The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 06, 1898, Image 5

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    St 148 formes home i» 77/55:
bean granted an increase of pension.
It was a white Christos.
X FeBLImIIG co. P Proprietors. Mirkin & Kosner's,
EW GREENE, Editor. ;
DAY, JANUARY 6, 195 | oeiving a “black eye.’
\ Mrs. Thess Bailey #8
home on west fleece avenne
! Rev. N. (1 Priterson is rondocting 8
; series of servione al Westover thin week.
Prank Minnick and wife, of Clear- ]
field, spent Christatas with friends in 5
| Patton.
Mrs. (eo. 8. (3ood and son Harry, of
Loxk Haven, spent New Years Day in
| Patton.
| holidays.
| Calista, the little daughter of Mr.
‘and Mrs. BJ yr is quite il
with measles.
sorrows. At Hastings. Opera House
: Baturdsy night.
{ Geo. Devers, of Barnesboro,
Monday in Patton.
. Patronize yopr home bakery snd
buy your bread from Kessler, oppor
site the Palmer honse.
The Johnstown Democrat observed
‘the holidays by not publishing a paper
on Monday, Debember IT.
Do pot miss resding the different ad-
| vertisments of the hustling merchants
in the COURIER this week.
Bargains will come now.
Visit Miller's White Shoe Store.
Go to Kemler's Bakery for your fresh
Have you cleaned the snow off of
your board walk yet ?
"Daniel Stratton, of DuBois, is visiting
friends in Patton this weuk.
Dr. J. Van Wilson spent Cnristmas
is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
8. W. Worrell cm Fifth avenne.
| Philipsburg, passed through our town
. on Saturday enroute to Barnesboro.
you see the mice line of | Mr. and Mrs Wm. Arnold, of Sterl-
roasted coffes at the Cash, Grocer.
‘and Mrs T. J. Fulton, of Palmer
Peter A. Gaalin, of Clearfield, has
{ Mr. and Mr. Al G. Curvin spent
The Ourwensville Review issued & (piony, among friends at lock
beautiful holiday supplement last week. | Haven, Pa They retarned home on
Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Young visited gaenrday.
friends at Coslport on Christmas Day. | © poser of Cuarwensville, and
The Courier has added over 0 Dew 31. Jaa Kerr, of Clearfield, were
subscribers to its list since the New looking after business interests in Pat-
Year. ton on Saturday.
Jobn A. Mickey, of Creeson, bas (., 8 Good departed for El Paso,
been granted a pension of $6 Per Toye, on Saturday to look after the ppenting A. B. Palmer & Co., nurwery-
interests of Geo. 8. Good & Co., rail yom of Mountonr Palle, §. Y., was
J. W. Sharbangh, of Carrolitown, ‘road contractors.
a eres 10 Paton on | W. H. Moore, sapervisor of the C. &
Tuesday. | C. division of the Pennsylvania rail
Mrs. M. M. Langham, of Westover, road, spent the holidays with his two
is condncting a successful masic class daughters at Colors, Md.
in Patton. ' Frank Lingle returned on Monday
Mrs. 8. M. Wilson attended the from a ten days visit among friends at
Masonic banquet held at Ebensburg on Bellefonte and Philipsburg. He reports
an : having spent an enjoyable visit.
(Mr. Win. Jones, of Ruties Mines, | Jas Allport and Dave Eason, of
“Patton this week.
Waterloo sighs They are dandies.
Couslport. They retarued home on
town. They were enroute to Brook-
+d Kerr, the genial proprietor of ville where they attended a grand New |
the bowling alley, Some Monday and Years ball.
ening at Clearteld | A coal train of fourteen cars and one
; Charley Lehman, who spent the boli. | engine on the Besch Creek road was
days at Lock Haven and Williamsport, wrecked on atcouant of the smow at
returned home on Saturday. | Wallaceton, twelve miles east of Clear.
Weakland Bros., the liverymen, have fleld Friday afternoon. Three han-
recently purchased two bran new dred feet of track were tom op.
George, soti of Mr. and Mr John
itlliece | Knee, of Bennington, near Gallitzin,
(met fire to his clothing on Moaday,
December 2, while playing with
| matches and was fatally barned, dying
+. three hourt later. The little fellow wan
Lock | aged 3 years und 11 months
| One of the largest lumber operations in
Cleafield county for the present season
is that of McGee & Mahaffey, at Bower,
| which is on the river about two miles
below Mabatfey. This company is
| putting in 11,000,000 feet of logs, mostly
bemlock, the remainder hardwood.
The Ebensburg Herald remarks that
| there is more joy in a printing office
Will Prindible and James G
ta M. Patterson, of the Patton Clay
Manufacturing company, spent
holidays at his former home in
W. W. Stratiff and wife spent the
bolidays among friends at Tyrone and
©. A. Repsher, wife and son Warner, |
who were visiting friends at Johnson- |
burg during the holidays, returned |
bome on Saturday.
Children’s fall and winter cat at
The trading stamp business is re-
quite ill at her
fll is om a fair way to recurvery.
| Steward Jones and wife visited rela-
tives at Port Matilda, Pa, during the Ebenstaryg on business Wednesday.
opened after 8 vacation of two weeks
. Barker.
Bee “Below irs" and forget your:
John McCormick, of Spangler, and
Mr. and Mrs John Quinn, is serioasly
friends at Brookville and Pittsbvarg.
Miss Blanch Minnick, of Clearfield,
the past three months, = sSowly
Jack Barnes and D. Atherton, of
| Arnerican Wheeimen will be held at In-
| disnapolis, Ind, during the month of
Anguast 1898.
{ing Ran, Pa, fre the guests of Mr.
Patton will do weil to call on F. H
Bos rders Wanted
At the residence of WW. Soenc
rir West Bese® avenpe (oo pevinns
seed simple accomemdiations Prices
rege mistie Near contre of town
with i
Jobin |rinen
i. HC. Warren is seriously i
risiting friends |
lan A Be ge CE :
aie AF oememe TT oeme
gx. Pa Everyone calied
4 New Yours BEve superb
fer the splendor of the cuter.
Ee or Je FORImge | Lait om wh
Foutowvmm of naturs Sow.
; arramged in sil the
of tie young adie
ng ander the est
Far of the sveoing
3 spent in : play NE RAITEw
ir exw wl 3 me 4 Ber
: i mae WHE eer wl A
surprise wan in store for the
. A hemotifol tree hwsavily inden
with mysterious paiagen earch nam.
hered. Those holding oor ponding
rumbters were richly rews by an
obmenre pw personage representing “Santa
(lanes The climax of the evening
was remrhed at the examination of the
CHRP Thome present were Mum
Reidy, Litzinger, Callahan, Cramer,
Perry, I Litzinger, M Calabar FE
Perry, and M. Fergunmson, of Fbens
borg: Messrs MceDvmaid, Conrad
Charen W_ J. Little, Randall Comrer
Callahan, PF. Callaban, W. Randall,
Callahan and Kelley All extend
their Seepent 3 sprecistion to Mises J
) hahan and Perry, and hope fate
mx tor all meet again “ander
J Ty Ate hermanos, to bad
198 and welonme TR
€ Roorpt Roars
gl ge
Pauw} boos.
Rad hepa
his Bins ; bent ¢
Saar wr early
Three new sieighs have been added to -
the Hyery able of T N. Nags
Capt. Tom Davis came dows from
The Patton public schools have re
Om Mandsy the newly elected nonnty
AEicers were wworn into foe by Jodge
The three year oid sons of Mr. and
Charles Quinn the five-year-old son of
ill with phemmenia snd measios
{ire sm of Mr
and Mrs. Pranic] Peters of Fas! Magee = on
avence, i quite (ow :
Mrs T N. Nagle and
rice returned
weeks vial 10 frend “rtabrirg.
Mr. and Mrs Join wid and son
Charles spent the holidays amony
Peer. Lie 1 Ryo me
ersigned, do hereby
refed the money on two 3
sent htties of Baster's Mandrake Bit
ters. if it fails to eapre constipation,
Mlinasness, sick headache or any of
the diwases for which it # recom.
rvended. Also will mefund the money
an 8 Sheent hottie of Downe’ Flixir, if
it dome not cure any cong, cold, croup,
whooping cough, or throat or long
ifealty. We also puarantes one 25
cemt bettie of either of the shove 10
prove satisfactory or money refonded.
or sale by C. W. Hodgking, Patton
* hab
James Mitchell Jr., who has been Iy-
ing quite ill with sciatic rheamatiom for
The next meet of the League of
Mrs Stark Plessart Ridge O,
“After two doctors gave up my boy Wo
die, | saved him from croup by osing
Ome Minnte cough Pure” 1 is the
quickest and most certain remedy for
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
tronbles W. Hodgkins Patten
Anyone wishing to purchase a whole
kit in 8 first-class business eation in
Anyone wishing to purchase a full
blood Holstein or Jermey cow, fresh,
ean do a by calling on 8 J. Liother, of
Henver Prams White township
Mises Nell and Hattie nilyat
Muy Lewis snd Mrs Palmer, all
Hastings, componed a sleighing parts
which visited Patton on Tuesday.
J. H. Miller, of Watkins N. Y,, rep
Lavin Fasitevd,
All the ladies of Patton and vein
are respectfoliy invited to call at
some of Mirkin & Kasper, next
Bank, and examine thai fine line of
are tre Sd rim Ta Paging Tom
Pont Toberrs Spt snd Sasnbe Nour 15% Ames.
Ts Ant tebacos sixlY aed forever be mag
SE Lite merve RG Viroe, thie Nol
§Pse the wamder worger 1488 Teaioes WRK mel
stoung AL drageisie Me or i. Cure ge aes
gent Toeket and sansie fee AS
Saeriireg Eemety Ca. Chicagy or New Y ~
Mr MB Ford, Roddel’a NL, saf
fered for eight years from dyspepsia
Jooking after business interest in Pat-
tom last week
Alex Monteith, foreman at the Flan-
pagan Run colliery, has been compelied
to remain at home a few days, owing
to a sevyre injory be received by scei-
demtly plercing his left foot with a pick
Rev. snd Mrs. Chas W. Wamson de-
sire to thank the members of the
Junior league of the Methodist Epes
copal church for the handsome lamp
ented on Christmas, trosting that
rhe boys and girls will ever walk in the
matiful light of God's Jove
hi Go to) the Hastings Opera Hous to
Delow Zero & y night, ex.
Be see the best show, and to
i at music, of the season
ou'll not be disappointed If the
hii 18k permits, bear the band’s open
sir copoert at the theatre at 7:30.
8 F. Neifert, the genial and socom
modating station agent for the Beech
(‘reek rairoad at the Mahaffey union
station, has resigned his position to
socept one in New York state. Mr
Neifert has a host of friends among
the traveling public who will regret to
Farly Risers, the famous little pills for
all stismach and liver troubles. C. w.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
To Care Comstigntion Vorewver.
Tair Cascarels Candy Dathartic Be or 20a
It C0 © ail to turn, Srigg iste refund Botey
Prosperity comes goicibest to the man
whose liver » in good comditic he
Witt's Little Rarly Himers are famoos
little pills for constipation, billiousness,
indigestion and all stomach and Diver
troables. CW. Hodgkin Patton
Jd. A. Perkins of Antiguity, OQ, was
for thirty years neediessly tortared by
and chromic constipation and was
finally cured by veing DeWitt's Little
Sr —.———
Jearn of the change.
Interesting Services
The services held in the Methodist
Pyuseaps chorch durieg the hpluday
were interesting and heipfal
The The Sunday school rendered a (Christ.
mas service on Sunday, December 24,
and mile a for the
work of tbe Sunday School Union. In
the evening the pastor presched a
Uhristinas sermon to a larg® and at.
téntive andience. A service of praise
prayer and consecration was reid on
the last night of the old year, which
was an inspiration th each one. Sun.
pry icin for the cure of sczema. He
was quickly cored by owing DeWitt's
W itr Hagel Salve, the famous healing
Safps 3 or piles and skin diseases
. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy
For constipation take Karls Clover
Root Tea, the grest blood porifier
cnres headache, DerVTCORNIeNR, ruptions
on te face, and makes the head ax clear
as a bell Sd at Corner Drug Store.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
Jobn Karibeim, of Altoona, spent
with bis mother, Mrs. 3
Karlheim, and while
COURIER a pleasant visi!
Mr. Gould, of the firm of Gould &
Beeser, who was visiting friends at
Lock Haven during the holidays, re- |
turned to Patton on Thursday.
When you take a trip to Ebensburg
stop at the Blair house and you will be
used all right. Accoramodations ex- |
cellent and rates moderate. -69-tf.
The fight between ex-Sheriff Joseph |
A. hs of Carrolltown, and EP.
Bender, of Carroll township, still con.
tinues and gets quite warm at times.
The holiday rush is over now, and if
you will take time to look at my stock
of teas and get my prices you will
always buy your tes at the Cash
hae accepted a position as traveling
in Patton on
The issue of Deceraber 24 of the
Ouceola Mills Leader-Courier wis
printed in green ink. As green is a
very color now-a-days the
paper was certainly up-to-date.
Jas. Douglass, who for some time has
been an employe at the clay works, de- |
on Monday for Ohio where he
salesman for a white ware company.
The following new ads appear in the
COURIER this week: Keystone U loth:
fg Co.; OC. i Hodgkins, Miners Store
Geo. O. Brady; J. E. Kirk Hard-
wi Cou; Anderson School of Business,
Altoona, Pa.
The family cay Shinn, who 3:
the foreman at arriv
Friday night from To- |
Mr. Shinn has leased the:
house on Fifth avenue,
formerly occupied by the bachelors.
{ helief and wish of her ma
cure for rhumatism.
over one sinner who pays in advance
and abuses the editor on every occasion
‘than over pinety and nine who borrow
‘ the paper andl sing bis praises without
. contributing » cent to keep him out of
: the poor house.
The Lilly Signal, which was launched
apon the journalistic sea over a year
“ago, changed bands on New Year's
Day, when Mr. McCann retired sad
Mr. Daniel Lennon, formerly connected
with the Houtzdsle Advance, but lately
and employe of the Philadelphia Mint,
assumed control.
Miss Clara Lieb died at the home of
ber parents in Nickiown recently,
aged 14 years, the cause of her death
being preumonin. She was the third
danghter of Casper Lieb and wife and
was an unusially bright and interest-
ing child The funeral was one of the
! largest in the histor ry of Nicki
Miss Susie Wentz left for Ada
Wednesday when
studies in a musieal cold
past year or mory Miss Wento
cessfully conducted
music in this place. uy?
and energetic worker and is deaersing
of success. That she will be successful
in all her undertaksngs is the earnest
ny friends.
“My daughter, when recovering
from an attack of fever, was a great
sufferer from pain in the and
hips,” writes Louden Grover, of Sar dis,
Ky. “After nsing quite a number of
remedies without anv benefit she tried
one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
‘and it has given entire relief.’ Cham-
| berlain's Pain Balm is also a certain
Sold by C. Ww.
| Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy
135 wu
a 2 Cogs
idk LH
asm The Junior leagoe,
day, January 2. a special New Year's
wervice was held at 109 nn mm, al
which time the pastor delivered an ap-
ate sermon. The evening ser.
paom was based on the fourth oan
mandgrent, ard was moch appreciated
by the large congregation present.
‘The. Junior league held a special
rally on New Year's Day. There was
a larg attendance and moch enthoasi-
under the
careful leadership of the earnest supwr-
intendent, Mrs T. J. Fulton, is doing
exoeilrt work. The meetings are
well attended and fll of interest, and
the monabers of ls OrgaAnizalion Dave
not been Jacking in the spirit of work
They lhinve recently made a guilt and
presented it to the Look Haven hos
31 Prawtrnas Eve (hese
ir. Be
The tamens fitthe pills.
Business Educaton.
The Andere Selong wi
Sl, Fim. Ww } gore Pods un grad Sk SATE Te
nn Bonk Rees 4. wimesrr bog and Ty peewril
Ck TY Fine ioaln Bima tim
¥ 4 NF Hew FREDR
$8 wk 5}
trast 5 ra t
t has
a Peeanty
’ »
ied 1
we Luimly
spd family
fal parior amp
P.O. of 8 OMerrs Plecied,
At a meeting of Washington U amp
No. £23 P.O 8 of A, on Monday
WE ht. December 7 >». the folie :
dyad oy at nrewident, W P2rs beeanee oe will the greatest quan
4 Se Land
wa TEE
Hewhett: ia
treassrer ie HH
Charles Hest:
inspector, 1. & °C guard, D J. Wag
ner; chaplain, Rev. N. O. Patterson;
right wentinels, F. B Peanington, John
Wilkins: left sentinels, John Myers,
T. H Wilkins, trustees, L. 8 lel,
Richard Owens, W. . Meneuly
he Ha
| sae
Hest talde oul cll 148: oeilice
Infants sik km worth 3 a Se.
Best all wool bi auts worth $N
at 1
Large oo mforts, heaty weight at §1
Ladies wool hose worth He at Ihe
1a pelvaniond oil can worth 3c
at 15
1 dog box matches worth 150 al ie
Large coil bucket only 1%,
10 gt Wn pail, ar pire The.
pe tion ¢ Jf dar goods
We invite your
G. 0. Brady, Prop'r, Patton, Pa
p— ——
Bo: are willing
where, and with soul & Compaen 1
saving you money then we will do willing to adm:
Here am & few specials for this week
A hig Low
he WD $ Pe
Wwe yor var
hewt valtes
vines than
Mens Wo
fay Trade
! rant berries.
“AFTY A large variety
host makes and eaesl WO WYAD.
will pav ¥y
men’s and U1
Lever were cle
Do You
# he wr oe }
Darsen Bowtrew. Com, wr Sow Tete
oo beg Bd - 3 4
Ti Wiia KE€P T wht 37% a
Fe § vo ;
5% Bl SAYS xe £9 er.
3 wo."
Saw *
Perk: aps
» -
Want the west and at
jh ue
the same
net SG
Sop ass
t the
haa a
Try r Dacotak’ ’
holds .
Every sack guanteed.
w=>All Goods Delivered Free.
‘Miners Store Co,
. .
Nn anda jee for
ac BL Ses and
Remember We Don’t Boast
TO Re mot
we have
any samples or goods essen any.
sonvinoed that we are
\bat we have erred in jodge-
Dress Goods.
of strictly Al
A new iva
The Intest shales
0 he Bad
wien! i Teas onentn
of Corded
To ame
% large rarely of
madors at
Rrocadine Dress Goods at 13 to
them is to beiteve thal they are the
Pre froma de to Ble
af Pp
Uoreels— me
Boos and Shoes.
SE tn + rh Ese
are will
Dhakalh SSRN
“ x oy
1 naley O56
vif Laie’ RTD TeNS
Te: hve
ty ge
Ca 3
Shoes, Boers, snd Ba
Ladies’ Wrappers.
Wa give 1 to 2 per cent, better
jst received a
tat we as a inal and
wher aoewia
mace no
Ar gf
3 war
paame i fresdy b THEN
We ahve
aia cn aan End Lg Cam eg
LRA Waly M ¥en
8 aie 3 Dew
Spo BE my
og ©
Candy for Christmas.
of clean fresh Candies direct from
. you Sappy
Wa CRG wip fy ¥
the fant tory Ad prices never heard
3 price and children
the best. You can
Now is the time Up get
sir with a 2ne sede taonn
af before
have it al
Friends we
Now Mr
fp price SOME aek ¢
Ail Kinds at
Ie J
we WwW
for the am
com vinoed
+ Fn
line of
what =
dE Se ey