The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 06, 1898, Image 7
eA ie ro ni ot EN HOUSEHOLD MATTERS. A New Potato Ralad. t sweat arge BYE, obalily a3 difienit for the children | of Hawai 88 Arabic for those of Cali- fornia. History, literature, natural sciences and even arithmetis mused bay sat Jiffenitien Fine eative instr n nnder these corde wr 3 we | ; : potitoes, Cat two Lrianed, & 3 1d PETE ALS ONY tanght 1 AWALIL a 3 ons tx oa well nogn dusnivel i ax fol 3 onal of ¥ iH : i GS IN 1 t Farm Crops That Can Be Profitably Grown---Opporiu- v nities For Education---The Musical Kanalka. are rapidly changing s 1 CONDE Int i ow r & 1 * pop gn RN onde ow WE pes iw #53 & % ROIS 1 + {Ban Francisco Correspondence.) ENo man oan * Much as has been written concerning pick Up Hiwaiian scenery, it isa sabject about | conni~y which literature can viever be exhanst- rand final ed. People of all Nations and of ail ‘and eonsian climates are still continuous in their ttre in the rofl praise of the tropical verdure and | es and eoffeq poenory that ean be fond in the evidense of this mids. of the Pacific Ocean, There! Buiter is sell hiss been resident in the [fslands for Tt is quoted in San Francis some time 8 Scoteliman Mr. Charles teen cents to twenty four H. Ewart, of Dalbeattie, Scotland, | pound, There every Gel 75a a 2 ap fara sa3% s £ %3 3, - % * ik fe GOLGAYImManiad Tha anid thar. ihree a the sance acd af # FLieT i TTT A | prepara HE SE 74) I many fF arinen : fear 2 # OR gow { : PF atAnaIng £ Fogs Shromdd Never He Rolled, varefully yer t wiere {he ii} Srproes i aR dated and wag rk + Tim, of antiiy of royal Hawanan whit a : ; A HOME IN HAWAIL j which a few years ago made a to8r gy ie a dery ix HE | deren withaat consulting the De. oZEs iereased, 3 longer time 2% iin : oi - : od shen Bhs Plapted States, was oo i Sia gio ap Rly ¥ HYEST ow Little dpgrees VERSE Pa A sv the water a a : . Sept io ais sf = Gr x roa at ’ ? i F YI ALIAN% Rl 6 Wa Aa Sa : iad tT 3 ih wa Eine ial oo : \ ii » x , § YAH RLY 4 R25 XI A Ys {wg bbs ig 8 vy va van Ppa ; ob i bern perature “BY I =i3 the whose son] was moved by the beautiful ‘a bone. In Hawai: every feld is per! : : vision which he describes in the fol- | petually green. The dairy business i muse | farnita ow pesymived, hale lo oT in the aostal service: Fahrenhmt, bat lowing poetic language: toffers a much batter opening thin Ao : a Reo Favrom, training and sdacation of Cirook wiel the a Een TAT wane HOY % _ “We are in an amphitheatrs of | line of merchandising. And ax a : ; iy a preparats rene Boer 11 Shai andl perl tountains rising to an altitude of | produet to the dairy, hogs will 8000 and 4000 feet with a glowing magnificently. Pork is reta At 4 the fact that tsiment of leaf and blossom from base twenty-five céntss ponods, fiw mother took ih washing. She did, lo summit, save in spots where the | vertising colamips of the local papers on the point, she red earth peeps through the radiant | tell a earious story of the strangely | curtain, as a foil to the flames of ir. | backward condition of some of the | former pr : flit - i Of Honest Farents, pressing For Hosst ( bieken, rogeted heart, k of the chicken Are to cook {at tham aud the halt Presa off very fine and re she hand in which they Mit a beaping table spoonfal of 8 with one third of a sup of sold water anid stir it into the mrxtiars. Season with sali and pepper, and place the pan containing the mix tare cover the hak of the fire to cook siowly for Mean while, put the roasted ~hicken Apon ® the orator, sing Tor HAS Been usw the snd, what a pore to siwars sent it ail baek | © After that thers wax noth idescent greens, and the fire of the smaller industries ‘Fr Australia: | hut cast a msiority vote for the ny checks br al, r | splayed is all branches of the blossoms that have enfolded the hills | peaches, plams, oranges, apples, grapes, | whose parent sh wold such evidencs deepest black and veins dels ately blae | as ex cont an letior SATTIOTS, | in their shining embrace, Here and nectarines, lewmons, celery, canbe of perfect honesty and attention ta Lay there a pinnacle where «p plant has | flowers, potatos, cheese. roll butter, | 1.4. Indianapolis Torns! woman at forty found grace to grow stands out a pur! crab apples, fuinces, omons.’ Those! °° in i } aglier women to be found than ple silhouette against the soft blue of | are imported from a country over two | Cul a Wheep in Twos With » Broadsword, » topaz-tinted sky. Cavesand fissures | thousand miles distant. : Af un recent athlete in ure cleft in the steeps of these moun. | : tain walls, and torn from the nearly perpendicular eliffs which sarronnd it, alone and apart, stands a pil y Jiemartment sept ARYS, Are CPC ; : gi? , fel mnt water ia redoesd The ressiit t= that sh asia pnd post. the water ohon them da ry le or regaialni ITO tnrn wie Foe ys They are not : $ Ware Lama DF ARY math the hive skies of Jovely (rreace , "iy 3 ; floor ARRIGO BE 38 om 3 ¥ 1 JNO Y WE 3 { sfitering AY boegine x ¥ ah RET Y IO Nexiin imporianes lo Beanty onnaes | ta latgnage Every Creek famuy wio | wow Mand ad Baers Frane 3 ar $ 3 n afford 11 keens a French aurse oF | gomen employed Peay hr exabition fact, postafMess in the Unite] States at whieh thers are only The sane salary aniversslly spo¥en |b paid thes: as to men for the sane vy TY i ; aE per Postafios Tare Are Ani 7 A ” we bln - 2 gin fAfreany manne, BYE Lbarroter 4 by : 4 3% #5 aE i AEE A Jar of stone twentv yards at the base, nearly =» thousand | feet high, and pointing ‘Godward! through the bine,’ like the spire of some mighty cathedral. This move NATIVE HAWAIIAN ISLANDERS filth carved anil fashioned Ly some by. ne convulsion of nature when the lls ‘glared st heaven through folds of bair,' is swathed in a glorious rment of green and gold chequered with the rose and the azure of the bells of the convolvnli that dangle from the cordon of vines that engird The valley in the early morning may be clear of mists, and a soft mountain breeze murmuring among the foliage, but at times it is filled with the noiseless ebbing and flowing | of white vapor borne in from the ses, and out of this shimmering sea of mist the towers and minarets of the moun | sins arise clothed with mosses and ferns, and draped with garlands of edd vires, that cover the face of the cliffs, and droop over the edges of giddy precipices in ‘‘cataracts of bloom," till they are swallowed up in the “‘white mists that choke the vale. snd blot the sides of the bewildered bills.” : Although sugar cane is indigenous in Hawaii, little attempt was made toward its enltivation until 1830, when - ‘several sugur mills were built, ir en AE Bin, BO MY AS Sn The Hawaiisn Inspector-treneral of Schools, Mr. Henry Sehillir Town send, speaking of the educational sys tem of the islands, says that ihe Ep 4 | lation of the Hawaiian Islands is emall and the school system is npcesswnily small . ote hundred thousand shghbtly, which fourteen thousand were attend. ing school at the end of last year Ten thousand were in the public schools. Fifty-six per cent. of all the children sttending schoo! at thad Gime wire of native Hawaiian descent and twenty-five were Portuguese Tha re- slantatior was started at Kauai, and maining nineteen per cent repyesents These | a large number of nationalities. ENE IN HAN ALL The total population exceeds | of | HARBOR OF HONOLULY mills were worked by the aid of mules: and oxen, and the process wassiow snd {aborious. What acontrastto the mills of the present day, where the cane is taken and made into crystals of sugar. There is no royal road to wealth in Hawaii, and any one who anticipates such a condition had better stay away. | the Arabic language. i the only language as Ff wallan { ¥ a > 3% % . The English Iatgn WRNICAUON or nsirnge gehoois diffienlty of the work the teachers of teach the children of t An to sh is age is practicany | rongh | ngland, he day was a ahevp-sianghier- We he oue of Lhe teat prize gang to the on et bill fw % on 3 : Rit Kid: R457 35480 wil a 81% Many rnanccestfal ate wads with broadwwords Oe RS AHA MI SOA ed i a laweer Care AER IT eed 3 : Dist LAL ike | Paiee LE Har bro SIRNA dixtant SARE ¥ Eigen As Dare Naw as (he Dada. vif the winuan who Re melairs shila %t HERI oa wk bye, 2 SEL R pariiany regia nes nA. IAG © i » ZTUW 38 tad. estimates reasury, S12 000 GK) uu the Gow gr Shs GF CREAR § ha walariew pow paid Las we B40 to Rims per ROMEPAILE 0 put i Gre rend EG amare * gH ate Ty Fashion Fanvies 4 patterned wpangies. rey Xs heating platter rests Lhe snrpine fat from the drippings on 82 pan, aid » HII3 ¥i sma FF oaral stam SB Of wales gable miasbues wkie 10 wali 6 greet Tow Iaisiing the sages Rrra ¥ irene Pepper Unagueiies, AN Ere a the pe PETIT shia id Tr atep FRIIGY al thee after arbenling eovend oer, that =” ait + ia hy the Rest wogatialig a3 avin ratias of {he semds with oF tha wEiuw When (hey are 310 i 5 t vem, doy gen BPR w h waked them recent canton SAAURIIONS a pan Srning BY are evan 3 2 mS 048 sty WR id. tae pannia ost pleasing far « whate of the BEER - ik CE tem inte ese Beang id sit added PER ERLEEN 4 fan Ret % ously stemmed by sath wonden ray sonked anid one part spots and disk en #8 good i festive to have. T wa paris iE + turpentine fem fTarnatare polish ax one an FOTO Yes Wie hair brashes i the water sahbesl on a wad upright When von wasd yous prt a i3ttie AIMMGOHID The brush must be Ww wil ranah wwel, 4 ALWAYS (Rite TRULLI off and hem washeioths todgis are The ends Pl Ww Sen tT rai titiah IN Teen EERE Nay : FEE et RT thie¥Y MAke we SIMCHA