The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 16, 1897, Image 4

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| streets near the house.
Abner took his Srat real rxardise for many !
Methodist Bytes pal Chursh slowly tolled
1 af
2 | Great Unrest in Asiatic Provinces and an |
She Expires at Canton, Ohio, After an
Hiness of Ten Days.
i against the
I danger Ix so
Foe x ¢ %
She Pied Without Regaining Conscious:
ness—The President Summoned the
Other Members of the Family to Wir.
ness the Final
Was Tolled
SeonewChureh Rell |
Fighty-nine Times,
Caxton, Ohio (Special. -Mre, Naney Al
lison MeKinlov, the mother of President
McKinley, disd at her hovie in this city at
a few minutes past 2 o'alock Sunday morn
ing. Al of ber children and seversl other
immediate relatives wera at her badside
when she expired. She did sot suffer any |
(The President's mother, who died Sunday
in her last hours, bat gradually passed
from her deep siesp in whizh she bad
rested iimost constantly for the preceding
gen days into the sicep of death,
§ The President was keeping the vigil when
the end approached, and be summoned
the otlyer members of the family. The
Presidant rotired st 3.30 o’olonk, but arose
about the asus! time, and with his brother
tributed to
Tarkisl viotary ove
i differant races
Pare finek Af al Mahomeatans
Outhreak Tamminen?
Throughout Russinn Asia thers i gen.
eral unrest anyonag the Mash
ted rennris
the axa
which hve spread throu
tinant. The authorities even fear that the
revival of brigandage recently poticed in
the rns CECE SI Aipamtad gitHraet
feyvernment }
snrints that
ornare as 4
to concert measures of pacifist
Travolera ia Central Asia report an ox
traordinary formant among the Mosivms nf
They are sinking thely ma.
gal antmositics and declaring that
with tho
tan as thelr srvpmon ehisf
It fs seitent that the siightaet
Lwonhd aufMce to brieg abont an
band to
plunge Rossin into
which have harasasd fndia
Cabhans Secare S30.000 Lying on a Whar!
at Catmaners.
I¢ was ofelnily announced from Spanish
hosdgnarters in Havana, Cada, that 8
“group of rebhis” had entered Calmanera,
the port of Ganntanamo, srgearad by the
treason of an oor Caimanera is ar.
tenn miles hy rail from Guantanamo, OR
the Bay of Guantanamo, otherwise Lam.
periand Harbor,
The inwnpeant forea the ofdal report
adds consisted of forty guerillas, vouun-
tenrs and natives of Cuba. They are al
jegad to have plundersd a stors and to
have sarrind off the sum of 25 000 which
was on a wharf, and which had recently
arrived at Csfimsners from Havana, [tis
ales sald that the insurgents killed the
police inspectors and two pendarmoes on
duty, and seriously wounded a Rpanish
paymaster, Jose Vigil,
Mors Spanish gaeriilas, the aMaial an.
asuncement adds, have joiund the insur.
A Leading Lawyer of Lonisiann Killed in
Cold Blood.
Fades Joseph A. Ref, soe of the leading
iawyers of the State and brother of District
Judges Robert Badd was assassinatad in the
Court House st Frankiiaton, Washington
Parish, La.
Redd was in attondanse at his hrother's
sonrrt and bad just finshed arguing 8 onse,
He walkad down from the courtrodtn, pass.
ing two men oa the stairway. As bs passed,
ana of the men whirled around, drew a
revolver, and fired threes shots. All three
bailiets straok Beeld in the bank, peostrat.
ot 1% 1 A
days in an hour's walk about the secluded i
Soon after dawn the bell of the First |
8 siglity- strokes this revival of an |
31d sastom to anpounes the death and ages |
of & msmber of the congregation having
made by the sexton at the solicitation |
som of the old members of the church i
poen Mrs. MeKinley's warm friends
y years, Dawn also brought a
i , which continged com:
ing all fxg tm friends of the family in ail |
p ot sonntry, snd in the early mors.
g many Canton poopie called with words
The suddenness of the attack which
Proutsutes Kis mother ton days azn, when |
he President was ander the sxiravrdinary
i ol preparation for the meeting of |
grime, intensified the sympathy which |
fhe eonntry would in any cass Save felt
attend :
burial in the family bit, when ile
subpoquently removed to Greeus County,
| first swift trip to
“comforting her
"pel, of Beoteh-German descent.
with him in the prospect of her death, $
anton in the hope of
inst hours; his sell.
sacrifiving journey back to the eapital in
order that his private interests might |
mot impede the publls business, his retars |
her bedside with little expectation of
finding ber alive; bis deep sativiaction at
ng recognized and welcomed, and his |
constant vigil daring the lsat week all}
the circumstances attending the close of
her Jotg and honored life have been fol. |
Jowed with heartfelt sclicitude [iy his fol
low-cilizena, * !
In theafterncon the President and Abner |
MeKinley drove to West Lawn Cw
3 nally to arrasgemants
body of their father, and which sdjois
fot that for more than twenty ye
eontalised the bodies ol the two cli
the Prisident. Mr MeKianley laid clusters |
of flowers onthe graves while his mother's
gesting places was being seleated.
Naniy Allison MoKiniey came of » family |
which was transplanted from Ragland to
the hills cf Virginia. The Allison family’
Peun., where Abner Allison. Naney's father
was born, and where he married Ans Camp
Early in |
the prisent century Mr. and Mrs. Alison |
went from Pennsylvania 19 Colombians |
County, Ohio, traveling by pack horses,
In 1409. near the present oity of Liston, |
Kaney Allison was born, Her girthood was |
pened on the farm and in 15837 she married |
illiain McKinley, a young fron manufac. |
turer. Thecoupie lived first at Fairfield |
and afterward at Niles and Poland before |
removing to Canton. Nias ehildren wera |
porn to them, They were David, de |
ceased; Anna, deceased; James, deceased: |
Mary, deceased; Helen Minerva, now living
at Canton: Sarsh Elizabeth now the wife
of A. J. Duncan, of Cleveland; William |
the President; Abigail Celia. deceased and |
Abner, whose home is in New York. Will.
jam MsKinley, 8r., died in November, 1531
at the age of eighty-Ove years, ;
Weyler in Madrid. :
Geporal Wesler arrived in Madrid Spain,
and wa received without eathasiasm. |
The Carlists have sbandonad their pros
ted demonstration against Uieneral Moo
inley's message. There is a feeling of
discouragement in Havana, the hops that |
the insurgents would surrender or accept
autonomy having been abandoned. !
sna i ro
Carpet Store Damaged by Fire.
Tne damage resulting from the fre in
the carpet store of John & James Dowson |
in Philadelphia amounts to more thas damus to compel the Marviand Institute to
¥ *
i winville, Ga. for ihe
{Wiens Pass, New Mexico by six ba
i Bi a
ing throngh his chest, and cacsing instant
death, i
The assassiae ras down the stairway,
srrang upon thelr horses and took flight,
They worn followasd by a posi of mounted
man for Svs miles and boast sight of, They
rode toward Tangipahos, and had an.
donbtadly followed Reid from thers 10
Franklinton to Kili him.
The Woman Who Cansed the Last of the
Series Watched Neabit's Expontion,
Henry Nesbit, colors, wan bangs at Ir.
murder of James
Harriggton, saother eolored man. The
Woman who caged the erin. stood In the
crowd to wateh tho foirwmar
Badore the Black } Wak pdaand aver
his eywa Nenbdl spoke rambiingly, He
satd that the white raves had always bean
fata of [er
Ciplendiy to Rim while he owed ull Bis trog-
Ede th ment ha
af Wis own rans
EET could pet lear sald be, “Lwonld
kif pias oolared en”
Neghit hax a pocord of sige hamifetdes,
All lids viens worn mambers of Bis own
saci. fa fart. Be seamed Lo ba aflisted
with a mania lor killing colored peanie, and
always prided himesl! on the fact. Tha
ated neon Bis exenantion
{fhe Leader of the Gang Shot Dend in His
Tracks by the Express Guar,
A Scathern Pacifs train was eld ap ag
sr the adershin of Daves Catler, a
notorious rastier hen the train cams
standstill, being signalled by
the bandits, Guard Jennings opened
dre ea them and Cutler disd in
his trarks Tha others afer mak-
ing an inefMectual attempt to board the
train, dispersed A. F. stoeger agent of
tha American EBrowery Company at St,
Louis, jumped from the rear coach, and
ranging east two miles built 8 fre on the
track to fag the Sunset Limited whish
was dae in the seighborhaod of the hotdap
in a few minutes, Has suscesdsd in stop
ping the Limited. Nope of the passengers
was hart, and no moaey or valuables wers
P taxes but all on beard had a bad sears,
Chima Appeases Germany.
The Tosngli-Yamen, or Forsign Beard,
has telegraphmi to the Vieeroy of Pechili
to the effect that China, baviag complied
with the demnands made upon her by Ger
maay, tee Isttar zadertakes to evasuals
Kino Chon Bay on a dats to be fixed bere.
after, receiving instead of Kion Chou Bay
the inlet Samsa. ia the Province of Fokien,
4% & conling sation
Accused of Many Marders.
Zanall the barbker of many names and
addresses, who obtained insurance money
, an the Hives of seven persons, six of wham
ware Lis relntives waz arraigned in a po-
Hes court in New York City and Pena
as 8 sgspivions parsond The polies are in.
vestigating the deaths of (he persons from
we deaths he prodited
Not Eatitled to Kedress.
Judge Ritohie in Baltimore, Md,
missed a sojored man’s petition for a man.
admit him asa pupil.
Washington Items,
Tha Sate
aed fantain
Poneiin Ano Womb
{ agaed 8 !
! ;
. after ljsteniuvg to an argument
3 Chairman of the
BATE Ing a Sines MN
sre parm her spel waban fasion
g 3 ow SR ed
Reading with sich measures,
mime un grant in tha Ren.
Pg Pe Wp tateadagred
gaitinng of the inde.
ra satinge nt then
Traitnes in Wash.
ax shown that te assets pow
51 OWN
Ms pred peg £5 YP
Tiapmet mint
fetiin af the Troeasgry
bastering sypanditione tn 0
In the Senate a BI wa
prohibit pelagic sealing by people of the
Vetted States and a similar bi eas in.
troduced {a the Hoagee :
The Renate Forsign Relations Committee
derided not 4a frye ronsiioration of the
Hawaii Annexation teanty for a time the
votes necasenry for ratidention being nck
ing. ?
Members Houses
Banking and Carrensy wera unabde
agres upon Any measure for reform of th
sara oy system
In the Hones thers was a sharp sont
vorsy between the Ways asd Means and
the Banking amd Carpaney Commitines the
mttor pally balng sustained in its claim
ta inrvadistion over that portion af the
Presideont's messazs relating 10 the cur
paney question,
A pill of the Nansts he members of
Foreign Relations Coammittas fallad to shaw
he two thins required to ratify the Ha.
walian realty.
The recont influx Af Tiallan immigrants
wns said hy renovie of the
adoption of restrietive
gree frar Ambassador at Home advises
that a whalesgls tea in forget Amer!
SAN paruraiization papers is Dein
on in Italy. ?
Miss Christine Beading the
Governor Bradley has goasnte
tion of Kaapstawy Lang io
tieahip Kentusky,
of tha Committas
cxvpeeul it im
meas ray hy Con.
onsen PAS
Divan estie.
Prowllont Wigan of tha New York Hanlth
which showed
for the inst slay
Wiliam Tinkham & On
of worstade at Harriavilie, KE. }
A Marks formnieriy
in New York itv
nina d Ha
sent ta Mayor ner a Minos]
tv's denth rats
iy ¥ was tive
in a history
haves had
{ibis my
imeiany ai” BUSH wed ky af
The defandgnrs are sivtindd Toy
falandg 4 3
Bhta Bwiee By Elin
card COE ew
a a i
oe : axtent of
at Bae
inetaan CARE
thas the
Sms nbd iY Ley
Mrs Mary Ep
patyed BYR
Afrabdt of shy Famed
in the rear of
tha piace avy
whe wan bors
Abed #1 hin
He fad Liasonry
mane ad Basan
oom sont Log
Tress mn
A Taw days
taeda farmer ving
buried nearly
ae pat ad fon
ail that was ial
Aynes x rail
ar Haplinsimes Ky
ald hak of
bie thinkios he wonld kein it thers sale
fram marauding er have bess
numsraas ia th se aiity riod
that whan he wes
fonsd it Gad been
thetrial of Charlies A Banal at Bridles.
an the shaven af mgriering
ew Mar ans Ni “wf Dranteds Farms
scompvpiioee. 13 ft A. Waris
erisnforael hy
ftw ala
Erni other arias clea
in New York State an
£YIY Bria.
Aryeet ad
tawen tn
abik as Lean
staked ay
bain was In duets 1
HE} for brass Slings worth
barns N
+f tho al ywar
st pW od pie Sy
Sein iens BGI
An Taereass of S40. 908 31% Over hie Fall.
mates Vor the Current Yea,
The book of estimates
bw Buen
nw for t0a Erin
£441 G47 NE as against
pragent yaar and an apy
847 777. The in
antirely af snfimate arrifteaticns and
river and improvements,
Gf the Wo HAocratary Alger savas thu
tha total appropriation at expontad |
Dw dmmires To
provements wil sie
ia reon wd that the
three Assistant Necrofaries
eroamwl the First Assistant fro
#258, and the second and taind
te F400 each,
sida up alm
A Corner in Wheat,
It is predicts
Trada thal i. &
will eloan ag ioast $3
ia Drewwsn Ber wheat {hay
with having purchased at le
basBeis of Decemiling
eighty sents i
fairy fifteen ts, headiag
the Board say Mr. Leiter ann |
fo #130 whan ever Oe Wadia to,
The Aa rs of Ex Librarian Spafford.
SE ERD wk »
* ox
Rid ob
Killed in the Prive Ring.
Waiter Croot, of England, died in
“fa bow received in the Dantas weight
championship gght with Barry, of Chic
tir 7% on
Ma Cosrt Maviisled at Leb
i> i
, Lea ETaes
: Hrightan
irdisan Run
gn .
Bix 8
shod rumen
.. FPumer, J
Pypand Johrmptoran
wane Piteabige gs
Crowd of Minera Beleased His Prisoner
and Manisred the DVMeer,
ms Anad Bede of Jamon Mirray santa.
# at Jouny Lind a coal onining town
Rebastian County
Phe pondaids Tr owas at Seeds
YPrarsay at Bourn mae lara Bight 18 Bs
spss ot mh fidamt Chum iB ourr was
v noomrk af paul ot ”
Constakis May mand fo the
4 wad pg wb
He yess ra res nt
5 ¥ 5
ghde amd
hav Lo wakes £50
yet §
wheigend that
Malirnnm ae
deter ined
ged thay Mur
ray Was at Aown awd
rig osand by tf Fue Amd nt nh WT WAS Me.
and it has been
We was wav)
trienda soe noms ra pn
ured ent
Murderer Threw Down Hihle and Lighted
Cigureite at the News,
Hit eal who killad
Aneil 37
samen d 3 BH
I nwerernes an was Io have Hees
hanaed ar Pittehnrg
Went roma yw
Penn, at
is lawyers raeed to Harris
borg with new syidenss ofiv ta nd that
Governnr Waetinge was in lof Springs
They hasteonsd these Fut the (3
fased to
Inbar liome Thee hareied
baal to Pissharr and pot a writ al epeor
The sttaesevs for the Rat advised thes
the welt anerated av 8 «ti
Word was takin do Ha
hafarn Jom wan ti Dimea heen
$3 pp
Ab pum minutos
hanged He
was resding bis Fibis het ha threw 4 aside
it and Hehted a sigan
Php Sey Lg nary
when tal
the Sh
ila father heppal
nm] om ena =
wanist and dee
awn oe 14 by ahgving poker, Ho
The money Hill's lawsers ire using sow
was rated by Bis mother
14 with the
farina fs
minab gp
Vanderhilt Takes Out the
fargest Poliry Beer Written,
Genre W,
in rdest ingmensine pwdicy aves
word was
a tow Tavs
By ane
1 $08 famspuri
oR Ree
for B
$20 fy TR 8
rien Shee 1%
inred Weanlor Maked st a Temporatuiy
af 3040 deo rvewns,
Wants Damages From a Ligoor Dealer
Boegase of or Hauharil's Dest,
Tamale Missouy
% Aa a B
is her husband
¢ a ratirossd train while drank
% spit lifted 8 3 «
preva mt
Flosn wal § MARIN
san of 2 it.
the Spanish
Garrison at Gelea, Caba,
cartinre of
Gasiien, Cuba, by Denersl dures, the (neu
rst Jdexpatah
General Garcia Wipes Ont
wn Marthier roport on the
gent ader sonfirmes the
and the report adds that Dis enlire gorriseol
TS oi ivked of NR BEES
Bily finiv
un ; ; diliers survived, apd
Wears prisolers by Geteral
wiser dering.
fh ainl reg
it the pres
rites the
sia Te ineur-
Pass Seasmita shiltis on
Each shot wroaght terrihie
Tor 2H was gpe7aled at 8 short
Bi He town Not oa Sos pes
EERE wa LO phisoea
eight pound.
fsafiprki Lin
egimat v
Pardons a Fist Fighter,
overs or Bradlee of Bantueky, has mead
t for a MAD Win seliles pers
in bis fists. He
syvivaster Julinson
who ad been swat 10 a0
ssovernor HNradiey wrote 1
the papers: Pian i
i % 1
if Thm a eries Hi
granted a
-, we "or : s 3¥
TRAliner of iF has
ppsoner aisoaid
Tureneil In Spain,
TRE i ns
Bryan in Mexico,
Hryan was given 4d
in Mex
waident 1D iax
the city
! poop! i
3 {ae Ween A
ater Tapidee’ lepends a
Ponr things a man mast earn ta da
It he wonld mse is res
rihink without confos
hess ra realy,
in Goad and 4 Feely,
Pir. Henry Van Doge.
Tt wee
Pape, what's
Pa— "Tt cones
Lhirazn News
"hin Rat ix wa oald
can yon expect a tie
i rasa
’ crag Fh!
st Posts ars born
Mand Sharpe 1 know,
blaming you Tit Bits
Cithe asked me chat color har
I Liked best Rie "That's jet like
Mand She 2 always so annious to
please, : ~sFudy
{itis Fimer fra.
quisscat in paces nean Be f. Broad.
»taY de iS Lear
what dees
4% Plagse
eh. Pack
pov T8 makes me Lirad to hear
4 ! 3
pall 1 the Kisndike fever
it o- What woindd eal
he Riondike onl
mined Mr Huoldbey,
ike a honk
Pt ke abiaak hook?
in anxeons to
say he talks jnst
he does
Detroit Free Press
Tommy, sand the
mreant by nutritious HRSome-
sr that gin t got asle tot re
4 Tomy
admit | was
Yiu In ido
mist glmit
Hof am willing to
wrong. Nhe...’ axpeet
ganre than 1h
that | was rig iy
N. Pack-"My wife hasn't spoken a
rl ta ge for two weeks
al 4
- ¥ ok
hack * [odianapaiis Journal
“iar victim ob mise
placed coutidenss,™ sard Uncle Eben,
vlan de man who sits ter tinakin’ he
Knows sv rything, " Washington Star,
Trmeoy! Eoglishman “Aw, look
Tpeure, win ’t poke fun at Panch!”
Amishlie Amerioan "Wir not? it's
lacks. Brooklyn
When iz sue
41% Do WHKRs
the very thing of
Ieneh i the difference
i any other
i ond
grant «Phos
“av yoru believe that
goss RYILY & anlden
sg * 2
«oN aid
enya ty
x Nak y
“What a
ne 1:3 .
VE pera alii Vol
3 i
it x haw {aver
“1 ve put foes on the
3 By ca -
Se REieaT.
vadge of
2% thank he seast be,
wo last uieht, and he gave
He mast have kept the best
Yonkers Statesman,
wan TAH thas taikialn ni the world
ne to an oad 1s rank nonsense.
“Why 1s #7’ Ragas How
ratad come Ban and,
PC heRRe News,
as 1 can Sad work
gesin’t stand ju
{ue tittle I'd do
i ads
an anyihir
[ san't mive you ajob
Mamma Bessie, way dent yon
wash the dishes? It is easier to do a
thine than to «it and think abont it
Bessie Wall mamas, vou wash the
dishes and TI wt and think about it.’
Browning's Monthly
Low AVErvi ing, : said
vonth Hetwesn
Senstor Sorg-
14 thors 8 Bo 8x
in mistake
nnoton Star
; a
vent het" Brora
Wiay, heaven
ak his owatel in the rear pocket of
trivitRera, JHE 10 prevent his over
behind time Ahirage News.
A Spetling Pest,
[f vou ean spell every word corrects
aii legit
av consider
r a spelling
iv in the following rhymes
winle HXPresSSions «Fil 10
yauraeit gualitied 10 sule
stand up, vo spellers
Or take supe sinjie ®0
ir gauater OF Lie garniien 1
To Apeil such Ww eR we 4
And isohrvimose aid svaeh
And Pentatensl sid sw
Aporryp ha aul oniadin
Iepnitee ald oa
Paras ie and ond
ihinaseron sid je
Met oni pao
[i ~ortainiv Ho
Radod lomo asd Tennosene
Ratutohats aad arvsipeias,
Lrg eibe all sRseRirae,
bie and plyadise ?
i rhe
: § hl Ted vane r
Twaltth, aighteenth regdery cas IBUIEUSE,
Aid howts of other words ail found
ti Hoatleh aud on slassie ground,
Thus, Bering Straits and Michaela os
Uhsrmopyise, (aiap, Havana,
Yorn elon atu pees aanhs,
lappanbanposk and Sensual,
3 i cd i hous ake,
i iene good spellers mis
iands like this
wed! a serovie
ria [Og
# pe
Tope forever
Siher river
bot pa
iT LR guIver,
— Baston Journal
Muscwiar Fish,
nk power of muecie
i The whale
angh a dense
medium of would earry
him, of sontinned, ronnd the world in
something less thau a fortnight, and a
known to strike
the oak
IV lar
waler tast
swordiish has been
Lis weapon cles
piank of a stup.