mada tno as esas oe sia iy Patton Courier. ; PATTON PUBLISHING co. Proprietors. BEWits (iREENER, Editor. span | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 1807. Carmmsc_taer. Marceliiu ; every other Bunday at 5 and A pg ra. Yam Gay letioot at 2 p. rx. and vespersat 3 pom EA Good's Hull, Rev BS Dive, | - nelay wei! at $90 4. Ta Preach at High a. mn. and 700 po Rong Servs ut 0 p.m, BArTisr_ fur. N. 0. Patterson, pastor. Berry. Joon at 2. 1. ani] Tp om. nday | Mp om 3. X. ¥ at 6p. mo. Frayer Hrd W sete a ching a1 7 Mgraobmr rr AL tev. iW, Wasmon, a to, and 7 p.m. Eas Services i! fe nday schools’ tv. Epworth League { HERE = Bp Fray Ronen near Woadnes | my oi Karls Clover Root Tea is 5 pleasant | Easy to make and pleasant to tule. read the new ad of H. 5. Boeck in another column. Fe is offering bar- gains. Mr. Grenninger, manager stats | Kirk Hardware Co, had business in Mahaffey on Tuesday. - Moses Perkins, well-known to many this paper with an interesting letter from Washington, D. C. | The block of buildings at Brockway- j ville, Pa, | destroyed by fire Saturday. | $2,500; insurance, $1,200, Lows, laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri- ‘fles the blood. Clears the complexion, “¥ ets. Sold at orner Drag Stor . George Dixon, aged 18, dived from the effects of injuries received while ‘at work in Big Soldier mine, near | Reynoldsvitle, Pa, on Satarday. He | was on the front end of a trip of cars and was canght and erushed Luther N. Patterson, who represents the Paston Clay Manofactoring com- pany, of this place, and who has been ‘on the road in the interests of the company during the past month, is | stopping in town for a few days Hon, John Patton, of Corwensvilie, | has been serioasly ill during the past | failing health for a number 3 ind about the first of September went S— . bares rh Now all ihe grammy REtiner Sans sre oer And She Wn mower mows Let San no more If yom argue with a bigot, Al the Soish. as x role, You sires with him in thinking Yow wre nding but 4 5 fowl, Soon be 1898, Patton has a chicken thief Visit Miller's White Shoe Store. Choice cakes and crackers st cash grocery. : Ses the change in Geo. OO. Brady's ad this week. Don't fail to read the new ads in this paper this week. Pastamoereal, the great food rink, at the cash grocery. Go to lees’ news stand for your cigars and tobacco. Children's fall and Mirkin & Kusner's. Chas. Walters made a business trip to Bower on Tuesday De. Diffenderfer, of Cresson, had business in Patton on Monday. Rev. B. F. Saddler, of Burnside, vis aanter coat of ited friends in Paltoa ihe first of the The COURIER contains a very inter. Attenti¢n is called to the large ad of the Bon Ton store in the COURIER this Did you see the beautiful silverware given away as premioms at cash ! gather in large andiences to catch a a Hall, will be removed to Braddock, | The Crown Wall Plaster plant, near Pa, soon. Call at Boyoe's cash grocery for any- thing you need in the grocery or green grooery line. Huve you been in to see the new ¢hainless safety at Hodgkins' Patton Pharmacy yet? Patronize your home bakery and: ‘buy your bread from Kessler, oppo- site the Palmer house. Gould & Beezer have recently com- _ pleted a fine job of plambing in the ~ Commercial hotel at Cresson. Hon. John Patton, ex-United States Senutor, of Michigan, was a pleasant visitor to Patton on Wednesday. The Keystone Clothing company has ‘u new and attractive ad in this paper this week. You should not fail to read. There is a certain young man in Pat ton who enjoys?) November baths he took one of them last week in the Marks dam. “John Dinsmore, of the firm of Dins- more Bros, merchant tailors of Patton, spert Thanksgiving with his wife at Punxsutawney, Jesse Stoddard, of Watkins, N. Y., is visiting at the home of his daaghter, Mrs. Chas. W. Hodgkins, corner of Fifth and Beech avenues. A Pittsburg woman wants a divorce because her husband objects to her rifling bis pockets while he sleeps. Thus "does the right of search policy receive another set-back. Prosperity comes quickest to the man " whase liver is in good condition. De- Witt’s Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation, billiousness, n and all stomach and liver troubles. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Fire Sanday morning destroyed the residence on the farm of the late Philip ~ Skelly, about one and one-half miles from Wilmore, this county. It was occupied by Mr. Skelly's widow and yg OF es es the eldest of whom is almost ri fh "two weeks. Mr. Patton has been in | of wears, ‘to Philadelphia and placed himself ander the care of the most eminent physicians of that city. Mr. Charles Myers, the popular clerk at the American botel, Carrolltown, ‘and Miss Anna Mary Biaom, the only daughter of Mr. and Mm John Blum, of that place, were married by Rev, Father Michael at § o'clock last Toes day morning. The attendants were Mr. Harry Blom and Miss Mary Kline, Rev. P. (i. Bell, of Aloons will preach in Good's hail morning and evening of Sanday, December 5 for Rev. Dise. Go and hear him. A young people's society of Christian Fudeavor was organied on November 21, 10 mest every Sabbath evening at 6:30 o'clock in Good's hall. You are made wel After hearing some friends contin. ually praising <hamberiain’s cholern and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, pur. chased] & bottle of it for his own Ose and is now as enthosiastic over ite wonderful work as anyone can be. The and HM cent sizes for sale by Patton Pharmacy, U. W. Hodgkins. The world of people love power or even what partakes of power. There- fore when John L. Rsllivan defeated powerful men of strength, time after time for twelve long years amd held the champiouship of the world, the world of people loved John L. Sullivan for he was the most powerful of hs clam, the pugilista, and at the same time the most upright and daring of ne Da Conia, 25 ‘them ull. And now that the great John LI. has taken to the «tage, his worshippers do not desert him, but glimpme of the once all-powerfal man. His company wiil be at the Hustings Opera House to-night, Thursday, December 2 Patton Marken. Subject to market Shanges: Batter LB Hoek wend Fagg Pai 1 ME. PH si Ai - Mixers Srore Co. [Limited | Mr C. M Dixon, a well-known mer chant of Pleasant Ridge, Fulton county, ‘Pa, has a little girl who is frequently Eeamdied threatened with croup, but when the first symptoms appear, his wife gives her Chamberlain's cough Ramsedy, which always affords prompt relief The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Patton Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgkins A Sher: Ont to Health, To try to cure constipation by taking pills is like going arcund in a circle You will never reach the point sought, but only get back to the starting point. A perfect natural laxative is Bacon's Celery King, the celebrated remedy for all nerve, blood, stomach, liver and kidney diseases. It regulates the ‘bowels. COC. W. Hodgkins will five ) yon a sample package free. Large sizes 25 and 50 centa. 4 Samadi Your | owl Be Ari. fe Ao rerer, bed cor ERE Sake Neo k et Rakes WERE Ban or 8. Cure gaara prise free Adlress ago ¢r New York WE Sie ar Res Dr adfully Nervous I yon want 1 bargain in furnitore of the. farniture department of the J. E. readers of the COURIER, has furnished owned by J. E. Kester, was r pein wr £ i Armor 1 A Groat Game of Foot ail. | On Thanksgiving Day Hollidaysburg and Patton played one of the cleanmst ever ween in this part of the State. They had the crowd guessing as to the rest t until the last moment. Rowdy ism was conspionons by its absence. Al ‘though it was y raining all afternoon, Patton “‘rocters’ wire out in full force, wading above shoe tops in mud enconr- aging the boys. Hollidaysburg started the game hy kicking the ball into Pat ton’s Akyard line, but our old reliable’ Woife was there to see that it went no farther; he started to take it back, bat was Aowned withoot a gain That started things up and with very fow interruptions the fimt half was ended mid great excitement. Secor, Patton 3, Hollidayshurg 6 : woond half started off at u brisk snd ended in a two minute jog, Patton having 8 decided advant- age, having the ball within four feet of Hoilidavstarg’s goad when Umpire Croncdehys time. Patton need pards back formation with great ng the seonnd half It proved to be 3 Jonah the visiting boys After soriminee in which formation wis thes] thers would be one or two Hollidaysiarg boys nid ont in the mud These [nterraplions were the only drawback ancther wise brilliant game. Of course there was some fumbling dos entirely to the slip- pery conditions of the bail Captain Giltliers Kicked off in the send half, wid Pave reached Holli- daysburg's 3B-yard line only for its muddy conditions it was Captain Gillieon’s found dream for the past week or two to wind op this season by beating thelr opponents by a large seore, thereby making himself a Jack Mind No. 2, but alas! his hops were shatters] by the nonappearance of Lis gle, ison, Barnes, wha had Philmdelphia 10 ww the an i. of P. and Harvard, ty bring home some point. G bab used against the bows from soross the mountains, Wolf, Merri kt and MeTigoe bayer] Holl sdnysbiirg’ # line and ovuire for gains every tims. For a while it lookesd sx if Patton was bound to scores, as the hall was in Hollidaysharnp's ter. ritosry all through the game, but of town play ed lke bw from t gut. with rile oogd Sew their oo effect dard LE 4 wage Lihim to myer hes Pall we and ers which woth ERT, " g ES mi gd droves hem Foe foul every time. The star of the game was Captain (al He was all over the fold and done as takling as was ever witnessed on these grounds He ran the entire jength of the field and got his man several times doring the game. He saved the duy for Pat ton hoe copied a deh The wound ap with Patton having the ball wo near, and yet so fur, froma the goal Patton 4 Holldaysbarg 0. The Hollidaysburg boys dertainy played a good game, and Captain Crawford deserves great credit, not ouiy for his individoal, bat for work adso. Patton stands to-day, the undisputed champions of Cambria in. cluding the city of Johnstown, Following are the line ops: Patten McTigne, oo Merriman, r 3; Dillon, rt Marte Martz, re, Godchares | #; Potter, 4, Carwright, |g Tackett, 4 ty: ‘fh citar, rg: MeKee, rt; : Wallisaees, | eo; Hitohi Zigler. qb; Bunker, rhb; ih b; Freese fh Benmietomen Foor Sada, A pew residence, just recently bulls, sind heantifully situated on the corner Palmer and Sixth avenve, Patton, Fa, for sade at a bargain, For particulars eal! on E. Will Greene, Pat- idle Bo are soccined hal? ATE the team Hollidaysburg -Shafebottom, ¢ Hitehine, ro; Crawford, or address 7 i ton, Pa It is easy to cateh a cold and jot as easy 16 get rid of if you commenos to use One Minute cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, phen. monia and all throat and lung troulilen, It is pleasant to take, safe to ore and sure to cure Hodgkine Patton Pharmacy Go to Kessler's Bakery for your fresh bread and cakes. Raddeil’s, 111. sf. VRAD fron dy Se pis SPE onstipation and wae ‘cured hy neing DeWitt's Little ' Risers, the famous Gttle pills for art liver Ww VITLRE TS findiliew. UL VERITOReY o woh ASE 5 - 5 £ Mie LEM Ores That's what you want! CW kins, Patton Pharmacy. RY Hod When vou take a trip to Eleasbaryg | wtop at the Blair hours and vou will be Lamed all mph. doe (BE eX xy a . mg Nig , Rent RR kien 4 ERI Tal: Gents: —1 was dreadfully nervoos, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. [It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole nervous sys tem. I was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel trouble soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that 1 rapidly gained health and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Prof. W. P. McBride has been in-| dorsed by the music pablishers ‘as having composed the finest two- step on the market as the “Farmer's Two-Step’ and it will be an sale at Less’ news stand in , In about three weeks. Your Tea It is known Sete § rma NTT Towa sion, ben pure. Ie $1 AL rugosa DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The tamaws Hitle pills. WANTED General agent; need net ‘have had experience in agency work, Bo solciling Fegpatred; party mast be intelligent, aad able 10 give security of asked. Write imediately. Brown Brothers ¢'ompany, Continental Nuarwe- reries, Rochester, N. Y. -42-3mo Ripans Tabuies cure indigestion Hipans Tabules cur bad breath Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver Ripans Tabules: sleasant Iaxa'ive Rignus Talbules curs nausea. i 3 ‘and most scientific games of foot bail | { bere, rafar Woife, r bb; Gililece, | hb; Iddings, ins, | 3 Mater, | Notier, We, the undersigned do hereby agree to refand the money on two 35 oent botthes of Baxter's Mandrake Bit- if it fails to core constipation, hillonsness, sick headache, or anv of Thies dew Tor whiwwh IL is reo We gaaraniee one bottie Lo prove satisfactory or money For sale by CC. W. Hodg king, Patton Pharmacy in rye rhe Abn PRE Ae. Cure that congh with Shiloh’ (ave The best congh core. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold fast vear. #0 doses for 25 Srdd at Corner Drug Store “ents itoow var? Fanegmenis Al this time of the year a cold ls very roniracted, and if oft to ran its cotirwe withoot the aid of some reli cough roadicine iY Hable to result in that posn mori We know of ro better remedy to core a econgh cold { ge Remedy, Sx Pred ERS 3 Fades dread disease, or than chansher! We have need 1 cits Hal fom ~ wn ia olen moni A: MONE he many t sre wl bogva freed a FS Irie, WE Rave nev A s Zripos, ¥ a single case respiting Persons who have weak PEAROT wh wid in prwtmonia or hays toy fear an attack of Wy Lue H Rene: pr ihe reraedy ad Ti t sites for sie BY y WwW. Hodgkin 3, Ars } oo 25 ane | Parton Pharmacy ol Nay { . * . | : and $2.88. : ; { Men's Aen LI +238 53 We are in prowition bent valoes fh Christos g chinaware, lamps dol WAGODS, Chris, and loys, Waal whorl Ali wo rol fella snkpown before w of onr bargains ~ T th 14 for baw! whee den ard “ew a fo Clarks O Rabnsis WORD, “tar op Fay Beal matohes er 18 ine Bows led iS.agr tin rail Goro | LATE wash © (ud Aner Orae repr Poin paver hits wine od Sag Oe £9 reat 4 And everything ele prices. To try as once tino fo do so Call and get ¥ gains as they po at THE BAZAAR. Brad ar SBE AELASLIRASAS RE SASS SISRESASS ASAE SRS RASS SRASRESIS G0 y, Prop'r, Patton, Pa IT DTIC es gr F Wl On every article of wear ¢ in our Store. Don cok Mi ae fa ALS, Dk su { thers ask hal or same qualities EY # * r the Holiday Trade. OOS 1de hers, % 3 bu on gw 8 arab 3 r * Remember Its exactly 2 The Keysto and Shoe (0. & § nisms nen slippers, Ww & Cay Ty we yy AE Stop paying IS THE STORE — For bow | Pfices! We want vou to come at's the Way its Ww @ DACLO»AalY La . te most or THEY + are offerming ¢ " EW RLS wh LFS Of TT ane ao » . » wn yi PE avira MA hall Ld Lakh 1 resist. smmianse XI Qi VOT 4 WE S18? ently % g : ve the rest to the puoi T he of ECON EMY to IN AND LOOK, Fin wo “gw Wiis And oy A3SUTraAnce * boon oa 3 taal you Comforts or Haps. 11 sim bed comforts, war price Tik Aled somtfirts & ov $1 5 our arte, lined and carded cotton, filled with wool shoakd sel at alton CRIT, at hers char saline bwel comb Ailed with white price $1.19 1-4 mise Bil gray 8 Men’ peer] DUTLous, Men's cing pres Se Men's ried percale bosom shirts others charge T he, our price $e. Men's linen collars fe each vered and lined with good HOE ee, coversd with Sone saline athere charge 100, our hiankets, guarantesd strictly plaids, others charge 3.50 wi Asie wimod, and faney nr price rs, fSnished with ie Te Gathers charge $0, % heavy cheviot shirts, fast gthers charge We, abirts, weil made ve Th iT ¥ Gr adrnwd latent sty bos, store vou can be your own price marked in Diam ¥ . i e sell for cash oniv and strictly THE BON TON, Corper Fifth and Kerr Aves OUT h WATS 1S [q.esman WORTH Ladion' Swiss embroidered warth 1%, Satin ribbon, fadion’ Tht ecluarge $1.00 White guilts hemmed ready rum, Laubies’ pare natu ment chean ad $1.00 Lambiow’ tater, elsewhere §1 0 Bay Men's natural wool anid hit wm superior quraiity n piriom, Abe. Men's ail owool sWesiers Be, Ruivs sen] sweaters TNL Artistically Trimmed and ail sodars, 2 inches wide, vid Wes] vests oF rope here 800, SPWOAT, iely Anished Rats at 198 224 298 $324 and buver. We need not Es ds HAXYY ea ” . - TES. . . x e price—Iinat s > a ie atixr £ wiil OOK ING handkermbiofs for cee Sie, camels anderwe AT, sft and Seeoy, 30 hatter, Bere oni not the good vaine vidences of our « department Choice goods stare extenas AT Hw each, Toe vard pves ail the new shades TW pair, thers other charge pans, a supsrh gar. will not firme Te. ordinary kind, al the Brand New sav a word. b us. THE BON TON, Corser Fiith ana Kerr Aves
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