The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 20, 1898, Image 8
Sn rr "CLEAN ING POSTALS. Process to Remove Printing frow Un- canceled Cards. An advertisement has appeared In gome of the dally papers, in which a cash payment has been offered for un. capceld printed postal cards This was all thet was stated, and as 1 seem od to be our of the general ma of ad vertliernents, 4 esl was ade on he advertiser to find out the olject of this offer, It seems that many business hones have occasion {o have a large nam of postal casts printed. to adveriise some special fine of geuxds or 1 xe of gone traveling man. For eason or other the comditionsg shange. so that perfaps only half ards are used Being privowsd nnot be psd in any other way, the result ix that in pipe cases ten they are enfisigned fo the Westy baske?, a= the aversion? dosd not re es A AA SR I WT ! heen nner aentod postal cards as it dine stamps envelopes A PBroweess has heen dlaraversd by which all of the printed mater may be removed fram the vant Waving 1 In the same conedilion ax when bought at the postoffice. A charge of 1 cent per rard is nade for this work, or in other words, a man sends M0 cards to be “made aver’ The man wha does the work charges R250 for his servives, and the customer saves $2050, as the prigtet cards were of no nse to him. The process by which this work is ac complished ix not patented, as the ine ventor is fearful that after the ingre disnts besome known some one eles BAY change them enough to escape an Infringement Bat &Y the same time ob tain the san restilt The solution I made at ht after the factory hands have gorse hoo, aml is given them the nex: day to pss, The selwme has been in operation for six months oniy, but the inventor has hetters foom all parts of the sonntry from prominent busi ness hots, that have taken advantage of thik offer toy anv MO cents on the dol Jar, and be fools sors he hax go? a asd hess that, alter it has Jucote naw i, will prove oa gol pay Boston Transevint Mer Beginning. Tom How do you {ike that neal 1 brought von yasterdyy % Alice 00h, 1 don't fhe it at all don't eure ro finish it i poo How much have vou read? Alice Ane Chspder, Tom Tien You ronlile tnto tho story. The frst wert wort of Allee But the one ve read, and the No, Yor PuAay suke it back. Yo Dife: ence. Physiea!l troubles of cuming from dillerset w puszhr to thames wid su thelr tréptment ard fans of jambage from ood oy @ strain fn some way to the same uncles. The treatment of sph pesd not differ © with the other Foal are bad sas and should have prompd atisnii nothing aisa bleh we roel se lame © The use of 81 Jacobs OH wi tie question. Its " CHOY TE KG sure in o¢ ease thers ie no diferente in the ment and no Ae abt of the cure An electric beara ty ve in coal mine shows & saving over af $25°% in iw dave, and an pump in the same mine shows a4 saving Overy Rian pumps of $1.50 by U0 day Chew Sitar Tomar Tho Beat. Emoke Bledge ¢ lgnrettas. Pruring the fast 199 yenrs tie pu a tion has Increased at the rat { near fy 1.000080 a-nualy, . 1 believe Piso's Cure for Consmmetion saved wry bery x Hie inetammomer, More Abid Dota ARE, Joy, Mick, Oot. 3, 100, Hood's Sarsaparilla Absolutely cures scrofula, Salt rheum, Dyspepsia, Thesmatim, Catarrh and al disease Originating in or promoted By impure blood. It is The great nerve tonie, Stomach regulator and Strength build 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10c. 3 i Sut bars: Song er rena FR EAN z i SNe cn Rel aie Pring goa” some of dak al paint Tow Agel Feontps of buy bb Gestgr posis Tey AND TU MOR PERMANENTLY kite, plastor or pain. All forms of BLOOD DISEASES thoroughly erathrated from the system. | Six weeks Mome Treatment for $i. Book of Information (ree. NATURAL REMEDY CO., Westfaid, Mans IBLE PICTURE OF CORSUMPTIVES Hzekiel 571-14 cured Uy le Bend 30 cons for NASAL INSP HAY for punyiie: tu @. 8. Fasxag, Perth, Gut. Canam I amicred with | Thompson’ s Eye Water for PNU 3'88 i eS A AEA ATA Gained Forty Eight Founda, “1 had a strong appetite for liquor, which was the beginning of the breaking down of any health. I was also a slave to tos an 5 coffe drinking. 1 took tae god CR, but it Aid aod hedp me, : : . This ia a pn n of an intervie “imped from the Bait A ¥ 1 nto: frown. It might wall ; 4) 5 {ony Spreran § hed in py hyo how 4 dysiem. jowen LiF Gn 1nd disease SRY pat rest y Ledter (hau a nigh ta a, i) L urns +n frequent, anid my hetrt's aetion angi fnoragend fi2ft rv farsa ane rotired Yo city Bo for 1 was a oon firmad invalid sad the damtors wadd wand never be wait Ags. ‘Boop after | hay paaml {io ase toner Lhiozes of De Wi fams’ Pink Pills for § RETIRED of (ITT LIFR Pain People, and sines then [ haves bhoen Feow fever ail pain, headache and dvepepsia. { eat birartily and have no appetite for rong drink or tea or coffee, and feel {wantly years yluasger, ¢ My sped Bas dnereaend 48 poarnde I sannol say too mush for Dr. Wilitams' Ping Pills and ciaios that they have eared ma “Tous BB. Coon.” Robaarihad and sworn to before me this sixtesnth day of Febraary, 1507 AY Bana, Notary Paul To paapls run down ia healt, from what svar sane driak or dismase the above in tarviow will bis of interest. Tha trath of 1 i aadobtaid as the statapent is sworn JO, and wa peproducs the oath here, Por any rarther fasts sontarsing this madisine write ta Dz. Williams Melicine Company, Sakenecisdy N.Y. Tue nine and a idesas of tha aulhijerd af ahve fntareinw is Jean B } Foath Ma street, Lyon, Iowa, A To Care A Oold In One Day. Paks Laxative Bromo Quinine Tables AR Druggisis refund money ifit fails to cure Mo. 1 hing, wi! ow The ys ¥ E55 3 Rhvsdi, Basil) ® 00, Carre w ted be oa iron Fits narrnasentivavirad Na fils or nerrats rman alter Brat day's nan fae w Liraat Nope Featarer BT trial 4 freatine Tree Pia BBL Kase 0.580 RI Pe Kien long and nu Physic tans, The Pore g { bina. 1 Established § 750, Baker's Ie —— —————— ee SE a, Ss oe I 5 Chocolate NONE OTHER GENUINE, MADE ONLY BY 2 WALTER BAKER & CQ. Lud. ' Dorenester, Mass, The Best is, Rye, the Cheapest.’ " fvoid Imitations of anv Substitutes for hi | ake Bed xe Yemoys ine isd er CURIOUS FACTS, named Winter recently mare an ned Frost in Vers! yy, An iy Ane Lomedpnre : and {ature master: darmain Pie Kew thrown into Lawl { Pronglass when Mary (heen SEC 3 . Engluan Paretient Winter Watering Troagl, BGM i ». A y : . eg a Age death By he ! : : : * % § pen iF 5 Wil ims | FERVE thron by ontlhing off son nece AARYY HTAry mMing= n eas 43 pxcept dunng th “ ry vu th Is rag {id ary yal tender bed ng prefera shile day 5¥ Fertye #% careleas or lazy farmer vd 31 ties ax fa a few an thas grat £1 pak way Liearars andl In market bays : more popular dency has heen long time. Wa are glad the varieties that sos! ars held for he meat this sxtra cost CONOR SoBe wnara A Winter Ford Cooker, washes are dJesteghd The Farmer's Wile, iy 5 * g \ Den A 3 Joey wall pra aral re 4 tlie praseny y > a carga re Fagan Sanity tan B31 4a higher temperatures Seventeen xa rat bi a thee Lest | chlrnng al. Mr Ford has bean racked , $ g 5 3 atid cosa rious “1% Tan H The more sucenient foods make the the grief of widowarho wl €ix times, hae > #, WAlery fits 0 scream, sand to le peArtY old ar : fam Aas a12Y3 High Priced Anples, r Bockelelier, vi four ned fealer JA Fiend inarket SEER ¢% Laat srk inn Rint Sirsa 21 ¥ Line Fetes, mili IIT own - rel Giler wane’ f the separation of erature butta™ as not larger Appear, stop wl le SLOW | oy Thishigh's Pal. mhedd welid ok drawer Uni®on. HT mews re Fach drawer is furnishes) with how test locks, "$3.39 ere thi erect pi ove of Birnie whieh 1 vir $8IR, Lissricow ant onent 3 2 hagraphed CH shows & ondore +1 WYP ST {0 stm per pent Pert dpa ew IT Tage Sle igl CRIRICRUN of Furniture, Draperies, Lamps, Stoves, Criviery, Mirrors, Potiires Hedifing Hefrigeratnrs, lat Carrispes 8 als wosirs Tor the ssking Agatis we gal, why erivich vous deal dearer when you) buy of the maker? Hoth omits thing, &pl we Day BALTIMORE, MD. ease Mention Tula Paper, Prency ey Iron nT, “SYaosmen are ally (ngredulons ™ remarks “That's jo tii LEAH dant Pye a ) neva = "wt Fie ay i iipeemtyried thal’ Te iT wal Bik Fo xny “the mater poof. inated of "Mae fay fron ? ENJO OUS wes ies wn Hen ant ACTS va, Bt AN Re rie, head. res habitndl : yf I oR i% tha niv remedy of iis Rind ever pro. duced, pleasing to the taste andise prrapt in eentable to the stomach, 8 action and truly al in ite gffects, prepared only from the most healthy and Irena fe substances; ite many excellent auatitios commend it to ail and have made it the most popular remedy known, Byrap ot Fige #3 fir sdde in 50 cent bottles by ai! leading drag. EAE Al af ! Hrgrist wha may not have it on hand will pro. eure it promutly for anv one whe hes to try iL an CULE ANY tate. CALIFORNIA FIC SY2UP CO. SAN FRANCICO. At LOUISVILLE, AT. iv, YORK, MX.