“ONE OF TW The bladder was rented tor one pur- pose, namely, a receptable for the griae, and as such it is not Hable to any forin of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. {"HIEF CAUSE, Unhealthy arine from unhealthy kid- neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad- der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much 1» not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases It is sitnated back of and very ciose to the bladder, therefore any in, disease or neon VENIenees mani fouted in the kidneys, back. bladder o1 urinary pos ages is often, by m ke attributed to female weakness nr womb trouble of some sort. The error i= easily made and may be as Jelly avol el, To find ont Cor reeTiv your urine susie te for : n sediment or seta or Blas ¢ trouble Li DE effect iryee indloates kidney The mild and ox. of Dr. Kimers Rwamp-Riot, the great kidney bladder remedy is soon realized, you nes i medicine you should have tude bet. At droggists fifty cents and gn dod! You may have a samp shes battle and nnpdied, both soil free by Mention the PATTON COURIER and send your address to Dr gn & 8 2 at NY Figs TIPO» prietors. | af this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. ar nd Eviaid agi ons a §raton, 4 Sesoke Your Life Away, ¥ asd forever, be He ov ‘8 ey gra mie free. Aire Cricage or Naw York BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DR. W. |. DOWLER, “ Physician and Surgeon. Office in Motion block, 5a next door to i 3 " 3 som to eee de Ta Sahl, Pes peeleieny prompt] ¥ Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SERGEON. nest 401 PHL %, ay Offioe in Aribanion lek, Patton, nigh promptly. In it of the Pr, Rive wpe bg OFFICE Hit es at Ths hw DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN ANT SU BGIPON Office in Good Building, Room No. & Sar-Ganeral Surgury and the Eye a Specialty calis wii! prom attention + AT Pa. ria Femits os * fd BE ri} 14 xe» Fava NPA PP Business Educaton. The As ae roasts Sebamed of Hasire, ‘ oa, Pa ow wb vom sn gradaniin ia Henly fo, Shorthand, Pefin anst; vA English Br i PRICE &F ON Fon iKs VILE , SEXDFOR CATALOGUE. Lond? nt tng rt Pot Por war” nar ARE YOU READY Pod wi say fda Thai” agrisored so hot Eok waier oF shia £ Bel REF Work GOULD & BEEZER. PATTON, PA Wier? Ise Pon's pad Laks yimr Foar Juieteey StF CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are prepared to do all kinds of Casting. Mchigery, iron kettles, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re pairs. Our charges are reasonable. CAG metal taken in exchangy for new £.15r CHIENT RPRINGH, PA Reuel Somerville, work Attorney-at-Law, ParTtoN, Pa. Office in the Good Bailding. WH DAVIS, - Attorney and Counselor at Law, IBENHBURG, PA. All legal business promptly attended to, Offien in Barker Building TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK’S Restaurant ga Magee avenue, near P, > RR. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS Your Watch may need Regutating. let us iook at it. Ni » charge for, xAminal vr, If 1 needs atienthon we id and if you would have be ps iin well doit oll al a regular chsrgy that yoa won't object to. TOZER, TY CENTRAL - HOTE JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best. First-class Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER DAY ~ PATTON HOTEL, WM. A NELLON, Prose, Firth agrvanimada tions Tabi wis WE when} with the best the Biaried affords Chiodos WINES sod LIQUORS “t bor Pation Joweler * wait f the Bar AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahafley, Clearfield Co, Pa. Aeconp novation firstolass, Pest of Loguorms and Wines af the bar, Stabling shuched (GEORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. Get Your FIRE INSURANCE wim JE PO Ens James Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable panies. Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves +80 | had, but j only accept wan ov thim.” The o Spangler Sentinel says that the | large and constantly increasing trade | on the Susquehanna Extension of the | Pennsyvivania railroad hag led the com. pany to make some improvements in that section in order to move a larger number of cars. The yard limits have been extended from the VY Bow rrigier sy North Barneshoro, work has been commenced on ing | track aot ambrig o Youd At £4 that seod Cre asing, una ubiediy of new and the grad- from the an additions stim of the nly Re PT the f Hoy Korps x it LH wit Gwing Lo the Opening ryt AV was Dorn mig an May Compeay A Pliny es, E33 OGratks Westover, Papils sdmitled | Frabar; one of the in the counties of We 1 iA ical College, Pa, make & teirm si XK hoa For eataiogns addres Director. 83. The (militein Times ® railroad improvements Are Progressing Fa iL wits men at work on then, au mines rarning steadily, to be enjoying a seRson of pr Ay £ 4d CE add The Johnstown base ball wiii bBave a pine RT Cirent fester strong Interest ent Order held in the iB iereEta URtIne ing dana Margare! PALTZ TY iE Onl Lne GAs Yabhner Wille. STELLA The fs Valley December 1k attendanos od IE IT females, 290 total, 87, AN ance daring mont 2: total, H during EO ; tetal. W Perfeci in attendano month, males, 18; females, 16; 32. The fd lowing pupils were present every day during month Fannah Gatem, Lizzie Strayer, Edna Straye Garrie Shope, Arthur Rrise, May Me. - Kee, laura McKee, (harlie McKee, Berths Shidler, Clara Hill, Frank Hof fer, Walter Hoffer, Ben Shope, Emory Gates, Ralph Gates, Blur Gates, Alice Steverm, Claude Moore, James Stevens Joe Nestlerode, Lagra Nestlerisde, Walter Holmes, Harry Holmes, Bertha C#ill, Martha Dutton, Calvin Dutton, Ida Class, Stella Buttorf®l, F (Gate, Blake Flemmin Ida Shilder. sid hole pum sedi, MRR, erage all maser, Hd Ew Th, wh Plas eek wn Eelal bag olan, Mit TANCE 1, Dessie Shap, Jno, B. Escy, Teacher. spn Pacts Abou! | NODS, The year 159% will begin and end on Saturday. It will have six eclipses, of wh only January 7th and -Decen will be visible to North Ame Linebin's Birthday will fall urday and Washington's Birthday Tuesdity ; Memorial July em Mon Sunday. Labor Day will Thaokagiv ing, Now Firat Sunday in Lent, Palra Bumday, April 3 dav, April Ith The Hebrew year sunset on Frida) On Jaw aul twenty-third pendence will The four « days in Is mer, June md: i niwer JiR Mats 1 Day and Pourth of 1a) 3 Christmas on bee Ned nba Sil i winter It is easy Uo ensy fa get TU to ass One cures coughs, © olds, monis aod all throat ad 2 It is pieasant to take, safe ! sure to cure, . WW. Haodgki Pharmsey. 1: Didn't Pay Mary Dye think advertoisin pa Br Bri uiget Faith, Ldon't. 1 ust afther advertoisin® for a sitwatio vn If. “Shure, I beard yez had thirty: sivin offers of places from 3 bad luck to 1 1 Ex. Mrs Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O cod AAYH, “After two doctors gave up my boy to COI- | die, I saved him from croup by using | headaches and backaches that have It is the caused them so much suffering. One Minute cough Cure.” | quickest and most certain remedy for | jSoagla colds and all throat and lung trou CW. sonsth of er ad Hr herbal remedy, orders and | vid Hodgkins, Patton | the skin and all blood diseases. Large | Notice of Election. At a reguiar meeting of the Board of Directors of the Patton School District held January 16, Live Howing resolution was ananimously passed by a full Board to-wit in view nf the pant grivath vi ima fou if Pristrict, consequent inadegnate accom. 3s ations, averorcasied conditivn F scdyonds and prod CHET BY Poss pay future, Reds ved, fiom Paha qry, bg Car} PAY aR Fury Cen? . HL Corea, Parton Sohool Board, rvs this it Foire Er INR and ip wy burr baeed FHRArY . Inte JE wilis man has patented an fhe Fr. ‘nitedd States FEIT {ON i oF the Tithe? mu B18 in Simon Arad 1 id it oa few on the 525 H. J on Monday evening of Inst week Tie Crates. , hed aged She is survived by her Mx Mrs Herman, of { w rire Je way ei wl 7 Years husband and six children, viz Witlhiams, of Wilmore; of Laretta: ni rE Vugust Ellig. Fhe! Haomar, IT. The funeral ooR Thursday Maren, hed in the Catiohie Interment wan made in the Catholic cemetery, Mrs. Michavi of Cambria township, was afflicted with a stroke of paralysis Tuesday evenivg, amd died from the effecta of it on Thursday MOrning. At home, 3 ace ar 10 o'elnek REV WON oily Engr to this edureh i place. Farran, af The funeral took place on Adler Name church in Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. services in the Holy terment wax made mn the Uatboie CEI TY Mrs F gene ona T " i «Yo Fai MR Nheemaker was called afternoon about 4 lake burmiay Figs tuners: will pace LL IHGITOW morning Se TVIOEs Win Ie fli Peasy, of th dnally oxaresd 53 Early Risers t all stomach an ad 34 hs ferin is iver tittie seo hies Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy =, mo Mi n A Great Modicine €iiven Vw . CW. Hodgkins is now a tral Pe age Jacon’s Uelery from nervous constipation will ae Lis remedy they wiil san far Te fram the Hy great King wif rg Kiving ai} Eis Ail et to ladies suffering If in Lin It quickiy cures ion, eruptions of wrfect reguiator. fousness, indi » egetable Preparati jon! for As simil ating the ¥ ng the Silom chs aul} romotes Digestion ( heerful- ross and Rest Contains neither Opsum, Morphine not *neral NOT NARCOTIC. a Rep of (4d Or STELPITCIER FPovpdin Seed . 2 hess » A perfect Remedy for Constlipa- tion. Sour Stomach. [Darr LT Worms Convulsinns Feverish- wss and LOSS OF SLEEP. oo ——— A Fac Sumule Seger > of 2. pain ZXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. timm—m— I ed -~ X % /f | The Quickest Mail Order House in the State. £8 { Lf { wi vi we £ i ie er tnd Losin . cco ai SARI BY Mail % LU goods ordered by Mas, x % w PY Fo v ABLE: AND Best Goods at | aowest Prices vour Money Back f vou want it, ALTOONA, The Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Fac-simile Signature cee Poe ATT: ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTT LE. tL iad] THE KIND Y0U HAVE JALWAYS BOUGHT. Tg CMTE TOMY OW CT glen A Li SS NER BOTH BUILT FOR ~ YOUR _ NCLE 5TT MA ER THIS URN SHOP wi We prepay Postage amd [upress on afl but for Cash only, Samples and PENNA. A NU DY YL IU NYYN YN) tr need nat work: ng peapriresl. party must ade Lo give Eves dasntaniy WANTED A penneral have } Aen id experienss in agen Bi in Fay intadls 11f. ait We TS asiiad. Write Reothers Com pany, revies. Rochester, N.Y. 40 dm {ont tai ¥ 3RTRAL Ri The man who wrote these lines fear. had not ta write about observe, they re needed | eoslumn ont. A.W When you take a trip to stop at the Blair house and 3 trvencd ht Aceomnoan cellent waleralse The man who ix looting place without honest find it mght ander his bat. at ¥ hr 1 Las far Builetin, sinh GIrg ail mn and rates n iat Pratton Markets Subect to markel changes MINERS STORE 1 Limited Pray ATTY Couns & Liver us ! Wits Lattie fir nad % {ad in {hi Early Risers 425% stip 8 Le fia . 1 iad eats dim PRR 1 id 1 i pemeddy that l ptiention. ory Iris phe Sek Eh 8 TY £431 DAY Bir, ail Im Wil tuk kaidha Have pvestend tween Minute a CABNAIN, Tine CLE DN, RE ubilos, ! Pharmac ¥v. sities viers others fil cough cure and ne home shoud witout it, Pleasant to lake right to the spot. Rold at Corner | Store, Jonsuampt : i £3 ¥ i It is the leading 815 Ad hots rug Edacste Your Bowels With Uascarets Candy C Cathartie, cure consiipaion tars ver when a Altack of fever, was a sitfforer fam ack sr of Sardis, virivys haere from great if 4 Han shee rinin's Pain Balm, " entire re jlef ham. 3 Oetalin hy CW Fain Baim ia also Gar rhumatism sald dg king, Pat ition Pharmacy Cadet iH No-Tao- Hue for Fifty Cents Judvanlend teddy Baiel CUM IHARER Welk men strong, Blood pare. Mie 1 AL druggists TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE An Eminent New York Cheat ani Scastist Makes i Free Ber lo (her Headers alshied New York demonstrating and hens fis The disting OS § Se ECPCILIEY 3 EL ital ie ab=aatile CUM Pabinary Tabet : wi, ang osriarhis, ine Ail iii send ui ditfer Hy any immerse, Powis % . aligns, we atarriiag 20 WAR ness, RATE Vy ie of Ws Lr gwitment’ has PE rT RA Ly {= sian wi hiss it simp ie rar sanity Miadiit SOLE, EER WN aicdersg ratientiy ex has produced to sutlering Uy any yesertion that consump iol Are nate Is proven Oy Hed in iabra- ured s anfle RE Fit Lalinexd rain. aihles lead to uninterrupted, dy oand ceetadn death, Ww rites “i [LA Slocum, M. OC, av York, giving post and Oe ira and the medicine will be promptly sent Sufferers should take instant vantage of his generous proposition. Please tell the ang which, vy ¥ anit reat Nims Sx Plage street, see Tree Ove ring and af sepetle she Drdedd ad- | Doctor that you saw | ; DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve People who are troubled with indiges- tion will be interested in the experience of Wm, H. Penn, chiefoierk in the rail- way mail service of Des Moins, lows, wha writes: “1x Aves me pleasure to testify to the a of Chamberlain's holera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. two years | have suffered from : and ate siibiect tof nent be pO oh and frwes of this ~ perfect relief its: wold by OW, IATIACY tole, For anes or tw 14 yaenier £9 ry PF of Antiquity, 00, was Thang lewaly a) by soem, He IeWitl's famous healing divans E3 id wey IER EYE EF 2.574 are tevin bleed Ww hoon iat Br. 1 : thin Yaar "we lem. hangs CAM 3 Gu. . Tha Ww, or id ow 5 on Rem One Minute Cough Cure, cures. het is what it was made for. DRUNKENNESSES YOUR FORTUNE Pr owiemr Bealth Tos henplfaras i poor girehpth Kms the Mead aud Threat clogs snd yeni PR SA Ta pt hod pane cr aw AN'w MENTHOL inm A LER i or 3 Fr send trosbles MROAT. CA: HW. That awful odor Cutnrrl dis SOAR BY ie pes : Hay Aad Astin EBUY ont. ¥ cvanwa £8 yom ewml gat ook 1 RNA madi, 9 septs, Send Taw aon Wonthel, Soe. CEAMMAS ORIG On, VITERNES 38.1.8 & FirsiNation'| Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. Presaaeng arnell & Cowher FIRE LIFE AXD ACCIDEXT INSURANGE - Loans and Real Estate. OFFICE IN GOOD BUILD'G. T elep hone Cont jC scted. R. F. Notley, Dealer in. Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialt Py ¥ thr Bottled Beer and Porter for family use cannot be excelled. Prices are reasonable, FLASKS, cori: JUGS, ETC. IASTING! ~ a PA Great Bargain Sale at QUINN'S, JOHNSTOWN. The entire remaining stock of Ladies’ aid Misses’ coats and furs will be sid at a great sacrifice in prices We will not keep any of these goods They must be sold, and it is everybody's business to buy as cheap as they can come and get a bargain. “w @ sell the best vard-wide bleached musiin at 3i¢ yard. Cating cloth at 4¢ yard tringhams at 3§ yard, Cat prices on ies’, misses’ and children's underwear, the lowest made (PVE ! a AT QUINN'S Patton, Fo Pharmacy. | sizes 25 and 50 cents. We Be. It CC C fail, druggists refund money. his offer in the Parrox Cov | .