IF OWE KNEW. Con'id we lat draw the curtains That sureonnd ensh other's Hives, Bee the naked heart and spieit Kisow what spar the astion gives, Often we shaald fad Bt better, Proper than we foie : We amsntd ays sao I we only undersic Coad we indge aii deeds by mo sve the good aad bad wit) Cittan we shoal love tf i Alf the while wo loathe The Cond we kaow the p Tia ararthrow infagEriny, Pa should jalge sich Gallary arta With more patient charity, ANAT MAE REA SAE SAE a . slietie elias ele Tue Pixxx C iy SOPH! wld SAA A APA BRA SA YA FURS RAS SAE SAUER FART as B00 OO MB AE ‘ Higa rei ere 05 Ba ad HF lilae hax hadded!” ‘most time for the cottagers” said Leah Trail joyously, Khe shaded her cyes with her hand and Looked merase the steip of gray bine sea that divided the island main’ could from the as if she : already see along the beach that she loved Spring came a tardy and timid guest to Trall's Cove and Hamor's Landing, on the northerly side of the island, and all throagh April cold gray skies had hang heavy ily and bitter winds charped the sea. Grandpa Troll repaired the fish flakes, and caicnlated hopefally how Jong it would be before the mackerel came in. an Lesh Trull glanced suddenly at her mother, who was leaning out at the dooreay. sa worn and spare little wom an with crisply enrling black hair and faded bine eves, with «till a spark in them. Pima to draw lots for the my rags! 1 really believe that's what mother has beer longing for spring for!” ered Leah gayly. Mrs. Troll smiled a litle shame facedly, and the color deepened in ber | : | women leaving ont of the reckoning | funded ber mol members of the old waterpros jfamslien who had come to row the pimid, to thin cheek, “Mother's real ambitions” re marked Leander Teall, her husband, sppenring from the woodshed where be wa: hammering at a lobster pot] and gazing at “mother” with teader ide “There isn't anybody that can beat her making rags, that's one sure thing,” ssid Leah “Bat she's all worn out waiting for the rags, ain't | you, mother?’ “Caddy Hamor don't waut them, nor "Liza Trask,” said Mrs Teall re flectively. “There'll be only seven teen to draw lots this time” “(ily one chance in seventeen! Don't you go te thinkin’ unything abot them ras, Clanssy! [t's only vain imaginations any way, said Grandpa Troll, “Im afraid you will get all worked up about them, mother, and then be Susaipeited, said Leah, “ha, I ain't a ebild’ wad lit Teall, : “You do them so beantifally, is no woniler you feel o; vou make the col ors Mend so they're altogether differ. out from the patterns, that's what the summer visitors say It you'd only had more of a chance.’ The girl looked with wistfuiness at the pathetionily toil worn little fignre “f do love to make them real well)’ said the little woman with a sigh “And though it's sit years now since we made ap onr minds here on the island that, at jong as mobody ever had enough razs for hereslf, we might as well pat them ali together and take | tare having them, they haven't ever! onae fell 10 me’ If your Xant Cynthy and old Mra Atkins over to the main hadn't sent me thews, [ don’t when I should ever have hooked a rag." SE owas thinking, © sail Leah refloe. tively, “that I hadnt had to help father repair the boat, I might have taken some of my shoal money and bought you some new cloth...” “Oh, my land, ua! be rug rage!” exclaimed her mother os Peonidn’t seem appropriate. | eouldn’t ent into whole eloth any: how and when there's so many things we need! But Leah -" Mrs Teal drew closer to her danghter and spoke in a low rone, — ‘Rachel SBanls- bury has got a beantilnl pink piece It's cashmere, just as soft! Eumerette hal a waist made of it when she was at home from the factory Sie showed me what a nice lot of rags | ‘she had, and that was among them “Whe didn’l you ask her to give at to you?" asked Leal. Y“"Why, Leal! Folks woulda’ think it was fair! There's mote than me that wants pink for fdowers; pink wonlen anesmmon, 1 that Marcia Cireen had a pink nigatgona for har baby, an father ti row me aver to the cue real bleak day, to ser i got 8 piece of nt they atu’t any hands at all for over there, yon know, Chime to out, ‘twas only cotton flannel an would fade right out in the snn. Bat can’t heip feeling just as of I should get the rags, and then | shall bare a pink China aster! been a pattern like it on the island That Jaiy that sent it to me from Boston -—the dne that bought my tiger- lily rug —-she said ‘twas an ancommon pattern anyway. get the China asters of every shade, Tw heard TALE AR ¥ i 3 + seems as if I should feel satisfied for I got two rhades of red ont of | oncel your Aunt Cyathy s rags; and purple and white and yellow, —now it seems ‘most as if ‘twas a providence that Saulsbury girl having a pink waist.” Wb the iife and gavely You've artiste, know That woaldn't | Her nince | Thera hasn't ever If wo know ths sgres an Brew tie eforis ali 22 ® Hen eT FARA a EEE Bee Ne 5, RPA HINA ASTER. 2 OSmWETT. Br 3 BK A EN, Pog ie” : or Pe AS Ta SP i ; thie wigs “SMetiier was RRYINY Haw phe 3 coat lias somtinned Mes } jast the ren], for a Chak aniers # 1 A J gi rage BR irarliy sexo [va had HY Ys on $s leah wont with drawing Bracey's, on the other side af she cove tit wax made a festive visitor pontrite tha feast Ther of the Ger Thon Lo tor ‘and the ‘made two ‘that she had gehen] ‘herself that, | pointed abon somfort her something to AnBYONe ele wi i In the best n sire Leah 14% WAS learned when whe taagnt rags. it 5 have papper iar sald carry Fly Poway Nhe saul to! arday mighe boy i Bemis Senekies” with caraway seads sn them i whowe Ssblat 4nd Bhs pan Por privileges nieve fer bend Wh FE ner me 3 Is Were en {ry badd |B aream Ties alter a recipe Dysignasiy sip “I maast say I con hiptser Ff at aed Bean Apnieby Trull fea! FLOR ah Fut sear F Tiaang Ba by iron staples to a great rock. and | avershadowad by the tall hghthounse i say i shaft for the Braceya kept the light lry Islands § there were sssembled the more youthfal Shoat or to join in the good time And there were saventesn folded Bp PE Teel | i & slips of paper in a Little willow basket Lon a “hight stand.” folded becanse on a place where, Lone of them was written "Rags I potent sign that mals it the : slip. (Old Mrs leniv. 1n a thin, high Keyed w drawing her | nervously aroand her ders. ‘It isn i I've boen be says it's the ¥e 2 ers an Js Crags!” Efe bpd thinking didn i fike pan | wa shi%es & pd YithiZ tage 4 Yosia Fracay ®yy BIGAN Tae (the rags Cgive way There vat « oil Mums MNawnisbary Young « assents were heath, over seve so far down in the sip iY Reed Td i a Be ani 3 A ahaa Ee aan ad the GhNe mid Riva Gis 3 na 1 hoan at of 3 4 4 ¢ 3 i ; i snlikely that they would ever get the! | rags chirp, ear Tesh to hersaif ashe won't Ist anvil “Mather spake 1 roonl vig 5 { wants them rags.” : mother, whic sat very fisgr bt in thashalaw bo paar winaow shades and 3 & a bt was trembaoing. stad, P belong to es Po thie anly C Appleby, “and : ap on had them, 1 ty life, and I do shall, but I'm ; Cpood, solid, bras been needing a good wi Mes, La busoa : piaead in spate of many i Her husband fis { man on Barberry Island | Nahum owned part of { expected $20 cBext voyage | Mrs Teall sat nexito br. but her small, them seronnt of never hooked i 4 Row we wks Lhe in her as Mra worn mek | teutatiously turaed upon her Mrs Appleby avowed ber intention of bras ied at ler 1 Js fe making ¥ Sen SUE Mes. Troll iti i ! WL ened alica a } i A Fa ryinly AERA 8s Pand wanted thn berry Island ne PE Nhe Was. plan ders, ton, caf the kind ri Regi 10 ae ; As for the aay in | openly scorned bratded rugs, that sav. If I could only just | ored of the old enwity between her and al | Mrs. Lot Appleby Grandma Fisher, Mrs { mother, had tried to have Grands | Hamor, Mrs. Appleby’s ting in prayer t | Hamor was of meeting. mother, i “tarned ont” of the chnrch for kuit- Crrandma the old Puritan type Trall's aaa i $8 ef Mea® Vicia Leah's tender oom | Bracey's eoitage, which was fastened pride seemed have faded a] 3 Yauadia ail inte 3 foab laughed andl jestea ati spar table, meiag halt of tar rig Bey muothar’'s suena, 3 “ X GYredinhg To ; bricia #1 0 Ga Ber tia bao i AR Bol Wad Barberry Island = hreadbare, and her rug & p. 4 SOTRLInY to bt 1 owas hore i 4 3 x ax Leah denionsteated 3 # ay ot wi 1300 It made 8 good act China asters, mle Moray . Dubey qusyine Leas wen! oT an 5! HE BRve 2VorYLAl Pliers was FALE 4 Boyan ane SR ar git ‘hers was no 10 piece of the walerpr EW Te nant +31 Fp 3 . “Now, you just Keep still for a few ' minates! said Mes. Appleby with ten der authority. “It does seem a real shame that when you'd come to see me —the first uma for so loagl-—yo began at sunmiown Sat- | ul a Wan 4 be taken fmnt iw Sul hot for May? 1 wasnt ay ahipken, fence . : 2 it betwéasn 40 Bags’ was written on Wy WAN Lede ingd i Moris AY Tent A x Posy YOR Bel ule, @ BE Fonas Be vad Na i not for sale that rae with eipnid Mr te tiie Cee Wea LITRATO Lgn pos Canc pretty reml TRIN AYOR wont Making Cotes That is Nis © oftes, Many years fag) Rid i tae frets na Laid sposed te ndigestion sumption. It haa been foand that the tenement born and bred child 1% a weakling 1a many respects, owing avererowding, ventilation, tack of warmth and sunlight and fresh air aud poor food. 1 Pour anally ianoht be bes i igs he pink of height of the thie ih #3 may pass eal nme withost Sad the wt sien of peed { # the green Hone rations until, Tape, YT get th only ones I gwen this ap, seconding to of fowls until or the fest of 2 the feeding Livery £ Benin ris pia tant than ever ¢ ehiokens be Lend spar. for av they are ONITAFY grow. anioel food feed in order : . . wis plenty of ror whatever tif yom wish ti, give them indus pore they sat the 4% an wig Practical Ponliry Polata : shove thint the retasn their « utitity bread, iin thelr bas. * lousets the aByetwonable in other a! snrplus males as C EBost retain one or two needed in case of socidenty mals hirds tROMBE LAs F $s amiga rant KT will Mimnee aba prys ite or no aden & shionld only expec little or sovetarns, Hrsiness gttentiot given to s Book of properly begoed hens would be a great are Ges asin gh ws id salons whieh a tat wee Fave to Feed Motiliagg i Naw Ly 4 AREY RG 3% New] f fat, and in consexguenes me much mora corn and other fattomiag ions, withont the least danger of mjury It has been my custom for vears, at the be | ginning of the mouniting season, to feed wore liberally aud also to use such | Lo many Iariere, Parters near cities and towss can cusiomers for fresh egars, be lelyvered sues or Pics 8 week Lo ambitions farper sould soon add sonny other crops from the farm that hie cnstianers wonttlid be glad to pur nue. Relling furs products direct Lip HERR ERTR pay HE 1 enves the wide aml sales are sera raga iar 2 4 dlormeng’ as con RON, several broads, than one breed ‘ed beyond doubt i ane in a Make nstudy breed Lae distinet Lie h geed to be hamored ha Leak lime in the vars and runs season, Where it «pe shonhl ba well {or spaded and sown Kaen the bens off bet them have secess Letter than bare riven it in desided bones he 5 2% 0% $a MPInE elonid SER ww rale of always faint nf dock for Iho snelade mal as Sine another year 1 yon may and you x hard nih hal” ete. well war living ue to FEL ReRN, when there will from properly cared for an. The set hioads, es pahlie are thie fet that nn the quality wea. Food and surroundings 1s the sr that produces the good or Hiv ih ag ¥ MII Y awasinel to {here 1% a vast 3 fersgee dd ars Tha seabster 18 toward ap making great the hen, hardy as Where they bree sud ruuty, it =» the fanit the hraeshine econsitions, where oie vat to Gr cheek are just as Sen natoties on TEE ERIE WORE aati ge learn Frory vear % TRIMNe 0 he brings evidence of the serateinopg shed The Exercise al to hosslth and seg produce tian =eratohing sleds sis are health promoters by Keeping the foek from Pred during Hong are 180 avers iE IBeoessarilyY eynosed (rEcieie nl wWeRlii er “duekliing basiness Las grown earns art still there large that have got to be ted ap to rhe point of apprecist ¥ irons as the 1ncToaka ses to ba, the mores than in. rid grovel plices Laie Yard 110s Anand Ses Tevall 3 TYRE ar De x strewn ven to poultry. we it, snd, of 4, 1} ie apt 10 cause Fopd =nit food in Mace 1t in the tronghs | let ont in the the Sh ‘nthe near fature the pouls iH reamire someting ore form anid feathers. 1% 38 ITV mel was called for in a : prouounsed way, Worth and wanly in poultry shonid be a wells Mire maatehed team. — Baltimore San. During the last twelve months the retiring Lord Mayor of London, Sir (teorge Fandel Philips, has raised $3,500,000 in charitable funds,