a a a py a ani VOL. \/ —No. 8 PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., THURSDAY, JANUARY $:.00 PER YEAR. L W. COOK'S D. HPARTM. NT STORE ALTOONA, PA. on esty IN Goes hand in hand with honesty in merchandis- ing; Newspaper mis- representation might draw you to a store and perhaps sell youn onc BUT, It would be your LAST PU R- CHASE there. We not only want to This Winter, but again next Spring, and also the follow- ing seasons, We cannot ord to even exaggerate the merits of our offering. Qur statements are backed with the merchandise, and if not the case, your money back if you want it. Patton Pharmacy. Headquourters for (¥ Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars 2 Tobacco. <1 15, 1898, THE LAST DAY OF 'S 7 HAS DISAPPEARED. On the first Page * New Leaf we find a welcome ¢ accommodation gay 3 ; i \RGER supply of the Lloyd pemetary. EBENSBURG LETTER Gnthwredt County's Cap! E hensburg, Pa, Poy Ye {Cariheim, of Patton was RIT day's visits ir toy Fhenahairg The County Anditors ars on the Asante of £ the £5 Jos. A. CGiray, of Car Simeon Laniey, of Emel business tr i Wednesday, i R K. Shook, i ; of the new beat el af Tinvis x Lioy in town on Friday. Important News at Cheeberinm “Mr J ig Satur to sick for | and there is little hop # of | Miss Lizzie Bana of charge of thie Weste rn Un office during the absence ator, Miss MoAteer Messrs. avid Edwards, and Henry Buck, of Carroll Ship) 2 e- ariond of RI to TF ded sin thi afrornonn. rs. William Gallway, of and Mes 0. CC Barle and 1 Rosie, of Allegheny, are at the bedside of their sister, Mrs H. J. Uroase, win is seriouriy iil - Fhensharg had three funersis on Wednesday inst. Mrs. Jomeph James, of Moreliviiie, was brought 10 this pin on the 10 ‘chock train and bared in In the SRErR n at 2 o'rlock the remains of Miss Hat <r of Vet LEW RINE 3, Bamford, of Cambria township were brought to the Congregational church Land after services was interred in the { Lloyd cemetery. Af 2:30 ail that was {mortal of George Bartlett, of Twin ' Rocks, was brought to Ebensburg on the train nnd interred in the C stholic cemetry. CS. Lawrence Latter St. Lawrence, Janaary 15, 1888 Prof FE. Wentz, of Patton, who has been conducting 8 business college at Connellsville, Pa, for some time past, is at present ‘connected with the Hry- ant. Stratton and Smith Basiness ool. lege at Warren, OO. {farry KX. Wentz, one of tie lead violinists of Severin’s orchestra ‘ business in town Ratarday. had ve Emory Dietrick, of near Patton, and attack of scarlet fever, and are glad to leary, fast improving. Louis Dietrick has purch new sleigh. and will in futor sleigh riding iss Mary Rhiner is visiting near Patton, Miss Laura Dietrick & stayin ber sister at Spangler this week The members of Severin's onl while on their way home from Spar report of having a good time a pe Prof. MeBride was driving He them a good time on the road fessor is an experienced driver W. J. Boyl had bosiness in Patton Friday. i=, 8 bras 5 ow Nother of Photon’ There will be an Flootion { Firernen's Hall on Tuesday, Pence; two school directors, fisr Lhe purpose af electing One Juice es esti following officers: | cilmen, one for three years and ote for | One Veur, election; two ne pextons | will ex nu bE one assemor, one judge of ae auditor 2. E. Joxes, Constable. Following are the officers whos torn re March 1st: James Metlen nn, H. Curfman and H. FE. Barton, Ralph Leisch, J. H. Kessler, counciimen: J.P; G , school directors: Dixon and W, Ww of the J. H. Ricker, assessor, and all on the lection board. Heiiring Company Sore Cass Attorney J. F. MeKenrick, of Ebeus bur 2 on Thursday, was at Portage evidence in the company store ig Benscroek, in which quo pn were recently the ttorney-General, ver heard from Loyalhanna, W. H. Piper & Co., and the J. ell Coal & Coke Company, on pa. shall continue to rec- violations of the Company Store law. ‘mistakes, give satisfac-| tion, sell goods according to. quality and try to have what you want in 3 Ener the instrument | Cong ivssionn Candidates i & iy | All testified to 4 for refusihg {10 take their earnings n goods, and to {Seing i: go cars to load coal until wottld purchase a cou ranging from $3 tio $10. pom Por Better Roads. Arrangements have been made by | the decretary of Agricuitore with the {Cambria Iron Works company, of | Johnstown, for rolling a special de agen of rails for steel trackway for wagon roads. The plan consists of a trougt: of steel for each wheel, po a slightly raised tread on each (side to guide the wheels, the two to rest on 8 bed of gravel, and to be tied together at intervals to prevent spreading. Hive a Mano, Patton Fire Co. Xo. 1 haz eased a piano from J. M. Bunnell, of Philips rg, for their hall, which is for the | ase of bills, concerts, shins, ele 15 a good move in the right and will be appreciated by many. ‘Not a woman in town who doesn’t od admire pretty Furniture. A few years ago only the rich could enjoy | the luxury of a nicely furnished home. It is different now Every- body can make a cozy, comfortable home. If youn haven’t much mony, or if you have plenty, step in and pee what we have to offer. It is simply a case of few dollars and This direction if 0 is satisfactory and the company sts | necessary the members will in the foture. The Everett Repablic an of | Last week ‘says: “So far there are but a avowed candidites in the Te Bedford county for the Congressional nomina- tion this vear -— “Ex. Prothonotary Rufus CO. Haderman and Mr Joseph T. Alsip, manager of the Bedford in Spring’ much sense, or in other words a few dollars and much furniture ~1If you buy your furniture from E. Kirk Hardware Company. where others fail i | Store. Patton Murkets, Subjoct to market changes: Butter On bbaws Puck Pent = OenIs Per g Kees Pe otationy Omions. MINERS Store C Shiloh's Y {Limited | consumption Cure cures It is the leading cough cure and no home should without it. Pleasant to take ard goes bd to the spot. Sold at Corner Drag To Tike © ing with the many eX week SHERIFFS SALES Fhew Far er res rty AS £ eon Ary xd ny Amy, River Wertz fod howd ag ¥ hs Pr M: mday, Jam mn The ir ty Sent 5 srbyertis “wy Fis vray at *y 4 Tx 1, 1598, a1 Sri (56 paris towrskip The Mare art On in possession in a tot of village of Atherton, township The interest of Joseph Wetmo lot of gronnd in Sosguehanna reserving however, the cond The interest of J. L. Orr, owner, and Emma Terh terra tenant, ina lot ar prece of ground in Cresenrn town Baving thereon a harm or stable The interest of Joseph A Anderson in 19% zorex of land in ¢ sebwia «hip having lhereon one and story dwelling hogs and a oR bars 4 Hoan fokn Fao The will Fg fr $i wy aed or £3 : recorders o January Tih, 19s ¢ of the best prague ] ii ado; Stew] 1 vr data ws Wi yirars Be 1 m trib 2G of hi divided amor ~hikdren share and shiare alike, esrk receiving one The executors of the will are bis AE Patton and sonan-iaw, Prsseil The will was exe He day od March, M7. bave ful power extale and are pot required By Fire Alarsm Fox Patton Fire Company No. 1, paced a fire alarms box on the if theyre ling near ihe entrance The or which is sealed with a glew cover contains 3 key to the bulidin and in case of fire any ¥ Joren who may react the building wha is not already in possession of & key, 8 re quested to break glass, take the key and open the door to the Wilding and Jroceed to ring the bail. The CotmiEx has been requested to announce that any pers wn maliciously breaking glass, Be, will be dealt with a $0 w. have EE The Paiton Herald, The Patton Herald is the name of a new newspaper launched forth in Paz- ton, to be od semi-weekly. It is a six colomn, four page paper, and W. A. Kinsloe, a former resident of Phil. fpaburg, is the lessee and pobiisher It presents a neal appearance, is well edited and contains good, live reading matter. In brief the paper is in ty cAbar bosiness institutions of oar town and the Corrier extends 3 hand of welcome and tro¥ts that it may live Jong and Prosper. The Ligh: a8 Righi. Alfred & Bacher, manager of Bacher Ace? ¥leme Gia cOTapany, completed the improvements on different plants now giving sul Hoht i very be : following i now using the light at Patton Pharmacy; Sandford, a residence Kevstope Ciothing com Ed A Mellon, Now Beers homer Al a conve Sti i Bara Thureday the Miners Check weig ciation selected new officers fir the ensuing term as folk : FMEOWs Prossds Si. BEagene Bradley, of Spangler. secre tary, Jobn A the boas the in Patton, which Are busi Plant, of treasarer, Henry F Poll report of proceeding Nentined A Falling oft The report of the nami med out of the Willi jamspo the past years shows a great failing o o as oompans] with the vear W During the vear just closed 116 0,00 feet were rafled out, being the smallest rinmber of feet handled In 2X years The previoas ) vear showed that 178 000 - 00 feet of logs were mafled out, a fall ing off of 63, 000, 000 feet. A New Roidosee Mrs Mary N. Hoover is erecting a new dwelling boase on her lot on west Palmer avenue in Patton horgags. It 5 20x 30 feet, two stores a | large basement to be used for a kitchen. FATION 7UBLK SCHOGL REPORT th Momth Fading Jam, 11 186% pis Enrodied Am Iovresse of Ten Moir, For Foo SOF ¥ iy FIP The &.0. AY ® T J H 2817. Teacher The flowing pe during te {eraie (XADLE, i LAT He risa Falter jor Wi fins or rie M. wink Zimueawas, Teacher Footer pnma¥ ne Sues t LIFE wing were near rp ma Fg i A Lu Rerrs, vy wlawr tari lager TET, Xi i I i 2 HE, J ERG TY hme PEP ou ee, WY td foi mise A A Sa ANA fev Av arilla T 1a Ty Mam y 5 VEO Mary Flewlet : Nelle Nama J “8 Ant Eo NTE Th 2 GE her pupils etre attenGance, Hw: Per end T heme premesl LETS i a Sv x% ATI i SAH Bd HH: aE Teer Frank -, il Hi, Deis Burkey. Roy Comumnons, Sead On MoI pL + Lippnik, Car Forsbarg, Loin Cramer, Thom isin Holter, Magpie Kellie, Mary feonard, Iwes Prescott, Mary omer, Mary Summerville i Liam Mary Owepedvand, Now Romaine Snuade, Ray Shank wiler GET DE HErruax, Teacher Second Fria ry Number new pupils §, number en rolled, 81; per cent of at Hendance, a, number missed Bo dara, 18, as follows Tillie Fedor, Ia Foresterg, Edoa Kees er, Mtidirerl lewin Annie Monteith Jala Richards, Annie Sheka, Rotilda Biller, Sadie Summerville, Charlie Bag- man, Edwin Barkey, Frank Boyer, Willie lading, Wille Meehan, Joe Petoniac, Fraoschs Mackio, William Astbury All 3 Ww alae. LE Marp Ursa, Teacher First Priam. Namber enrolled daring month, per cent of stlendance, ™. Bom pussing Bo day during month: G Ashory, Frank Callaban, Mike Gtaey. Aber: Jenkins, Charles Lees, T¥ek Morgan, The mas Noonan, Wille Pow. eil, Arnold Rothroek, Claire Sou Anca Jones, Alle Noonan, Flora Richard, Harriet Short ia DROKERT ga Koay ra Patterson. a at at A PROT A Bass FF. Patton Woddaod at Wow Wadd C. Harper, a weil | Ea re ow tnd 5 ploek = do TR ADDY snd Rochester trip, when they will to take ap the duties of The COURIER extends nin tae Edgcate Your Camis OS ihart Be oe OCC Masui With Casensetn. 4. A. Perkins of Antiquity, OO, was for thirty years neediessiv tortured by physicians for the care of ecsemns. He was quickly cared by essing DeWint's “Witch Hazel Saive, the famoas bealing salve for amd skin diseases. CC. W.H ins, Psiton Pharmacy. WE tiwtiew am Apna! ed CHEER LE LeNTY PRISONERS iad aban Fury =u Fatocdlawan Tr. Wome bw Wor Beak gw Bw Lda pa Fen and 3 in the hareds sf were pce of Sheri ( Sy pew Guring silico were fore bow Ler ¥ asi Bis the Titres traveling push Noi [ee pest of year when the Wo appreciale a more comfnriablbe passenger depot in Paiton The seve piresdy here es nad. SURE, PRpOCIRELY toe fel that & ws twing osed hy baal the Penney ania and Powel Creek railroad com panies. It is entirely smail and ove Waiting roca serves for both ladies and gentlemen, which makes it very anpleasant for (he Ludies at limes 01 iw bogged hy Pattonites that when sp ring rodin mroand the old station will he PEAT d for a freaght what Te ke Pie fe erected in ite mpany can do [re ie i= i Wom FS Yow KS EL I Te wt Sr mokihing sre Than a Commotion uo Redioe Marhaitan Fire af New ak Lhe Muto Ad » The J = eee oo be es ITY Pe it * WE #XIPTRI ve Sas Dein oe Tew AIOE HTN AOE Rs fo husk wnt sag (hema Puan Le SETA he stocky tdery Boers, and partly to the fact that their losses and expenses, for some time, have hewn oyveeding their neommne and encrosching spon thelr Deserve and capital. The poditios of the com pany uaistanding have lwen rein. scared in the Union Assarance Company of England, sntil expiration. Parties holbdisig policies in this Company will do well to notice this article and in any matiers pertaining to thelr insurance addres the Union Assurance Company | relative Lo them. Koide fa thee Mime partiy 1o oe’ Two foreigners named Scpper and Feaddar, were instantly killed Friday morning at 8.30 in Lancashire mine No i Barnesboro, by a fall of rock. They were aged respectively 38 and 25 years Y our attention i» called “w mew wad Phe ur Gea 8 TRIER is Mi £3 bo ne wd week. J G sf M akatfey CALI ome Ba IAE, WR A LAY a” PE 5 apo as WARN wR EK wie k PF. & Fliers, os nade Patio a stone contractor of a a plewsant oad on i Ymlng at the A. Adteman al Larwens- thm wee Maater home of H vile Stes ; visling his annt, Mes CU {. Perry, of 4 hewt Sieniebis) in RLS IMTGA ; ww roa toe ado first page of las andition of BE verte mailer is Ree Oy woasiak SW silk ie of HOPI, $a. at the store of woes Pfs avenue. 1 Ine treated all rg Ht veils of he seRmin Th wes, V. <ROGArY will de held in Invitaticas Bave i I ow 3 > 5 Le soni ¢ Lake place 3 when a gran Fadl the Firemwa's Bail Aregady Deel GG Huve you | oF Teme on Of STAD ah s ee Shwe Boe lie furnitore al the store of the E Kirk H sed ware rompany? The largest and most com plete lhe im Alike sevteon and il ale made 2 suit the poe ketbook. Also headijuarters for all kinds of hardware. Prospenity comes quickest to the man whuse Liver is in gonad comiitdon. De Witt's Little Eariv Risers are famoos Bathe pills for constipation, bilBousoess, indi so and all stomach and Gver Tron; C Pharmacy. ¥ w W. Hodgkims Patton : EE The wrrvice ye and 2 og WMasrtinge bdd in the Methodist ed Budday morning of Hon John Patton was ol and ir vp Chas W nT Sr Wa ; * dag 2 OEregaticn Ue oe ening The pastor £ Sermo on ae “Homo ny t&at thug Bae day 3» Be + the EE Ri hare vi - in Ler ERY Tw The rd thy hue is Ching af Siaek wit ats oi 1 Lar Stare MIRE ™ 23 for ge HR epper- » y a a & BUsxER ff § eee imme Latter rte Peni the : for the week soul. ne 3% KE Strang Hen: ”y Sask ph. . a for thee abwove llers tre mre averted A Max. PM eany 10 caleh 3 cold amd just as cans 10 get rid of tif you COSaence awe Ue Minute cough core R tires coighs, colds. bronchitis, poe. monid and all throat and lung trotbles. It pessant 10 take, safe 0 use and sure Lo cure \ W. Hodgkins Patton Pharmacy. Ope Minute cough Cure ESTE qUIskIY. That's what yon want! C Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. * - ; - Notice of Election. At a regaias menting of the Board of Directors of the Patten School District bold I iss the following row lglives was anatimonsly passed by a fall Board to-wit. In view of the rapgad growth of the District, commviuent inadequate aooom- mod nlions, overcrowded coadition of sticnis and probable large nore of setsood popuiation in the imoediate futare, "Laon $n LE 3 i, aly. veal, That the fdlowing propo- submitted to the volers of Patton Berough at msanicipal election bee Beded on the third Toesday of February, ib. iss for their ap % 3% the Falzon Scho horieed fo Borsow pot Thousand Doodles of interest Wl st. 30 B. fa A. ade pt a yh, sional grad ax boy providing Li x addin OMS EAT ereviing an of fon rooms Oo pres. ing and beating and e Bosmd Crow lly is Pores H CrRPMAN, Het y, Laos, BaigmoN, SAXTISORD, Hoa TER, {Wns WwW. ( HE Ww OM THreetors. Alles {ry H Craruax, Sec'y Sovran Slatemsent. Thee lant annaal assessed valoation of the Boroogh of Patton « E1376; the axsting Lr hehe d memes of Patton Bor. ough School Patri wm, IR: Bonds ontetanding, $15,000 orders outstand- #2518 60; total, §I8 81980 : Ny spewed iperease of indebted news of the Patton Sebool Drstrict for 7 of proposed increase we ¥asalicn » oS. amd inet ome bandredth Merchant Tailoring su Means a good and if mie ns CilE oe sur establish- ment thal = what yon gel We make vou a Fine Suit of Clothes TREY Al pel rhe We wil show ad Soest i Lins wer SEE HERE » By aw will be vear afer a nit | }s AL sits made kept x repair, presse for one hey are pare DINSMORE Ws. Next wo P.O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers