The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 23, 1897, Image 5
Sema ioth She PATTON PUBLISHING (0, Proprietors. LO BLWILL Onesie, Editor, DAY, DECEMBER 23, 1897. 7 he From L. A. W. Bulletin. The man, who in tae winter Hoe Touves doors afar Sor as Perchances is thinking of the climes W hepedns we wish be was, : AL mascniar ard brawny men Orr eriticiarn hale If volt cannot Dick a man why then x fentont with his fanits. No paper next week. Fruits, candies and nuts at Kinkead’s. The Bon Ton for ladies’ furnishings. Master Harry Warren is seriously ili with measles. Patton was visited by many strang- ers this week. Pears and grapes for Christmas at Cash Grocery. Call at Mrs. Rook’s for your Christ mas presents. 412 L. C. Rockefeller, of Gallitzin, wis in town on Tuesday. M. P. Bock, of Gorton Heights, Pa, spent Tuesday in Patton. W. H. H. and Lincoln 8. Bell were vistors to Altoona on Monday. Mrs. C. L. Dennis and son Homer, of Clearfield, spent Sunday in Patton, Go to Mirkin & Kusner and see their fine line of fall and winter coats. -1t J. A. Lyons, of Luthersburg, Pa, was & visitor to oar town on Satarday. Roger, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Locas, is quite ill with diphtheria. Wm. Mellon, the popular proprietor of the Patton hotel, spent Wednesday, at Johnstown. Born,"to Mr. and Mrs Wm. Cramer, of Beech Avenue, a daughter on Wed- nesday morning. Dolls, school bags, leggings, toys, ote. at Mrs. Rook's store. A suitable Xmuns present for all. -3t2 Frank J. Dixon, a prominent citizen of Blairsville, Pa., was a welcome visi- tor to Patton the first of this week. Harry Cooney is working a few hours each day for the J. E. Kirk Hardware Co. in the tinning depart ment. i Dr. W. 1. Dowler now occupies the Patton Courier. | Visit The Bon Ton. | Almeria grapes at Kinkead's. Visit Miller's White Shoe Store, Ice cream and oysters for Christmas at Kinkead’a : John Logue came down from Gallit. zin on Friday. > Go to Kessler's Bakery for your fresh | bread and cakes. ; California Navels and Florida Ros setts at Kinkead's. Children’s fall and winter coats at Mirkin & Kusner's. Gouncilman J. D. Blair's children are down with measles. I J. McDermott, of Hawk Ran, Phe in town on Monday. Owing to the holidays no COURIER rill be published next week. Frank E. Taylor, of Philipsburg, had business in Patton on Tuesday. | Medar Durbin, of St. Augustine, was a visitor to our town on Friday. M. B. Cowher is attending the teach- ers institute at Clearfield this week. Farnitore repaired. See ad of Levi Yingling in business directory column, The largest and best assortment of teas in town for the money at Cash Grocery. Mrs. Harry Matley and son, who have been quite ill with measles, are improving. A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell ix quite ill with scarlet fever. Your attention is called to the new ad of the Miners Store Co. in the Cov. RIER this week. Patronize your home bakery and buy your bread from Kessler, oppo- site the Palmer house, The infant danghter of Joseph Beck. with, who has been quite ii with measies, is convalescing. Hon. James Kerr came up from Clearfield on Thursday to look after his business interests in this place. The Philipsburg Ledger says that during the epidemic of diphtheria which has visited Madera, bot is now abating, nine deaths have aeenrred from it WwW. C. Lingle and wife, HE. Barton and wife, John Wolfe and Reuel Som. arville attended the lecture of Gen John B. Gordon at Johnstown on Tuesday night. There is considerable complaint in our borough, by good citizens, as to the inadequate iamination of our streets at night. It appears that some of the street lamps are crippled some. what. The holiday displays in the different store windows in tractive. If you wish to know what each ome handles slip your eye over to their ad, as all successful mores advertise in the COURIER. Ao ¥ Y ws BE gu W Patbon are GET fle Fine line of oranges for the Christ. mas tree at Cash Grocery. In fact we have everything in the confectionery ‘and grocery line that you may need for the holidays {(dve us & and you will go away pleased. Patton Lodge No. 108% 1. O OF, recently estabiished a library in their The im tT Laks rooms in the Good building members are steadily adding new Ed. Mellon room next to the postoffice- books and in a short time it will be the See change of card in another column this week. J. C. Harper, of the J. E. Kirk Hard- "most complete library in this section. Ex-Sheriff Gray, of Carrolitown, and E. P. Bender, of Carroll township, The Bon Ton is always the cheapest. | § MeDonald, (alli § DICKENS IN DIRTY : Deeds Heourdesd at Fhenslinrg mgs tar Dhate Friday Peyvombur 13, Executor af Barbara Meinter to G. rig borough; con. sideration, Harriet Miller ef vir to Alfead J. Mi jer. Carrolitown and Carroll, $800, Wittiam M. George to John Eecken. rode, Washington, $168 Mary Washington, #0. Guardian of Robert R. Jones et al W. A lathrop Cambria, 81,202 Riles H. Dononghe of nx to W. W. Amshry, Allegheny, $846. : John Asher ot ax et al to Willian J. Bock, Cresson, $00. John Asheraft of ax ot al to Buck, Cresson, $500 Thomas 8 MceKee et ux Woodford, Susquehanna, $275. G. L. Glasgow et ux to William Rey. EN 4 $$: er 1 oe % Myers to Jobin Fewonroos, A.J toy Julia polds, Glasgow, $510, Qimoan Noell ot nx ta John Meljon et al Carroll, $1. Chest Creek land & Improvement company to Rehan! District of Patton Borough, Patton, §1 Qedyisnd District of Patton Borough to William 1H Randford, Patton, $600, sdministiutor of Andrew J. Dane mire to William W, Danmire, Jackson, POL. Danie! T the sheriff, to Willinm Howells, 8r., Cambria $605 Heirs of William Howells, Willinm W. Howells, Cambria, $1 Thomas Haghes ot ax et al to W. A Lathrop, Cambria, $1. James M. Buck ot ny to W. A. La throp, Munster, $841 Lemuel J. Hughes ot ax 0 WW. A Lathrop, Cambria, $2,321 Jobim Kemlar at ax to W, A. Lathrop, Cambria, 81.6758 Herman (Neill et ax to W. A. la throp, Munster, $4149, Wilinm W fathrop, Cam Ellen M. Reed to 8 L hare, Ei \ James Kirk) vrick ot ox to Patrick F. Dillon, Chest 82 500 William W H. MeClain, Spangler, $125 Mauthiot Reads to Pennsylvania Ral Washington, $1 Jones, hy Re, to awe! ct ux to WW. A borin R78 Reed Pherae Bannard of 1x 10 Thomas rom] company # a Rew Carney of al to Peter Rishan, Washington, $1 Peter Ristan et nx to Railroad company, Washington, 8050 Michael J Noel st nx et alta WW Amshry, Monster, 8212 1 = Rive to Mra ings, $1. 3 8 Rie to Mrs Nettie Rios, Hast. ings, §! Penney vans Nettin Bice, Hast Naw fee” We. the apdersigned, do hereby ARTES rofand the money on lwo 2 cent Bottles of Baxter's Mandrake Rit fails lo cue #3 spy eiad lation ters, if 8 corisd i pation, bil ioam ness, Trad of any of wih the dieses foro which [tis recom refund the money Downs’ Bhixie, if it does not cure any cough, cold, croup, whooping cough, or throat or lang difficulty. We also guarantee one 25- cent bottle of prove satisfac For sale hy © Pharmacy. Miss Alice Hoghes, win frightfully burned on the hee and neck. Pain was instanty relieved by DeWitt's Witch Hamel Salve, which healed the injury withoat leaving a sear. It ik the famous pile remedy. mended, Alss will yd Mecent Dadi on 1 ae af the abe Lo TY Or money ris finden]. W. Hodgkins Patton Narfolk, Va. Holiday Exenrsion Rates. Imboed with te spirit of the season and in reeognition of the large pass. ] enger business during the Christmas in avosrdancs with is ons. tomary itherality, the Buffalo, Rooester Baslictaye & Pittsburg railway will make a Christ. mas present to each of its patrons par. chasing round-trip tickets on dates named, of two-thirds the one way fire, making he af a fare and ronmd rin between low rate ghaedghind for Ine all stations on ite line. Tickets to be hth awd Tied 1SNT i mia wild Decnmber Mth and January is Hmitedd for re tarn passage to January dred, 1998 Clerseal Orders fir TRON The Pennsylvania Railroad company annonnoes that orders will be continued for 1888 on the sate nes as in effect at present the sene of clerical Ap plication blanks may be obtained of ticket agents, and same should reach the whe ral foe hy Prwember Mb an yi ther M3 that orders may be mailed December to clergymen entitled to reeed them individual Odors will be wail only application of clergymen furnished | iw on blanks 3 iy gC . EP Fae company and certified to by ] ; ali ARENA One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. : gf the Plest Xa Lady, in Ihe NE end Inreed wpe want Haris w¥¥y wpprenend PERF ig gy £hyary els lv We are in prsition to give yisi the bwest values in Christmas prosents in- clnding ehinaware, lamps, dolls, sleds, wagons, carts, sleds, and childosn’s fan's ALR fest shawn, robbers and felts atl prices anknown before mee 3 Tow 6 { anr bargains: Clarks (2 NT thread Lion soap, 10 for . Star soap, each ‘ Best matches per pack 18. inch coal bucket Rove sled NTON' We a ei ’ : sronven flict that every article we offer 1s yo» E& & It's an absolute worth mmch more than the price asked. Goodness of quality and no money spent brings greater returns than the money left with us. Here yon get with its n- tendant inducement, the influence for low prices. Buyers are never penny wise and pound foolish when they run up 4 ¥ 18 the keynote to our SnCoess, 7) Y ar bg & » 3 5 * % » the best assortment of dependable merchandise » 4 1 + ¥ yg won Ia vary Ba goime pyre wa 4 "hows ge OV tem ». 2 ” purchase here with the prices they pay elsewhere oot 10 amd ret he saey Mae ry } 1 Hi A . . ¥ wed money and have better goods to show Here: you'll always find the best nes ever offered. Come if only to inspect. Following are only a few of the Bargains to be found in our store: HANDEKERCHIEPS MENS FURNISHINGS, What is mare convenient, mor y doen men's Jersey knit working I oy pa b “ A 3 ul, more easily purchased irta. Im hl, More easly purchase shirts, made in fancy dark shades, all kerehiets sizes, ne each Ladies’ lace sdge handkerchiefs ineh sire. Se each, 3 tk ad : neck and front, pear! batton and ribbed Padiss” Swiss embroidered handker- : i " tail, 4% mach. shit, regular wipe Otis Chargm Pe ooo . : oar price 100 seach, Man's linen collars 100 each, fadies’ initial badkerchiefu Men's fancy twill handkerchiefs, col Men's nnianndried white shirts, pore Irish linen bosom, re-infordesd front and back, warranted New York mills mus. lin, 4% eaeh. Mens Fyeneh bhiack satine shirts, 38 inches long, regular Thc kind for $e each Wy ath arvad barter de sash Men's Japanese sitk initial hamdker. ehiefe 100 pach Rlate-colored corset, 5 hook, exira long, perfect Ming, 3h each. DOMESTICR lancaster gingham Se vand Best calicos, all colors, 50 vard, Men's srorking gloves, lined and in. finest worth The; onr price $80 pair Newkwear, Cloves Umbrellas Sis All linen crash 8.0 yard perglors, Handkerchiefs, Dolls for Holl Turkey nd table linen 17e yard duy Ciifts, 4 TOW No Matter many » - yy a . trom {iil} . look : CistCWHere. store at our goods and Cor. Fifth and Kerr Rves. Cor. Fifth and Kerr Aves. FREE CHRSTIS TOKEN ih Fo every VS IIIS 3 1 customer qaurnng act cgrghipin Y *3 1 7) > Tin sett) ceoaing LAaristmas we will ot Hall . 3% iY. give Joratis 2 Hive . 5 an ladies éspecialiy a attention to the following he for Father, Brother, 9 want a cas your - whether it 5 ' ro AQ uhegngs® 4 yhey yb Oar See Jear iL Dresenis, $ FRA TRY Smoking & Rouse (oats, THE BON TON! Mori's nataral wool anderwsar, band _. i Boys Mufflers, deg Lin pad : Creo large wash Cound anger hrace Was 06. has secared the Sonteact of both prominent in local polities in the tin 5 NEW Cambria county, are at logger-heads CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. ; board Free. Froo, Free! Miss Minnie Spottswood, who has been visiting her parents at Carlisle, Pa., for the past ten days, returned home on Tuesday. : The Keystone Clothing Co.’s ad this week contains something that will in- terest you all. It will be worth your while to look it up. Mrs. J. W. Hoy and little daaghter, of DuBois, are visiting Mrs. Hoy’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Wilson, of the Commercial hotel, this week. When you take a trip to Ebensburg stop at the Blair house and you will be used all right. Accommodations ex- cellent and rates moderate. 69-11. John Nothnagle, an employ at the Columbian colliery at this place, re ceived a severe injury to his left knee on Tuesday by being struck by a fll of coal. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Sandford at- tended the opening of the Cambria county teachers’ institute at Johnstown on Monday. : The streets of Patton are in a bad condition at present owing to the re- cent wet weather. This is the time of year when paved streets would be John Boyce, proprietor of the Cash Grocery, has been making some vast improvements in his store in order to make room for his large assortment of goods for the holidays. There are still several bad holes in the board walks on the public streets of our borough. They should be fixed before a suit is brought into court for damages from an accident caused thereon. One day last week Mrs. Elizabeth Brewer, mother of J. N. Brewer, acci- y fell on the pavement dislocating her : jon Dr. Murray, who reduced the dislocation, reports that she is rapidly convalescing. and are giving vent to their feelings | through the columns of the Hastings Tribune. Blair Curry, baggage master on the P. RR, whose home is at Wankesha, Pa, and J. R. K. 8hook, the genial pro- prietor of the Metropolitan hotel of Westover, passed through Patton on Monday morning en route to Ebens- burg where they spent the day among friends. There is a certain individual who re- sides in Patton, who is reported as continually abusing and sadly neglect ‘ing his wife and family. II reports ace true, which are enough to maze any ordinary person's blood boil, the man ought to be made an example of by severe punishment, A blaze in a show window of (able & Co.. at Altoona, Thumday night de- stroyed books, toys, laces, ete to the valoe of $1,506. A couple of clerks who extinguished the Were badly burned. falling down upon an lamp iguited and caused the fire (General orders have Harrisburg that the several organiza: tions composing the National Guard of Pennsylvania will be inspected in their armories during the months of January, February, and March, 1588. The in- spection will be made by the Brigade Inspectors, under the direction of Col Bdward Morrell. {| Geo. M. Brisbin, of Osceola Mills, Pa, was a pleasant caller at the COURIER office on Tuesday. Mr. Brishin, who ‘is the treasurer of the Bucher Acety. lene Light company of Alexandria, Huntingdon county, Pa, was here i looking after the several plants the company has established in Patton and surrounding towns. He stated that some important changes will be made | very soon in regnrds to the placing of Hanes A piece of cheese cloth indandescent been ssid at With every $25 worth ot goods pur. chased at our store von will be pre. sented with a beautiful piece of silver: ware, which can he seen displaved in cur show window af Migxiy & KisNER Cure that cough with Shiloh's cure. The best cough cure Relieves croup promptly it bottlem sold last year, 46 Said at Corner Drug Store, (ing mm on 35 eas, oh oe SE a Stew! anger bits And everything else at similar low prices. To try us once means to cons tine fa do so, Call and get yo gains as they go al BAZAAR. THE GO. Brady, Prop'r, Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars and cuffs, 10 Linen Kerchiefs, Suspenders, ur share of the har. Fine Woolen Hose, Plush and cloth caps, Neckwear and Gloves, Fine SCITS, Quercoats, Mcintoshes, Patton, Pa. NT AN! 8 ! g a use jl io the State. LIKES BY MAIL absolutely safe, prompt. itera BENEFIT MAIL SERVICE AND THIS STORE tof the best Mail gE i $:1 PF The Fat $a ¥ 4 Penney bean SHOPPING pleasant and satisfactory for the ladies of Central Pennsylvama. We prepay Postage and Express om all goods ordered by Mail, but for Cash only. Send for our new Booklet of any goods you may wish to see. iso for Samples Best Goods at Lowest Prices — and your Money Back if you want it. » ALTOONA, the generators which will be an im- provement to the plant iv many ways. i PENNA. Gnderwear. Fine SHOES. xn x y - ¥ * 3 ¥ ¥ 4 4 do I Saar Oy “ ¥ 5 ry of id > And hundreds of other gifts that can make the men and comfortal . ‘ fF 1 any ol 12 1 above gifts. : Remember al soc articles . ww Thr ek WE) 1% - - 5% POMS ATICAOS are vy 1idT «iH FOR YOUR ~g¢ values and di : 1 pennmws, Qames * x i Fyoywy WN ¢ dave 3 % ' s * pen mA x 4 oo rey Clit PCas AN KaAVEe WH and GOoHars an every puarciase, : * 4 Special. —a ; nie Smokimg and House * calel Tae Rew rnd rnp T S400 4 = 2 ANG WI JX 3 I 3 ¥ +s * HALF PRICE. “he I lace 18 From the irdetly Bank. Merry Merry Christmas and many thanks for vour liberal ; . . Sys Fraaty W € Dave RDO Co » Bu og bt ted Flier Lara them O11 we We sell ¥¥ HL . : = mg vou ail Rk New Year with X vg tera ge We renin, > ver Taam YY. Very Respectinlly, Y Keystone Clothin and Shoe Co. SITTIN ans srsnssys. TOTTI IIIT ITNT sy. 200008 ITNT INS. SI SII58ISIIIIISSSIISSISISSSISSSSSIISIISSISISIIISS 7 mit