Patton Gourier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. E. Wier, GREENE, Editor, _THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1597. Dougiom, Clearfield $1. George Soulsby, by the sheriff, to Webster Griffith, Clearfield, $100. Mr. C. M. Dixon, a well-known mer. ‘chant of Pleasant Ridge Fulton county, - Pa., has a little girl who is frequently threatened with croup, but when the first symptoms appear, his wife gives “her chamberlain’s cough Remedy, which always affords prompt relief (GOOD ROADS AND TRADE. In speaking of good roads as a bene- fit to trade the L. A. W. Bulictin says that it should not require a very acute mental vision for merchunts in country towns, who are almost entirely dependlent on the farmers for their trade, to see that it is to their interests to assist in the work of improving the highways leading to their towns, catch flies is no worse of than a town with nis roads radiating from it. Every mile of good road adds so much more area to a town’s territory of trade Every steep grade, every muddy place, | every sandy stretch is a barrier that the farmers will avoid by going to some trade centre more easily reached. If the merchants in a slow-going town would organize their idle clerks into a road improvement corps and go | out in the highways and by ways mend. ing the roads it wonld attract more * eustomers than to cat off two per cent. from their selling price. : POSTOFFICES FOR SALE. For particalars inquire of or write to Moses Perkins, care of COURIER, Pat- i Patton, Pa. Dq not write unless ‘ you mean business, as time is money now-a-<lays. Please inclose a stamp or two when you write. - NorwITHsTANDING the fact that that the Klondike is supposed to be frozen tight some very warm stories continue | “After two doctors gave np my hoy to | die, I saved him from croup by using to ooze ont. THE NEWSPAPER that can tell the | Mest bog or sausage story during the | . fall seaion is considered the most pop- ular. We notice some of our metro. politan dailies are after the prize as well as the little country sheets. THE TRADING stamp “racket’’ now worked in many cities, does not appear to meet: with the hearty approval it did when first established. Someone ® | making too good a thing ont of it and the other fellow is becoming quite jealous. The CosarmssMex and Senators who wish to do so much for the old soldiers should set a good example in other government appointments, bat no doubt they think that one good pension act on their part will make good two or three bad breaks in postoffice appoint. | ments, ete. : BARNESBORO, $552.82; Hastings, $901.08; Plottville, 30 cents; Ebens burg, $3,000; Ashville, $0; Wilmore, $13; Lilly, $18.52; Carrolitown, $400 to $800; St. Boniface, 32 cents; Spangler, $850.09; Johnstown, price not set yet; Loretto, ¥6 cents; Cresson, 0; Garway, | $1.00: Thomas Mills, 98 cents; Patton, | Ps sme (1). Others too DUMErcus Vo mention. ICKERS WW ORT. © Dewds Hecorded at Ebensburg ap to Date : Friday Decomber 10. F Mary Grambling et vir et al to Cam- bris & Clearfield Railroad company, | Susquehanna; consideration, $100. Edward Dufton et ux to Elizabeth O'Hara, Ebensburg, $1,600. | Willism R. Jones et ux to W. A. La - Lathrop, Cambria, $1,087 Thomas J. Hughes et ux to W. A Lathrop, Munster, $35, Thomas Bumford et ux to W. A. lai throp, Cambria, $1,832. © Edward L. Kimball et al to W. Lathrop, Cambria, $1,040 Robert 8. Roberts ot ux to Ww. Lathrop, Cambria $1,223. ~~ G. L. Glasgow et ux to Arthur Thomas, Reade, $325. | Blacklick Land & Improvement com- | pany to 8. J. Ruffner, Vintondale, $150. C.C. Wright to R. 8. Wright, Dean, | $400. C.C. Wright to R. 8 Wright, Gal- | Jitein township, $600. % ~ Execotor of James H. Martha A. Dysart, Washington, $5, A! A JN. Houch et ux to D. J. Houck, Elizabeth Bamford et ux et al to © Owen Rowland, Cambria, $1,600. 1 Mathilda Johnston et vir to Frank Peters, Hastings, $100, Theophilus 8. Shoemaker et ux et al | to Daniel Loughman et al, Washing- $i George W. Patterson et ux to James McCloskey, Cambria county, $480. Leanus J. Sanker et ux to Lewis A. Stevens, Cresson, $300. Mrs. Sadie Troxell to L. E. Troxell, | Reade, $325. John Mannion et ux to Margaret J. "Betts et al, Susquehanna, $186,500. George Kibler et ux to Henry Kibler, | Elder, $325. ; kidney disenees. Jt YOUR FORTUNI Hadise om SR a | family use cannot be excelled. Dysart to The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. An Important Question. If your friends or neighbors ure re fering from coughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat or Inng disease | inclod- ing consumption ask them if they have ever used Otto's Cure. This famous German remedy is having a large sale here and is performing some | ‘wonderfal cures of throat and lung diseases. CC. W. Hodgkins will give yon a sample bottle free. No matter what other medicines have filled to do try Otto's Cuore. Large sizes #5 and 50 cents. After hearing some friends contin. ually praising Chamberlain's colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, pur- ‘chased a bottle of it for his own nse and is now as enthusiastic over ite wonderful work as anyone can be The 25 and 530 cent sizes for sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. Dresdfally Nervons Genta:--I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole nervous sys tem. I was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea ‘ soon cleansed my system so thoroughly | that I rapidly gained health and ‘strength. Mr 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Mrs, Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O. says, One Minute cough cure.” It is the quickest and most certain remedy for eoughs, colds and all throat and lang troubles. . W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. A Short Cat to Health, To try to care constipation by taking piils is like going around in a circle, You will never reach the point sought, but only get back to the starting point. A perfect natural laxative is Bacon's Celery King, the celebrated remedy for all nerve, blood, stomach, Heer and regulates the C. W. Hodgkins will give you Large sizen 25 bowels, a sample package free and 50 cents. Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa, says, “My child is worth millions to me | yet: I would have lost her by coup had 1 not invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minate cough cure.’ It cures coughs, colds, and all throat and lung troubles. ©. W. Hodgkins Patton Pharmacy. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathariie 10s or Be Ie CCC fail to care, drageists refund mnoney DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. HA AY Ca J95 San't yw Wt ut Be sand for B. ~~ FR SRR RT RF Notley, - Dealer in + Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for Prices | ‘are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA. arnell & Cowher FIRE LIFE AXD ACCIDENT nu Loans and Real Estate. OFFICE IN GOOD BUILD'G. Telephone Connected. FirstNation' |Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. t— CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $30,000.00. ment. Accounts of Corporations, Firms, Individa-, Guardian of Annie McCullough to ‘als and Banks received upon the most fvorn- | ; George Jen be Mlegher virto M | or Tae engisistent with safe and 4 mnseevative garet Tolls White, we a hin tiokets - le Xu all & he lending - Hollis, White, $500. : Margaret Hollis et vir to Melissa | Shope, White, $1,000. Hiram McGuire et ux to William B. | lines, Foreign Drafts ; cities of the (Hd Work All correspondence will have our promptand | {| personal attention, Interest paid oo time deposits, A. E. PaTroN, Wu H. SANDFORD, | President. Cashier. | PATTON SUPPLY CO. STORE . 1 #1 IoOK th Fur Don't you think it would pay you to rough store and get our low prices. We leaders of prices and/if you doubt it come in and see for yourself. buy our stock for cash from the | ses and we the variety, the style and the good goods. Remember We Don’t Boast But are willing to compare values with any samples or goods seen any- where, and with such a comparison if you am not fully conv ined that we are saving you money then we will be willing to admit that we have erred in jodge- Here are a few speciale for this week: Dress Goods. A big line of strictly All-wool Dress Goods in a large variety of oolom at 2% to $1 per yard. A new line of Corded and Brocadine Divas Bonds at 12 to 200 yor yard. The latest shades. To see them is to believe that they are the best values to be had. : Corsets. See our new line of PN. Price from 48 to $123. are the low We ¢ have Ww y t h te is iargest nou 1. St a ay Iowest price consistent We carry a large variety. Caorseta, One of the best makes and easiest to wear. Boots and Shoes. It will pay you to look through oor line. We give 10 to 2 per cent. better values than others are willing to give. We have jost received a new line of Meng’ Wamen's and Children’s Shoes, never wer nicer, never were better made, never were cheaper than they are now. Give gs a trial and be convinced Wwe Can save you money on Shoes, Boots, and Rubber Goods Ladies Wrappers. A fall new line of Ladies’ wrappers made to fit at cnly 980 Groceries Of all kinds pare and fresh. This department always speaks for itself. For the Holiday Trade we have on sale a new arrival of Almiria grape table raisins, figs, dates, cranberries, plum pudding, Californi marmalade, phire maple syrup, oranges and lemons Candy for Christmas. clean Tresh Candies diesct from Friemls we can make you Happy 37 Hey, Grangs We can supply yon with a fine selection of the factory at prices never heard of before on the price and children happy on candy. Now Mr and Mm Reader the children want the best. You can have it at the price some ask for staff that ie not fit to eat. Now is the time to get prices. All kinds at lowest figures Money Saved amount of aid gugn avy * By 5 rede Laem al youl pare With every cash purchase; we gr you a check for whe ¥ per chase. Save them until you get £5 or more and we will cent, on the dollar in Merchandise, Patton Supply (company. 1e art of living ry and hv ng well, dictions market: ng. you buy 1s as . % ay * Wo A tl Yun » & ! portance as what you buy and what you pay for it, when 1t comes to food. You want to : . know the surroundings of the ‘: : tamgs von are gomg oo eat. Notice store, ; - ¢ the cleanliness of our Evervthing 1s fresh and appetizing and at Th * vein s 1 vy “RAY wih a Tagreyy abe BrICces FT Aina - w are a necessny . §o 1 : these cool nights and have just what vou want. w=ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. Miners Store Co, Limited, SHOES... 1398, we Wiki aE ‘dren’s and gents shoes at great omg het ev fey pie i Go to the Peoples’ Bargain Meat il Janu: Ary I, a. "% iadies’ ys 8 ti Fro vr ii OAR ii it + Aa £1 i Red of before Fron miss | the Opp ortunity and don't for-: for all kinds of get the place. nila FRESH MEAT, “Also see us for your Gro! INIT . We carry SAU SAGE, 1: Ye | ; YX me. All goods HAMS, LARD, <TC. We sell meat from 6 cents per pound, up. all parts of town. Call and you will be treated ‘well. Good quality and good weight. ~ MALL & JORNGON, Proprietors. Free yb ows pu i AL OICY H. EMO, Magee Ave © Te, 43 r Ba ptist| n 2 al] Li Gra EA MRE brah a OOR FOURNITORE DEPARTMENT! WN ’ © at 1] honedtly believe that you'll agree with us th: but low—Ilower than y puiens are not high, n m.the habit of paying. price, but high in quality, is the impres- If you bit with a s et when you come here and look. ing up your house a ptece of Furniture, Carpet or a whole suit of ‘ } * : #1045. gel v a} - "py “gy 2" 15ia ¢ali, Come one come aii, » rug 18 great, if you wait to long Yoh may be too late. nang ¥ Onur respl. LEN Do you That | all am Selling That | have the two best Patent Plasters made? amond Wall Cement THE— The Di Crown Wall Plaster ancl sell betore buy Ing Also het cy] both very cheap. Get my prices else W h ere. Sell Cement Cement and Hillshore Plaster, ide of Plaster Paris made. tsendale is the ved Hone, which 1s Nissol Farmers’ allo Co, vhate, “ i wre (11 vy 0% it an Fiala [ have just receved a car load of { selimg both No. 1 and No. low price. ey ai a which 1 am very Those contemplating building or using any of the above articles will do wefl to get my prices before purchasing ve } 5 Eisen ilere. GEO. S. GOOD, PATTON, PA. Ww
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers