THE CREAT MYSTERY. Could we bat Know The and that ends our dark “oo travel, Where Hes those happier hill dows law, Ah! it beyond the splrit's inmost cavil Anght “of the sountry cenld we know, Who wonbl not go? tn Might wa hut hear The hovering angels high, elorns, Or satel, batimas, with waioeful and olesr, One radiant vista of the realm hafars os With one expt moment given to sep and | hexr, imagined, Sy Ah! ®ho would fear? Were we quite «qs : 5 And the peerless friend who left lonely, 11it water between the ses grass, They reached the ontlet and swept throngh into the broad sea, which was almost sptooth. there being just breeze to fill the sails and carry them along. Bousie «at at the till sheet, She managed perfect command, and Night seemed to obey her like a hving thing. She only moved slightly freon tirvie #0 TIDUS BN shifted er anid held the her boat with the Fly -by- sua Wii and i her ‘ YOTErnor | five pirate itof in | Colony times; they skirted ced Beach, Kidd's a nad § hey i Le Croodt ay #, hrighily FO wi Bre Ld wu Yor thers by Roan palastint stream. ax | fare, Ta Hara tn eyes that univ. This weary mortal onil, were we guite Ore, Wha would endara? wo Ed arund Clansnre St hepa pare foe Eo g ERAT T was rather sing for Manrice Con stdline that rived at the hotel Porat of Books, come down there order to be near his fav, vee, who was spending | i the green sule bporkats, Drear ! tad F hing, pulsing thunde : Land the sles iv i paddies i the Little haat awang Jt sas the steamer wat i Bas embarrass. when he ar. | a1 having | in| ae G8Y raised “OH eomras 53 4 > x % bo pig Fre in 1Mo Hah the » Subgmer there, he found that the i girl who had been his flances and whom lis had jilted, was also staying al thie Point. For however ha justi fied his condnet, and glosead thangs | over to himself, there can be deabt thst he had asted heartiessly to no ; Bessie Minturn, and his knowledge of |! this and his knowledge of Miss Min: tarn’s ideas of Lim, did not tend to Bl las mind with nua he = Bat ha was agreeably when the moment meat lie old love. She wes notseotn- ful, or theatrically cold to was just as gracefully conr as to the other men 4 the hotel, to sll appearances had entirely got over her attack of that dangrerons his ease of the bran which 18 ealled | and which aunually calies more fail t easare. | *Hqrp ised {or hii CAE E3i% Mh sey tor Ded whe ures and mbhoning idiots than evar 11 did the Demon Drink coms fast friends with hie new little Violet Grantley, and they well nigh inseparable; Bessie's ner to the ttle girl was most tende and even caressing, and, though Vin | let knew that Manrice and Becsia hind been engaged and hal parted, she could not help bat like her, that i, ay much as su girl csu ever like the Other | Worsan, the ones whom He Liked first, and perhaps still likes better than yon. Muurics was much in Destie's com pany Suring the nest month, aud he ; ey an to think that perhaps he | a mistake, for she had 1m ved wonderfally sines he had seen po her beauty seamed to have acquired 8 richer, warmer type, she! was jollier and more charming, and in every way fascinating. Sha pacaled him, she attrasted ham, and she an. | noywl him, for she did not seem io re- gard hin as material for flirting, though | she flirted desperately with almost every oue elsa, but when Manrice tried to awaken sentimental memories of old times in her mind, she laughed at him. “I have quite got over that old | fancy" she said, “ana il is useless for to try to revive it, Marie fre no irds in last year's nests” and sh laughed again and went dowu to the to look at ber boat, the [iyi b. ight. Bat, the truth was that though she | eartiod B gay, smiling face, she had ; never either forgoiten or forgiven | Mauries or the girl who had takes him | from her. She did not make i % herself as a deserted manden wearing the willow; for she had what i# better than the Christian virtaes, the old | heathen gift of pride, so that sha conld | dance and flirt and joke, shite her heart was full of the bia kaess of pair and the fires of Tophet. ~ Given a proud, high spirited and | vindictive girl who has been thyown over by a man, place her 1 the eon pany of that man and his new love, and you have materials at hand foy unusual things to happen; vet these three seemed to be the best friends in the world, and there seemed to be no happier girl at Point of Hocks than Bessie Mintaro, There came a day too hot for any exertion, w wien one eaaid only lie in the shade "sud long for evening to : come, The long, weary, blazing day | came to an end at last, the stars rose | up cool and sweet, the blinding white | dust of the roads was laid by the dew | and the hotel guests began to utir and | shoy signs of animation. Bessie came | to Violet and Maurice in the dusk «What do you say,” said she, “if we ent this place and its stupid hop this | evening and go sailing? I will take out my boat, and we will go out by’ moonlight. Have you ever been ont? It is a pretty sight.” S80 they went down to the pier, where the Fly-by Night lay, and Maurice and Violet got in and sat {or ward. Bessie east loose the rope hold- ing the boat and jumped in. Then she | and Manrice pushed the boat from the jer with their hands, and together oisted the sails and the Fly-by-Night | took the breeze, softly heeled over and went creeping down the little bay, threading the crooked lanes of moon- ¥ Hove Were Bian now of pe rowed on I } Yona # room, 3 ia ey of earth,” 3 veur shia it up till | the age of i time no fewer than She had be. | came a few short LE AMALIONS some oO fonc iad # bat, 8% © helm and said, : "TLaive WAY, nd P As i steamers hiphita A ttle deck hails watched the boat fra over the water ab awa-striack wiiene heh, At ast the bos fost and hoisted charge serambled Did you find anyn from {ne npg Ay gronp % F wk a Talia SN ath in? bm boat mast have pone Laan cut to bits by the The ERGO fgriek Vind exid abead,” a bell jiagled in the engine aad the City of Gloster tore on Way up Lhe POURS, Ww few pesos of EW was sinashed 1. clean {> ita fiile % rane worn Eada iia su wy s sei I0% Ww Gig York Lax t Hide Nes Experiments ju Basisl, Cxperime heen aude hy | tha plone ar] eatate al AL (of witch Lie limes. Laving pid or dog i tne $a Sry aare The whole pe Wh TE LiL ¥ fia £12 ¥ « iwaptness of the ground. Famous 13,50 Perhaps thin tor of Biblas in th t Witliam Brown, of the work 1a 1 iis death, afew seventy ix, 1xa, the Beriptures were given oat by nd despite his age in the two ye ‘ preceding his death he canvases | towns and visited over 83,000 fa lies, He began Twelve Years Dead and Unburied, The late King Alfonse, of : who died twelve years ago, 1s still nu baried. His remains lie covered in a winding sheet on a marble «lab in the vault of the Escuria!l. Itisto be hoped that disinfectants are used. He will be interred when the present dies, according to the Spanish gustom, which dates hack to 1700, King ennvigh So Eiue wkeny Yor Pade vs ry ¥ OR Hl ININTY 10 a3 pick the foathers off fhe fea ARH if ie hy first Fal we Fa ruil alter the goa always ol vido iTRRIae Lisavyy stock ia Field and ¥ Cultivating of Grasses. F. Tam san -Meribner, 2 af the Demian of Agric + hos thied annual i ROE OAT ended Jude 3G. =u7, LYING is the i: forage plants, tes sub 548 this Er ORA, Yue wor of Ip sy Cos RA eral st Ea Tiny the Dat -stabilishmen sance of expericanta sud the ef Splayaant of » std purchase of supplies for tera HH. Fran aL presant ING grass. gars tian division Agrienliaral at Knox faaintained hey wala of Fakes iA the fe hi klier and The one on the cle part. : SOYETR (sR LHR 85 dre ast voar saeia of boar ns Ld iy Ariel eR # by a EE Yeur, ® if was! peels of ¢ «if the Gulf i) these | Bart nied, STALLS were sent NW infor wy $e a #u by ive iad in seitpditon ler va: i Inpro ved : dismay pearing wa and pastures. iis ivsr-stoedingg, | fear which =iveR » IB IN i There are any Wrasies PD } oi wisn d 3 a ok 3 sve ta ne * MONI the several haudred ndigen us ¢ species With A YieWw of Oo” ¥i £ on the 11 vestigation alon {the qualities of uv } ime, by testing tive grasses and by ven « fie bu wiies desing : Han for at iv estas | reeesaary labor | of carrying |. £5500 1 hy fen if MPWIL | free WAT regen of 1848 eon iuan packages wore distribted Sx pering pres : wna WINE SLOTS ? Serale » Colony Boyal Bo Givision Sans ars pros it porresyond. the resuio ob- ih trial samples of seeds of forage plants in ques. wand the adaptatuhity sriie and jaw in svar iad 3.8 Pad mtn Fo part gs Texas western Manta propristions Washing! special ap: {nr hugh Aik pasar, « Mensnge on a lankaote. cashier of a h held THRrs ag the arersnant iietinet raced the He Tred od myarka, yay the fn HIRT, HAE it the follo wri ons ar them Le made wR senate If thas $f John jeer Hing 8 priv lean, on Lilie 16 ints the [res hil thinrad ¥ thal ; ney Bain wl fies fj ernm vinid 10s Anning 3 Ri: Lua iy §ANTY EE Ll ¥ 15d iat Yo DIvive a Needle Theangh a Conper Cain, % oy ey 8% ap 0h 4 HEE et Res in the [adies anne that wv throug » dm bok ‘Ann iil be ready tose t 1% is very sunple Take a o sail Blocks of wood, leav MO Place it 2 a very RATrow hetween bioexs selec ted * sound eork faetriely, v . 8 Liklle wade and di- central or diana seamed to by bows ta a Wi siet RATE 0 rletiet wey eo” RT WP fon *» rsd se 35 OZ 8 €or o's ry oe Big THE an © MF LADIES’ AXD Wiavms traklan and blaek worn a hat of mottled banded with velvet bunch of quiils at the blonse consists of fronts Ww, ¥ i ela fn eal brand. 345) srcie, 3 3 DROXS, arm ggres and separate basqup aaa gk g Rd 8g tds ils Spa Va Br AAA AE AR - > f thew lina. The sleaves are aby finished with epaunlettos at the «lu ders and with astraghan binding boaid at the waists, At ihe neek bhagh, daring oollar, at the w is worn a belt of legtlior, garment ; 8 lined throng! tafota, the siik bang is tha cloth, Tao make hve medinn oft ifty-four stich sad Banadsange tim yiLe Wiki materia Party Dress for a Little Girl, In spite of the fact saeh ) hel a SHPTefy fy gio aid yi pl dar, writes May Manton, her of party transparent mate: sal. sis wn in the large eug larly adapted to orga that rht-warlrin ®iius, are gowns are TRING is pe gael, mansspil ie i * a do ane, Qalare id 1238 iiinstrated, Taae : 4 while argasn of white % vie LIE both neck aud fash conmistiog material whic of white waist 8 a sash bowed With the gown are » stockings and The pattern, high ax well as forations w Bich yoke and includes are ass in oo puffs, (which make wien low neck The skirt, fn width, which is an Accordion pias wihitoh vigus, rag iires nly 1 1n place of making ti width given, it shen be snerensed ¢ eight or eight and vars an 1 Simpy edge re by ing sent to piaiter s, Chin sach as China and budsa, and enlor i nets are both elvel tive treated in this way and are su ingnlarly ahiliditke an sigiple, [ the materia & as wCR OW DECK, ROWE Der iioate the fine Tans HiOpy as Ww Hich unetion with the ouly 14 send, eh, 8 ti wit ree vard 8 shirrin as qr ipa far tallal, made fi 2 3p ph fF #3 BRIrs i ali 3 Lig hemmed at the nay fae wil ah ¥ 11 id isl : Sia AANA 8 | ming $ ne pred 4 AY { 1 bw of mu pat toaeth Laives nnd shgnad in assed Cpirate this solar iY Pecan 3000 the rigid gtting to the shoddder where they are of the! the i ANS BES s.eeVeR | SLR TITANAES RTs Rees OF FASHION. SOA 1 akirt of ower than the if it be trot of or taffeta silk AN fo RA, HELE 1S Fasiiiaon FHeyived I with silks i dress trim. ne vere road the fancies fastiion revived their use i=in n made in HEYETRl BOWH a finish. amd ous row of | ttle gold and is ar fed a okie Lund of white sat Dands. with piifeiiing ARrTOw dine ar with Balf an neh apart, forme. This ool ie ttle from the than sith mnare long sud a Btls Jdistatos ING AN Aen jnseriion iar Hara ;, hat it Cadored Fallle, in whi 13 added snd waist holds woe is pre. The model of heige-colored farile. \BFTOW BD eollar Walit of Beigsy Ta eniti he § by on atid ay thar style fquty FOS, nan dripes and afters whaeh re- te foundation showing the usual a single in place whieh closes viiler partion under-arm 8 stretohed jhe fronts itly aver the «owid firmly at eked aver onto nt wa al=o canght iz is ianvismbly side whieh in tan edge of PROVE Gre sung wa eld iranuuang A410 Lhe, 3 SORTS he niastron @ and ie phe vist fon Bel ina . fanle Pe, shed by slag ots which snpport atid, Tee crmshed ave ligt ns li sate ATYLIGH LADIES WAIST. finished with a Sow ak and sbove the draped stock rranged a divided frill of i aoe [o make this waist for a lady in the medtinm size will require five and one- half vards of twenty two-inch material or two and one-fovrth yards of forty- fourauch goods,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers