ON THE GRAND BANKS. | a So —— How and Cod and Halibat Are Taken by the Bmall Vesnela Questar Kobbe writes an artirie en. Hitled “On the Grand Banks and Kise where” for St. Nicholas. Mr Kobbe nays: The trawlers gre generally found om fhe Grand Banks the hand liners on the Western Buok and Quire. These hand liners are smaller vessels with fewer dories, 4nd the men fish with band lines, one man and two lines to # dory. The hand liner sits in the middle of his dors, with & compart ment in its stern, another in tu bow, for his satel. When rou ses the how sticking far up in the alr, you know the Ssherman has his stern load. Then, ox fish after fish Sashes into the other rompariment, the bow settles and when the dorr is on an even keel the _hand-liner pulls back to the vessel The trawlers bait with fresh her ving, mackerel, and squid: the hand liners with sal: clams. The catch of i ME SL AAO A SR Ad AAA A Bad Digestion, Bad Hesrt, Poort digestion often exgses irrezuinsity of the heart's action. This irregulariy may be mistakes for real organic hese dismay, The symtoms sre mash the same, There i= however 4 diferenrs tween the ¢ Graanie hear i 5 tnsgral Sparen? Beast Aim gan be enrabie if good digestion be restored A cage in priot i guoiod fram Lan Bra. ef Gresmeomrg lad. Mr Biles Ca som, Hewpoint, fad » woman forty.thres years pid, had Eyl Seped tor four yemss with | distrensin sg stomach troobis Ihe gases | peneryted by the fodigestion presysl on the heme: snd cansed an irre n arity of is action, Rhee had mach jin fn her stomaed and hemrt, and was writ § o freguent and savers choking spells whish wero severe wf night Dostors were tried is vain ¥eut Fle $e patient became worse Asspondant, sad feared im pemiing 4 Amath, 35 HR RI 5A NGA. HN a both is split end maited, and the vessel has a full “fare” or cateh, when she Bas “wet her seit” that is, used up all ber ealt--and ii full of fish. A fraw ler"s voyage lasts about eight weeks; a hand liners, eleven. A trawlers crew receives no wages, but fishes on shares nin gets a percentage: of the remaln Ber one-half goes 16 the vessel, which “finds,” that is, supplies the gear Whores, salt, andl half the bait: and the ther half to the captain and crew in tqual shares, which run from $110 to $150, and even to $250. But among the hand liners sach man Io pal according to wha' he catches the “fare” from each dory being weighed ss it Is taken aboard This stimulates competition. There is Judgment in knoywing where to fish, or bow long to stay over a certaln spol: and even the qilckness with which & line is hanled 12 will make a percepti- ble difference at the end of & day's Ssh Ing. It means something to be “high ne,” as they call the best fisherman, at the end of a voyage, and those who win this distinction time and again, 8% some do, become known as “killer” ¥ and “big fishermen” i The main cath on the Banke ia cod | and halibut. There is also & fest of stall Americsn vessels which pursues | the merry swordfish, Swordfishing is good sport--whaling on a small scake A man, dart iti hand. stands Yessel's bow, supported by a semiboir cular fron brace. When near enomgh to the fish, he leis fiy the dart. A swordfish mey weigh Ld painds. Oue iran tow a dory a mile, and & piece of the sword hae been found driven through the botiom of a pilot boat, Pat to Many Uses Sharks furnial a nunber of valuable dn. The Hyver of the shark con tains sn ofl that posseses madieinal qualities equal to thone of cod liver ofl The skin after being dried takes the polish and hardiiess of mother of pearl he fins are siways highly prized by the Chinese, who pickle them and serve then at dinner ns a most delionte diab. The Europeans, who do not appreciate the fins as a food, convert them inio a fishglhue. As for the flesh of the shark--that, despite ila oily taste. is eaten in certain countries. The lee landers, who 40 a large business !n sharks’ oll. sens! out sunually a fleet of a hundred vessels for the capture ot the great fish, mpitzbergen Motes. The hotel recintly erected in Spite bergen 1s thos described: Bult in Nor wegian style, 1t has a large hall, and a quantity of smaller rooms, with thirty beds. It is also provided with a book for visitors’ names, among which may Snow be soen those of Sverdrup, Fulda, Prince Hohenlobe-Schillingsinerst, I. Yaly, and others. The climate of Bpitzbergen is said to have the most favorable influence on persons suffer log from chest diseases. | When It takes a young man fifteen minutes to assist a girl to dan her jacket she is neither his sister by birth hor refusal. # bis Look out for colds At this senson. Keep Your blood pure and Rich and your system Toned up by taking | Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then You will be able to Resist exposure to which A debilitated system Would quickly 3 yield. | 2 “udikout pass. Is your hair dry, harsh, fading or turning gray? First, the tap in the A CATR OF BEART FAlLUER She was much frightened, Lut Botioed | that in intervals in which her slomach did not KUBGY her, her heart s action beens normal. Reasoning correstiy thet her di | gestion was alone at teat, she procured the proper medicine to trond that troabie and with immediats good results. Her | appetite came baek, the choking Spine jr be sama joes freciaomt and finally conned. weight, whislh bad been grestiy a was pestorad and she moor weighs more than for jars. Her binod soon becsne pare and §.r cheeks rosy © The asen bi of general interest beesgso ‘the disease is & very rommon one. That others may know the means oF cures we §e tive mame of the ssedicine used Dr, tilinine Flak Pills for Pale People. Foie | pills contain ail the sloments petrsenry girs ntiw life and richoeess 10 the bioud fhe restore shallared nerves. Stave or Daye, Cyry ov Toren? Lt cas Conrmey, : Tarn SL UHENEY makes omih that fue ia Ut Bier preiuer of the Srem | IF J Ct BaNEY & : tv, Bed ag bowl pesein the 2 Vom font & aad miate a fiotemni % thes mich Krom wilh pw the worn 6 OAR oo » nd La tar emoh and every ease of ¥ cared Wy the ge of ALA % Fi ATAKES RANK J wpveyY Tetras te Kd sa baerieed in mY din Se Axe of Dweonaber, A.W _Giinawms, Nos yew Phadide. TRE Sararn io § tf SPREE 3a t Topi A Ir Iss 3 Falls Catareh Care is taxes seta dider tly ap the ond and Gf thes protean Meri fir teslimoniaia fewer Poi mene & Ls, Toleda, (b we i Model wy § Hall's Fars tw ars thos Tenet pi (rss —— THE OPERATOR’ 8S STORY. One About the Yellow Fever Hard ts Believe. was at 8 sinoker end foamer of telpgraph operators toatl the deals of the key jugglers told 1 says Os Li Lh, Froese Pres I: } Pha ths Detroft What brings it to mpd is We yelow fover poports foo Lhe sonith, All that FOU TREO CRE Zive TOU BO proper oon semtian of the reign of terror prevadl tng Gorn there during the epiden When they lint ran u raliroad Into one a the plehest mdning diatricts of Alm tara 1 was made opersior of a [ie srom-ponds sation 1 took a Pag tik. to totivinee the natv that 1 ooul talk tp all parts of the world with thal chek" machine of mine { finally wha able to convince them The wife of one of their number bed gone to Mobile 10 aitend a #i0k daugh ter Who had been the heauty of wightorbood and had immertalized her memnoy by eing taken 0 sone of het part of the world by a rich husband Through a6 SITRILCID with the Mo bie operator the old couple earvied on a sontersstion of such a petwonul na ture that melther could doubt the em tity of the other. Then superstition of the people intervened and they momcinded that te Insiru ment Was Kk lovestion of the devil “While ther were (nn this frase of mind there cate the news of the ty vi Farce was ihe Sng al kK flare 2 wl for fuk = 4° Ties Eth a Lhe = hd F545 PW rsd Fisk ois of ny Lie GED HER OC was a tablistiedd af the cars ad ductors, brake men hed 1 stick tay 1 reveliend a ram [roe {irlesns for f gentiemman wins was % i 5 x " by the quaraniios t An vs er ant spied by armed Never nore efolent guaraniine No of couRl get on Even TE RT thelr (wists , ed £5 that point. men. engin tH teleg Now FOR Then Wis Part Peemied is #H | Foolishdy 1 in tie dept sage trots we Ww sErage Yewanse the DADET Ww They burned 33 1 ment. the wire Lnear Itnehing pe i 0 yellow tes er.’ ; i he fem : RAGE yo $F wa Kak Loa Paw} He Folare oul : It is a waste ¢ te ID make i} bonded ay etic pir Can ree tO A bwotat ¢ 5 Fes yeu SiC IUGR D1 1 n: 1s It lalil dandruff trouble you? For any conditions there is an infallible PY IN EE Pare hed EPR { admit a | Bomet Pbard in a wariser : soft will hw don Phe nes enn ito be fered. 1 portant io keep h he rh Wa [3 1s just as * h . i es 0d $ PR Be, t Lay SOON : dur ihr the wid | warmer and i Fowiz san § 4% 38 ary. bat Pirate evel L RAD A Be Ese 3 x { Sade MrYe given Tien 2tate 1 PRR ¥ Fit RE ftEty euch year afer that time ¥ etre Pry soe {hess trom frou rather a 1 ipwput VEE sntx, if they b fortiv sure OY 14 saw age Batternnts tia hatter her thing nature surface and gi Teaten pian am DeEgTer we ways the pect, Ane tnts deep TE mg of ax it hic ers all ar and form a covering 1: Frow in pia As on Be PTB g RQ 3 x i Bip the tree i% gn 3 $a + eta Wad SAE OR TTR td bras inbors hay theirs alter aon, Re Rs fr Kav LIE preva Sk = a ia faa AS Wisi eventual siitents and and favimad vEre, therefy SpE 2 ves Speriniens Yr i reo, $ 2 RES LH eyes. 35 gue eed ne SIRT. girs wird taken » & COREL 4 . Wii RGU: Nigh when {owis are rocating the dangerous tine. Henk not be made to rh A or ssnall crack on tbrafi times randy sinsniating remedy ® & ihe Nears to dralia $ sapied with a dap ness at dg Fy on CRI Willi Ra decidedly stand a iot 0 tier feathers Constant exer Tol 1 x 3 veriive of a5 Camel hissy hen iat Mowe Made Bees ReWILE Iwi Caoidiey farmer's family to go i store and Purchase that fresilice a! B farsaer's es os 8 nITes I would rT Da vy any famay 3 ” & i IREEe eLONIH LelBTOER Sed Le wk Yrges réeguiis BE BARY Sy MEE y ‘ tle ts Ane le the aia toasting fon TaTs 1 pepe wa Ful ur { PNThY aid ft pera nye Farsnh peer at ewe Lr eR Re + 1B Toe EP RR Frees EL The why fe Petuahcy W fa 1h as betw Et 2 Fy LE RD # be tRIDS BOW AD TRE RI DRY wk HRT EY hain a # THAD RLY (Ahern IDR shires and brews are Prorou exis Sie Ty ear sory ha yy. {vread BE a ver LER FF the Thi aid #* ® Lie Td ter pen an Aout RE Perk They have | A he Ir Ticuird HERBY § PL LOMACY, five (id Man spd Bava Hegre His fob TE man wae fa deed to d charge © Fier om momen £25 8 puthe te oaTe. eat Laring spparentiy =, TE ee Altea frig Eateed 16 rnsnd & be LS ted wo go darn rary Boing nrivate ke WC tow Cl wae ow said Hew Ww ges foie or Fae Bs Henry Te awe Fp wtarteed ad WE pet md Ha v= ] cu 4 prwed gow Lemar er, Pon posiran i? FF omer es pees oh Totes “How was 7 ha cd find o Lad i cen AWS Mas ¥ {ordi wad wr og oN fie Powe TREE anil hh TREES Ther sles a TTA Bed AIR. THIER Cah . 3 ‘ 2. 3 boo FRE *hay Ee Et Ta ew Du Whom? cm ly a ded te prog wi hed eigen! 87 ot and ar last ref ey wot was tae obdeveion The mitted thar they were wali mtenieny Thm! Y Age OTer TAY 8 TRH ing a8 onl Hd igs & latviry Zowmi teil sowed anal Wie WoRE ave a ol hd sk oA 5 Ba a a —_—"