The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 02, 1897, Image 3

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    E Wi Grezse, Editor.
One copy. SOE ORT, in advance, ow ry
Sa Adverising rates made Known on Bp
Aisomtinoed until all arresr-
. unio #8 the option oof thie
“it snbsieriters
ee os
fe period boattee to which
gre directed
Juyve ge
aritoie wot
ardersd them
gihers mows to other w with
tat pS the publishers, and the papers
re sent fo the foriper address, they are 34
& The Conrts have deeidedd thet refusing 10
periodienis from the olfios OF retOvin
EE these ureniliod for, is pring Surin
iri npn ora) Tran.
6 If ea hacritrs pay in advance they are
hound to gre notice al the end of the me it
they do nat wish to es sariine taking ity other
ig prablishers Ss suthoriined to wend it
periter will be rempomethie ati an
Xpress totic, with Sis veebet of mil Breve
they are
gthed “their ibs
President Jodge Hom, A.V. Barker
EAE Imei,
1 snd Besorder FB Jones
In Comiter.
Hime Tavis
RR Morphy
ww domes, Hewsotivr and
phasis’ {Seek ~Join 1, inten.
Waperintendent—T. 1. Gitte.
- Comair Rgrveyor-R, i§ Fertermns.
C Comuty Auditors. AL Miltenherger, PM
lawrence, Joh Gittings ;
id Consaissiopers «- Arpien Wemklnnd
wad W. In Milles
w ¥V.8 Lavingston.
ane seemervitie, Thos T.
Jones shd dames Menwre.
— rise oF _— BN COURT,
‘int Monday of March. {ist Monday of Rept.
fot Monday of June. [ist Maniay eof Toe
Argument Comrt 3s held between fhe aleve
rp ibe,
Fated president, Alex
Er Prsn’i P. Jotmen Fiows |
“ab, 3.18 Hiadr, Wire Tendtwiter.
] £1, Croll, jormeidlemt iq,
PET i RH. Sandford, Troma
peer; H. FE. Barton, oC Piatier Ww. Lingle.
astice of the Pears oo Jesme F. de 3
A rue. HH Rend ford
Clerk BE. Will Garewne,
Colleton Jas, Mellon
Anson Jie. H. Hicker.
¢ Audion. Firner Seanie, Wo A Mebon,
T Gon
Judge oe $oiewdicms Raa brian
Inspoctar--eo. Howe, Frank Ca fibeect
o-Sarmnel B Jones
Ceinstubie— Damn’ Hobs,
of Poties. Howard Worse
Bure © Aantataloner Sam TF Jeomes
Those persons who are very, very.
- good on Sunday, and forget ali about
it during the rest of the week, are not
‘the sort of Christians that give the
‘most enjoyable and beneficial Shige
meter to a neighborhood, says the Lo
'W. Bulletin.
Those who are very, very patriot
on the Fourth of July and Er
to honor their flag and their country
by maintaining their good citizenship
the rest of the year are not the main-
stays of the governinent.
a Toose who “swear off” from all their
wrong-doings on New Year's Day and
| then gradoally “swear on’’ during the
remaining 364 days of the year do pot
work the genuine and lasting reforms
| af Soclefy.
Those who pull the weeds from the
of the dead but once a year, on
i Seema Day, nd cover mie
admiration of the visiting public, are
Several new advertisements appear
ip this paper. It will be found profit-
able to the citizens of Northern Cam-
~ bria county to read the advertising sp-
pearing each insne in the Cormier. It
is put there for their instraction by the
business boases of Patton, and at oon-
: siderable expense.
enlightenment and advanced business
methods newspaper advertising i» no
longer looked upon as a eateh-penny
‘scheme, but it read with care by
people who wish 10 be posted. The
wish advertising columns are authority on
trade the sume as Washinglon news is
‘on the proceedings of Congress. The
merchant who attends properly to has
newspaper advertising saves his pad
rons time and money.
A PEREOX need not he very stingy
to relish 8 joke at his own expense.
———————— CAA ANNI
THE NEXT great international game
of foot ball will take place st Wash
ington, D.C, when {on Eres COTIVEIeS,
PRESIDENT Mo KINLEY 8 message 10
Congress contains 20,000 words, Our
jaw makers will, no doobt. have no
fittle work to do.
THERE is every reason to believe that
the Hawaiian snpexstion tresty will
be confirmed by action of the Senxte
very soon after Congress meets.
THERE 1% 3 vast difference between
the Georgia doel and the Texas duel
In Georgia it is all preliminaries, and
in Texas it is always imprompta and
the coroner can alwas depend om 8
Mrs Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa.
says, “My child is worth millions 10 me
yet, I would have Jost her by croup
had I not invested twenty-five cents in
t a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure’
It cures cough, colds, snd all throat
and lung troutdes. CW. Hodgkin,
Patton Pharmacy.
An Tanportasn: Question
If your friends or neighbors xre suf.
fering from ccnghs, ooids, sore throst,
or any throat or lung disease inciod-
ing consgmption
have ever used Otto's Cure. This
famons German remedy # ha Ving a
large sale hers and is performing some
'wonderfal tures of throst and Jung
diseasws. WW. Hodgkins will give
you & sample bottle free. No matter
Ju these days of
ask them if they
What an Eder Says
of wowiiond
Free, Froo, Freed
With every 815 =
chased at our sore you will be pre
sented with a beantifnl pees of @iver i
ware, which can be seem dsplayed in| >
omer show wintow. :
ef Minx & Kisxen
rf gees PEAT se Bnet eh
Men Stark, Plessan: Hidpe, 0 sas
die. 1 saved bio fromm rig
One Minos f00sh core”
gehekest and mist oerigin
eotgghm, oobis xd
tr abies. Ww
Rigares Talib
relieved by
] ESAT Paving 8
fn the farms pe reredy
Iodine, Patton Pharmsey.
oe Cvurvis are fae Vest Larne
mater gl
ASSOLUTELT GUARANTEED = of Comicon. Caverets yee Thr Yorud
pores ery
phe amd dekint frov. Ad. STERLING al ih, Shirare, Beatrend. Lm. or ew Yor), wh
The Quickest
Mai Order House
BOTH oss
terior Preomodvanm
pe gine nol
BY MAIL sbiely uf,
sitedar tory oe hur Indes of Cory
prepay Pustage. aad Ligrewn oo 4R
a ——.
Gr Bond a
Praeuy WIRE
goods you 1hEY Wind By wee
Best Gandy at Lowest Prices sod
what other medicines have failed to do
try Onto's Care. large sigem TH and
50 venta.
Wishes to inform the public
that he is in his new butidin
next to Patton Hotel fitted
filled up with the very best of
FPornitare in Northern (am
bria, sach as carpets, window
shiaden, mattresses snd springs,
peti suite, bed room suits,
side bocrds, wash bowrda
35 different rockers to pick
from, 5c up. You oss save
20 per cent. on every dollars
worth of goods you bay from
me this month All goods de-
fivered free to all parts of
town. Special attention gnven
not the most loyal to the memory of
And likewise, those persons who, on
ey ong appoluted day each year, are grate
ful for blessings received, but who are
pessimistic and fanit-finding the rest of
she time, are not the ones who have
Jemrned the true lesson of gratitude.
We should remember the seven days
of the week and keep them reasonably
holy. We should not bave all our
goodness in spots. It ought to be a
fir every-day average. Our patriot-
jem should extend throughout the year. |
Our desire to do Letter should result in |
new resolves being made evey day and
svery hour.
It Is.oasy enough to say we are going |
to do better this year, but are we ready |
ab all times to do the right tying this
minote? And our gratitude should be |
as constant and unceasing as the com-
ing of the manifold blessings that
serve to make life a beautiful joy and |
eternity a pleasurable hope.
We ought to feel thankful once in a
while withent having our attention |
called to it by special proclamation
from the President and Governor.
Dear old Thanksgiving Day freighted |
with gratitude and gravy, cranberries |
and good cheer, turkey and troubled |
dreams, is a speadid institution, but it
should not be the only day on which
we clasp hands with Joved friends and
try to find reasons for feeling giad that
the jocund undertaker has not been
galled in to give our remains a present.
ible send of.
Undertaking and
Yours for a Bargain,
H. 8, Buck
So NEW a
Champion + 2 Washer.| *
Vl wash Cleaner, Quicker, with more
cane and less injury to the
his that a ny machine id
in me. Over 75.000 sold, all
grving mtudaction.
Don’t confase his with the Win
Machines you have goes
This is something entirely mew
Can not pet out of order.
Champion Washing Mache {.,
810 West Pear! Se. CI1oOINNATL N00
The way we buy makes lowest prices Fefore we forget 8 we want fo led
to begin with; the Way We wed imanres Yoo thet we have added to our sork
a quick tors over of al shiek neader ail the hse of celebrated FP. ON
vonditions. A quick command of row Every pair s perfect 820
cash gives os the buying power, and
#very advantiyge we Fel goes Lo Yoo.
There's & Cifferency. vom shooid Know
it, for it Hwan a deal 10 vou when
FOU ATE pe wg vour hard earned
MollAT% 3 EHLE 5
5 nw ord
Ww TEN fern vi ond
That men govern the
w hei Hn oornes 10 eth ng “the
money's worth for every dollar woman 4
Remmsrates her infinite snperio ay am sverigsaing shoe
VET Th Sar past wed wor rife OF 3
DYER maa. Nam mend SG Wet te The Kant Wrip "Em
eae WORT az wi CXRELIDE CUT DEW fo okoiirenm ame tw Ee wohowsl shoes
line of cosy 30 rhe They 4 Eom’ orcad 1h
try #
TI ew,
Waomankingd » de sp bitend wilh be wis
Dress CGepods Nowe ites we ATS showing
for Tali 3 winter wear, and the (wr.
man Flanpein, Henriette URsiimeTs,
Shepherd's FY te, Outings, ana are
a han
In this pe Wi £00 S30 om Toss . .
iowoesd Rlasliets from 215 10 8 3 the 067 Wonder flour and You Wil Wonder
pair; alse a line of ostton blankets amd withe REL BE. Aided
3 Era r # Lipa pawl ’
Felpm Al JME LIAS ely pom petition T Ape
yoy ry VIEERT,
A fail Line of
chikiren's in opiton @
sew our Bevo Greed Unnaderwear
men, Our prices are right
Yours For Trade,
Patton Supply (ompany,
Pure Food Sellers.
taprmad em the Saow and
and hiving well, 1s m u-
is as of much im
fig a Pt
es Ed
You want to
know the surroundimgs of the
you are gomg to eat
cleanness of onr
is fresh
Zing and attractive.
prices are always night.
are a necessity
these cool nights and
we have ] List what you
iners Store Co,
you know
That | have the two best
Patent Plasters made?
OW pe om ope
Ah d & RS EB
and Na
. Bm
usin ng amy of the above
prices before purchasing