The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 20, 1898, Image 2

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    wii ui
oni Re mise
Cr, i 8, WR S50 WAAR or ARR Si pao _- x
rm ote i et eo A NSE tlh
T = Ih dn xford has ea THE LAST SUMMONS. Re yuo! a a per! ct stranger 0 ym, 33 FHI IANTNE | 1h mew ewterprl ises; to increase the
1 : ; ane i Th wT wand BK in wipert fav 1 pin 3 ow 1 ig 5 ~ CRT BOY P 2p zr OF 1 i F Yq 3 is
Samadi x] | Wii su dh Is mriagting, nn raw fia camnor Me TPoaimg oh. 2 GOOD ROADS NOTES. I |T¥ne of every acre of good land. te
& 3 a » » py fe 0 8 3
~ § Ben fia raY AWRY ? r I fsel sha 3 4 lr hoa Balk
open sesame to the highest society of | Woes natn: trbawaios | When foatiall las tae ai fain. § foci stasprets. fie u “| act the dehsor free by enabling Bim to
When won pot cat their wheelbarrow, ; ne ' ith br palend bey Lat if somehow ralioves wu ; . y ; :
s Bri i ¢: 44 & » frehed Chto somehow relieves my cs og i id 1 a A NER 3
Great britain. And princes, ard Bion wd rd ve Ste wii th) swear ¢ bY y . v BN FC ERC RE ae wR Tl Ly Mis eddie to ad the growin of
it Paw \ : i HI exci 5. Ra Fr Fins Esuntpnent ir the
Aut Fame pant 11 Baw x 1 i 5 2 : fowmeral Nove ar wate
» 4
SE adn 1H
‘The Minnesota Agricultural Schoo 4 ait “ B ii \ Em aan Wha na nih fe nls stuis 4 Taw subiset of State aid for rosd | | SATIRE DY aking
teaches onr girls how to sow whest BE I BS Di TITRE A, he was luring to offer some Yd pailling was touched on by fieneegl | [9 fo chureh. sud to confer ype
but how many of then: know how to That come to sorted them tat buh rt Abn de a irin or prefans d remtest aud friondabie. | JOBE, ef of the Bavesn of fond '0 ¢ Srutrahions 18 “at hoon of
’ iW ou rs gl : ; Lind bt Aaa sval Dutsgrtisns. | TrReT nesting hy removiag the
48W 4 eviton patel? Pn Se Tie a ¥ Ee. : 2 yr oe - - ; Gi . : Friiny he Yoia a id us . x 13 : ai "i 3 a band shataed attendee ot EE dod
Those individuals vio take pleasure Gosd Roads
in statistics of the elongated kind wil) i
be pleated to know that Lord Keivigl i P mle fed! whi eh awn t Wa 2 ioe BL Bis : ; torn from my dens native wail wr i abd By wh hve Bund Surfacing.
calenlates that the namber of mole ; ; 1 Hid career,” be proceeded, ema , Ly ' | proving
enles i in a cubic ine h of any Has i 8 BAER EE HRW EA Ce AA A pe Fo i : . : Te romid § Diode thie §lwir ad a ; . ki . a “y a ¥ a i --
oh » Ba % 4 ¥ & ay f Tew » i Xr tra da a ¥i % i ¥ x " ® ” xe ¥ 3 3 a ¥ i ¥. 13 { i Na ig REO.
100,000 000,000,000,000,000,000, Hei HEBER IS NALA ALAIN Ars rare mam el alee lorie rn! oo TEL the esties and eorporutione, as far se tons of th AEs 200 ar
also declares that in each of these * sie | with a mest promising fotos before Loo afite. willing pip. and | States oid tottering stone walls Sank
malecnles there are several atoms : 7 > | HEE I Was auring po 18% Ineny : ie : HE SAD G5 Le aR Fiber wie Crwners
3 ‘ : ] ! nt varios of tha @ = ia Faber, pot id generally be plas sat sd
moving among themselves at the rate : J . Hu RE AF 0s BAY Sihaaln, . yi a nag i I iad u get nnd of
Ey Tes Vent was stationed att he (eavernmen : i : ide Ls TRRte hl Wa 1 8 ration engine
of seventy miles a minute. If any Je (mei ha a of it bata iil sitatee ie Tt eran a rads lb :
s 3 = : : ; : ¥ wa £78 Poder “ie A Te
man oaght to know all this it is Lord 8 than s fo the pale 2 Earainls pevaer te the crushing th?
Kelvin. But is he quite sure of the Sr eles ele. el rete a ie a a re aii lis i uestiin trambied on the Up of b a : ; X sravide the material
: A . - - Sl Fo SP i Pl ie ee A a at * a oi A, Ca ay oi i sal = % ad : f Ee J OE ™ ¢ 3 peru we » ody : exu Tod . .
namber of these littie molecular fel * . arr ange, bat somehow oonld met CT PTE . tir si Tod ariel it exactly where it 1»
si a oe ‘ sg tittn xii of har pwn Hida oman By hig I briny herself ta (nterrnpt an ; ? be PHITY., Andy 3H 1h piso WIE Hot fhe nessanity of tg
lows to within, say. a million? : FC HREeae ra. : y WHOUES WF 13 FY 3 lpr EER Yeh i: 1. Lee Poe aac g re - J 5 Ieee
x py & small time it was becoming sarer to herd I hw an recently gradasied cr a 1 Geeday, naming New England Homestead,
} Sis tha 3s @ : 3 ey i 3 EW :
An Indianapolis peper states that AE" ipaat. on in love with Ber and shevat to spwronch 1 oy Sra ny i. he wenton, +1 I! Ihe people of the oitivs wold | West Yremenduus Conan ia the Ward,
i 2 ; : : : ; i be Min D3 4 = Max "me he Sel Sr ; y Hains gh Gre ne A MAA Ben gear Foe hd "ye hws 3: A ahrartle sua tearsns x 3
an iuvestigation in that city has shown (jg IF : Fiat har with a tonnes! which whe ws ad many frisnds in th azimant. : : ; ¥ fr aa a waplty Aontersank wm the
that the prevailing epidemic of diph- g > Re, 23 5 WAALS IHCAESS I aneeT : ee TR En Cr rERitEe gt : j of 18 » 1 are et yoy mu st ped
4 Te F ame 3 remgpryt] «tom 8 res roan a wey bog en ig dm on & 3 aid metgekaviten fie : RR te aad RR a, f= 1% Dipl 2h A
theria among school children has been g : ts i ei, Et ey TTL EE s sed tivat ther wand Woared ia the lon ite Brisk with ta Dereessmrabile
on : . a. : ! em. gussets at WHIT Sirens anes # Cg nat | ADS FRET TES remmaALned etry od : Aa a id etd (BREEPOE : i y a
spread through the distribmtion of c. 4 » Lasshie wed rag ix rumpires anid bina J Rad Pier nahi) A ay at basting of the roads, and they have ath of divinely sodared and sendin.
ponils und pesiolders in tive shoots — “YD He roar aay os hited h Sas nite: Stnskavited did von say? TIRE f very BES ITA teres A 0 brgldisga before vou snd be
e 53 5 sr ae ry i es i a2 7a ¢ ZYAAT HIRUY TY pedals pre syteer ta i 8 Satis you Ni ate iy EL
Under the system in vogue cach ohild tion, which was the npshot of one o inoare friendeup, she had not the ‘WEY, BAve past oad tr iE i iia Sa i. ay ha od anderad or oe fae Son
i a in ivsord | Bamrt fos io bs anita sss nl aera nf hie tu ee Ewumrid C3 ve anantry that Hie Lud pet go | DARY Dave pdered Lhithertn, or Low
is required to take its pencils and il mace pathetic chanes meetings | heart to ont their agrecelie acquaint | ¥me of he fami) rhEbiin aiier BORNE, gf all and thaw mini a ra jes! | many famons porges and valle rosy
that ever were brough Yui ‘ Sree sheet, {pare Fah. ata mw EERE ag, | RRS he grrge - =
# to the teacher's desk inthe after. Ongst shout hy © 3 . Foo Cin : . more if they had gorl conptry roads, | Dave seen, this one, the Grand Can
: surging ocean of cosmopolitan life Zs He procured some jessons Yor her | No. m simp] intersted in ros pe : BAY roads, | a : A H rand Canon
on. They are placed in a box to- this greatest 334 COR TIIOH slitan ities : Sate IE 3 ; ERTL Ritter LY nS B > #1] BT Fig na ¥ £3 Fin ky Tye Wu i »is oh * ra ’ i = he . olorads, i Sasi ar novel
oo : 4 Pi : hat any of 2% have bean ahle to device | $00, 8% nnearihly in sler ane
gether, nod the next mormng are ree The esistomers of the restaurant con. ira Ber be BARIrS atid puhdpe Jee. Dhdas 5 i ER an . 4 : } =Y = the apd
. : ¥ : : 2 : . Powe ow aed rater gmed aries Ra wer Pdrandeny aid anantity o * a » &.
distributed. Each child may thus . stitute one of the thousands of little tures 1 of whith attention sh if, he was th Beedt gelrgRAIGE CL ca a Ate PrP | Sean o_ Ne ” A oF ? Hs weiiie
; ’ : d i worl: Ly marie wakes. | wld porcin IAL sii SHE a Bae AL vie $i ius whiola It - Yo ; SHI ANT Im oth pevsiimInent Of thew ioyon nisd found it after death
have a different pencil and penholder | worn of Wie b We Al ImETiCAn mat PA YP Efe ts oo | IU ThE Whine i). OF Ba, ME Re mounts read . Lon some other star. so ineomparahly
xo . » 18 made ap, an for two or threes DAfIoN, each lime vowing in her heart 1 200 5080 Koow Dow 10 Tade CaT0 © = pe Rha y Co { Lawalw ak acimt om
each day, and as children often hold | | months a Russian artist sod a Polish that on the following Fein she waif, and pad his Life for it, poor hay, Wn iN EO wy grand a SipNme ns
San : : : rat angel thaw CERI TF That tus Kaig o ve A 1h st he 3
them: in their months, the doctors say | piano teacher formed a separate miers | would change her restanras vpmy. | His heart was with the insgrpsnt wichie en and his he mk] in f nin : i pi WE Ba
: " . : . i 3 : i y x . 3 i OW NEO Fi ViEImAYEe and tugm i «A onr re-memided, earthen «
the disease is thas communicated, | posm in that worid The other theloss and perhaps anheknown to snd 1 knew if and bagead Se aid shy ni) En. | Faken rRLD rai a re ]a i.
: wan : Hfrequaenters of the place aro French. | hersell, she even grew exacts nd 1 gasrded, bat bea was ton mach BA nN i — s had
Hereafter all pencils and penholders ey Bd Car BS res " : RR : Sonia hat was 8 fare somtribation. That river and glacier soni iptured worl
Sey vx 4 . Arar is, Ae Eyiy | FIS PR OnSORRRT Yay iy Tugs ¢ PRAT LE “iO Lt TRELLIGR £5 Ba 4 i Te g
w 3 hi 4 & Y a x * % g * ¢ : : : 3 L& 4h: ER Firs Pd £ ww iy Bogue § Boog # Ta ‘ 3X AE LE ¥
ill be disinfected each afternoon, | Belgians, but Aleksey Aleksssvitclh prossed a desira fo see Dase in Mag. | Preservation io get the befter of his | ® 4 far as his! 1% rv thonsand font deep
———————————— i . ART ; ; : : . ; VEWTIS ID Wy WEEE ed bait Bon ery ar x iF Troe Fim
Smirnofl and Panns (Polish for Mre | da, sod be re 5 therennon, with | TeVULIGNASY AYRIpAliieR CMe SRF i hea how ed aT HOW | a 3 Bam ig : i And
Report COINS te the New York Tri C Roushetzka Are BRtived of Fassia a pred usinn of monlive anviladgries that | bony : eh i Fad frayed ha : : ; Lary £ VERE Su : Sa hig i 3 rim bey 2201 5% 1 Dav wie 1 And
: . bal oi 5, i pr fy a 3.1. dims ated ono bank? myst leek | imatead of being dependent for interest
bune on excellent suthority that | was ved *H nil they # se tse then is wan gent froen Lain pli Tha { by Borge Of 3 ah mobhlerogn and taken : : : : : : En rah 4 . $ & ol walptnre
Cg " 1 *y § hn WF TH Yai gui pear or ive sow Tope oy bah eset i ra be . tit gs anal ; a ‘ Ca Ea iid 1 4% OL Ct gt sn 3 Fury : £5 i 2a 3 seri a ar intny
“thers are hundreds of men in the FUPPSr 4 fae same Wu IY oven A BAL Ee DT Ne preva ® he fi:2 FALE Prise wed y gnuet cultivate a wider | 838d beanty of park-like flocs, ke most
Klondike region who will not work I y ov 4 aware. of ths ‘other's Sve miinntss she did nat 1 : Ah 9 Cull soins ; ; aan fd that feeling of wider | other great canons no watecfolls sre
ww > 5 ans nh pi acd 4 4 a. 3 ia & bantu was * Kon Ze . hos ly B hs 4 gs ” » 8 LR 5 4 i " +, ag go di Bona ane SW ’ vowing ees ake ga ted 2
and earn a living when they have a knowledge of Knssian, snd the fart guestions and wittiviems except in Cink cursing the GO Bs snd hn ate : A YL. Iie elon DT wh
: : . : - ay ip op ig , 3 . a : 3 4 > Shanda ; ; Pell | Rix Nem PET at iiwy 47 %:4 Si AY Liga tel padi Snag
chance, bat persist in remmining idle thrilled them both like the sodden rid rmenosyilabiles Hie sara | TORIBE Yehoeansy or iE ; 8 i - r. Pin i
AIDE : ] xz = : : AY 18 Bad Ai oder Here ab
Lag 1: I ne Hirer. fikunvéty of & dose Hioed refationshin | well for hans, be thenph He 35d ret | 0 Yor tnnst have Hear) Bow str ; :
and awaiting relief from the Govern ’ . : ' # 3 ig ¥ : I owe slat ri use That 1h artenal + LRerE groraas Yh WaT ad Best it ean
ment, They are the fellows who went Bs $ he 3 ¥a52 12 hh : ee a nl Aa ss ating of roel Foe Heme Yay ie A Weury, murmuring, overimden
and. a8 1% hax since proved s far more trethier Lis pened the a five : WAKE oa state of siege wy. : Encan :
ads 9 i ; 3 : haves Eoown © hes Biel a grant afe LPR reine to eseane fram the
Jon of ming relieved’ eid trong ‘arin a Boushetzk: 3 WE i wom : , * wiand in le : oe; hanks bi ¥ ais : were grad os h : ia i . oi y " 5» hogs oo be fou itr pe tre ny woarildering : 4 riz
back at the fXpentes of the honest and 2 F i i w] : He ha Ler: eh ¥ i] had Weil 1 So , bm ui r : . ; . : sn . ain ar sors ie nta
industrious taxpayers of the Nation. Rs A : .
back in a chain-gang, and set them ate Fol £ ae NG fe as; on : B 5 : | ’ h " on 5 ES . . a Fon 4 : or i. : : t ois ’ a pe bi pmb wid fy tha Toavgistian ti ah i B X Pare yr t B dibings
‘work for u yesr after gefting here, to Bh had come to New York, after though in jo . bail wlio wants Take charge of The or RO a MY or on a Si
pay for their food anid exportation, losing her husband, with 5 85 ai 6 : * 1 ne fooiizls. Panna Peony bagi gad piten tha fatal oy 2 1a ia Sasi id taal x - = 2 i : E aritly wlakly y 5] oh Bioe and hattie
They might flad bresking stones on bor Ft ee The fo - $ * ze Siciad 8 iA ; = re ® said B ho h * Lott friend, WHd help snr met Ar gi g “ Memb we re and tower tn endless rari
the highways a little different from |. Eefors bot abil ing sare om i or ak iat he quae 4” S armel a qi Ewith «YE tort af L will nd thst the movement for oly of ye ul li Every
[vicking up nuggets on the Yukon.” |soad to remiizstion, sud. hearilicken | whnt wasooming. | omposare sudthe broke off abraptly of develop a bronder citiganabin. | es snipe a this
pind pentiilens, she was driven to fake i Ahr the fg ; » fiving Boia TRI 100 a De, 1 ls sig? wiomie fiw pital god | ATRNDGeET § Cools fayrestriad oilivs,
: Ein fiir lamang Fi SRR Fooont dea . 4 3 23 iE Ar rT ee go Ya v4
Ep ¥ FLA t “al as 8 Te » + {| BOPAYALOLY, 4 SLi % ist fri ¥ hh SRA ars Maia ® ¢ Fis as ib ie TAH ire 1 [TRE LT ] 2 ii. 18 Alianthie.
Hem mh nS hI OER
Persons ean “nsually tell how & pp
- thing will feel by looking at #; the Bumirno® was a bac! : JEsLy ba calied a home ath madly PT RRLR} Ate) Be DURLOGE or 3 that? of §
a i * 4 Bo Nn ; $5 iF RE aT a gu i “ “ i v #4 he w 5 ae Ta 30% { 34 wera ay iE 5 ti Rik ad 30h i 3 : i b. 204 $ ps. 1 " i
smell often reveals what the taste will 3y-thres years her senior = Cilmi ia . amin GUKBetzim, | ; } the mos-favorsd regions, will feel | Seal Huansting » Brutal Indastry,
: 26 Year: RETIOT, LF any fant Ink eT etinge my life de BOOT & ep i showy wat tha lenets af) Sead annting in ts jen 2 HE
be like, and sound sometimes suggests looked fully ten Years vou han hoa bang Wall" he rammed Tom ; 3 be 1 a | Fe lad oo be at gl egies
; h gH 1 TE, KOLLT ak 3, # LEE bed : Pig Pi t Pose CRN vo feelin snnter Wl AR ie Bre DEPORG of FL:
the appearance. Perhaps this all goes bas Re. Tall and wide asak a with a i Si $4 Fons i i : 8 gr the rik Prien ‘kh. ie he | dnstries Besatine i depends for R5
to prove tliat certain nerves are com. | | brisk military carriage, » military homes acrods the street and made ne 150 tery moment I was to do so I fell have not the advantages. I believs | opse npon qualities that we admire i»
4 | steel-gray mustache and blond hair rss vt the raand i a feigned soon i I
mon to ail the senses; perhaps it | | ar with -l iver sate ® ui fn ; RIMRIAE IN BR rihar WLM, SAY hat every step laden, every Ziicions ; slim, iractaility aud tameness
. 5 i ve be ‘ Ls > wnat pt 5 x . y 3 Fol AE JIS IAL ¥ 2540 i’ 7 TET x Bg a ed a Te 90 0} Wk whi Pi) ha %
doesn’t. Possibly the explanation tomples. b reared in ih wl fo : tz a ayaa, : al TT mad clu gy a em bringing sont the | Attached to the herd there is a contin.
¥ ples, # 37 peared ih Ihe prime £53 ar treman bons! ANRC 8 ANa RAeR Tran wy. % $ ie Boa Raed ernment to rant of yt hia “bachelor” seals
may be found in prior knowledge and health and activity, while his never i gl Ys satel Borie ss a eoward and bad no ebotes Bat 10 wards aa ; aa SE A FT oi cad heey is enforced by the grad
j HogIvYe You Wn EE ET thon ¥ E ’ BX RTO Feanerdl rom ImproTement will ob aR FIR RIOR
askill of comparison coupled with a failing god humor and hearty, sonor: piu" she wh pered | TASES fy Gorhmiesion an a help to develop that feeling all thringh | old dogs that Reep ali the love making
OR UBIne i po | . . 3 i ae whe hy CEE Demat) mea § : : f stn
little imagination. A German profes A EenRine iy Mase: ovite langhter me. Boushitzka has not eames | oe roliiz et have been eter co United States: that we hove sot th themselves, It is the anfortatiate
: wide one feo a nvesence of a y bai ahiu® ie} = . shies, eke plal aici de he ams hws Saat ; saa :
sor has found out that certain musi. young wan of Santa That bad Stee he Any letters for 3 : casiler someting beyond our own Belors | re doomed Wo lose life
3 % i 3 { 3 ¥-3 iat 8% ws, the ner! svenin . af Tin bik oat arly lee loud 3 » 5 Haw i% easier
cal sounds produce on the eyes of the buen his actual age when he left his | ili Ey ats Homan oom cmpelanang oo Br errs 3 a i : 3 I #5 Sosa ub 4 ed
: 4 i on yo ; v : & 4 $ ob nm * kiael ragtairant with 5 AREY £ % ellen 3 $7 TON SAFE Rh snd do my cn ep re Wp 8 £13 the p ripumorn toons of 1 laa gages; Lie
blind certain ideas of color: a high, native comntry, and after some three | any! Liishenes 2% . : SHBG es 11 the widow dul not Lear have Tonk thus whl fal i ot as whi lend, and
ik ¢ p ¢ ¥ To Risa y gr 3 x “ A y i 4 FUER #5 43 4 £X'Y oh 5° 7) # ids : bd x 4 TER, 34
: 3 : ; aden ¢ eran tation . vi : \ i s p ; ab whats x sei x :
soft note producing pink; a high, loud Secutes ot ETE, a om . in ds stern fof the enstomers he received his mail | © dhad A a ae HRaTIa pt eid of the United States and PT Als ire their far 7 Aleat In
violet: a low soft note red, and a 3 i i%i 8 AS wetiio (HrR nL 3n ¢ tha ra A aiL3 Boop hat th {orn serond Fyre so #t apy do lang, w fash shares the zk)
4 ) 3 . ! : I New York, He 4% B jh & of ail trades er on oe nis mie Th ave ola 3 Sion a Ya 8 . svg si mia Aon ting virs $i } . ba Yiaksessia ad Banal hem bogus) ! SPGiR. serrate a Tow bachelors Jeo
a low, loud note, indigo, ete, Quality ah i Iaslier of hile &* fon AL i 4 % rans : FEAT E43 aaa kd RL ! = E&Y $d inn all mim 3 a, ark . ; > : > FARES > = ¥ APeNR S - 5 i ‘ i . Tr is te . 5 cer AF th he . 2
! Ril : a": hen ha onevye : bea rama busi Br fia on Bar ‘ Tha CRE afb Ee Pr Fie Bord and drive thers Gp Ge Bde
4 ol 3 yw io i = 3 gape . i hE * x 3 " : : B $
and quantity of tone are always repre thongh freehand arawing is one of his sins Chea Sw ur L of! “& mEigaRaViIten, ETRE Linlagd Tha foes orostares Han
sented by opposite sides of the pris. Songest points he 1s clever encngh Bavenssnt i ae
| i
» . ‘ with AIR Dene £5 eat »o S81 few T ARON 5 pected AleRiey Alek» + Py agin ET xg . ”™ + Wome da 4 pF ant . 3 \
matic disk, Th i8 is very wonderful J h ¢ pend 3 t . meat the res Haire. | , } , ; ars: ont AE EIN gp ¥ ait Ate stInT IA wan reported iv AWE ward sx the nrogr % a ast
~ : ff 4 o x & vw ¥y FR eX 4 RESALE ODER § W ¥ § . 5
ments of 4 small eleeirnengrax ing es : his es save Your phatosrsph, Manpeviten AbDeviiie hal will Foal Maciines ans f water. ~procssding | oy apart rushes
: lead to onieln sents in oe :
snd may lead astonishing results. gonlichiment where he bas steady eqs. : to dds confess T was | was mv father omit iahar this dont of tia ipaving th i lone causes at the rate of abet
@ whi
n nay be found that certain colors ployment at a modest ERIRZY. Si Bind to the natars o he Pas 1 fo tus mara : 5a eon PT pomadw, even in i FRIES a * aon js is «ax ira they
: : sh E : . . wo : ; » v b . Bas ik be # % FLPERE we SL 8 Le 224 ¥ 3
give to the deaf impressions of musi The langnage of the restan ant is Be AS RNG 5 » ahd mas 7% # 3 rs § AnInY ¥ iy fr 5 ts Wl parr ot sivrifeed RG gud,” The
: Propel . 543 . ) =i : vod, B
eal sounds, Then one might sit bo Frew: i, Bi ken will ty % dozen i rnd
arceinta Yao flav iwever whan tha ll
i of. : ! *] - ¥. In Te LR nen ra
i, FE 3
fore a ribbon of variegated colors run soup was exceptionally satisfactory
between two flywheels nnd enjoy 8! and Smirnofl, who is sheet .
Pafialny Ol al
the fascinating emotions produced by epicire, was ging off 16 eestasion over |
the grand opera. ih, a word of fis native tongue es
sr— caped his lyn “siavny Sapa
soup # i $0 himself? an ha [HAS orton i {oraive a my Yiert wae i RI VP ty ta $e Chew roma ¥ lin “i ;
Is the English langage destined to wong i isin 8a Ry 3 BY aot A Were Puobograplea A a, RBA . 8 aal Pestrueting of Dinas Germs,
become universal? This question is der bis mnstache
suggested by the marvelous growil The piano teach
. stWihiat 1 bom 3
which has characterized the language “sl y a 1a nr didn ; hii : as having onme to
sinoe the beginning af th o present Bask . : a al o gi rps hag | 5 : : 3 34 rg ¥ . Rs, ; Aik 3 . 58H 3 ” i v : i 4 RISA 3 2 Toanar arate yd Lah Bong cn Fe x
; ! i 3 : pr pik on fa 5 La & Pe Loess Lor Pour sale a8 well as f08LA be avatar Clualislgotory :- fr mise dears duianfectiant, tae pro
‘eantn While there were only som: ; pg : : eo : : vg
ry. J This was the way they came to spesk fant haget his pride desniy Egt ho | PRDAR EF oolirse 11 Dever aronrred ddd sesteni’ at HATA I Chester {parte mg % ells dipands seed
21,000,000 people who spoke the Russian to each other, aad 5 That | was Gvarciams with iiisant sense | 3 me. that sexs vou, bat pow the Conoty, whesh “the sal 6 red ald the | anon the active principle of coffee
English language at the beginning a. EVenIng on 1 was the lan sagied the : ; : , : § Eider of 5% 19049 4 Ly “ 8 TAY noone” genty ag iy Dat avstemalic Wark oo ¥ ‘i & hiiek IY ean :
the century, there are now some 130, Sova ons at the fasts rant ta
000,000. These English-speaking ia rion 7} Sonsan g
people are. not restricted to Grea York, the artist and the msi ’ tone b
Britain and Auerica, but are scattered felt in the French restanrant [i a rey hs )
about over the entire globe. As com only two Hossians thrown too nf 4 4 | aniiier interview wi . 1 1 neva I thins it Bronsat to the Tepors Js ie of PEARY Interest En Susi opss Th
: with other langaages, the | © baie : ihrie dr ws he . . 2 Wade L TESS ET gy £ tha vouiiite Hiah 8 mused : Lan the Tod = “3 § : LAL URRY ? SAH bs wr Pawan of either oa Wed or 1h i
53 # % thorn to hie 1 wien ¥ : ; nS wa So mapas St le wives Ba ogo ts th 53 5 Le TIAN 4 snrending aspx ou : eo meats] F iid: the
but npen
Ui The roast
found that
¥ 3%
9% 34%
more significant, At the begissing o of company LOW ac Lo a Dew havin Boagshes ca Ev . nog ih Soh oe P Larrea Jeter wach read as fol. AawmY #35 at E54 Bid Asanti had net of af Yor er witdia a sows
the century the world's most popular for thew restore pesce to your guind bon Ha ras, bard ¢ what lounge The eomnclusioa
language was French, which was spol Tey Jeiig ted to converse in Ras yin, and your letter lea vis | itear Aleksey Alexasaviteh-It was hare & soft, sandy ote before, shonid aot, however, be drawn from
gian, and the privacy which it lent to L. ai i ony ’ : riaat a is av ge pl vio San properly. desined. Ras th har wither wal
en by 31,000,000 people. As to tlc , hats Ro lgicd Fie be tof amon retol; legrlate than Yi1 roaresif. by mt ranger, O° er {3 rraned, 1 t} tatements that either coffes or
ih mr chats, is n Peilcle 0h 3 fait before. bat helisve me i § SEY “yf I the other dan ; : : ¥ lar hist oy are to le conmidered
others, German. was spoken by 30,. could not understand a word o on IADTERASS 1% Arar Rey wip thay may ed von my whole life without know. asi Coane valine on account of thewr sight an
000,000 people, Russian by 30,000,000, they were saying to each other, be | gus and since sos And that it won] 152 ox The handsome oficer who oo a ae i
Spanish by 27,000,000, English by tame the bond of a more intimate a- be distaried by vour marrvice we J rained hinsel fie my poor father ba formes if He ae te in Tannmsane. | 1 Pq 3 for the testrastion of germs
21,000,000 and Italian by 16 000. 000 guaintance betuesn the two. The ¥ ats resioned to vy Fat : ! al AE hoa mw i Taw = <2 = : } 2 Mid is Aen Be ey “a Xen ee Torre :
LT pif | were Biretiqent on the subject of thei Ty . a 3 gn] and, wi 1 heiiave I never gate i Ny A er ems em
‘At the present time English is the 10001 uw) , but oth wera wall
ueen of the Seam.
language of 130,000,000 people, Ras | Ni ave was ir lack of Laks. aud poi hin stant sarees tar. tho [he mine roving. Dames thal the Chatiarong News SiS | | vies. Jolin Sirachas has proved tht
sian of 75,000,000, German of 70. |1opics in thi\gs bearing upon Russia, | apse with which he iis outting roc faz : tia Parris ona, I ITF AmouR she man navi ve oe in Sydoes
000,000, French of 45,000,000, 'Spanist [a Nt eile to her refusal nuttied b * York] bax x beels, anid tics sawn Suds un. Aastralia, she is known as “Queen of
J ergture aN the 5% gi bx pd y — ¢ vx vi 1 - : win i dhs his fi hyn A § x alin] wid or j
of 44,000,000 snd Italian of 35,000, tant old Ea es is wh EVEL. S18 ia DOL SewD as Loot | ei de els taal Reed Wh nave to AR or The si: Wild Waa he
000. According to these figures the interesting inform: \ ; I. Sas = 1 i tal a : “ : e ti : te be, and \ rasta t singer Lost. ar of aa eis frais an } taka fem wii : a ; i 5 r 2 an | veass] Jat
English language has moanted during | aud, their lend hip) growing apace | exnltaiinn aad i inararine , Buta, of a furee raf as En RN ST Lud law with virmlams eg Rut
the present century from the fifth jhe g gradually came tolintrodues into to her. He was nneominonly efasice 58 it, AR aan * Md pe ta less time thas if seed te taka despite © her honorary title, Mrs.
place to the first, and is to-day spoke: | they neve ite al anton POY, though | and sentimental, an if BF was : & 25k taeh Pun SHE : Ley ye TSirach win loss fern,
spoke it in 1800. While the various | a certain Van ah farstead » : " ' 4 : i a i ISAS 5 ; Ia C Sine . a 5 4 : or os ar eT «iy Rik Jr oa yipoy : ¥ Ia a) Bis gis $y TIINRION 10
other languages have made some! Wemorabile epoch if the story of hiv wih hearin ig interest ay cadiel t astro-enteritis, ieenss, bat it was refused her. ai-
progress during this period, they can | life. ‘f know it is 1 : : ; Comprehensive Ams in Florida, though it is acknowledged that she
not begin to compare in point co Mig Stet Be ctw it i ai ae my] il Tenutiscences non : at Aan s
im s ¢ at 4 Hiitia ty % boy : op + Borel wit rgd png 9 si mosque ia : MATEY every resident of the State; three-fonrths of ths candidates who
ana Ty sf iy ea Tom a | % : i - : Ee jis ” ¥ 4 on Pian os vy wy a hE A an 3 i ¥ i
Pur B . " ; vei bd ie hE a Y, ” Ary og i a til hae 3 Halt Inara mentaly ANA XDOWE wire Abo sesmansmp than
UReRIG oT AW k \
antiiiate des Alle GU vi ali ol tae kf & tis Wo encourage 1Mmugreleon, Wo eslal- | are alowed 10 obtaig licenses,
growth with the English. 1 - * Ji quesioss go
vad ole alin