The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 06, 1898, Image 3
Lb sa Sy Wao ASA AAA as 2 PETA Iter pp Rheumatism Is permanently cured By Hood's Sarsaparilla Which neutralizes the Lactic acid in the blocd. Thogsands who were Suffirers write that they Have felt no symptoms Of Rheumatism since Taking Hool's Sarsaparile Deafasss Cannot Be Cured Joeitl applications ax they cannot reach the diseared portion of te rar. There ix only one us) th pure dea fos, ntl that i By pdvpeatite tional rem] is afpenr argos BW an ne a wl condi Sf Thay paweois a the Ian spian Troe Wlisn tins tube gots [io fimment Your fave a rambling sound or paper. Iect Bening, aod wi it fx eo tively closed Deafness { {oe reanit and anes eng th Ram mating can be taken oat and this de re stored bo ite poral cnnditiog hearing will be destroy od for over. Nile canes ont of ten ure cated by catarrh, wich is nothiag hofan ine an] some ition of the yoni ssrinces, e with give Ope Hand od Dollars for an; ease of Destress (cansal by oataren that cus. sot Ss sured by Hull’ aturrh (use. Send for chromiars, free, F. Jl Unexry 5 {o. Soll by Drueglels, Th: Halle Family | Pitis 250 © fe 1 Keeps the Feet Dry aah Warm And in the only sree fr Ohi ne Frositites, Reesting Feet, Corte saad Bunion, Auk Allen's Fee Ais Ca Powder tH he {frites the Aut pi; oh 2 all Pte Eta ¥ p Ropes, Bee Mammede sent FILER, Ae dere Aen =. Hae . Le Reg ~.Y Toisda, O. a ¥ Earn » Bastiver trig) hottie and Treaties tea LH. Kriss Lad. By A Arch Xi. Phila. 5. Si nr Fits nantly supd, ON ; EE w way of Te R T hare fared Piso's Cure for rn roavrrnndlan ananiailing medicine LE LE I 9b Bt, Ovingleon, Kr, oe 3. 5, Bg, Postage ape. The design of the stamp jx engraved on steel, apd, In printing, Br used on which 200 state have fai engraved. Two mer sre kept busy work covering thes with colored Hike and passing them to a man and a 0 who are equally busy printing them with large roliing tap presses. Three ! of thes: jitile squais are srmplored all the tiunie, Afier the sim 1 shape paper containing 00 printed sian have dried enough they are seni ; another roon: and gummed. The gion made for this purpose is a peering somposition, made of the powder | of drteil potatoes and other vegeiat! mixed with water, After hay ng bore agatn dried -4his fe on little racks fanned by steams power for about ag Sour, they are very carefully pat be tween sheets of pastelnimnd and press od in hydraulic presses capaide of ap lying a welght of 2000 tone The @ext thing ix to cut the sheels In Two sach sheet, of course when cul, con taining 100 stamps. This is done by a girl with a large pair of shears, on! dag by hand being pretorred fo that by tachinery, wiich woul destroy oo many SLAG. hey are (hel pass od to another squad of workers, «ho 4 periorte the paper between the Lea Nest they are pressed ba more ed then packed and labeind an stowed away, to be sent out to tie varios offices whin ordered. 1a «in gle stamp is torn or in any way math lated. the whole sheet of 100 stamps . buradd. Not Jess than 50.000 are wid to be burned evory week from this The greateet care is taken In ting the sheets of stamps, fo guarc t plifering by the employes Ask on Recorder. Mines Abandoned 8,000 Years Ago. The most ancient copper mines in the world are those of the Binal peninsuin, pear the gulf of Buen © They were abandoned 4.004) years ago, after hay. ing been worked for some hundred of years. ‘fhe procens used in the reduc tion. of the ore Is sald to be similar in principle to that peed at the presont time. ane Mi ry BASIS BSAA bY SNC A A JOYFUL 3 Mra. Pinkham Doclinmig that int ern Bcicnes po Woman Neod Denpalr min A Feri bb pe tacemaking Machine. The problem of making by machin | ery lace which cannot possibly be dis | tinguished from that made by hand] seems to be solved by a Hime fel verted by 4 Spaniard apd now in TERE fu & grea: Nottingham lace factory, 11 ay claims to reproduce sny patiern that | the cushion Bye FARE wep Ha es nee 1s Ae 4 thy is 5k 3%. Boh; frie J 5 O35 Who tha treet avi AE 4 »i 3 % then tah to Lhe HEE, Wie proguirod the cards ] we eels being pisced ap The malchine reproduce exactly the same design The machine ix smondl 1 tw nelly ales ped bands of Hoe ad £¥ & Hace Freight 13510, Ere swarn yy Tie y 9 fe! (ym RE ERT CAr % 818 pris tt ¢ Bide } rom rate from transpwrinlioa ean in 18 1% 3 Bas 2AR Kore hat 254m iH ah Origin of Popular Games, It tx quite mstonislliog bow FRiey WOTe srigtuaily fn vented sre fo aialy pr 2% £2 Lads hr PO 0g secustogsed to think of as savage Canadiab _gdme of lacrosse origins smong the North merican Indians Wiallsce tolls ne how in Bore ate het day he thought to amuse his [rvak : nays by showing them cat's eradle, at © Og) he found that they not only Knew 12 Fart Knew move intriate figures flan we. The Maorix of New Zealand tually hkve 8 sort of pletorial hil n oats cradle Bgures of twisted her The Mardwich Islanders play a kind we Ars ughis The Rauth Reg Pegi early ail are adepts at kite flying Paio cortes from Persia and Is pi prmgn i Boently by wid Lili rides | Northern Talis MOTHER OF CHILDRI 3 iy MikRal i (HI VBE Hind ry ho Light © wre of These su LEE it "ir | hor SSaegi l a} wil sions thew. noid the diflienit Bain, ders in shi restore the strength of the nerves and will do the rest N agure has no belter her own healing and restoring r herbs. Write freciy and ally to Mrs. Pinkham Her add will tell you. free Believe me. under richt conditions, x ? charge. the cause of your triable a u have a fi fu! mother of Bildren. The wolan whose thinks so w { wm mare then proud of Jordy eannct find words to express Sie frond ~ ie] x bedly with the Limeorrhaa and sexe married, in 1352, until last year, 1 children. 1 have had nearly every doctor Hospital, but all to no avnil. 1 saw r, and have nsad tive bot los of } ; STIR than all the doctors 1 ever had, It has oo d me nuins and a fine little girl I have been well er i recommend Ses Pinkham's Mes. Leqy Lytie 208 Hex dorson ¥ = 1Y eases crn in . s medicine TOR WOODEN SN ris from Terrace tity, No J r since my baby was born, Ih <a i oc % I'L sterility. a rs i an ons 4 Ty | Fair Face Cannot Atone for an Untidy Henes, lh § a KEY x 8 writer ire % Az a Mints on Dairviag. with any kind nie, arm: Homes. Sab lav hired sogame QRires Tet top nod 8 Sopp linger below, Ar ais Seiad Inmagoguny $3.95 is our spec nl prime for this $10 devin. {Ma} rd 3 Ved prema We w» PrN vit «1 i } » pane Boaeoig! (ome vate, re, [rraperiee, é hoi “¥ Mirra, it, Mel geratiore Baty Fate ig tha moat Gong pinis Furies ole svar pe Ramat, ard we ply aowiepn Cre JU bog hed {arpet arom, SNA WISE ONT bb, in ovine, 8 viva for the Bsling, it ar sen es sre wpioiat spl us $0 in pags Torre is rrasne why yu songd pay your Pical desler (0 per pent wrofit when you asn boy from the mil Drop 8 Hoe now ge the BOS Y4EYeS. JULIUS HINES & S Baltimore, Md. 7 ane mention {his paper, Twevense 2 Train Hanis | gre Do You Dance To Right? CGY ee Fill Terth with Glass, a ae Fag ori 4 i ti! UE ferrying ta Be Perfor Sack e F- 4 Vesela Lip -e. aoe HA RRENE It has made miles and mules of hair grow on millons and millions of heads. Not a fod ko hair. is ; aches anid fevers and feaustipaaon Will Locate a Captral. Lsorernmdnl proposes 10 found 8 pew Ay dm Alseka knewhn “Weare” on af Peitial Colnndda and SME Mrs - male we’ Bopatine prin for haiti rer } To Care . Cad | in One Pay. : Taviens AU ", Ix. Bath the method an of Fige is ken: it is pleasant cipeshing to the taste, and acta iy yet p ptiv on the Kidneys, and Bowels, cleanses the BYR. i 1 aliv, ‘ we la ookis, head curves habitaal Syrap of Figs is the remedy of t= kind ever pro easing to the taste and se. Ble to the stomach, prompt m an and realy henefieial mm ite prepared ond from the most ard arrecablo nubstances, ite malities pommend it and have made it the most popular remedy kena. SyTap of Figs ww for asle m 50 cent battles by all Soniling drng- gists. Any relinbie druggist who nay not Bave it on hand will pro- enire it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not acceptany anbstinute. CALIFORNIA FI6 SYRUP CB SAN FPRANCISIO, CHL LDU LE, KT. SEF FORK, or sa Pa? 9 ean cf si Pi ie gif tn ot cote cae ie atin cafe cif tf 4 Paptuet Tope gf the Highest Jrder of Tw - » Eacellpnce ‘a Mangfacte > ” +; Breakfast yg TT Absolutely Pare, Phelionus, Nutritious. .Bosts Less Than ONE SENT a Gup.. RT our MELE DORY CHESTER. MASS, fo b WALTER BARER & co. Ltd. A ANGER F&¥Sa A Ng ag ag Te» Y git Nag Nay without knife, Diaster or pain. Ail Tyme of BLOOD DISEASES thapragiiiy srw fram the system. NIX vedios Bemne Fremiment for gis Book of Daaivsrenadeom NATURAL REMEDY CO. Fatted Maa gon 3UMpTION! AND CATARRH