A greater number of men —r women become stouter late in life. of this fact. —n———— ay mos pe Fivs women have just been entolted for a three years’ course of study in a New York eollega of veterinary sur. gecns. Their specialty will be the treatment of dogs, eats, and other household pets. woman veterinary surgeon with a di ploma, and there are several in Ger many and Russia. Says the New York World: There was atime when Great Britain stool ready to pardon anything to the stray gling American colonists if they wonld return to the British fold, but the | colonies went straight ahead to frac dom novertheless, time has come when Spain offers un vonditional forgiveness to the Cubans, but none the less Cnba will not lay down her arms until indevendencs has been secured. A sense of Ramon it is a very valnable possession, philosophizes the New France has ons: Similarly, the ANNIE AND WILLIE'S PRAYER. "Twas the eve before © hristmas: Goods night” had bean said, And Annie and Wille had orept inte bed; in their yes, And exch Hitls hosam was heavy ¥ with sighs, For to-night thelr stern father's command | ! had heen piven That they must i prosiesly at seven Instead” of of : for they troubled him mops With guestisne unheard of (han over ba. 29 re, Hh He told them be thought this delusion » i ¥ 0 4 er, bat hamoristy, wheth. | No such a thing as “Ranta Claus’ ever had er professional or amateur, should % po . ¥ . * & : £ J #¥ Bs, b Bes have the sense to use it in alleviating And he hopad. after this, he sh sin beens, myers hear 1 And on it a ring for whith Aunis bad g i prayed: i Four aorobats sainted tn yoilow and rad Ste cod} with 8 bloek Bouse on a Peantifel sod: { There were ‘ball le. doms and horses, books | ome rE were nerabod F hile Manta bapasey pot And he said tenr i Ym hapyie B year cigek mars tras po jegxars than aver | bund § What care I {f bank stock fajis ten per cent, | Ppa an % Hereafter 11 make #t a rubs 1 believe, - mas Fs {To have Banta (imus visit us emel Christ. » Ro thinking he gently extinguished Jarht | And tripped downstairs to retire for night As acon ax the beams of th » right mornin aN "hers were tears on their pillows and teapy - Fot the darkness to filght and thf stars one | Ker ¥ { i frie mpeg Bie ayes out of sleep nner And ar the same fk rd wd f their beds they sprang with 8 x They isaghed and they cried in thelr inno- | Same o i Tad And shouted for Papa to scone aniek and | Mange » | What presents oid Santa Clave bad brought | yr the night moment the presents axed for ware gli of them ¥ IMIRER. aus FOR CHRISTMAS, Gond Santas “Clans may well wild, and go ont on a strike, if ery woman, man and child insist they wang a Mike Judge Buy np the Christman books Siar. ally, und next Year the authors will get rovaliies énongh to dine at a restanrant — Atlanta Constitutiag, “Papa,” said Tommy, “Zo think Santa Clans wenld be mad if I pnt a note into the chimney and told him in which toy store they kept the best fire engines’ Harper's Barar. | Mra. Samstra—*T do wish [ cold omy husband to swear off ay wr a wigle Mrs. Stogie.-* don't you give | bic a box of cigars | Christmas?” — Philadelphia American. He-'1 mean to give you sn oh engagement ring, sod we'll call it Christmas present.” She T'm to be ontdone in generosity. i it right back again.” Detroit Pross. | Christine” | “Hang up her stockings ~ teonrse? “Bat bow dul ack get 1?" (“Hong np kis watch’ Monthly "Mamie got a diamond ring for “How did she get i» “Jack, of Rasa First Newsboy "“Goin’ to hang i your stockin” Christmas Eve?” ond Newshoy— “Naw.” First N boy‘ ‘Better do it. Yon might it ‘ems filled.” Second ‘Ne ra » “ » y Figs Ba things thay Mad i wd Taf : ‘ eather than inereasing the distress and How he scrambled down chimoeys with | {at jn EE Bad Santed) and ne | Th - ip. : g i srasents each year peaure Ras. x or - mortifications of life, No joke is a ! And Rh i= ‘he rane why two Hftls head | | & . i 2 hey =" Alled Bow.’ First Ne jok & that * ives a huma fi heart need Bo restioumiv fomwed on thelr 8 aft drwny 17And p nw, sid Annie, 18 a voice anlt and | ol ET ad = . i : Ww hat with? Second Newsboy | i . t that iti jh it ] beds, i You low, * hapa's 8 Santa £3 | STL es i fred 2 Holes "Cleveland Leader. an, 0 w IST Is 2) i ou i Meeleve IRere's 8 Sands Claus LATS / : > lens pai ; at witticisza is well. ; a“ ler Fond The approaching Christmas worthy of praise that pleasantly points Fight Big nd Lhe on the steeple | while dear iittia Willie olimbed ap on hi ! La ot [or 2 ander disenssion in a Bellefleld hou : . freuf bess FLY i He x i LA Wo ‘ or Ap — Zz... ; : . moral or innocently lightens cars Nat & word had ¥ ean by either tl : ie air ned no fils sacerat Det wear fam when I “x . or _— Se ai * in “What wonld you like § 3 tL : & “ { a "3 . - A § we 1 for a few passing moments of mortal Whe I C's cai tans smn tha Sab bat Sia ber is to bring, little mirl?” saked the existence. a # nad face from the Manket did | Ang sald, in soft whispers. how Annis had | paps of his small danghter. “I woul m————— y | And whisperad, “Dear Anis, bs you fast py os toa a Cian aii oF | had taban na : : : Fo itke him to bring Christmas one AF yoh jentifio ; : Asjeag? : » PAT wine HAMA 8 | bad taken no cath, so he 3 Growth of Ameriean Christmas Costoms. | Teplied the marden Pittaburg Che J Tench seienti ¢ journal condemns FWY, no brother WhHEe © a sweet volon ; he 15 | Spray and mar Amerioa has weleomad and a fopt wid | icle-Telegrank, hich stand: : {| at “a gon fevrateld fan tha (Christions rae wit i 4 : . ; the high standing collar, declaring that | “I've tried in vals, but I can’t shal mY xed thas ad : ed : ; _ hs thie are. ‘3 ihe Christmas tree with cordial affee “What are yon going te give G : the laws of health require that the neck { eyes: + An ery i oy 0 heaven. hal answer : > fad pod caiied Hadar WH TS 4 tion snd treated it 4s if i ware 4 prod. Low Christmas > “Wall, 1 thon t _ shall be bare, or nearly so, and that mh a fe Serr) bas Ans Ly PB ] r : : #5 : Sam, ! stof B er own i ho ive bran, Trans: | I'd work him something, but I'm i | Co } Dear papa had sabi thers is ho Sante Cons; RI J.0K Rens up I 3 plantas to the Pal Sintes tye ¥ By eT ry” sollars should be looss and turn. down L Now we Eunow there la atid i can't be de. a oh a wad : peered. irons Str Want ta s Prat 2 ar Dhstah + or or hte by th 1 mad at what Be said 1 I dont Cases of narrow es fre Foon | nied, : ar EN l LaT ei bieet 1} BE apr: h settlers of New York and | like giving him a thine.” “What did ! yw escapes from sufloca- | For he same every year befors mamma |. ; 4 jan ! get h Kise? (hxe this! and i the Germans who antal shed themn- {he sav? “He suid he hoped I tion by tight collars are Hot rare and | Bat ooh Sean think : a . i this ; tad Ye ¥ Mo Lak pave hin Tyg Selves in Pennaylvania, it grew and | wounlda't spoil my eyas and resk y : Pat then 5. sey thinkieg that she need pc EB ak nai ame Ne : v x a5 Naw t Fointiatsa gud Arete d Fis yang ates F te Le & i Ard 1a 23 ¢ Sanat f a wealthy American found deal on a to ray. : | And knew just what pregesti my children | THITEI0S 8 ad : iy 44) : dra in ate native soil. | brain frying to make him a present ‘train arriving at Paris, a few years And God would hese everything mamma Wall wall but Bim think an tha Ross 1010 oy 5 nr Tflank Ss FoREG avi he | ils aovance was slow, Lat 0 1530 the “Well, that was all right, wasn't 4p 1% GORY 4) fil heed aval b ida’ Kiss snyiody Christmas tree become 4 Sxed | “Then he sided that { sould wind say ’ + f cit ihe Eibad } ad : ago, was proven to have been strangled | pgpnq portage she asked a uiay cdlebrations, not | something so mach better and ches wb aw | - Yi ahs . 3 x an 1 PS a after oniy in famihes of direct German I'm sngry enongh to go snd get by his high collar. Sach an serident | With the sacks t 4 : Y i? y ‘ ‘ } 54 BACKS (1 Lx presediie ae Eongit | : ae a Fogote 3 bof gh yaar i i ; is not even unlikely as there is a point | RYBTY FAur hs a LArying LO back his fe they rave ve that compouite | toilet table set for Lim that | 7 A . 3% “Xs r¥ :.s &® vies mtion calle i s 1 uid 1 $A PS: in the throat close to “Adam's apple Well, wos han: = ta poptiation called Amaerions Small | wanted so long” Cleveland fap Liven, And the hasty word Vo oh HiT trows wire first need, and were | Dealer. 4 Va Rik Yrs, t of ealied “"Christoian bashen.™ They! where pressure will slop respiration st | And atid Him to send Bim with presen pat? SE onoe and bring about sephysin. ade ne . Ld Was 15a Bednp ard Rant | paid Bs seni: to Sali him 3 i me. i BOY mars Ind isi Al gre 3 ely “Poe mon thinking so too 7 and without : ; TPT of Br need BW be miesssigar en decorated oith rosy apisies. paper Some Christmas Ples. S——————————— y word m re : - And : q His agont vag thade | OFS for the pode, same and kissed Bowers, a few small candles, gilded | Cranberry Tart Wash and The Belgian Government, ol RETVIDS n rl : oat Ie 5 HR gr FAATER, AIRS WJ = IER EC ANE Tha nits Bi Christaias cakes ™ This | over Live berries. Patinto a Pore that advertisements are being placed | And four litlle knees the soft carpet | : : | TRY On LhFIIMAS Yh ARYOUOLY can last confection seems fo le entirely] sancelan with a Sexy itt water a ; > : | Kise anybody eixe (Like this! if they out of date. It tank the form of small *immer until they baorst open and it y ! ds aa PL RI id 2g RE 3 ®E ud Sr ESTAR JL Rs 5 3 Be ones i 3 A : 3 2 n : ail on rocks and other publio places, bas | And twotiny hands wers clasped close to : REO R ERR ¥ have a spray of mostietos over horses, dogs, sown, hearts and dia | ®ome soft. Ran throagh a col rw rg ana END BY PLAYED 3007TT Rines : those berries are red me, And grant us the favor we're asking of Thea 3 rate pans expen A A HM EA Cakes For Christan, The Yale Lag. An Early Intlmatios. SAY < i | ered sighs, ra A vs pnite burst ont in tl se Briata og "5, Sage : : AT ; ifs $50 ; : tp 1 % A y : (Bite tn oYt ia th re, ie ; Mia pasties Phere are, | deny.” ssid the boy's father i i he is Lo HAA i iT ! sme ly browst, hair Land +? i : ; . wvotified the municipalities that “‘the | ns i ther head mods, and was a sombination of flour to remove the skins and sweeten onisance must stop.” Wherever the ; “Now, Willis, you know we mast firmly be | © wy hat Las (} arid water paste and white and solored | ‘taste. Bake in pastry shells with |e yresen cat inte $ : leva Pw YiINTLE owt 7 aske 3 sugar frosting. Fran hye those whe crossbar of plecrust over the top. pe tlaw inter vena, 3 saws be | That the presents we ask for we're sursto | * ’ i TW for the sprav in her Bair : er ; : no arom Harland ? spplied. Where it cannot, the mani. | ressive, = died. POE Toast helo " £8 : I Disiad naia PE .. thoriti t {i Ya mast walt just as still (11 Teay amen, | % aren, tha, tom: she 1 ection it ix admitted 4 have been | Dried Apple Pie—Home-dried sipal suthonties must use moral | Aedby that you will know that your tars | . ARICA SRNR AI RON ds x | er a delight to the eys than a joy ples should be stewed very soft suasion, or pay indemnities, or do! Yu Jie sate thas oh Sir brother aad I MBE BERR RON EAR | sonia von make such A mistake? to the palate ar the digestion, mashed through a coland | . . i 3 RGR, OR G0 OF y brother ana | “wy v I rr % ba.t awd oo i ; i 2 wi ; something else. “In any case, the : IGHT merrily Fourtime wasted i and” : | As years went on, and the young Sewing put in two or three : ‘nuisance must stop. fet Belgiam is peaged the yale : we ve gE ha ian perpie ; 1. ; Ration Frew older gol riehir and the ; rece of hisgely Jue! wad Suvoe iis & EL - : 3K Log 18 Fa 3 Bare | V¥ SA 3 eli oped he Wiornadre ls’ IEA Of Tha Ddnie fire INN wy (IEA ste Ere nti 10 i. thrifty land. More | Jhrifty still is | 1 want 8 nice book fall of piotarss a ring, | open fire pl ace : = Lace Enar Fors hrn | Ee : Pitman: reel and pa wid h wi i A writing desk, too, that shots with a tr. Palme i, - ! ET Ty wa dibs TRIE Shainin Fe * 5 Switzerland. Yet when the 81. Goth ! pring. 4 “fh wind the dark oak Bay er * rent. Me Was abont 1o with their paper flowers anid “Christ. | *8% Bake with two crusts, : ard rocks were covered with advertise | Biess papa, denr Jesus, and esase him to i panels of the Jit. 88K when the gurl started to ber feet mas cakes paren ling milo 8 tree S90 and warm slightly before serving, : ; : / i Saw {4 tie room caught and hike rightened Rpirit passed : Cranberry Pio—Line 8 ple ‘ments the Government ordered them | Tua: Santa Claus loves as ss mush wven | 8 rom caught ahd ike & Jrighter Petit. passa Snanheny spy ‘cloared off, saving: “We would ¢ a4 ha: 3 : Gd threw bask | Bhrongh the paatieres, Was sha Qi with plain paste, then 81 11 with ie” eo ying: : oa Don't jet him get frattul and angry again | ; Again in softer pleased, and was this his dismissal? at 1 is not in civilized or Chris. | booked cranberries, add one-half ‘soon have them on the white cross of At dear bipiit ase Willis and Annle amen” | 3 5 eolor the red As Be pondersd thus a hand thrust ting lands alone that this wonderful | Fo Rae A, funy tablespoons *u our flag. " Bat here, in the United | Pisase, Deas, et Banta Tans tome down | 1 is ght of the aside the curtaine and a face that was | (liristiias tree gr cw Missionaries cover with an upper ernst and bake Btates—just look at some of the rocks And bring us some presents belors ft is famen. The room was filled with the | rosy as the glowing eosls jooked shyly have planted it in China, id Japan, in | 99K oven thirty miontes. : up the Hudson, exclaitns the Nev 1 FE Roald 4 - rosy glow, and black shadows danced | Wrong India, Africa, in the islands of the | Arple Custard Pie} sal “sour i a e vil want he shoul veo me a Bright Ue in fine to the Sickening Srelight on cpt Tas son, *o that yellow. wives wd hisak # and stew anti { wet 3 ed ; sm 1 the thekening Hrelight on: ; : 3 A &, ti ¥ 5 wen and blagek ple i sell aw tm "no be % FA » . A 1 % ¥ * 8 % ’ 2 York Tribune, in disgust, Fall of hate. sotte siher sise Lines [the four nid walls, Al Lites the a3 bok EARL Bs vo REL SY RB VOL AROSE, RE Weil a8 Ww Wide, gars gp at 12% ster ix lefin them thon rab TAN {And a bag tall of tardy mn book and a toy ferce wind outside blew down the dues toweasn ct far, wo Re ve wath delight New York Mail and Ex 8 colander. Beat three egus on Harold Frederis, the’ well. known Amen, and thes, Desus PH bea dood Pay chimney & shower of snow which fel) 20d pes of read mistieto 3 pas nnd pat in the proporizen : Earopesn correspondont of the New Thole srayers iting ended. they rims uj with & sizzle npon the ernek] bog, tell me all about Baldar.” fay | ” ; = (eup butter, one eup sagar {or gra : 2 i A : E Sure ha Aansig vite Faversadl : I wins and den Sat oats 3 York Times in } § review of the situa And with hesrty lige and ehportyl Kain bt the Bares OY Si rned : ples an ’ Saat wila natsoey. er te tha : : : i 3 sought their beds; : . er a8 though deter In the United States Americans of Pumpkin Fie ~Ome quart pum tion in the Austro-Hungarian Cri%iB « They worn Seon i In samcler loth Christmas storm, and 1 of the | | 3 x3 iat Aes x ’ Leeman ordin whl nats the waves sha wed and strain, one guart sail re ; Juni iq! penceltl ang deep, oval mi Dose vs tlig ate crite LIOR 18 place] On the hearth on Christ of their Fartierian wid ihaka ta Boas eis ; : ; tenches the conclusion that unless And with tairien in dreamland were roam. Ee. Lily Phil Reg RB vg eh aid 3 amills hand Rew Leroi. Ps n dis 1 inake + ay eH Pp sagar, seven eggs besten there is a continuance of Francis jug in shod, hn Of 1 if L aii ‘ 85%, # ate 0, ARDY NID MIA ta Een far { Byidiaas Bois TY 2 {xf TERRY HOHE Zinder sud 2 rk mara Before the lop s On ne : : follow 1 ahs of Lh the same of wae and cingsison : Joseph's phenomenal good luck thers i renab siask bud gw Fonts sf aid avid Laine rs , 3 e : Light, nine and the little Freneh sioek hand es Elita tinap 4) wore of §t iad aside for the purpos refatliors hw writen rather all wall ether and x : . : BAI IPN : for : i Lew wat i rad lie at iris Lie } oar) iy bake io a sry : ? 3 struck ter fh. F iy ed ar a Ca , a ‘ : j 5 3 s i ; ah : must como a dismemberment of the Sp Bihar Lad thasabt it his all 4 milameow ros ding th Sites tha TH GEGUINE Lae ex ro i wk 0 feavwrned dovvn sued jitle matters | wilbow es Record. Empire ins short 1; . 1 th Ere the father bad thought of his old : : a x 3 ; 8 8 in a al ime, owing to the Again; wwevar, retained : 3 bitter racial WAr now in progress in { He germs now to hear Annie's half padding and _iAustris, where the German and Czech And to see the big tears standing in Willie's | F070 I8tares were the same Biman | also placed under the family bed a : : ale : : " . ; bine sve, Y fhe vOGnY man turn A i : Lisi ita nace Rice Ra wily bed | however, not J shed survivals Gre LOAL YOU ara going Ww : ements are Bghting for FRPTelmiAcY. of was harsn with my darlings.” be men. nr swoent ab f niistiotas to © coi Areva village Lo avert thie | of svcd sed fo De SGESRIRG DT ON par. UP Your stoe King [ axe € dristmas.’ The only escape he sees is the inter. tally ssid, div” he sad ‘3 ow know the | Greaded lighting stroke, which ap | fioulsr religions festivals in ¥h d' “Neo I'm not.” was the ply, after 5 : hes And ahionld not have sant them sn exis ad ’ : ek Fa hn i - § 3 pi ST hy a amt i “tH ima i vention of the Euiperor William and 4: . : : : \ mone than ht. ya ; ' + te tor bend : Bes ta ; 3 a 3 : Czar Nicholas, both of whom are on Bat when 1 = troubled my feline story? EE Ih 1d ATI BalSCh TO snl we the Refs) on, © tain days cake | “Why not? : the friendliest ter as with the Hape- " Por bang stork today has pons 4a ” : a old . RGR Tes : wri sad 3 We ; 3 : 4 Tl o%, and X “he Cause, he ansy ered, k burg monarch, The situation i por cont : : : + Mae answered, het Lips searcely OU SE . 5. 3 . ] : : i from ehureh bis father straight in the eye, "You £F 5 i : 100 12 one But of sanree they'd forged thei wet Bho 3 ry a Se isi Re Ark : lhe Tia i BE io ti bea acranibded fur Hot yal fut pat a bwewele ia my stocking.” ‘that he considers favorable to the car ere tise, : : i Yaa protiise not to 3 Pea “ANA RUG Rigdls 1 £8 hulle RH batts are barely in vogue in the paliinatan Star. rying out of the plans of the Bal Bat thes Senin them the thrice saled bare Tiny 3 BIR Rast periagl ¥ aT FIA P sited States £ hei 1 Ne 3 sativa Sms | Eng pd s i ir ¢ 4 y ‘ Teor the ailnrateh ounce oferaad & be NR ad . A Misunderstanding. | gariags, unless Russia and Germany Bat just to muke #ure 1 oto 3h ™, Tu he low rep Ss : : : Lay ¥an Sele rated in sticn Janke TY " to be CY +. aE ’ dor i, : I8 ia: i £5 Pree "rp pF owith iby Bah ET 120 wi SEER 388 Yr ti of cakes TY mach A 203 x Hq peak woe to the aidof the medieval struc For I never spoke harsh to my darings be apiciion berries 3 hawt ons hres esutaries aftor the Christian stationary are modern innovations you. Wi at's the matter ®” Sure of the Hapabutes. tore,” . Hine fase hap 1 oo erasun worsh as still maintaine ’ : : “1 cau’t help it. 1 started to lk AA I, Ra. INE LBERP BRT Deg ES al 6 i 4% and ia i} 4 3 i : : 3 4 a tim Ye Sb TT 80 saving fie soltly ascended the stairs PC “Haldnar, thes if 1) h led METAAMS 215% 2 ¥y bts Wanging the Hol ¥y. % Bim about Christmas decoraticos Bays the London Law Journal: And arriving af their door beard hth o Norse god, wan called the Giod beeanue | H07e W328 8 4 ' Fears ago, IRe ue Faglish holly is ner is the other day, and he thought I rer : Buicide is quite alarmingly on the in’ | yi At ete's nthene capa” deaws forth : ; I lovike satoe honselinld fire was extinguished on hat B14 ferred to the + mara “rie i got hs » : As a. Te Pps uf RRA Amt var hp wa : 1 3 seuns Bey wad G roa with a mut end recently.’ grease in France, and presents as se- n av tears ; wherever he went among thie gods or | VO0OMOET «4 202 the {ans i Lut lonven are a bat sreers and the | POM : A YS iy" 2 Bd Fie n 9 rave “pannise falls Saad a A py ks SR RL i Bb t A WIN ¢ 3 ie Bak DY faa Rig Of : Ta i yw ) | Ei 3 - ; wo rious a problem to the thoughtful hr eS : —_ a or aured from thi lump deurning in the Ties MIRE, ald helo A Letter From Ted. ; ; gk : Yo TY Baa besitals x od sets 10 reat bainy statesmen in that country as the dwin. Btrange, strange, va forgotten, » : ie sede hbarine ohare Phi £ Fwd . : 5 v ; With & sigh sient, 1 ] ; 3 wii tha . . ; : : ppd f dling birth-rate. (The same tendency ‘How 1: : dto dave Christ. | green sprav that erowaed the fair face CRIIONS WMslahoe OL ne PrUTIRe Lirnt American eves amd heats, is observable in England. What at ra mae draw nigh he tia LL f rhe ivi and he wa x hus ve nutes Lh a! ; i oe Ty er tre 4 i attracts ganter of using it ies titude ought the law of England tc sald : ed To VaRe this, he wRispered emmted l es # Loa FEE to tie ag Due « with long satin 3 ‘ . X i * Ans i" byob by ad ” % ip a CHET by & 4 mid BEugnE haan $ bo Yim . 5 i 3 i iy a § 4 A § i i . Fain, ee 3 Ne i vy we 5 take np in the presence of this grow 27 atswering theis proger, ere I sivep in : ne is ahi of Catle diets a the aay | TI oops 1d nd, matching ue . v s : : J aah. 3 TRrhed Loaering GRAY Gn 5 es 5 bil iid i in { the Derfies, and ing evil? It will be said that the law Thon ha + ' toh ; aoniluasd *H rites fi arin unused Are woz . ox, ; Then he turned to t Futatrs sind got Gh nh of England has long ago taken up its went down ans KORY was warned . ! a eh . "$i gtr aig ast Ritese i £3 kd ; ! attitude on the subject of suicide, stig meaETS oo #t slippers and silk dressing : matizing it as felony, and therefore Donned nat» wat and % oats, and was visited with the consequences of fel , 51 set= © 4 wister ties ony. This is hard measure, and He frat wenitos Emeril “Satta Crt juries inclining to charity have of late pp. 0.0", years uniformly postulated insanity se the explanation, and returned a ver diet of unsound mind as e presump tion rather than an inference. The seriousness of the suicide probien consists in the fact that the prevalence of suicide is symptomatic of a diseased condition of the body politic, It is ic this that law and legislation must ad dress itself, not to any fresh penalties | i to return andi And with Aunt Mary's aid in the nuiresry got hit siy times he wonll five six tc promoting healthier conditions of twas stowed. i Tike this. Bat Loki : anpleasant Ys AER oft Srey Hy th iB: ating } Guin ta Class 2 want a aled ; IpreAtan: | Fit sv sf the taith mid lov Fwonlda’t be a good me for me Wo set Aad skates, all pew and Bice; and uloating higher st dard | | Miss Dolly was seated beneath a pine tree Sn ite : ing Wk 3 ; her giana { By the side of a table spraad ont for a tea; fell tir ever Kiss, That § i please don't send ‘em less gf citizenship, ~~ = ; i A 08 of snow aud ice, d passed nae iy FO ae Cle Ge zr A writing desk then in the centre wag ass | giky Hla lsaca t thy mustletog| Tama ¥ sian Igvhow —— a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers