LD’'S BIGGEST CANNON ¥* TO PROTECT NEW YORK. OIRO III III EHR ® The largest gun ever built is now being constructed at the Bethlehem (Penn. Tron Works. Tulsa enormous piece of ordnance will weigh, when corapleted, 126 toas, It will exceed by six tons weight the monster gan which Krapp, of Germany, exhibited at the World's Fair, in Chicago, and th length it will be nearly five feet | longer than the German gun This monster gan is being fabri. pated nnder the War Department. It is the biggest order ever given to any | establishment in the world, The great gan is being built under | the superintendence of John F Meigs, formerly a Lientenant of the | United States army and a standard | artillery anthority in this country. With him is associated Captain E L. | ire linski, United States army | tiredl. The Government inspection work is in the hands of Captain Ira MeNutt, of the ordnance corps of the army. it progresses. “The intention of the War Depart. ment, it is announced, is to mount the great piece on a specially built founda | tion on Romer Shoals. The protec. tion for this gan will be a turret, which will wholly inclose the crew and the greater part of the gun. From | its position on Romer Shoals the great piece of ordnance will have a fall! 3 have to be postponed, or that one of sweep of the channels leading into New York Harbor. There is not, it is declared, a vessel afloat to-day with armor of sufficient strength to resist All three gautlemen are on the ground and personally see to every! detail of the immense undertaking as | again as the weapon, while the cost {for foundation will, it is estimated ELECTRIC CABS IN NEW YORK. | Horseless Vehicles Have Becoma a Vis. | tare in the Big City, : Electric cabs, hansoms and brong. ‘hams are a snecess in New York, so 3 £ é f ironnd ont s grand total of at least C $300,000. The foundation for the six | teen-ineh gan will require a depth, it is | sand, of fifty fest if earth be the basis, | { This foundation must be constracte: Lof eoncrete, IDAHO'S WOMAN COVERMNOR. For Two Weeks Misa Margaret Filled the Exvcative Chair, The news that for ton woman had filled the exeoeanld {of the State of Idaho thir i sedented in this country's created no end of Lively i throngbont the Northwest The woman is Miss Marg: who for several sponihle rit Bonve. years i : ho 2 Mints i places abont 1d bnilding, ha 8 bhesn private secrefary nor, When Secretary of State ito the northern part of the State basimess of the greatest importance in Lennnection with the main of white-pine 4 Pat their wits’ and to conld eafely leave in charge of State | Fmaitters dd torney-Creneral MeFarland { eaded them from the State, 1g for the last fom on . megan nery Lewis were calied fyovsrnny Migte a vast ao LOW Whian they ina their absences, as A? kad pre X It seemed for 8 time the irip woul them wonld have to remain behin i when Secretary of State Lewis sug | gested to the Crovérnor that Miss oh on Br TN GOEST GUN IX THE 3 will waigh, completa 130 tons, and i be mounted on a special foam ho ho ite shot. John F. Meigs estimates that a blow from the new jun wonid x Lave a sinking energy equal to that of | w 2000ton ship when running at fall | speed, The shot from the gan, he mdds, wonld smash, crack and batter down any armor which it would be possible for a ship to carry. The caliber wiil be sixteen inches the length, from breech to muzzle, : gilt be forty mine feet two inclies ugh the breech in a vertical live the gun will have a measurement of exactly five feet. Mr. Meigs com. putes the weight of a shot for the new gun at a little over 2500 ponads. That The | nor and Secretary of State bad left a nutaber of amportaut bisnks to whieh | means wore than a ton of etal, ‘heaviest shots fired in England have not weighed over 2000 pound. The powder charge for the Ameri ean gnu will weigh nearly 1000 pounds Provided extreme elevation for range oould be obtained, a shot from the New York Harbor gun should be able sisteen miles | to travel more than The greatest known range ever at tained was from the famous “jubilee The distance shot” in England, measured about twelve statote miles The United States bias never before attempted any heavier piece of ord- nanee for const defence than a twelve inch gan. The weight of a piece of fifty tous. there is observed a jump of seventy six tons increase in weigh, : The first ingot for the néw sixteen. Be owex fon hese nition 8% Bower shoals, “Reeve be loft | nor was almost stanped b pian, bat Miss Reeve had pron self most efficient 3 all the routine wo aud {rv nnr fans plan, and Mise Reeve was loft : Nate house clothed in fall £3 {torial authority, which she exsreiss moa manner thal sot only gave sabiss faction {o the Gsovernor, bu : her great distinetion Before the Governor and party had tha been absent twenty four honrs matters of great imporistice were brought io Miez Heeve's nitention, The Gover Lthey had .attacfed their cand it was left to Miss Reeves dis Lerelion to iskue them or Bo tions, spplications fo fram Crovernars of Many Mer miter Rhee soaght legal advice, 1 torney informed her she wm: apon herself, as he did not “¢ mixed up in the acts of Governor.” When the Y mare | tw % pg EIUDAILYRR i eave PRLECTERIC BANSOM TSED IN SEW YOHE. During CpeTH- is Ww are 1 thirty toy day, ay ryang i mis pas. as held re | is 8 WT HOnT ser i x trifle over 5 that of sumiiar TK oom ra ehich indicates thatthe equipment of the battery ix carefully of the val practical CAPROILY. i$ maxima Lattery for a bansom weigh ang B00 poniads ix 1200 poonds for a distance of {wenty-lve miles st the adapted to the total weg travagin. Just snliciey weigh’ F ok. main speed of (9a 00 es Fh Mae AS 1: for sizent wari, Lorse powe, poands each, are fogad sufice wa Bausom, an APE Opera & Mavimars speed © jo gh aged wn bg p SY 1300 revo inlions per minute Mal hecesarryl APpaRralas and Two 4 mohore, i f Pargest Cust Tron Pipe Ever Moulded, Tha larpest pape ever cast was tarned it at Bessemer, near Birmiszham, Alabaran, the er day, The pipe was A 5 AO Sp ANAS any female | the (jovernor re- | turned be was surprised at the amonst [of erecative business his fair aul : "tute bad turned ont, and frankly ad. | ; { mitted the excellence of Ler jadoment, | the latter caliber is approximately | yi In the sixteen-inch gun | 2 incl gun was cast recentiy at Bethle. | hem. weighed B2.800 pounds, The jacket forging is mlso out. It weighs 90,000 nds. Under the contract made with the War Department the Bethle- bem works will turn out all forgings for the great gun, The tempering and annealing process will also be applied at the Buthlehem shops. When all the parts are ont, the tube, jacket and hoops will be shipped to the United ‘Htates arsenal at Watervliet, West Troy, N. X. There they are to be as fembled together, and the gun itself rifled and made ready for service, All metal nsed is finid compressed. ‘The specifications which are being sd- hered to demapd the most exacting physical fests. Specimen pieces of metal are taken from all forgings, are subjected to elongation, breaking and bending tests. Finally every part of ‘the gun must be of forged metal. The tube, for instance, has been cast and rough bored. 1t will next have a man- drel introduced through its length and then be placed under the hammer, For this Iatter stage the Bethlehem works have the largest hamper in the world. It is capable of delivering a blow of 120 tons, or some ten tons more than the famous Krupp ham- mer. The building of the new sixteen-inch gun is an expensive undertaking. The gun itself will cost about $120,000. For single guns the average cost to the Government for all fortification work in this country is roughly $1000 per ton of gun. The cost of the gun carriage and tar- ret will bring the cost up to as much It was for the tube forging and | Hi £5 MISS MARGARET REEVE, au application for extradition Le sui he would not have issuedit u Carrents in the Atlantic. the past two years for the purpose of trying to learn something of the characteristics of the Atlantic ocean as a great moving body of water. As a result the whole Atlantic is shown to be slowly circulating round and round, like an enormous pool, w= util he had | given the protestants a hearing. He | has announced his determination to! defend with vigor every act of “Gov. | ernor Reeve,” including those quoted. | Experiments have been going on for | Ta-IXCH PIR Cay. diameter on the i oneanarter ster antstde mensare- fog ix 1B0Les ong TET Ald "Gi Biel sored afd. §ER} CTY Ti ; gevaYiv- two ine { pie . ! the New (irieans t & Northeastern Bailroad, to ba peed tracks A throngs one of 3 jarge as the great Paris which were built of EY sak a FP hriek and stone [ these pipes sewers of # A Chareh The tenth anuiversary of the Ege as $a 0% 3 UYIRTIAN Sneed at ¢ Cw Titerallv Founded on a Rael Pe : Ted. Waterloo, lowa, | was celelirated a short time ago. There id be pothing remarkable abont although in one instance the case of | CHURCH MADE PROM 8 RINK ee —————— eimai { that, only that the church 18 part of 5 {solid roe, having been cut out o big boulder ten years ago General Boulasger's bisck charger, i | on which he hoped to ride to a throne, now draws a Pans cab, [ mhirt waist of sik or veivet trated, the material 18 zibeline 1a deep | Bordeaux red with trimanung of astra | ! seamed to the While rs piven AEA iL IR POCNIIArTY to May Manton, 10 the for children's om— Varge % FTE Aor Win The § SORTUME And Styliah made] shown of cashmere vi the brithiant abade known as tulin with frimmiogs and ribbon, The fall waist, which anh of hiask velvet = for a2 attractive seq med at the ATs $e Yq fiw fon 2 ow gins iv slyrht fainess 1% separate and : The _how slime ren ee nest the epan sagmed to the lining only, an extra strip of the loth being strength, The 1 honed with tafets r shade of red for a lady iv PAN ITE tay 15a h lettes they are aba] Ary Sy 1RWITe Ermioe is Coming in. Mong the coming # fair 40 regain its Jost reomtation will ba seen once more on coats had a sligl { YHAr it8 claims are There 2 a goes. fashinms eras IASDIINH ATH Ap Ts 27s wal LR Des i: revival i ita heing eon. RUY ral 11 Aah neYer rome . Sha wh gon bed iu [845 HER RT Trovss Fors Child, sitevatwatad tha anad al ra RRSraial 14s BALES Crashers with bande of vals thbon of the same color and bolas tha masters! ewmbmatdlerasl with and adged STYLISH LADY bigs Wade aver & Liming & s x EnGgiy at the rout bands of Laciivs Hiouse. aot costar is an cstabished fact says May Man ton The styhiah model shown in the large illustration 1s well adapted 0 zibeline, bromdoioth and cheviot, worn with a skirt of tae & "ne cums Daur fog ZF ais i 15a akg tat’ Ali Lig eiai® i y khan and vole of smocth-faced cloth banded with narrow black brad With it is shown a helt of hasdsome black leather, and { black vei the is fized by shoal ander-arm seams only, the tabbed epaulettes being out as parts of the back and frouls. right hooks over #9 the left potches weil over shoalder. and The blogse iavisibly at the left side. The Lasque same, amd overa As ilins- | Tae yoke is the bell and closes Alan Tilo HAD RR Ri WG OAY 3 t ve 3 While Ine TARE %“ aye X 3 ve» i ada diia ILLD 8 DRESS, A dE PA, PO Frills of af velvet make the Haus form tiny caf To make this dress for a child of four years will require two and one fourth yarda of the ribbon edged with banda sii at neck and forty-fetiranech or | three yards of thirty six-inch material, A BLOOGD.STAINED HAT. Paiice Believe Fog ri JF Reet an Maude thera A that 2 Minister kas uwrdered Feri ol Moow fiw SATAN RE Twa teacher Hoa EA REN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers