aagustine,
were united in marriage at that place,
Father Ludden, ofeinting The Cor.
| RIER extends congratalatious
EH Welker, of Satiilo, Hantigdon
county, is spending a few days in Pat
ton. Mr. Welker is representing the
National Protective Society of Ray
City, Mich. He reports doing a good
business in Patton and vicinity.
The CoOrRIER is in receipt of the
annual report of the Pennsylvania
State College for the year 1506. [tis as
complete book and contains many very
fine cuts of buildings, eto. ss well as &
complete history of that imporiant
. institotion.
The Pitteburg Chronicle Telegraph is
now printed on paper of a delicate rose
tint. The managers have adoptad this
tint, they deeming that it is the best
adapted for an afternoon paper, and
more restful to the eye when read by
| artificial ight
Mra Charles Thompson, wife of a
farmer living near Rich View, Iii, is
‘said to have given birth to a child with
{two heada, two hreast hones and four
‘arms. Below the waist it s&s bal one
child. A dime museum offers the
mother $500 a week to appear with the
{ ehild.
! The country newspaper puablisher
tolls every day to make his paper inter-
esting mentally and mechanically
thate's labor; once in a while a patron
comes in and pays his sabweription-
that's capital, oocasionly one moves
off withort paying and has the post
raster 1o send a card that the paper is
refosed that's stealing. Ex
The county poorhouse is now lighted
by electricity, connections having heen
made with the FEbensburg electric
, plant Friday evening. The new tight
is said to work very satisfartorily. The
rooms coupled by the inmates of the
| place are not supplied with lights, but
there is said to be sufficient lomina-
tion through the transoms from the
corridor :
I. J. Kerr is confined this week to
his bed at the Bloom hotel Clearfield,
Pa. by blood poisoning, cansed by a
squirrel biting the second finger of his
right band The accident oncurred
over two weeks ago, but did not be
come wericus antil one day last week
while le was allending the funeral of
his grandfather, Mr. Bargoon, at
Brookville, Pa. During his (lines
Jack Scheid ws Jooking aller his busi.
pews interests here He in expected
home the latter part of this week.
Following are the rhe ted
mombers of the Dude's Gun (lab of
Patton as furnished by one of the
enthusiastic Jobin W,
Walle (has A Wolfe, dog pelier;
Ir & WW. Worrell M.D crank; DH
& ar Manager Unique
ohn WW. Wolfe, villian;
ma Iris whiskeretts:
alisa Bogandas, W. H
Moore, bowling alley flend; John Mor.
ran, sausage maker; W. CU. Hubbard
song and dance artist; Biind Fux,
The New York and Chicag
train of the FP. KH. Ris made up
rewly painted and remodelled coaches
says the Freeman, The trains will be
lighted with eiectincity om storage
batteries, instead of the dynamo prev.
ously Im use. Another new feature on
the cars is that the vestibule entrance
doors are flushed with the car body on
the side. This arrangment gives more
compactness to the car and inoy
room in the vestibuies. The experi
ment of lighting the train from storage
batteries will be watched with consider:
able intervst.
members, Mr
Harry doa,
I hereby announce myself A8 A CAD-
dictate for the Domminalzon of Assen Baad biy
, subject to the rules of the Republican
party of Cambria county governing
; the same. R. J. YOTHERS,
Hastings, Pa
Ripans Tabules cure indigestion.
Ripans Tabules cure bad breath.
| Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Myrile Hoover and Mae
A delightfal hop was given at the |
Still they
Go down
Y eo enw pry strokes gre merods
leas and our outs are deen when
we say our goods are cheap we
don’t mean cheap goods There =
as much difference between the
former and the intter as thers js
between an ardent lover znd a
over of the ardent
Fish net lace curtains,
floral border, a good
small windows,
All # “0 and 7
pretty AS.
eoriain for
IR cents a prir,
For hay 4
A very showy ard oMMeetive roe. were 85 5 3
tain 3 yards omg hy 39 oches in
width worth $1 AL TS semté A DRY $7. 7.9% and
Fine Brossels oat cnrtain with
deep border, extra wide, worth
$1.50, our price KR cents a paar
sid at from
Tomi? Atitivim res] oni LT lace } 5 4) 2 Wy
very striking and ectie pattern,
sare our
$2.56, car price $1.38 a pair
Plain Grecian «®ert contre. oxtrs Be: TY Nn ev n
deep, closely woven border, exact oy ?
reprodoetion of the nigh.-priced (
Grecian cortains, 3s yards long, 8
inches in width, price §1.48 a pair. |
hades. All
Plain felt
\ spring roller, 10 osnts each
Opacene cloth Shadewm, worth 29
(genta, 3t 2 cents each
We give better goods for the price
stubborn—Dbut here ale facts
Our Winter Goods are
Reduced to Rock
Men's best floece-linad Undersuits - per mat Ts
Men's fine caniel’s hair Undersuits— per suit To
Mens common Seece- lined Undershirts 25
fades’ feeved Lo ng sleeves costa 170
hikirens nataral wool Shire mali Ne
w 3 os mre we
Men's Deavy work Bhirts 3
Men's : light work Shirts 17¢
Men's fine Shirts wih rere collars 40
Men's black saline Rhirts-- 30
See These Everyday Staples at
Prices That alk.
© pit ves rend
a 34
{(Bildre SEE }
Boys double breasted Saita
Boye goosl Xn wee Panis 2
Baye black cheviot Panta, worth Scat 3%
Ladies Howe or tw Nis sme hal? Hose at ww
Ritk Teok Scarfs and Bows, worth eat 1k
Boys Windsor Ties 2 for 5
ae & CTY Saitor Sait
Ap.» boy
abbard Dives, fant col
Window Shades, with spring ro Ha
y 3 I 4 3
Largs eight-day oak Cloek, w ramet at $2 8
Here are the —ulll
To Make Room for Our
Qf Spring Goods.
wable-tap work Shoes $1.00
poagrens-- $1 00
Imma mhoes $1
Re wT stock $1
$ Ja
of which we
Men's heavy &
Men's neat dives Shoes, lace or
Men's very good and stylish
Ladies’ Sh es, heavy or Light,
Ladies gos Gress Sha ws GU R LEADER
Children's Shoes, No 1 to 7 Sa
And a complete line of other Shoes
have no space to mention
Laciew” Candee Robber $v
Ladies’ Candee Storm Overshoes 440
Maen's Robbers 48 and 88¢
Our whale line con bi
a gm
Mian dia
re :
arrive daily. all and learn our prices.
Men's Sas
All 7.58 Ra K 50 snes now $8
All 8 850 and IF mew
0 oand 13
aged from 14 10 18 vears : aA rust at Bh
and & now 84 A A PLY.
$8 8 5 and T now only §6 ey WETE IS
Haw $5
$5 2 and 10 now goes at $7
Boys Knee Pant Suits
For Boys aged 1!
Boys Long Pant Suits|c. .. « 10 core which
og and effective jariern. All Overcoats at Cost
. 1 . - ¥ .
owing bargains, and
ever we advertise
5 ined {yi
Shades, Hartshorn all our underwear m ust 0 Al & Sadr
fron 4
il 4 4.50 now 20
Mens Trousers marked
away down. We have some
shoes which
1 close out at a sacrifice
Men's Working
SEAN'S 63 £ dress
oY i A 9% i
wh ida
af fromm
VS We wi 1] offer
‘-mber that
we jive strictly up to.
jan. 20 and
the tol-
now oC.
CER x 13 3 s oa a3 < vehi T 1 “4 . BOYS
NDERWEAR to be sold at cost; and
sig Our
All goods bought at this sale must be Spot
Cash to All.
* . * ‘
We can
Good Building, Patton, Pa.
than any Facts are
| ®
These Prices
with our would-be
Bet Parlor Mathes per doz boxes Tr
Lt hes Pins per dom I
ties Basket, prewd and large She
Orme aly tuamded Basel
pe Dasmibed Ranker he
12gquart Wooden Pall we
Beat Miners” ( otlon 2 Se 5
Cpesod ~how [Seiad
{Eh hoe pam TLE
Brash « sr Tooth
Soviet witty un
Coffer Mills
Brosh 5¢
cont A ethes Line Yop
sk aving
S-qaurt Coffee §
Large Ti i
Nios lame Dist ran
Miners mauibs per Box Me
Moin Hamd Saw, asrmanied steel Se
Agger Heaces, worth Je at We
Augvr Bing best dteel | to loch--at 10
Cron Baird wound Spirit Laced, wort sw
Crono Jack Plnoe at Mk
Saris Sere w A dinstahie Plane
ting Hat tack lik
Large ices night Bp, comp deta 100
Nice hand Lamp and (dobe, complete Xe
{vias Cream Piteher at Se
Twoquaurt (lass Pitcher 100
And other Fine Class Speciaities
Largs (rranite Wash Bowl loo
Large Granite Pudding Pan iw
Jawan Broom 2 for O5e
Copper, Nickel plated Tea Rootion,
Bread Pans, sx¥ each W
Oak Frame Mirrors, Tx af 109e
Best Tabic O¥ Cloth goes at 12s
Floor Oil Cloth, 1 yard wide—1%¢
ar we
ta eam fod +e
x ali
as 5 10 and lhe
¢ somo]
per cent. through
Ww +
3 { shi Ne ARAB YX AR Oo
S&Ve you ro fo ao
'G. ©. BRADY, Frop',
se RE