have rolled around and the year 2,000 : Patton CGourier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO., Proprietors. EE. Wiry Grerexy, Editor, : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy, one year, in advanee, - - - §LOO Fy Advertising rates made Koown npr ap plication, SF No papers discontinpsd anit all arrears ages an aid, Griless at the aption of the publishers. Entered at the PostofMicr at Patton as seeornd- class mail matter. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1, Rubseribers who do not give express notice to the contrary are considered as Wish. ing 0 renew their submseriptions. If subsceriltwrs order the dbscontinoance of their periodicals, the pubtdistier may con tinue tw send them until sll arrsarages are 8. If subscribers Jeet or refuse 0 take their periodicals from the postoffice to which they are directed, they are responsible anti they have settied thedr bills and ordered them discontinged. 4. Hf subscribers move to other places with. © gt infortoing the publishers, and the papers Are sent 2 the former address, they are heid responsible. 5. The Courts have decided that refasing to take periodionls from the office or removing and leaving them nnealhet for, x prima facia evidence of nwntional fread. 8. If sabwcribers pay in sdvans: they are bound to give nothes at the end of the time if they da not wish to continge faking 11; other wise the publishers in authorized to send It and the sitbecriter will be respraible antl an XP potion, with pmyment of all area Ages. tx sent to the publisher v PENSION LEGISLATION NEEDED, This Congress should pass a law pro- hibiting one source of fruitful frand in the granting of pensions. The law as it now stands grants a pension to a soldier's widow, it matters not when “the soldier was married; the only ques. tions to be proven in obtaining a pen. sion is whether she is destitate and if the applicant was the widow of an ex- soldier. This is a most fruitful source of fraud and one which shoald be stopped. Instances have been known in many places where old soldiers lying that the woman might draw a pension after his death. This is wrong in many ways: It places the old soldier in his senility at the mercy of designing women of a low grade of character who are very anxious for the $3.00 a week, which is better to them than working out as servants. Twenty years from to-day there will be a great many of the old soldiers living and a great many of them will marry as late as that. These women of a low grade - will be constantly scheming to marry some old, discrepit man, solely for the purpose of obtaining this pension from the Government, without either love or care or any other motive than a desire to rob the Government. These women will live and draw pensions from 50 to 75 years, and when this century shall shall have come there will be a great "many soldiers’ widows upon the list drawing their pensions. As before re marked these women are of a low grade, and they will have a tendency to discredit the real, patriotic soldier’ widows who are justly entitled to this pension. The mothers who stayed at ‘home, attended to the family, raised the children, and bore with the hardships of single life while their hus bands were fighting for their country, are entitled to everything that a gen. ~ erous Government can give them, but + these girls, and in some instances courtesans, are not entitled to benefits | that belong to real, noble-hearted sol- | diers’ widows. It is an infamy beyond | description that this law is whatit is and the Congress when it passed it did | The law should be changed and changed | at once, that honesty and humanity and justice prevail, shut this open door of infamous wrong. IT 18 to be hoped the rubber trast will rect itaslf? (text John XIV, 2-8 DOWN ON CPL SERVICE (W. C. Amold, of DuBois Would Smash the Law, Representative W. C. Arnold, of the 26th Congressional District, who one day last week introduced a bill to Congress to repeal the original civil service law of 1883, and all other jaws supplemental or amendatory thereto, is evidently very much in earnest in ‘the matter. He said: The civil service system is » delusion, a farce and a frand and ought to be re. peated. It is also unbusiness like, an. American, vnjust and uonfair. The whole Government service was packed with people who never passed any ex- amination, and then the civil service was extended so as to include them Now they ure in office and protected by the law, and they can’t be removed, no matter how anfit they may be. In addition, the system is fall of incon: sistencies. Take, for example, the case of Revenne Collector Fruit, of oar dis trict. He is ander 860 9006 honds, and, with the single exception of one office deputy, he can’t appoint a single deputy collector, and yet he and his bondsmen must be responsible for the official acts of people in whose selection he has no ‘voice, In fact, the whole thing is full of injustices and inequal- ‘etion, as can easily be learned by going through the departments and investi gating the way in which it works. “I believe that a majority of the Re- publicans in the House favor its repeal. It may be said that our platform pledges os to sustain it, bat is the party living up fo its declarations on the Cuban question? And, besides, if a party finds that it has declared for a wrong principal, hadn't it better cor. I am for a free Cuba, and I am also for a free and fair chance for every man for public place. This law doesn’t give it. It is only leading to on the bed of death have been held up | life tenure of office, and | am opposed and married to young women in order to that. I have no objection to a fixed term, based upon merit and fitness, as shown by proper examinations but | am opposed to the present system and its life tenure of office.’ Joveph Westover Dead, On Sanday, December 19th, 1897, oe. curred the death of Mr. Joseph West. over, of Westover, Pa. The deceased was born in Blair county, this State, May Sth, i814. He settled in the com- munity where the town of Weatover now stands abont 86 years ago. On the above date he walked out of his house and fill over, and was carried into the house and died in a few min- ates. He was 8 man of remarkable vitality, and walked as erect as a young man. He was aged 83 years, 8 months, and 11 days. Deceased was the father of six children; three died in infancy ‘and three are still living, viz: lewis and John, of Westover, and Mrs Paal McGarvey, of MePherren, His wife preceded him to the eternal world about three years ago. Mr. Westover was converted to Christ and nnited with the Baptist church at Cherrytree while young, removing his membership to Westover when the church was insti tated there He was a faithful | christian and attended the chureh reg- ular until his death. The funeral was condacted by his pastor, the Rev. N° O. Patterson, on Tuesday, the 21st, from his home, the pastor asing as his Interment in the Westover cemetery. Thiant Dead. Elizabeth Anna, daaghter of Mr. and rue Mrs. James Hough, died at the home of her parents on Mcintyre avenue last Thufsday of diphtheria, aged 5 years. The home is sad and lonely with. out the presence of this dear child, but she lives with Jesus in the home above and will never know sorrow or care. Owing to the contagious character of intro. ALL Mr. OC. M. Dixon, a well-known mer- chant of Pleasant Ridge, Falton congty, Pa., has a littie gir! who is frequently threatened with cron Pp, but when the firat symptoms appear, his wife gives her chamberiain’s cough Remedy, which always affords prompt relief The 25 and 5 cent sires for sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. After hearing some friends contin- aally praising chamberlain’s colic cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, pur. chased a bottle of it OWI ee and = now as enthusiastic ita wonderful work as anyone can The 25 and 5 cent sizes for sale bv Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins fir his over Far, A Groat Mod cine Given Away, CW. Hodgkins is now giving free to all a trial package of the great herbal remedy, Baron's Celery King If ladies suffering from nervons dis orders and constipation will ase this remed v they will soon be free from the headaches and barkaches that have cansed them #0 much sufferin 1 a perfect regulator. It gqaoickiy billicusness, indigestion, eraptions of the skin and all blood diseases, large sizes 25 and 50 cents = COTES Mrs, Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says, “After two doctors gave op my bay to die, I saved him from croup by osing One Minute cough core” | It is the quickest and most certain remedy for eomgha, colds and all throat and lung troubles. (. W. Hodgkins Patton Pharmacy. Drreqadfally Nervous (iente. I was dreadfally nervoos, and for relief tack vour Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole nervous sys tem. [I was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly gained bealth and strength. Mrs 8 A Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold at Corner Drag Store. Punt Todbarrs Suit ged Seeks Your 1% Avy, Te gut tehacen ea Sel. ud of ile nerve and vigor, take Bar, the wander worries A IRXKeE WEAK ea sr W, Core guaran sample free Aldress Chicago or New York ¢ and Porpries Bus ow rage sis, ¥x jeed Bookiet and Bwriing Remedy Oo. Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa, says, “My child is worth millions to me vet: | would have lost her by eroup had I not invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minute cough (are ” It cures coughs, colds, and all throat and long troubles. CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. FdhAnente Your Bowels With Onscarets Candy Carhart COPS SOMLLLat oe -r We 3 JC C0 fa, drugists refund money a J. A. Perkins of Antiquity, OO, was for thirty years needlessly tartared by physicians for the cure ¢f eczema He was quickly enred by using IeWit!'s Witch Hazel Salve, the famous healing salve for piles and skin diseaees. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. One Minute cough Care cures quickly That's what you want! . W. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. Te Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascaretn Condy Osrtharie it CCC fail to core, drogpivts refund moses DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous Httle pitts. Go to the Peoples’ Meat Market for Tyg: . af fil ginds of FRESH MEAT, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LARD, ETC. We £1 a YC 5 DAR Pg ee ws PE | vy ow WOLD (XE oniaitd, . ANG ; i 3 wl MALL & JORNGON, Proprietors. SHOES at a Bargain lanuary 1. ht aa} 5 dies ¥ { Peta hargal hea I id . > - Also see wr vour Gro a x » wy #4 te ad La Rata 3s 117. Py Ask goods Free 5 eo » ” ~ qb 1 p gto A boop Of Charge to &: parts of own. rs £% ot $s La: aR tas. 00, H. REMKOS, , . r » Jk Frey TR gh Py a 3d WGP A ORG, CAT WU Isk Church. Magee 413 We or We | SrOTe : HE PPT LOL i CES PATTON SUPPLY NEWS. Dont vou think it would pay you to look through our SA at mtr Li rue: We are the le : and get onr low prices. ¢ are the leaders of low Ny for 8 i“; We largest houses and we have lowest price consistent with Pugs wr gpa ge PAY OAT Remember We Don’t Boast : But Rr witling tos comspare valves with any samples or i any or Pres 2 peal 4 Ah 5 pr ol where, and with such a comparison if von are not folly convinced that we are saving you money then we will be willing to aimit that we have erred in jodge- ment. Here are a Sox specials for this week Dress Goods. A big line of strictly All.wool Dross Goods in a large variety of colors at 25c to 81 per yard. A new line of Corded and Brooadine Dress (Goods at 13 2c yer yard. The lutest shades. To sew them is to believe that they are best values to be had, Corsets. Sew cutie new fine of PN. Corseta Ome of the Price from 48 jo B12 Boots and Shoes. * it will pay you to look throogh oar line, We give 10 to 20 per cent. better values than others are willing to give Wa have jot wewived a new line of Mens’ Women's and Children's Shoes, never were nicer. never were better made, never were chugiper than they are now, Give ns a trial and be convinesd we can wave you money on Shoes, Boots, and Robber Goods, Ladies’ Wrappers. Hi new line of Ladiew’ wrappers made to fit at only 9c. Groceries OF ail kinds pore and fresh. This department always speaks for itself. For the Holiday Trade we have on sale a new arrival of Almiris grape table misine figs, dates, cranberries, plum padding, Californin honey, orange marmalade, pure maple syrap, oranges and lemons $ Candy for Christmas. We can supply vou with a fine selection of clean fresh Candies direct from the factory at prices never beard of before. Priends we can make vou happy on the price and children happy on candy, Now Mr. and Mm Reader some ask for stuff that ie not At Weal. Now is th Lime to get price. All kinds at lowest figures. . Wo carry a large variety beat makes aud easies! to wear Af children want the bast Your can have it at the Money Saved With every cash purchiwe, we give you a cheek for the amount of you chase Save them anti! yon get $35 or more and we will redeem them at 3 per cent. on the dollar in Memchandive, __ FPatlon Supply company. Do you know That | am Selling a ' That | have the two best Patent Plasters made? The Diamond Wall Cement go#o far as toi who | h® disease the funeral was private, wu ve ite in Beckn brief services being held at the tomb TU e—— by Rev. Chas W. Wasson, of the M. E. ~ Wrra both Cleveland and Bryan church. ad if banging away at them the ducks will A Famous German Doctor's Wark. rin favor of some compromise CAD- | Consumption is now known to be ; in 1900. curable if taken in time the German Tar November earnings of 104 rail. remedy known as Otto's Cure, having oads whose reports have been pre. Deen found to be an almost certain sented are more than twenty per cent. cure for the disease. Asthma, bron in excess of their November earnings Chitis, croup, coughs, colds. pneamonia last year. and all throat and lung diseases are ; set quickly cured by Dr. Otto's Great THE JOHNSTOWN DEMOCRATS ac- German Remedy. Sample bottles of count of the ex-Cambria county poli- Otto's ure are being given away by ticlans making a visit to the city of our agent, C. W. Hodgkine Large Washington, D. C., ix quite amusing. sizes 25 and 50 centa, Have you read it yet ? wee ANT) THE—~—— Crown Wall Plaster 3 and botl i~ ¥ “ WwW yr FIA ITY be fore OUN ing Also Sell Cement Cement and Hillshore Plaster, THY ami Fry rn sd Plaster Panis made. Nuts and Fruits. As we have bought only the hn. est grades vou will ind our store the place to buy anything you may need in that line We have Just received od tresh supply of ORANGES, LEMONS, GRAPES, APPLES, SWEET Potatoes, 3 - o : » cheap. (set my prices i 11 SCL 5d cisewhere. Wa IS Lie Des ALS yn Powis awn Rabon Laat Fh NE SHINGLES + * both No. 1 low price. Public Sale STATESMEN at Washington are de. On Friday, Janvary 7, 1888 at 9 voting their attention largely to the © clock, a m., (sharp Daniel J. Davis question of the currency. Every man will offer for sale at his farm, one and “has his act for the improvement of One-half miles east of Ebensburg, in the currency system, and each one Cambria township, horses, cows, poul- feels that he must press his own views UY, ¢tc., hay, straw, wheat, rye and on the subject. It seems probable, how. 081s. A large number of up-to-date ~ ever, that when these are all presented, Arm implements, wagons, buggies, Congress will fall back upon President Sleds, sleighs, harness, robes, sugar McKinley's plan of retaining in the camp and dairy outfits, stoves, ete. Treasury the United States notes which | Reasonable credit — Everything will be are redeemed in gold, and permitting | #0ld, and a free lunch will be served. the national banks to increase their cir- | DANIEL J. Davis, culation in a way which will gradually | [Ebensburg, Dec. 20, 1597. 53. transfer the banking business from the | The Bon Ton for dry goods shoulders of the Government to those of the banka. WANTED—(eneral agent; need not have had experience in agency work; no soliciting required; party must be intelligent, and able to give security if asked. Write imediately. Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurse- reries; Rochester, N. Y.42-3mo / ™ ines rar sines. § g ih . 42 Phospha Inssolved Bone, which 1s £5 wns wei Ld dns 3 i In fact evervthing that goes to make up a good Xmas dinner. This rs a beautiful decorated Ch: Miners Store Co.,, Limited, and -» No. 2. % 5. Tt WeitK Wie are giving {CG aii our custom- : : FT La. Ty. un} 9 na Cream Pitcher. ¥ 5 ERY WY 0 sax adhe Th oo ase + » aly a fa % alllcies Ww * Ny ¥ building g or using any of the above get my prices before purchasing * i do ‘ A CINCW CTE, GOOD, PATTON, PA. S. SUERMBSLERRALARRE RARE RASLARRSRAMMARAEALERABRRIRRERRERRIRRRAMIRRSRIRLISBERRSIARIA LA RRSNLS poididdtistidtddinttitiddanttdsiidsndtisidandiianidaitdstiaiiaiisiaiadsitidasiiidaaditdisiiitis E £ : E E E 5 E E E § E 7i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers