mh si PAM 70 oR Shosen For Super ment in Free Rural Postal Delivery. : iim rea ROAD COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. : 7 $ {t Declares That (reat Work Is fiolng on Ltireeers] pensions In BO { nder the Good Roads IawFarmers Are Brought Much Nearer to Marketée. Opposition Gives Way to Enthasinsm New Jersey Leade in Tmproved Rosds, Frrwion NY f8peaials ~The Now Jer. sop Wate Road Dmprovessent foeeosigiinn ag wi pert id noragta from $iy ie iaminsen, Moorestown Blanwiog wen. Riverside and bask shia the Postoffise Degpati vas experiment af nu frome danliy teal Hytriots, The desiznation it the raonest of tha 1 Jersey was galerind he renawniea] ax In the roads Ths annnal {Benen 1. Bud &1, 1807, sh here wire mile in the State | sate ibm & 3 SE Property owners : Kpeotfinati iE shout 3 % om ¥ sampiate the pork the must fas increaeed to 3 rave Ei sands t tn the Lepisintars i [RES and 188 over Td © vf néw ds wers bullts in 1855 over # silow: in IRE aver Bl: maging tha total anssth tf the ronds built ander the law about 23 miles, for which the Btste spent $406 500 atid the somnties and property owners sion; ihe Hines of roads oer 81 000 000 Buriingtan County leads in the extent of improved roads, having 613 miles, or more than one-fourth the total and it is in this semnty that the meal mas! deiivery sesteom is to be freind, Mostol the roadenre vail of macadan, but in Sonth Jersey Fravel has been geal, Commissioner Had says tha averags wast per rile has leon redased folly ond ihipd some roads having been bail af from RUG tn RI a mils if nwip Hosoi whers they have hewn costing from $6600 ley 9000 rier mile and the wearing ability wili be as great and in some cases renter pposition to the law hag changed 34 en ihasiasm in its favor the Coanrniesioner re page, and mops ronda are being anpiiad for thas ean be bull! {a many years ander hie present State arpronriation, Thera is s great demand for the reports of the New Yorsey Road Commissioner, whisk & bows ‘hat the subisct of good ponds is being con sidered in many othir States, Nearly all the larger cfties and town: ave ma adamized roads from their son. ros te tha farming districts. Union, Es wx. Morrie and Passale have ballt many wsiiee of rand onder the county law, but are aevw embracing the State sid iaw. Th rariners have found by expoarienes that the nerensed taxes sit lightly spon thew and sre a small expensy aompared with the saving made by the mores aaey transiarts fom of their produce to markets and the inducement {1 offers Lo city poopie ty dotats Bthe somniry, The Commissioner anv the Offon of Bond inquiry at Washington fe nrg ng New Jer sey farmers ta try steed tracks for rosds Spek franks would save four Atha of 1h swe now expendsd an os mecadanared | ! The nes of broad tise js recor spended. and the report grees the Legisis nro to pass 8 Iaw giving a relate in taxes onl] owners of wagons whe uss tres nol ings than three and a hall inches wide, The wark of ateilshing toll roads hae | ton began, and two tumpikes in Burling ton and Camden rounties sre lo bs soy med as soon 8&8 the County Boards of | Preahoiders ratify the ssticn of the xp raisers, This will cost the cocinties $43, the property owners 34304 apd the state £14,347. Commissioner Budd's report says: “It ensta B10 ovnts por tmshel to ship wheat fram Chicago ta New York a» Ais tance of 900 mile 31 dosts 8 rents a bushel ‘i han! wheat on a level road 8 distanas of dve miles. and on a sandy road It would anst at least 9 cents gor mile ta baw ft rhe saving on a busied of whest with good ronde for a distance of five miles would be ilmt equivalent to that of 600 miles of Iransporiation by stoner or canal boat or Wf 875 miles by eaiirond. One mile of goo! ronds would make a saving egpual to 3 niles of railroad Heasupuviat fan. Thus wwery mile of good roads piases the pro daesr 75 miles by rail nearer to the ruse. asta. It in ssttmoated that the cost of hagiing 500 000 00 tans of farm prodase ta market fs #2 ver ton, or just aboat #1 006. 00.009; it is also estimated that atout £0 Jer pant, of this last wopount, or $608 000 oo, woald be saved vach yoar 3 Iarmers were able to do this hagling over good ronds, “These statements gre startling, bat true They show the imipartance of good rods, The real cost of transportation that hardens ir agricultural classes Jathe part of it be. swoon the farm and the town or raliway station rather thas between the raliway station and the market, The joes due to had roads 1s ons of The greatest wists of merpy connected with farming, as ft bs mrtied of tn this country. Hoad and sires improvement through aut the United States is becoming a sulpert of universal terest, fis natinnal imporianes 8 suck that to-day {1 absoris a Jars shareol pubis attentios in every advsnoing oily and Blate in tee Unlon, Itisnota Xo wiiar fad or 8 mo mentary ontery of tha penile, It fs a deep seated Sind Bibl Appealing 10 the Les laments of Gar slvitipation, I faa lator io pubile affairs of tnoreasing power Saad rosds enlist the stteition of bush noas men, bankefs, statesmen, farmers manufacturers, enginiors, Pistioma shivers grad every intelligent = i, however haalde his station in life” PRESIDENTS BROTHER CIVES UP. Caban Rebel OMcers and Many Privates Lay Down Their Armas, The Spanish authorities report that the Cuban insargent general Juan Masso Parra, with the forces under his command; Lieu. tenant-Colonels Augustine Feria and Jose Carmon Hernandez, Majors Faliciane Quesada Raturnino Leon and Vistorano (iomesz, with six other officers and 110 pri- vates, well armed and well supplied with ammunition, have surrendered in Fomentc to the Spanish General Aguirro and Senor Marcos Garcia, Governor of Santa Clare provinee, The insurgents, it is said, delivered up their arms according fo the ordinance shouting, “Long live spain!” "Long live the Guasen Regent!” “Long Hye Npanish Cabs” “Long live autonomy!’ Generali Tuau Masso Parra is a lrother of Senor Bartolome Masso, President of the Cuban Hepublie. . Department Stores Surrender, Fourteen large department stores (n Denver, Col., combined and demanded that the newspapers of that city reduce adver tiging rates twenty per event. The news. papers resisted the demand and an inter. esting fight took place, dealers in single jines of goods also combining against the department stores, After a fight lasting for ninedays the department stores made an unconditional surrender, [ UNITED STATES SENATE FOR SILVER. | Vote ta Take Up the Teller Hesolntion Ritesend 41 te 15, The United Mates mennt: 403 98 tobk ap the Teller res ne that fovernment bumpin Alver. Benatar Mani cays the # tn gokd men that sb ofl peta ie be gtd standard «pig? throng the Honate, A disnatel the Row Yarkg FHaoesht in peered iste wank The iver Spam ties Tarren egret by ys crperw bpd ik Err nile, fenifingrr. Gear treigh. Howse Nelonn, Fisgt 5 Apooner. Tharton snd Wet Bonator Maruby of New } 57 tor Sevith of Now Jersey werd glaent Me Smith wat urpaired Mr Moarihvs neiticon eras only indirectly sussetad hoy 1 Satin, be RveE "wou mun voted with fhe all bat war gbaent the second and mare agen WHITE ELECTED CHAIRMAN Bailey's Friends Make Him Head of the Democratic Congressional Cosnmittes, The New Dierpoireatis Chmp roe boned Dom. mitten gt Washingto Senator White of © friends favarabin tn Fs 5 PY next Howes in | SE peap rial RR ES 20 ex prosessed 1p Kent thumagh Mewary siehsrdeny of vomiting, srl Miers srominent fn the spekerahin inne, Mr Bai bey frit t at ft wa hn pt ie entirely we An une ae SEnAl aT INCREASE IN TIN PRODUCTION. Nearly 140,000 600 Mere Foonds Las: bunr Than in 1506 The report of Mr Aver sapesial ages the Recratary of the Tressury, Austion of tin and ternun Usted Staten during Juns 530 189 Can vas $48, Rn SA oat ES te elabty.pipht per cont, wilgllng Hatter than per coe panded sgoars This ta wp ine Hitie fems tang 140 009 forty-five per cont, ae compares The total importation during 244.407 601 priands and the the same paricd 155 540 1 Ing the net hinicorts 10 190471 t production of was more th consumption, The annanl ear pleted and fo process of constr 50, 1897 ia Wald to bev ghaint wounds. The report also states that Anaary 4, , the prices of roke fasten jer boy of fourteen by twenis 08 pounds, 112 sheets. was for As srodust $1.1) and for the forelen 4. Nevertheless the American is stated to ba in all respects ge goo as satisfastary as the freien artiols. The quantity of American shret iron an a} and steel made ! ¥ manafacturing wares tinned or YEAT was Fah a Di 113 pounds of The yp iu 1h £36 435 835 of 102.4080 * 3 ¥ ¥ a. 2 - PVR od SEILER Senalois Wad A100 8 WiESS OU active, [CUBANDAY IN THE HOUSE. Futile Fight to Get the Belligerency Resolution to a Vote. Y he - Speaker Ford Fakes the Calan Eesndation Oot of (reder and the Majority Sausalite Mis PBaling—The FPreident's Policy Toward Cunha Defended Ny Mr» Bitte An Exiting Session of the Hames, r entornd ! « Ei hair Ezritomnnt and Anger manors duelgre § aa tha Sowing er vest the £0 8 TA iy > Bein and voi an tha tabla Ths year an manded sud sbaainat top dd Shp grein ton te of Kerth d ox ns Budep rif er a cam WH AE rent nA FL fhe Pronidens pe wl TrRERSTe mop Ra wg thelr p wigan next pap Swe fou THD WOMEN, te SA —— Edward Da? Kills Wile sad Mother dn Paw nn Naw Ilaven, & msgs PASAY (O- AR Artis [norease, THE NEWS £PITOWIZED. a a Washington Tieone. Homer Mr EE ne a : , John W. Griggs , of New Jersey, Nom- pated For Attarne y-Oenerdl, TO RESIGN HIS GOV ERNORSHIP. Ee ratdent MeRinley sent fo the Senne the Nominatisn of Governor Sah W. Oiviggs To Be Attarses; Geanersl, Viee § ipa Wy Mok snuna Flrvated to the wigmrerey Pamela SE oteot of Wis Life. JOHN W. GRICCS'S CAREER, Wan Para iin New Sersiey and Hose fo By Govermser of te Sate, “lake > & Eien fF Row Joresy | wWipw WEDS AGAIN, Fleasnsr WW. Collier. of Allegheny, Pens. Hecomes Hin Bride. Wa SLR Hower aE 1408 Missna- 5%. Whare Dir Presdvtoran wid 0 Ra nave if Tacmage sy third was Wise Murs Was Srowned «2 iRda: Riese in hl be 8-1 Mise Susan (nrtiss Witte A 1 hee TArThesl aR hter tod im the Fl Foeiws EE ald Wil WSY CLEANINCS. id ko Toor 39 Jif erent minds mgr several Tas lead gad {rscaty ff TIM property $a The ree roan Priges Hav) Fontiner os Fagiand has ip. i HA Ty a Serres vi Lamine le Bostay Tadia STR # HT 060 0h Bvt re sRor Rl 3 s wEtls of Paste steer Teg Pare fein BE Da Rl wy. WI no ferears, It Ttmaligrpox an CHRISTIAN sc ERT El DOCTOR. . Baded Fined so For Nat Roporting a Caner of Diphiherin, ish rid pmne eal aad od in he Tlie soins Sham dm ¥ FL a sels IB fhe Tam BEA camer Thane vrra nd died TR eg saticiting Kiondike Travel. ivy Set Gilie Rpowi as Jet That Re Western coal AST Save MRILBeMS dotting Kiosdiks travel. San Fras watiie Taras asd Portland ad haven pes of Te pond whose basiness 4 Ia ror be gence Those bonged lie Alaska In Po wily {Speier steviinr ity and bay thelr ont Ste a i estimated that peer #6 $i wRiironcd fares and frezghits alone cents? THES year Ba pecads whe Lave Tapar Reed whe sre Seteraiined te 5 Kim ihe great Northern gold —-raes, ihe Tozraia Cantsin Sogulited. =Lat es 13 Baraat wal a MARKETS PITTSBURG. Gran. Fiour and Feet » Ae xs iB PRR LERY kn La 4 E CO WER A ie ¥ a 3 Pagadian ov : LHRLEX Dairy Prodocis 3 wy 3 SORE TY PRILADELPHIA FLOUS § ae WhLIAT Na Tred ax COBEN Nip 3 mixed . 3 ALM Nie 3 white 8 Hi ITER OC resinery, exis. Eaiscily Fa SOrsts NEW YORK FLOU B—Vatents WitiAal No. red LEE Nis > " ATS White Wentvers Hi 1 ER § PRIIRrY Last ene M1a08 ad Meus. LIVE STUCK. EMTRAL #U0UE YARDS, ReEl¥B LEuBaY a Ge a i