Causes Great Suffering-A Wel Man Since Taking Hood's. ¥ Cav. £ 0woba Bi ¥ Yer wm ure? exercine of the powers conferred ty thet act a pricvanses of gr ni ther Countries in be ations | 0a Buse it iaer $a and tha! chmnener ial 5 Imre with sf ey tracting pariiss ews destrgteis from evs i of nations! the afar to exten meres To this marine shoud Yared. Wa we ths CRYTN IIE TYAS net Go 1 on ids yng | mores srt Erne i= Pris Oxaret it : Ra +5 aid io mmRing or wigktore at morid. thos o marke the | of the faemn snd INTERNATHWN Internation al I opemsiet ad from The cya andy : frat In Any ar ar wo 3 a . pt 4 TEP" Mark envelipm giving this tay ; wich reyretia Sity cont sheet suse, po : po rt 2 poadiul ri Jor rate, for the parpene of of | testi par The waine of % advertising med sien, MifK, Mer Passenger Trafhe Marager. i * Big Four Rea li i ne innats, 0 Tw i RR Een Tie The 4 {fame ; § Langihd frie PRESETS | prise Paap m few battidmlvips. as itil to Stu oar | Congres It ix of great CERES ei onts prey whe rthiy until then the ships are of - 1 valoe : oll, was a man of a practical turns of sind, as the following story mid of Mm | “well Mostrates, says Harper's Round | He once gave an audience 15 a young | ergineer who cae 10 show him a new Sipfiance for stopping railway engines, The emperor was pleased with the idea, but wished fo put it to 8 practical | os after tomorrow.” sald he “Nave your engioe ready. We wil huve it coupled to my saloon-carriage and start. When going st full speed | will give the signal to stop and then we will see bow your invention works” At the appointed time all was in read. iness. The emperor entered his car ¢ riage, the young inventor mounted his eugine and on they sped for severs) miles a= {ust 85 they could go. There nme no stgosl and the engineer be gun 10 fear that the emperor had fallen asleep. Ruddeniy the engineer came to A sharp curve around the edge of the cliff. when. to his horror, om the track Sirectly abead of them the engineer saw 8 huge bowler. He had just sufficient presence of mind to turn the crank of bis brake and | pull the engine up within a couple of yurds of the fatal hiock. ; Here the smperor put his head out of tile ear window and demanded to know | the cause of the sudden stoppage. The stigineer painted to the rock. and, much to his surprise, Dom Pedro began tw inugh, : “Push it to one side and go on,” he sid, calmly. The engineer obeyad and kicking the stone was still further astonished 10 ‘ae ft crumble Into dust before him, It was nvliing more nor less than a block of starch which the emperor had tnd placed om the rails the night be A Simple Fire Extinguisher. fland- grenades, the simplest form of Fonts hsb can be made 8 home | ~ sheaply and easily. And it is well to ve at hand a simple contrivance for extinguishing 8 sioall fire at its start Take twenty pounds of common salt pounds of sal ammoniac (ni f ammonia, to be had of anv , and dissolve in seven gal a ar. Procure quart botites thin glass, such as are ordinarily | druggists, and Bll with this, | & tightly and sealing, to prevent BE lire throw os to break ia | : Spear the flame. If the fire Is In such | place as to prevent the botile from #8 in wool or cotton, knock | off the peck and scatter the contents. | The breaking of the bottle liberates | certain amount of gas, and the heat of the fire SEneraies more, thus work. ing tts own A RE AB a Os : Whenever Fou see a = visiting a | ‘thiropedist there is Sometlisg o on foo: i | calls attention to ibe | present quarantine laws | monde amiedments theretn which The greg! ing rogks has taken place P paetified ny thee Pawgnd 21 defense and Ras rece — : profmtion The 8 i hawevar when (his the country | tire, take tiem pnanorrete SY RYE VieSesle, fact that 13ers in | Pacific comet cal adie » inrpest shige is WMOtie Samer cd fer the fast Bix fr 3pves ow ' gndsr repair ANE therefore inedpalis Immedinte steps shomad Toe faisn prravide throw cr four Gor ks of ; AE oly the AtRentic comet. MY # Proiths const ard 8 Tow sh ihe 3ult This tx the rive Thieme of BB very pines ta nveslipate the ahon id sien he xn pander and prog tiamwm of War, & PR Rud dnt yhirds Inrger & PEO $e rin ER Hee Patties fmrgesl clans which rannog be Tadd tor 8 venr or two 5 By 3 recommendation of the secretary of tha mgr ¥ ORIN Eyres tion Suton trae tion of sme bhattiewhin for the Pa it ant. whers af por Rar fF Boe im oanily Gane In pomrissior Arad under conwirgetion. asd ales hal wey eri] torpedy beats be authorities in com nection witls our general sy rrtown Lea dofhrse . LEER LEVY ERNMENT EF AL ARK A The territory of Algeka Pere hye prompt sed early wttenrion The comditions pow exe fos material changes | the territory. The grout in tion daring the past summer an and the prospect of 8 still large ETRIION in (he RUTIDR Will nd prem of anger negiavt the exteanion of civil Co Ruthority sithin the temrivary pram the extabilalraent of & w F uREh government The stantiiing though powsiy | meratsd repesrte fromm the Yokon country of (Be provable Shortage cf for the large number of fumatibe wintering there wiihou! avn the country are RUC eRRUTe Rs 10 Pastify Leinging matter to the witentica of Congres | Adcress $0 that country ln wintie can Bee bad only by he passes feo Davin Bed perhaps an imposes bie taek He Rr should thew repre of the Ge ! vicinity, which fe a most Soa gna Gut fallow vitlgene be fur every ffir! at any dost aby # to carry them relief. NATIONAL QUARANTINE LAWS The recent prevalences of yellow on sop in a nurther of cities and towns I threaghout the Routh has Fp Td much distdirbance of desnonatrated the pes ity amendments 10 (GT GUATEN Ine will make the reals tions of the nation. Ri Quarantine nathorities permanen’ F The secretiiry of the treasury by that portion of his repeert relating to the operktion of the Marine Bampital WTYicis Rive the Tieusury Department + guisite authority Jo prevent the ston of epibemile Mlseaees fron ha | countries, und in times of P Hike that of the gaat sum to the efficiency {ures for the prote: yinm or A few words from Mrs. Smith, of | Philadelphia, will certainly corroborati | the clnim that Lydia E. Plokham's | Vegetable Compound is woman's ever | reliable friend. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pink lors Veg viatie Compound too highly. tha paversument he . Tame tien, has bown postponed at the | BlEnce of the government to Deve CBE INST the Tnios Pasific railway 16 the 20 at the same time prevent nnn restriction of cammerey i his recvanmiendaton THE PACIFIC RAILEBOAD The Union Paice raliroad. mal pp was old under the devres of the United reas | States Court for the Imstriet of Ne- braska on the let and 24 of Navel i of this year Ths amount 4; srnment oonsisted of the the subaidy bonds, +r oe 3 acerusd interest thereon FI SITLL making the total indebtes news Bis 240 : nn, The bad 8 the sale © ® fret mortgage on and the enti wie : BRage claim of the government pal and interest The sale of the subsidized partion the Kansas Paiific line ures whi 2 5 second ov The daly ef this 4v sion ment on November 1 180 was the y ceipat of the subaidy bonds $8 33 0 i the unpaid and aeorued interes 3 pi PG, haan making & total of $10. able; ut as som as T would put my | feet on the floor, the pains would come Back. + Every one raonght it was impossi- ble for me toget well. I was paying §1 por day for doctor's visits and 75 fonts a day for medicine. 1 made up my mind | to try Mrs. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com: pound. It haseffected a complete pure | for me. and I have all the faith in the | world in it. What a blessing to wo- man 8 § is!" ~Mgs. JENNIE L. 8aarn, No. : y St.. Philadelphia, Pa, #26 08 3 The sale of this rosd was advertised for November §& b Furpoes of seine the gir i aii sof the svimt 1 Was nil December 198 god a sor nied the sale was ia the Suert the Ba oa we en sis Pa TO BOYNE wihvethey gle 1 LEE Tey to weirs of the go Es rene wD hgyw St Weis a wn the ia which I Oo ee ; ear lee fay ierhgserd by (he #goe Raye While 1he an aes Lask Jipstice of the Peace (ali in comrt at Caston Vaszand: County, Texas al a vase be Lecante invaive With & lawyer Razed 1. BK aller Gawd & PISXG and su thruagh toe Dremel inlictis "oR. Germany's Demand an Harti. The paturs ol Germary s Semuanis Hayt: on sercunt of the arrest of La was made Inows in Woaadin ANGE are An inde mn ry ad privebse {hat LD may retars withont danger; apoudy tH Ge ASN Rreemment To PEtelve EUROS German Usage JANsives al Fries, Senator Snes Editor Siemator Epis on hen oa 2 i ik aoainst tie wi wp 2 TE Rega peigie nate claiad i we $2 Hod LIN Thirty Miners Killed, THE MABKETS, Tats Wha'semis Priene af Cavmptry Prodnce Orwoted fn New York, EE aXd CREA Whi a i FEE a EG Apis pgs WB 4 EXASS x80 PEs 4s FREI Ne Ek pain § 5 Baile PRBaAED POETRY farksvn BB Spring *diekens Plas. Wastern dry ber Tom Fowles, Nate & Pru’ wong Issam alle Se squabs ¥ dow. FAT 29D 3TRAY Bay -Prime #18 n Cloerr mized tran Long ry Khor ve hm YEGETARLES 2oiaraen Jersey @ bid wen F Tabara ¢ 108 mins, white # Lid Red # bd peas, Va FRA BEBE EID FRR ra EEe Res Hod + » WR Ww a EERE CE pr ey ws tn be Gt yours of spe OTN +ight Emaar fee aime perind ™ - hyrtcien whieh seem the fact thet if 2 san wants to Hve omg amd preserve is Leaits and wrrength he ong? Ye merry. Among mernkrried en between The ages of 38 aed 85 The Aeath rite UH Teenlt seven per emt. Amy marvel en be Tasem tine saps SEs 1 Woaaly sighteen Far farts one Teclelsrs whe ren triumptastly arrive at Toe &% erence gots | #8 the more marked ss Thne poe: om ? coders md petra wETone, fre «oF moni 52 peas Special LWI8 pttubuiog » arp. [smperes, mvs, 4 ery, Morvore, ; img Renfrew tir < gs ’ sn Pew wp tow mie Ol Pietra Tend pyer puidivieed. sod we pew Ai sewemge Thar SUbogrepbat Cerpel Car giopos showing Ours is (oiors, 8 aime vous for the meg IT oarpet sean os sre wanted og us Re Ga Samos. Thess #8 Be PeESOR Why Poel Shoe day your oem Semser 8 per gent. prot whe pos oF buy from Pam ml Drop 8 ioe mow 0 the Te RETR. JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. Caorative of Bad Tempey, “When the Hethe girl is aaughte” says Mies Jewwte M Fowler pivier » mother directiors for coring ber sail Aaughter’s bad temper “put on her best gowns sad you will exnno! withetand ite infuence CETLECOT pass weet TR ume sory Yoel wf Lhe rut well Tres wRy 3 Bey ak ee Le 2 Jupie ds goes 3 New ¥ het wie 5 Cases neg mgr Mrs Winslow's Rocthing Rvony for of Altran Lat NE, WO ESA he a. Wg a, Real ECE. Tum Won foodie. oe. ott. We nave grt howl whom Plan's Tome for Dor BW reyes omni Vesones. larvshurg, Pa Mavs (Ss ft qn SR a Tags Danae He J tie saa rel ond moines G88 Most Woaderfnl hi The mest sonder?sl temple in wud SLE os 4 Peeking stiane on Tl SARE ol ie rgim im Northers ID Als. 12m Dmipwwesdiinde Bo IARI Oe 5 RET Bi than tant of this temples The ~oling »one ls sitoxted nm A movenrain over twenty poussnd fot Nigh Ir wighs many tHoosands of tome Der ws ltiznowi an oes Ane 8 point that & ~omparstively Hght pres sure is sufficient ts mmke # sway Whether or the rest mrE was raved fo tie Drvwee nt Dewsdtion hy Damien hands ie a Dretery In sentite minds 1% was tha mlwer Wis ob 5 which wey modern sngineeving Text san dw anplred The Hina prises teased thir falloaasve thet fhe wi Pas claced Ia position br the bidp of gois. 1a this way her add considers biy » the feeling of awe which they Somlre ta sregte. The warsiiippers xt this shrine must Feet make The mRownd af the DOBBIAID, Harter of greats &'F Sonlry. 1 spend seven dav of Bridge Boon Courter so that whe Lee PY Ty AL G6 years of age (Bere are only Tween. Fy ore dae heloos meen wt TR there are sdeven baebelore fo Dwr seven whe are married and ty forty sight samrried By the thames (Gey resel WG fhe married mes pre Thee to ogee Tor theme 37 Sine Cisf then Te every these Bape helo Clear Uaderstanding a1 the Stare ianlindy Hare Foun a Frey BE man, Seupeegaan.. Wales Fa'w adders | he oe ew Suna Complvnd : am fhe Pt igheapey ares gomd daates Cape Brand ; sled Boy Pee nes her a : ew De Pus Blagr Sres Fitin # Amys 1hersal. ner. Falls Ow Bn (hrough mre Af Fhe PRE pe ® @tvwize Sh 4 vinsealy £m Anew oo the raed wily Livny far The We St Lan Wee 1 WR of Hogg falda my Ww Nie FR Pa TORE rarer Fadl abal = Enews the Ailvy SE BE Bau Pom Demanetly smal Xo Ste or nervone. some a Tse Bae Low's cme oF Div Kiine's Tied Narn Montorer $F tetgl dette snd Drenthe Dm ROB Kiswn LOS MR Ash St Pais. Pa of Indias Dem will make ule AF Soin i EL 2 mt () WE EC deme Th Rea ies ie Ul SE » HALLS <= Va. 3etatie sacakan woeice ome Treatment ‘sr $i Beak of NATURAL REMEDY CO. , Verte hum. preparation in a temple built on the | soltd menniain before they are Dermute tad to make the Snal passage to The mysterious recking stone. Te rent the stage 1 08 DINPEERIT TH OTEK 8 bridge over 8 great chases Nature amd van hal connie? fo make tide Hindu alirine awesnmidring te The devour AT toe cowmsitg The hedge the pilgrim mounts 3 mdder fo whlch be clogs ia terror for hie Life bere amd 9 the here afer The temple on the mek is pee emily a small place Three priests eficmte in i Be mvseries which take place thers I MIAN iS Derauliag to reveal Europeans have seen 1 from a distance. ap ———— gem NvENTORS! ir 5 IESE Meletter of Patents, SE ¥ a Tome En Ere Water | 44 he revit wR AN ET Lee i Sons We for Jumsaderte & X Feamun, Perdh. ml. TRIE Gadd PLATED SCARS PIN. Handle Raoy fei Hhetose willy CHEE Ea ATApiwt'y yuErs 0 smvose weedicy § oemie Tor iM WaTKING § Ov Mtg dewey, Pras RB wife, Bwmiowment sad Tontine INSURANCE POLICIES PURCRASED Richard Hersfeld 3 Naaman Sr. New VV ak ARSELS ANS TUMQAY GunED ron Breakfast Costs Leas than ONE CENT a cap. Be sure thst the package Dexes our Trade Mark, Waiter Baker & Co. Limited, Established 1 "50 “He That Werks Easily Works Successfully.” 'Tie Very Easy To Clean Nouse With