rior Copan a Vicissitudes of Life on the Road Pictured From Real Life. Teli ele Sak BEEF wh FES Ne APT EE Tf BT h od To A Lis BITRE STIS Te IG! Circa day in any Western town at the present time, aseording tothe New | York Herald, is very much like the cirens day of old, except that there is vastly more of it. It ix mired: m holiday as Christa anid of Jaly thrown inte one benight=d little New York goig to Madison Bqnare Garden and thinks he bas seen it all would have a The poor, hoy who 0 ACSA Lat ' thas mot the last rau 1 iy their Birr ic pres 2 NE HT pim ipod La lniree * Sid §% ELE are the Fourth 81 : 3: some of the conceit taken ont of hig could he be transported to some one | «day stand on the Western prairies on the day when the cirens x balled appear. Thee first gray streaks the town airesdy astir, raid station ac the coud Tu the old days it nes the Fai prterest tr Lo inrppake, i bint the time when the cirens traveled | from town fo Lown ia DAraRVaus 18 50 waore. Nowadays 11 is & hese show indeed that doesnt Ha awn rolling #loek “The mmall boy dominates, He has secured the jest pereh within the range of hus veutite genins. Suddenly, from Airry height of the tallest telegraph pode be shouts, “Hers she comes” The ery is taken np below, Half a of parse, 1 5 + iz i mile away, aronnd a curve, a colimn of smoke is ean, trailing away toward the horizon amd & few minsgtes later the powerfal locomotive, snorting and puffing like a spirited horse, comes into view, Behind it is a long line of yellow ears, and far off, at the rear “end, glimmer the lights of the caboose, which have not yet been extinguished, Then comes the unloading of the 1 0 © prosaic psraphornsiinthe hoge ten: poles, the acres of canvas, and all the other homely objects which are quite essential in the rapid transforma: tion so soon to follow, Gangs of men scurry hither and thither, apparently Yahiges, GE i rea I Tere Ome | Gime | © HAAS all getting into each other's way, but really working like the one grest machine of which each man is really part, Wagon after wagon comes off the {rain with military precision. Two, four, and even ten horse teams sre coming from the direction of the stock cars, sll ready to start for the show oh Re Ap ; § which even tow i { HE MEXS DRESKING nods . grounds, The townspeople ate agape, " When Obadiah Jones's new threshing saachine had arrive a few days before it had taken almost an entire day to unload it from the train, if they had undertaken to unload that pole wagon hb it would have taken them a week. Meantime, away out on. the prairie, toward the east, a faint cloud of dust has arisen. Toward the south a simi Jar elond is seen, and toward the west are others. The thrifty farmers, com from far distant points, many of them having been en route all night, begin to come in and look for suitable camping places for their families and their teams, heavier and heavier as each moment , anti! by the time the warning whistle of the locomotive drawing the second train is heard gray streaks line | IN THE LADIES cland b « morning can forget i i 3 i i t $ i 4 ! 3 § The dust eloud grows 3 the morning Fir ongre sweat | savory jo the hungry ing the vacant spaces aroand the tants | The camp couks k already lighted HBREH their fires and al ang pow Bis aad aldrona are This preparation for the midday seesd, 6 Arratged : Lhe great THORNS BAL shortly after ren i PRIA That frees plimpse of the enchants i hind the given at shout 10 o'vioel Who that has ever seen 1% clear, Weslern o % % ir gwelling of muses, the caw he open ¢ anny basd of clos: wld CIES mt yng this aalerval’? tein i have been cosine 1a fron y {within Elty wales of the sage i Every train has erry idhod very sieps wit #ipestant peo : Their tickets their bal bande, where they will resis 3 a 1 3 3 ” " % the condaelor Gauands 1a own i 8 3 & Le oad eRxde lr, Bre 1% 3 E for who has Lire to when Shere Ti I have cote in i country, Their teams, the uid: iirests Vacant lots ure filled with the sllews dod lanes itapassable, : doors are sapnipat aud an hour beloye up at the show gros { hoe of hamanaty fron {town to the other By noon exery face 3 ’ grounds, The i 5 ils LY Wye i RA RS sme the SIPW propery we NE and freaks toward thi ticket expinined, DRESSING ROOM, out toward the horizon in every direc tion. Two trains have been unloaded and the eyes of the multitudinous small boy are fairly bulging from their sock- ete. Where will at ail end? A third train comes puffing in, and on this is the menagerie, The small boy is now in a state bordering on nervous frenzy. It 1s doubtful if he knows his | ; | each of its component parts has resched ‘The money 1s snatched from the uplifted fingers and tickets placed {An its stead, so quickly, yet so socur- own uname, Off toward the show ground goes the morning crowd. Surely they will be in time to see all the teuts put up, for | pandemonium, in which each individ. inal in the vast throng imagines i must get his ticket first or he lorever debarred. A stragzling, surging mass ; of humanity, with hands aw high in air, ciatehing tightly to the § 3 x money which is to be invested in the magical pastebosrds that will ads | them to the wonders of the big show, The crowd carries itself slong mati the goal, NASTIEST Ru] 0 >I nr TW 2 FS a a ae & é ry {ta i a OED %THE IR sms hands | tin ae STs 4 be Baan dE dena ew ildered, persparing rely Knows how 10 was ras snd sre the reid however, Erie 1s har tirgels, Lor wit fro Br Thusre 8 arsna and be rf the day. £5 ££ te Spee Pepe ior en ga 3 Sw a 1 FE £¥n0 1% bore, as Pe oa gun Bo Ba ibe opted Lin Died] Te if al Ctwisis nomisedd giriiy rlagbe FATS Ag) WhO ran Yexsl of 1 all? And the strange sights Lucky the man or boy in that Loevny who ragsicey 15 the aaguaniance duciy eormected with the show, 5 of the year, Countless tires of what the drew IBY row rk The evesing performance 1 hal a F allernous, gravely, WHO Oatside a Bi itself. A few fp RU avriad hirhis blazing « arent scene preseuls oy & oon : o FARSI EW oo, bancdrade of Can hirryiag atlas k tha ea BLEIPWANT ee ——————————— Its one ita polis are carried ICR ———— | menagerie len Bile WRGS P down with a up by » SIA $7 Xs nk towmara great Wp oi : + a 3% usd La wa the last #4 3 hedore Care Las disappeared 4 Fig mend porns tarentl ourner. ¥ 4 £5 ants Las stalked estically and = be : sk 5 aw WhO CRITIEN & REY 4 son 4% a Was cok honse stable barber ib together stuallor tenia, Lave | yet silently ftaken to the cars. In A of an hour the * *y 1, 115 tae number : tell €3%- bag top” its aunt poles resching | the darkness of the sky | road yards eversthing is i activity The nrrht show 12 out; jis Smashed, and the last | formers skurries toward which has been left upc the space where the dressing tent stood a quick change of costume, a | banging tr 1d, and the isst men { ber of the company takes bis way Wo the train. By midnight the show is its way to the next town, Open LH I oak in Youn Where Everylunls ta Irian. (ff Benedicta, Me, Pi | aan writes: “If th | 1a this country | orate it i 1% tive Tack that posed excinsivel a family 18 the enti Bronsh whose veins oon blood than - Lewiston fagenr Hate. TE, & AC Ra 1% TR Broa. so An expert declares that Ee knows of at least connterferts of the obd wasters which are now hanging wu pre vate galleries in the United States, all purchased at high prices. Hani © v3 ak RAILROADS ON EARTH A Haitway Sharp Gives a Pew Compares tive Seafities on Kalle, Se of rariromde remarked A LORD ¢ new what | was talking shout, #0 Bo va a fhe Thang Bd vhs ern ter ef WMAatex ores NT ST Enrope PRK ES 0 “45 wile of track ant Asia ie teat ras WAY toy mpary dis rales 4 Africa oan on ws every 15 00 person by far and beyond ; eR/ris ry Pe Fae FPR pe kg Re 3 Pe faien as B00 TRY fuss iwi FREQ Pr a S&L WW) or AlWATS tries to | evan st the risk of Seat ILR 1 A ne a i on » B35 vo FRX 10 siding Lead fine aria bas alvendy Testirations only battery strong snongh discharge arcaga her batteries send the spars are tia edly to show the sialeton As idea of Jia the fact thal wut and the v re wT iE Lae a ibaa = inetrament CAN evGive & inches in Jenath, anid in dong so gives a joud report like thunder Professor Trowbeidge bas lately been able so prove by this apparatus that the length of the spark is acear ately proportional to the vollage. This fact, which has jong heen ad by various (rer setantists, br aAscerTal ad a fasl yon distabee Te PRL PUY 4 KAT CE 3 3 asad to the vaolilale Ie WB Ym de hoon van ow pA Ak leila wa Samday Lalvor in Kassin. = a Jew * ry rong i mine RB AY aoe Purk Board, acily ar three ded by his son. alter TEIN - POPULAR SCIENCE. d have proved 3 am enoelient mnter.s! re Slirstion bi ac oduo! WF pranets wl § Peak Serie Fases 5 x i i ERres Log’ perved 4 gn a $n iin PREY + 3 ; La EAT Moats Ter, Tan village of Crrest Caraort stingdonshire, Fagland, = ba Rl BOTT CUE ® 4 Frater mrt ¥ » HER FR ¥ : ho warn MN Begone ox su VF eel, Polontrians us Broad street poster lav aflernonn mers treated ta pis 3 nr Be wR » 2 a WM he RQe 5 TARR begat PT was Ss ip Hlrr east RERIng He Wa Filey Wis ¥ a HL Seen €eromane Fomd of 5 § peda Gemy goa 4 wh A bh sr A named Iran this winter is the the nipliest aries the ladies, whi | sneeze Rix CRAIONS, ahs The tiny fellow, wie sw ace of spades and Las wn ten she war dagves h por other heatlenisn is, on the who . Ant res I x ond he en gd Liki Daa. mise Ia syns Ko thi a ss Teariked + on Soha EP ink ame werall To Prosees Dompoisangt Miners ; eT Ors De TT a CRNLY (Se - FEST STATE NEWS ¢ TRACING HORS { Farmers of :3e Forthwerters Consties Ewe ploy Detectives :