003 el Off the Maine Coast. THE NEWS EPITOMIZED, Washington Items.’ wrders have born jssned by the Navy Da. mrtment for ths aralfser Datenit 5 or i Port nu Prince, Havtl, withont dn jay, to relieve the argiser Marblehead i Recretary Gags appeared hefors i Hose Committees on Banking and renioy and snbmittetd and sxpliainesd ¥ ? $y < | currency reform } 3IX OF THE CREW PERISHED. The Vessel. Laden With Plaster, Struck on the Coshing Island Reef, Near Port. fand-—At the Merey of a Heavy Senne Masts Carried Awny-Tale of the Only Eurvivor-Narrow Escape From Death. ‘Pagriase, Mo, (Speciall «The schooner Rusar PP. Thurlow, bound from Hiblshoro, Sew Pranswick. for New York, went io pieces on Cushing Shoals about thre: mies from this eity, st 8 o'clock Wednesdny wight. The story of the divaster heeams known when the only survivor of (he sree appeared in nn exhausted condition at tise hat of a sherman. The dead bodies ol the mate and three sailors ware foand on pensnt where they had boon washed up dar. ing tie night. The singis Beimany, He was br ¢ity, and gave the fol fous of the versal The Thoriow. on her vor Bors to New Tork, encoanterad wether off the Maine ast anid, storm. {nersased. the eantain wmake Postiand Harborforshelter He was only 8 few mites out from Portland Harbor when the rafider rope parted. and the shin peed disatiad and st the mercy of the Reavy sea, The saptain and crew tried Io popair the steering. gear, but. while they were thas engaged, the schooner stracd on the res! All throes masts were cnrrisd away by the force of the compact, one wi the topmasts striking the enptais and ernshing ons of his pres The men were ordersd to Jump Fae urvivorof the wrest was | roy Hi for ther Pras, Refmann was cxnght by a hope wave | and hurled into the sea He was washed ap on the bunch of the island thres times, bat was anabie to nhain s foothold, being swept back hy tie undertow, He mavagsd to got hold of ons of the spars and slsing to ft for a jong tigke. Fin. ty, he was carried on to the beach, where | the recading waves eft him safe. He Wy thers henambed with ecid and exbhaus. ‘ted By his battle with the waves for soma time, At length he dragesd him, self to the hut of a fisherman where ho was eared for until mornisg, when he was aaht to this city and the etary of the disaster betas known, The bodies of Mate Molean and threes silomy wore washed ashors on the and during the night. Nothipe was left of the vessel in fhe morning. Ths brash is strewn wilh Apars and other wrackage, The Sasan I. Thurlow was bail risgton, Me. in 1872 and bails port of Now York, She registers wed $0 tony gross, was 139 feet dn length 81 fees Breadth of beam and 16 feet dee The vessel vained at S30 was Frincipatiy by Captain Joseph Woldng Berookiyr, who has heratofurs saibod vessel, On this trip he pleend th er in oharpe of his mate I Phe crew in addition to Captain aes. was oomposed af who wern shipped at tl Kove ber, Tha SRTTR STOW | wer {apinin goed forty, of New § Massasiiaeetis, mate, Juhi ©. Nivksls, of Philadely Ally, conk; Fo laagadee, of Fra forte seven, sonman Philip Mes River, aga faery, seaman: FON a German, sged twenty Io Genre Anderson, ol Phbads thirty-two, seaman, w¥ hy mre} ws Shot Wile sad Plinsell. Barnard RBehale, a win mershant of Jersey City, 5 dangerously woundsd bie wile Billed himsel! at bis home in ; Weehawken Helghts, Ha was evidratly in sane. Rehultz was Ofty throes voars oid Up 10 two weaks before he owned a store ‘st 135 Pavonia avenue, Jersey City, bal #odd out, owing to bad business boon Sroatiy worried sines that time, Weyler Rees the Queen, PRR Ap AM sr Goneral Woyler was received in Madrid | He is re. | 5y the Quenn Regent of Spain, ported to have spokon with fraskaess wbout President MeKinloy's message and against the policy of the Hagasta Govern. meat, Twonty Spanish Gefiomis, it is do. Harel, have come to an agreement 10 an. ‘gineer a protest agsipst Presiden: Mekin- MYR ImeRaRge. General Wayier rofased to win them. A HA A I AAA SB OE Georgia Party's Fatal Ending. At 8 party given at the residence of W, Hl. Cali, near Jafermonville, Twiggs Doupty, Ga, s dispute aroas between two poring men, who wers drinking, It ore saltest fa theron men being Kilied and twa women fatally fsjured. The dead are father Calif. Clarenes Jones, and “Hyon” Griffin; the Injured women, Mes, W. I Califl and Mary Vetty. Povey Castle in Danger, over Castie, England was damaged by & fre, whieh threatened for a time to utterly emolish all of Lhe strastare that was vil merablis to flames, The fire bs supposed to uve stantial from an overbieated ¢himopey. oi A A pes hs sede Sowial Funetions Omilted, Pres ‘op from Canton. It is understood taal all social and official functions at the White House will be omitted for a period of thirty fays from the date of his mother's death Emperor Willism at Kiel, Emperor Willlam arrived at Kiet, where he was received by Prince Henry of Pras sin. He stopped in Hamburg on the way, and was sptertained at luncheon Ane greeted with three chieers on the Hocrse, a YA SO TOMS 44 - Durrant Seatenced Again, Theodore Durrant was sentenced to deat! for the fourth time for the murder of Blanche Lamont in San Francisco, execution was fixed for January 7. A a Whent Searce the World Over. President Baker, of the Chicago Board of Trade, said that wheat is scarce all over the world, and America has the opporiun ity to name its price. Luke Finn Takes Cashman. Eugene 8. Cashman, the New York street sleaning foreman who was arrested sharged wiih misappropriating £30,000 while County Treasurer of Greeley County, Nebraska was arraigned in court and turned aver to Luke Finn, of Greeley County, whe will take him West, Triumph of Alabama Iron. Five thousand tons of Alabama iron hava {oft the Port of Pensacola for Kobe and Yokohama, Japan, It costs #4a ton less at the furnaces than English fron, and the freight fsabout the same. derblad fi He had | dent MeKinley retarnsd to Washing © The | The Bannta in the treaty for the axtensior ithe time for - the Mexican boundary | debate, Benator Wolsott said that Intrros : tional Blmataiiic Commission had made n report thus far and apon his regaest dis Cemksion of BE work was postpo Sananey 15 Charies (3, Dawes of Franstag, C pominatad for Controller of tha bry President MeKinisy, Hs . Marietta, Ohin post 37 16% nation was imoadiately confirmed HAte, The President sent 8 hatoh of somina. ions to the Sengte, inelnding Wihiiam W E Thomas, Jr. Maine 10 Minister 1 . Norway and Bw and Nathan B. Hoot: tobe Oionmissloner of Internat Rovenun tronal Association of Masulacturers, 4 pother with X00 organizationd tev. Ras anuaisted a » } ihe proprse] new Drepgetment Py Pa ripting tha VICAR EID Phere wa ie DY ine Fos sides em ittaa of. tha Ng Soe Hansptgey Gaps hins his curranoy.-re bill, whi nd The vpn d fv frm plans prenan? {mrrensy Com EES * menate and the House after i ? poise of Bis Ferd and Rule wil] progeny 8 new the Hones after the ny poecadn, The Nationai B fog in Washinpts plaring that the visto fmrd is not vol won RE ETT {wil be required to avercome th i and far roney sapvintions of mdny § i A as Domestic. ohn Morgan was Banged (2 Ripley Va. for the murder near thers an Noven:. her 4 just of Mre, Edward Gresbe an aged widow, her sap, James Groene and i damghter Matibhin Post i Carl Sehr made an adviress in Cinsin nati Ohio, hefore the Rational Civil Sep i vite Lesgue James Harry Cahill the six yaar obi sn cof James Calill, and ) Maggie ry wid pigtasy poral Grrnrrded By the famiiy in Newari . ] NJ thy of ir parsnts wars absent of i Wr Gd pin wears oe ied rome ward that Shier Eine with carded a freioht frais Tone rey matehas { 1 wigrein wiles wot it ereignad, Ohio and slic? snd Rind iret the sandugator. Hepragantat ves Fail River Mase factutrses for a sha? cduetion of wages, Gprratives is 08 av ar 4 dps Fy 4 RTE Hr than 8 ne f tiie own ra The oa trike A pariy of @venty one started fonm Now Y. dike gold A cof Cojagmbia. Mere BE tng none Trenton Cher hoses ranansi od whish sentient O weg and og itr, Ho RE ard the Ek iN, Lm ie lyse mead KX) Cinargs Lime @rent PE mle The iplietmay of the Balti ; jaont of Renal WAS Canned The Prealdent Board said the Alt E GRAN § vison ff thm Bank Will 1ak» the bany) Chem and the (invery { Businres, Wiliiass FF. Worn Prosstesd P Lonts Goaranten Loan and Moartra ( FAnY, was arrested in Naw Yor crompisint of HT Sehwsbhan F (the Colambas Alamisym elnrges him with ox The Indiamsp will be eaiied to ramsider the reps weiss, The Bax, David 7 wo ‘N.Y. was sentenced to Bee meant or 85 fine fia i rifused to pay and was was Analiy releaasd Uy a tied the fine i Judge Ranborn, United Reais Cont, in Bt. Louis has postponed 1h Hf the Kansas (ity Balirond until F {15 at the request of the Hoverninent T. 4. Beatty, nephew of General Beatly, inf Oia, and Marry (in alias Howard wers santogend at Reni Pans to Steen years sacl tor IG. R Davies an Fagh at New York sith alas (dogs purchased is taking to the Klan “an draw hail w ton tract with this Governa plies th Alssia, The plang t cand Raliors trance in was veioed i mission. The seniors of wrarlad the gyimnas | disapproval of te ant {The matter : Fasuity, ( Mre Ida Bro: | WipaAn, ont {er stricken om ted salabde Ly taking Abide Kirby died den XN J. Her fails i pagiented to oxi a dv { her with his prayers I The San Francisco po ithe Rev. George I. former pastor, whose {i i in danger. March Binver and Fraok Kis i duel with Snives ina street i Texas, King was wounded » disembaweiled Booger was soren plages. The dusl was the a feud of a down years ago in teast ball a dozen men were Kilisd, Rabbi Bappaport. of New Haver suffered the amputation of an ar, i sult of blood polsonioe, eagsed by a out the little flager, recomend io proparnicg fowl for use in the services, fv smelt tha Mi Capt WG ag ¥ Raiesby 1 z HE 3 I.mst, TIO 23D ie Tha disastrous results of in in Engiand aro Figures have won that last year the owing to stiles | the enormous Has Leading Cltiten a Burglar, Honry Ably, # isadiog citizen of Si=fleid, fowa, worth $3.00 who lor has suotesstully piayed the role of Dr Jekyil aud Mr. Hyde now lies in tie Foankin County Jat, wounded unite ia a purgiarious exploit, yRArS damth Sinan = fury | NEW SIP aged tour, wore sullaoated by a fire in the | wo fro wiiviar | Fomoply Loitar ipnisting a tramandng soptest B30 000 0 (a REME JUSTICE. Josenh McKenna. Now Atlorne, cral, Nomnaated, 10 CO! OPPOSITION (FIRMATION. MoRhinley Sends (o (he Renate (le Wome of Attorasy. fiemersl MoRenna to Be ari Associate JSastice of tha sited Rigtes Suprenss Cnurd, % jee Miephen J Field, BaslignodaSheteh of Jie Career gH ARTE GT Pog vi an Wine 59 om rs ay PEIN pret The House passed IT.0 for the relied of miners in kon Valley and the Senate adep propriatiag $0 0M) for is undersioo a President for folphe Degeler. Cc The Firh Young Man YOUNG MAN WHO MANIPULATED A BIC WHEAT CORNER espe sh se Asi x 00T AN ENVOY - CBANSS Colonel Ruiz Killed For Attempting | Peace Negotiations, ARANGUREN DIED WITH HIM, be Spanish Colonel. Jonguis Ralz Gen. sral Blance's Pears Envoy, and the Briel Catone. Nestor Aramparen. Whe Beosrived Him, Killed of the Same Time woe Fried to Save Then, Bat Failed. Ron. eq ey Ia Marshal £0 Hos. Uy the 3 Ra ENG Bg 3 py ds Edie gases PEAY IYER visited aod the J] ds fehl Tor aeye gl { pe fet peri CEORLCE WwW. > Sn BUN is Havans Mastin Has Far 1 0 C0 Foswn ven His Bide ; wry He in | FRE BROT y - i - sind hits FST WITHORANN, Abas loos Oppoaitian a Aanexs” axl renes Flon of Hae ail, 5 ASSASBINATED, tise Stage Daor of the Adelphi Theatre in Landi. FL GiY Wola sa wad TT OWs i iin Tormrmand Yonessy isang) Dries ie GN SICHT that of Thee, ilheoad Friends i om iliemd iy ish alin, Sanisg wn panivel hy Ae Ley wary fairs they saw a sre pranch LE firesyind Lo 1 nie the Uoadtend Vion Hee Rs bl tan ot fy CASTE GL” Saw ae? IIIa RIOR wit Meraiens his pastor i be will CRrry own fgat pads. RUS CIRCULATING THE SCAPTURES. A The Work of the American Bible Society In Foreign Lande. A statement maned by the American Bi. ple Reeoisty shows that its work in foreipn finde in the test wegr involved an expand. pire of S190 390 23 and HD BER entleg nf % of theas mare than half #50 000 salary re dimrpibatad in Ching: oF 9 in davan: IT 90 in he favnnt, 4% 008 1s Nourh Amrroon: 35 in Moxie sud Copel Americar 32408 in Sinn: and Laos; $0.00 a in Franes 12 000 in mosin and Aostels: 0. dW) bs Ieding, besides emailer susthers is Africa, Misronesis Arabia 05d Kores In aes prpiintiee This work the sents and Sarrespondents #f the society employed ¥ men emel warking of an avercew more tires sight mon The soriety Bas tse urches {8at in variy in January in aunual week sircaintinn of Lise a all putions daring the sla eh oad Ea 5. and sane. id whore tae BH Irwin an svangelivt (rom HNN Dey boddisg se : rm Unley Done berets Poa Had SREY relies i. 2 of fosters. snd se o foiivige of The women in warme Of thea feiss the geir bonnels 0 debt of the im Riambhbhedt His Tao Uncles, de Mares an JI8li8n. pinsteswy 8 stabbed and seelll bis pools atbing Parelll's ater Sind two ire stablsed, The sunierer but was captured by & po amfort Cann #3 Ceti Tas fin A Good Citizenship Campaign, The Evangelion Allinoes is preparisr to ghdertake a great Natisnad “gmpales of sdgeation on bela! of pood sitizenshin pwr a mililon workers iL is axosstod with eHon be engaged nm oR Iriteiting system. atisnily throughaont the and patriotic {ner oof srknowiedged ability aud repetation, : re by Aste rmen Halse Their Own Salaries. : ramen wr $4 a week to $100 8 year. sie whieh aseomnlishad 1 was the raise by Aldermen have thelr sdee § suspension of 1a 8, 1 AN SS N——————— Toromis Neat Sew Orieans, io sisftad Points ia Harbe fopda. les Bebow New Orleans Mey vny Ea gga was wee Red 5 dy Ae Be in THE Maur Th Yhalesnie Priced of Country Produce fymated in New York. LE ANY fR¥SN 1 24y A SPD 31. et sea BY hv white in aid Lim Ded ew i * * oo BEALE 2NI PES iin Foes Tims § ad Grea peas, FRTITE AND REURINA YY Praen 1 ow Oreoninge Baldwin Sra bins BE We WW ges ERD “EE P ¥EAPTIHLES * v oh TO WENN oe gi wt; 4 i Sweet hid Sah baggew OF 10 Hbans, white #044 Ried 8 hh Cvrosen poss Va Baw plant, ¥ ht Timnatoss. ¥ carrier Hying beans BP basket Suan, # bli White Maem ies 4 LEE wr EE89 who Be pou wm pen GO we RL RD AD wn ki Be a we DME 0 ES UR BEE tases EReRRR ER { Brissia, ¥ dar Larmds ¥ nii En HA ower Baoly 8% Cindy E ie B S488 Br taf fates Fa vies 4 PATANKInGR Kale, wr IRlacn, ARAIN, ETN. tri Hh NC) Na 2 White Track mixed Ren ek rn Aariey Foaling Lard ~City stean, REBEL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers