THE PATTON COURIER, JANUARY 27, 1898. -~ PATTON PUBLISHING co. et For valentines, both comicand fancy ‘go to C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharm- acy. See ad on first page this week. Wm. Cramer and John Myers this place, attended the faneral of | Conductor John List at Altoona on | Monday. The Bon Ton is again at the oe 4 £13 front ! this week with another large ad which i f ‘of before. 3 $ includes a list of bargains never heard Look it np. Wiilsird B. Wimer, representing the : Provident Life and Trost Co, of Phila i % i pees IMksier al put in oa vers | manufacturers of Philadelphia pleasant caller at this office Linterrats In Patton 'delphis, was looking after business nn Monday the newly elected has recently RB Foo Jackson, Westover, peat and attractive | fot of combination vk boxes in his o £.B RB for Anton wa rn an cigar WHE 5X 0h z.: TIA traveling Roig & Langsdorf, $0, £3 T hm. ‘day. elder of Altoona district, D., presiding pre wohwad an At hodist Thu Rev. D. 8 Monroe, 1. permon in the church excellent Episcopal Inst reciay evening. Job Printing. The COURIER wishes to state that all kinds of job printing will be turned out at this office as low in price as can © be procarred elsewhere, especially on note heads, letter heads and envelopes, of which it will pay you to get OUR prices before going elsewhere. You CAN SAVE money. Parrox Pes. Co From L A w. Bulletin, He WAS 8 YOUN, oomedited pap And tried 10° paint the town,” But when a “ec took him ap ™ It mather took him doen. Ome reayon why we jen io 10 hear The birds sing ail da Is because they don't OY AC's ar : Tha intent ~ entety BONE, ow on gs The days are getting longer. Visit Miller's White Shoe Store. February 2d is ground hog day. The COURIER list is steadily increas ing. ~~ Overcosats below cost at Mirkin & Kusner's. Next borough election on Tuesday, February 15th. Children’s fall and winter coats at Mirkin & Kasner’s. Go to Kemler's Bakery for your. fresh bread and cakes. Hats, caps and mafflers, also gloves at cost at Mirkin & Kusner's. 4 If you want to save money in tea buy it at the Cash Grocery. Dr. J. A. Murray, of Clearfield, was a visitor to Patton on Tuesday. Clay pigeon shooting is becoming quite a popular sport in Patton. W. B. Gray, of Philipsburg, had business in our town on Monday. Go to Mirkin & Kusner and see their fine line of fall and winter coals. It The little daaghter of Mrs. Kirk, of Meclntyre avenue, is quite ill of fever. Now is your chance to get an over. coat below cost at Mirkin & Kusner's store. Mrs. James Allgood and infant daughter, of Beech avenne, are quite ill. P. T. Davis, commissioner's clerk of Clearfield, spent Sunday among friends in Patton. Miss Blanche Good, of Lock Haven, was a visitor among friends in Fallon on Friday, At Alice A. Asheroft’s store on Mon- day and Tuesday. Go! See! Geta bargain !-1t Civil Engineer J. L. Elder, of Ebens- burg, transacted business in our town on Monday. J. B. Dill, of Hastings, was the guest of his brother, H. G. Dill, of this place, on Monday. Mrs. Mary McCauley, of Coalport, has been granted a widow's pension of $8 per month. Miss Roxie Smith, of Tipton, Pa, is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. Edwin Par nell, on Palmer avenue. Miss Marie Cramer, of Altoona, is the guests of the Misses Mellons at the Patton hotel this week. Did you see the improvements they are making at the Cash Grocery in order to display more goods? The Improved Order of Red Men of Patton have recently placed a new wardrobe in their place of meeting. Your special attention is called this week to the new ad of the Miners Store CAtherton Mines, Barneshora, fancy goods at Miss Alice A. Asheroft’s on next Monday and Tuesday fail to call and get a bargain. 1! ‘stir up a little enthusiasm along this Root Tea, the great cures headache, nervousness, eruptions . on the face, and makes the head as clear “as a bell. the Love Feast and the Sacran large adddition 10 The new electric mining plant at the Was. »O jast nee Bs yel cessfizlly started ap week. Only one inachine is in ings Tribune. E. L. Miller. of Penfield, Pa. guest of his brother, J. Watt diier. He expects to remain in Patton and assist Bsat- = Lhe in looking after the interests of Miller's White Shoe Store. R. A. Shillingford, of Peal, Pa spent afew hours in Patton on Monday. Mr. Shillingford is looking after the interests of the Clearfield Bituminous Coal Co. at Spangler iiss the and not Ladies, you should grand clearing sale of millinery Don’t Tho COURIER has been requested to ‘ask what has hecome of the Patton Board of Trade? It would be well to line the coming spring and summer, For constipation take Karl's Clover blood purifier, Sold at Corner Drug Store. The services held in connection with | the fourth quarterly meeting of the M BE. church were most interesting and helpful A Inrge number took part in vert the Lord's Rapper. Jarnes McQuiltkin, the popular res. taurant man of Glen Campbell, accom. panied Ly his grandmother, Mr Waiker Gardner, of Burnside, visited At tne homes of John Bovee and FL B Willinms the first of the wool Albert Thomas, agent for the Me Pleasant Brewing (¢., is erecting a the storage and ice house on Fifth Avenue and states that when completed it will have a capacity of holding about 400 tons W. H. Denlinger, the genial and hast hing representalive Denlinger Bros. , dealers in oils, ete, of Pittsburg, was a welcoms visitor to our on Tuesday, and while here into” the CloURi ice minnies, Miss Anna MoBe A who bi visiting he ther, WW. P. Mc- Bride of this place, this week. ro ae the COURIER a pleasant call on Tues day. Miss Mehride is an accomplished musician and Eronicing at the pipe organ in the Catholic church at her home Don't forget the noanoed elsewheor week if you do vom an examination of 1 vingee you § Ladies Aid So jovabile characte by all who are them. Your patronage i appreciated. CASTORIA For Infants and Children The fs: ou of town i Ppa few “dr for a of St. Mar Yo. ¥ My ai » 3 wton Bupper ane regret ie mena will rom pers of the of a VOry en- much appre Gated 3 to attend much ial # XY Fag iT. rogry ype. One Minute Cough Cure, curcs. That is what it was made for The Greatest SALE Of the Season -- AT THE Bazaar. Co. in another column of this paper. | You should ut Hiss the clearing sale | of millinery and fancy goods at Alice Ashcero ft's store Monday and Tuesday. | Miss Cora Sypher and Miss Sarah Godcharles, of Milton, Pa, are the guest » of Miss Gilliece on Lang avenue. A. P. Weakland, one of the efficient | teac! sers of the Loretto schools, was a plea pant caller at this office on Sat- urd ay. F Wditor Foley and Joseph Farabaugh | wi! } each deliver a lecture in the Y. M. I. council rooms on Saturday night, | J: snuary 29th. The Oash Grocery is headquarters | f br butter, eggs, apples, onions, turn- | * ips, oranges, lemons, bananas, candies and nuts of all kinda. | Everything goes at prices unheard of by any would-be competitors. Miners squibs per box ' Nice glass lamp complete pitcher at 1 gallon gulvanined oil can Best oil cloth, 2 yds for Sood wash rubber al - - 4 bushel basket - . ‘and every other article away sider the | regular price. We are also closing out oar winter | : shoes at prices that Surpiiee all. Seea! few samples in our window which have | prices on them at THE BAZAAR, le. O. Brady, Prop'r, distance similar nature. overwhelming success every command the field offering ye€ t Shasta We must (nce our stew k : ot 5s gn } HASILIVELN 0 ul 0 For general bargains most aml Although we have imitators the {UT tinctly convince We DO BARGAI Here are the cold 3 51 a avy : af -, PY NF yy > 3 yo Fo fg Jae ii CAC IC SiS. 134¢ ~hed musi, 6c, H 4 : naling:s 5 + + Fa yay $30 deh -. x - S0se, ast Lack i. nn i awe oy 031 wall, SCRAMICSS, Sai rt 4 Wiig 3 FL EVEDy WieTe iasts &¢ pair, ¥ on ,omA yl Ey s heavy » ribbed 2 aASy worth Cor. Fifth and Kerr Aves. Patton, 10¢ | HAT'S HERE. AV VVVVVVAS VAY D ¢ - as * AE TL ey ow Las ilk d § ABSOLUTELY OIRINTERD & ic and vasket rvs. Ad. STYRLING od -— ASIII TY YY TIVIIYOISL 2 TYR OWVY PRICE CUTS! A TT yt -~ - swt pine wa # pl = amount of tae y ¥ i ERs and extracted g one-half ling at east] of 1 this store will attempt Vv ” a w tors are asking. sa Jititli> . gs Aa dew aw same thing I¥ with our entire % Amd 3 4 , - . gi 2 RAahs stapic LT ECTIEeS, vaig should dis- ywerson that comes to ~% 3 4 VORSI ONE Fa ta of0RE CO. LIMITED. x . * J YAGER tae owest thinking j wher : facts to prove it: A si PF iE ss ne a ct = or = O s - > :s Br = Be E oe — : ~ E E a = E i s s can Es Es 7 A . . HN 1388 tote wali LAGS ATTN, Pim awry Las we H] « WILK HOCK - a Et h 1i¢ at t * that what- "re nial xed Men's Suits: All $5 and 8 winite os Mens Trousers IWAN Gown. \ C have Lge wy i Sad Ns some 3 TNS S47 Boys Long Pant Suits i 15 Ho ¥ ATS & vA “ ig sayin Ad Yio wi Wo Ques al $7 Boys Knee Pant Suits F se Bove agwd from 4 VARS Ld ar from Ete 4.50 now go al Trem 1 5 to 3 50. All Overcoats at Cost i LOTOFHATSTHAT WERE - Penn’a. tS Winter Caps Must all hd i 5 a | 3 > wy Sig AT CUS 29% HTH HLH HR LAYS .y TN at BOYS Lined Gloves will be sold WOQLEN UNDERWEAR cost; and se = va > SR ) : all our underwear foe t for our SPRING GOODS Al goods bought at this sale must be Spot Cash to All. WOLF & THOMPSON, Good B wi Its your appo runs ty to A iy iy yr £4 pay Lo) wk LOWEST COST In the World. ants ; 1 must go at & Sadr 0 Mane room uilding. Patton, P