The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 02, 1897, Image 1

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VOL. v. —No. 2.
$1.00 PER YEAR,
Here we are again with the
Largest and Finest
line of
You ever laid your eyes upon.
It surpasses anything we ever
had before and you know by
that that we have the largest
line that has ever been pur-
chased in any town
bria county north of the City
of Johnstown. We have
everything you may ask for
—try us and see.
rl brin
sr tie ne
GIRLS Any boy or or any
"to our store
——_— io, toe Trg Day, 1898, will t
ew Years we
Su ant,
: y with a
bran new $10. GHAP APHONE and |
ihe gil with a $10 DOLL. Call and
ask for particolurs. Remember the
largest amount of sakes, not the largest
ant of tickets.
C. ‘W. Hodgkins,
Patton Pharmacy.
Headquarters for
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Stationery, Confectionery,
Cigars #® Tobacco.
Don’t worry if that means
you. 'Cause it does. It
‘means everybody who wants
Furniture, Carpets, Mattings,
Beadwear, Pictures, Baby Car-
riages, Office Furniture, full
line of Rocking Chairs, Etc.
The best at the very lowest 1
self at
Where you can also get one
of the best Parlor Stoves or
es made. A complete
to choose from. ‘The
1 Sunshine at the Furn-
| line
Air Tight at the Cinderella
‘Store are the specials.
~ A full line of Horse Blank
, Harness, Whips,
Sausage Cutters and
in Cam-
largest number of
price. Come and see for your-
Cleaned Here nd There by
the “Courier” Reporter
| Propertios of North Cambria County to be
Medd at Sheriff's Sale.
At the court house in Ebensborg at |
‘o'clock on Monday, December 8, the
sheriff will sell the following properties:
: The right, title and interest of H. J.
| Conway to 160 acres of land in Galiit-
| zin township, having four houses
| thereon erected.
All the right, title and interest of W.
H. Wigton to 33 acres of land in Car.
iroll township, with dwelling houses,
‘and also 9 acres ig same township.
© All the right, title and interest of
Patrick Boylan to a lot of ground in
Tannelhill borough.
All the right, title and interest of
(Geo. Litzinger, Bridget Moyer, Lucas
Moyer, 10 a tract of land in Clearfield
township, having a house and otutbaiid.
ings thereon.
The right, title and interest of W. GG.
McGinnis to a Jot in Gallitzin towhship.
All the right, title and interest of Jos
eph H. Bides, to a lt of ground situate
in Jackson township ecomtaining =O
perches, and having thereon erected a
two-story dwelling house. Also an-
other lot in said township.
All the right, title and interest of
Jacob Kirkputrick to four lots situate
in Hastings harough.
All the right, title and interest of A.
B. Cashing to ae pieces of ground in
i Bpangler borough and Baanesboro,
All the right, title and interest of
Fdward A. Sharbaagh and Albert
: Flick to a hoose and ot in Carrolitown
| barongh
All the right, title and
Margaret J. Robinson to a» lot in the
borough of Hastings.
All the right. titie
Daniel 'T. James to 30
provements in Barr township.
and interest of
acer and me
Mrthding Sarpris Padtiv.
A grand birthday surprise party Wan
held in honor of Miss Mabel Beavers
tenth anniversary at her home on Mon.
day night, November 20. Sapper was
served at 5:30 p. m. and the evening
was spent in games, etc, whith were
enjoyed by all. Following are the
ithe names of those present: HEilla
: Tackits, Maggie Keiley, Lala and Pearl
Letts, Enid lewis, Laura Brewer,
Blanche Decturd, Nettie Croweil, Ro-
' main Smale, Nora Patterson, May and
Grace Monteith, Jennie Crain, all of
| Patton, and Katie and Olive Park, of
Good Roads Sahjee
The CoURIER notices in reading over
‘the poster announcing the Farmers’
: Institate to be held at Loretto on Mon.
day, December 6th, that among the
many subjects to be discussed and
‘which is listed to be taken up nearly
first on the program is Good Roads”
This is a very important subject as
' nothing in much more essential to the
farmer than good roads. Admission
will be free. Morning session begins at
9:30; afternoon at 1:30, and evening at
| 7:30. Any information regarding the
we had by writing Hon. J. J
pman, he Patton, Pa
Will Not Us Lamps
The Cresson Record in speaking of an
| explosion in the postoffice, which oc-
curred Wednesday night of last week,
‘stated that “hereafter ofl lamps will
itake the place of acyteline light”
| which, the COURIER has been requested
to state, is not true, as Mr. Mellon will
continue to um: the new light as scon
' aa different arrangements in the placing
of the tanks are made.
At the Baptisi Church.
The evangelistic meetings in the
Baptist church, conducted by the pas.
for, assisted by the Rev. W, G. Patter.
i son, of Curwersville, still continue with
‘nnabating interest. Thos far 14 have
3 i wl faith in Christ, and 11 have
: jture Store and the Cinderella profi
united with the church. Rev. W. GG.
ietrong county,
{does U ¥
Discos i
r balorestiing
Vein of Fire C = rod Near Corroils
of onlons
HE not bu
afraid of over-onionizing us, bat bring
anti wa'll make the
In the Blair « sunty conrt Wednesday
alediek Frank Wilson
and James Farrell, two of the three
alleged murderers of Henry Bonnecka,
of Altoona, were sentenced fo be
hanged, Jodge Bell read an opinion
overruling the motion for a pew triad
Both men denied their guilt when asked
We wonkl! accept a bushel
in excha for a
es Per.
Lr veges un
ter Shs
FOr ONsEns
afternoon at 3
if they had anvthing to say why sent.
be propounced, and
Farrell declared that he wis not in the
city at the time. Neither of the men
showed any emotion on hearing their
doom. Johnstown Tribune
Eee shonid rot
A vein of firs clay which promises 10
be of superior quality,
covered on the Burley farm,
mite and a ball north of Carraiitown.
It is being developed by the Excelsior
Fire Clay company. LL E. Shoemaker,
of Deanvilie, Armstrong county, apd
J. PF. Markles, of Oak Rudge,
being the pri
stockholders Michael Wiseman
foreman. A drift
ieorge Burley, and a quantity ix eli
shipped to Pittabury to be tested. If it
has been dis
about one
opened on land
Te OX pobalioms it
there will be a larg operation started
at once, and probably works will be
erected to manufaitare the clay into
the various products. Cresson
The Central hotel in
wrens fitted up with
af totiet
thin plage Das
a compdede system
and bath rootos, 8 conven
jens which will
by the guests of how.
that prominent
Hastings Tribune
The stock holders of the Al
Breeds Creal ralivond at
their meeting
Wednesday took stich actha that now
places the control ad pation of
hands of thes Pittvhn
Johinstown & Eastern
latter road
Phitipsbary Con
rivad In the
A tows
meting ratirond and ie
new controls the 1a 8
pushing its line to Johnstown, bore to
tie £ Cilio
£ aveionmerita may be
i developments may be
cones! with Baltimore
Sore interest
expected some time soon, Jobastewn
Mr James 8S
known citizen of Carroll tawnship, has
rignoved to Tarte Creek, Pa,
he has embarked in the grocery trade,
and is doing a Prog PHErGUs and thriving
Brrsiness "r. Sharbaagh is a tip-top
citizen wherever he may be, and good
wishes ro with him in his new business
venture and his pew surroandings -
wrhangh . a former wells
Cambria Preeman,
Anvther Large Contitact
Geo. 8 Good & Co, radiroad
tractors, etc, have secured another
large contract of constructing & rad
road, known as the White Onks line, to
run from El Paso, Texas, into the
interior of New Mexico. The rad
will be 185 miles long and headquarters
will be at Ei Paso. Work will be com.
at once and pushed as rapidly
an possible to early completion. About
one and one-half years ago this same
firm completed a contract of 122 miles
in Indian Territory. Geo. 8 Good ix
at present, in El Paso looking after the
‘interests of the company. BN
Walker, of Lock Haven, who will have
charge of the main office at El Paso,
will Jeave in a short time for the south
west where he will remain until the
work is completed.
Wied wok
Licensed to Wel,
The following marriage licenses for
North Cambria people were issued
by Orphan's Court since November
17th: Charles Myers and Annie Mary
Rlium, Carrolitown; Mickae: Bovine
and Rose Banan, Loretto; Walter Dale,
Patton, and Mary M. Dunegan, St
Augustine; Thomas Gavuria and Barb
ara Kassa, Patton; Edward J. Gibbins
Latrobe, and Blanche M. Storm, Chest
Springs; J. M. Lewis and Clara A.
Foust, Hastings; Jacob Shultz, Alle
gheny county, amd Margaret Kirsch,
Barr township.
Patterson's sermons are making deep *
impressions on the minds of those who
hear him, and will, no doabt, induce a
more careful reading of God's ward,
Ladies Invited,
All the ladies of Patton and vicinity
' are respectfully invited to call at the
store of Mirkin
‘Bank, and examine their fine line of
! fall and winter capes and coats. They
| are dandies at prices ranging from 83
& Kuster, next to
to $35. -44tf
Killed a» Der
On Tuesday, November Il W. ©
Hubbard and Chas. A. Wolfe went to
Monoment Run, Uentre county,
two days’ hunt and returned home on
Friday, bringing with them a buck
deer weighing over 100 pounds, 13 rab
hits and six pheasants. The boys feel
quite proud over their game The
deer was shot by Mr. Wolfe about two
miles from the railroad station of Mon-
ument Run. It was a fine specimen
for a
and many friends were treated to a
piece of venison after it was dressed.
Call at Boyce's cash grocery for any-
‘thing and everything in the grocery
i osadd,
pease will Spay
- | wpnsehd,
twee much appreciated
The {5s eis a Wa
Avtodd Upon
Waspixoron, | . Nov
“Many mien of many
about fits the
sentatives and
No Prooiar,
2, InGT
minds" jnut
condition of the Repre:
Every tram
Manors pour ny
inte Washington by "pon
w hether fhe pan minds oan be Re Wt
wast a
together, or at majority of
them, will deeper whether this session
of Congress will be
productive of im.
teariatati 23. he from t he
Appropriat hills, which,
fn portant 35 Inova Aanoming of
: gz of
somewhere in the neighborhood of a
billion dollars, are always regarded as
A few
are ¢x-
afdnions as to what
witl or will bit the most
of them, knowing how largely the mat
ter will we firenm-
and trving
to find out what their colleagues think
matter of course begrislation
* 5 % ix ¥ 5 oh
ba nator Bre BAD Teee nal ives
to finstodd
ng fat
not be done,
del armiinesg by
sLanres, are Rewpinge quiet
President McKinley is paving special
attention to Repablicahn Senators as he
cun get them to
hax ar idea that if he
art as a unit, enough votes can
bw geonred 10 Dass several Meastres he
wants, The Home will, of conrmes do
While it
Lh Wim
suey be 1 that the adm
Chee) Tee and expats
af Lie pest of the
1 Bam Hew
things of fae
Bot the
CR mY es ap EUR Sage ge Piga nye ra red
for war
thease things w
Leet Dior opas sag
the lallest imoroved armor piercin
. an Hw gronis, stich
s ws
ary ry Dente 9 bi
with advantage spon
wract, whch
Wrest Jha 1 By hE govern
meet sites the oles vii War,
was marked “arp the
te rishi,
ana others whirh
Lewy Rlled, avery
mEates Nay y wil
GR GU aman
grte, which naval officers
83% IB more than any
Bus, amd wii be pr
If the radical
service aw
savy in Europe
spared for any
apponent of the civil
iy Congress can be induoad
to alap their agitation for tho re pial nf
the entire law, and to anife with those
who believe that the law is ail right, if
it be restricted to covering only those
positions purely clerical,
Lire in doubt that they
Loc any change. They will be grdven the
opportanity when the commitlee now
investi shall present
which Nena
of the com.
which are
5 LE tiie
conid win their gat
the apposition of President
ating the snbiieot,
as repo
tor Pritchard,
mittes, in January
it is almost certain Senator Pritchard
thinks ceria -that the report of the
commitios will be in favor of exempts
executive positions from
operation of the civil service law and
rides. Many votes can be shtained for
a bill providing for this change that
pouid not be had for repealing the
whole law. Moses PERKINS
Las ve en S35,
Ry will be done
ing adil tie
Board Organist,
On Friday the new Cambria county
board of pension exwminers was orga.
electing Dr. Davi.
Livingstone, secre.
tary, and Der. Miller, treasurer. The
board will meet at the Anderson house,
every Wadnesday to examine
ants, beginning
jzed at Cresson by
son president; Dr
U ressorn,
applies with Dewsember 4,
hanks, Bro Batley
The Johnstown Daily Democrat says:
“The Parrox CUotrien, one of the
host papers in the has entered
upon ita fifth with bright pros
pects. Paiton is a good town and
proves it by giving its
wad paper good
East of ¥ aeleianad Lathes,
postaftice at
tollowing ellers
Patton for the week end
ing Thursday, December 4 19897
Mra Ida Bloom, Thos Delozier, Misa
Myrtle Hepler, Thos. Lisher, Davy
MeXNair, A. C. Phillips, Emanuel Peigh-
tad, John tr A. Sunith, Jas.
Btark Jr, Edward Turner.
Persons ealling for the above letlers
wiil please say the are advertised.
sew The name and address of the
sender should be on each letier or
parcel before mailing. This 8 to
feceliate a return to the sender in the
event of misdelivery.
E. A
Merion, P.M.
Feagaiity ems,
rvid Hollis,
now boast
minn at Fre
of having the
finest team of driving horses
travel the roads of Northern Cambria
blessed with
being the same size and color, they are
the Jivery
Although the team i not
endowed with most peguisite
spirit of speed atioktoitivensss,
which uw nevossarily characteristic to a
hey srs.
good driving am, and this
tain in such o remarkable degree
their value Wu osngumented every time
they are driver from the stable. Mr.
Hollis has lately became the possessor
of this team, having purchased one
from RJ. Lather, and the other one
from Jas. F Davis. He invites you all
tor onll and see them, and furthermore
he asstires those who hire them that
they will reach thelr desination in ad.
vance of time
Bernard OF Hagan and wife, of this
place, mounted the train Thanksgiving
morning for Pittisburg where they will
pay their son, Faber, who is attending
potiege in that place, a short visit
J. Lawrence Luther, grammar
teacher in the Frugality school, and
his pupiis, all have been boasting
of the great school library they have
secured this term, The library oon
sists of ANy theve handsomely bonnd
volumes, which will afford much profit.
able pupils of that
sehool, and I hope it may be most ben.
eftvial to them
The money
reading to the
and their snecessoms.
with which the books were
botight was raised by subseription, and
the amount vdlected shows a hearty
comnperation of and with
Pond pty vetl
the bonoher
vitae of one
X Ulsan
eld division on anuiny The train
at4:30 pom, boand
Arrives a 300 aod will
oi Lhe PP.
which xerived bev
fOr resent 108
FES AN ods
a Lean wosd
shes Sneed Eons ar ol
resists foe
Heretofore travelers who
wished to go to Pittsburg and points
west werd oompellsd to writ at Cresson
put B38 pon arpiviog io Pittsburg ay
main ine which will
to reach Pillabarg about 8p. mo
pal on the
wind will be
A new traln has heen
dic 15g
is a dectded improvement
met with great approval by ail
Th Boesch Creek train
which now arrives in Patton at 10:25 p-
my. fram Williamsport and departs, on
its return to est, al & a mm. is
meeting with success, and great credit
w due A. KE Patton, of Carwensville,
Hon Jas Kerr, of Clearfield, and Wm,
H. Sandford, of this place, for their un.
tiving efforts in inducing the Beech
Creek company to. make the above
which Is greatly
appreciated by the citizens of Paton
an well as slsewhere in North Cambria,
sworn new
A Fainful Aveident,
Laura, the thee year-old
daughter of H. OO. Winslow, met with
a painful accident on Tuesday morn
ing, in which she came near losing the
third finger of her right hand. While
her mother was tarning a clothes
wringer the little one playfully stuck
her finger in the cog wheels and before
the machine could be stopped her
finger was badly smashed. In dress.
ing the wound the unfortunate child
became quite ill and it was thought for
a time that she would not recover. Al
present writing she is getting along as
well as could be expected under the
circu matanoos.
. Numes amitted
In publishing an account of a sur
prise party held at the home of J. H.
Dixon on Friday night, November 19th,
the CoUrien unintentionally omitted
the names of Miss Maggie Sheehan,
Harry Mellon, Merry Lewin and Paal
Dixon, who were present. It is hoped
that the editor will be pardoned.
On Saturday Walter Dale, a popular
and well-known young man of Patton,
and Miss Mary Dunegan, a respected
young lady of St Augustine, were
anited in marriage. The many friends
af Mr. nod Mrs. Dinde join hands with
the Corrier in wishing them a long,
happy and prosperous life together
A Bowling Miley.
proprietor of the shooting
school located in the Yeager building
is making arrangements to open a
firstciass bowling alley in the room he
This will be good sport
exergise fur those
af the same.
f. Jd. Kerr,
BOW oeCiples.
as well as exeellont
who may lake advantage
Fine Clgars, Ete,
W. N. Lees, proprietor of the news
stand next to the Commercial hotel,
handles a fine line of cigars, tobies,
smoking tobreco, ete. He also carries
a full line of stationery. Call and see
: his line of goods.
Go to Mirkin & Kusner and see their}
¢ fine line of fall and winter coats. -1t
Passed by
Patton Bore Coun-
cil Oct. 19, 1393.
Hefntive on Midewalls and Swine,
Ranging at Large.
As per inquery made by several of
the citizens of onr borongh the Cov.
RIER re-prodoces two very important
ordinances, Nos. 4 and 8, relative to
“Brow and “Horses and Swine” re.
spectively The two ordinances
should be enforced when it is deemed
necessary, or forever be repealed.
Another very good ordinance should
he passed in regard to allowing persons
to use the public walks and streets for
coasting and skating purposes. Nearly
every day there 0 a complaint made
about the slippery condition of oor
walks, which are dangerous to travel
It should be stopped before it is too
inte, nay receive s severe
injury, which no doubt will cost the
borough a large sum of damage money.
This very thing has ocenrred in other
boroughs not many miles from Patton
Following .are the ordinances, as
mentioned above, which ware passed
and signed Oetcber 19, 1883 and
signed by A. J Jackson, Borges:
Ordtipniive No. $0
Sperionl. Be it enacted and or
4 aimed by the Burgess and Town Coun-
oil of the Boroagh of Patton, and it is
here by ordained by the authority of
the same: That hereafter {8 shall be
the duty of the cecupants of lots, and
owners of unoccupied lots, along whose
premises sidewalks are or may here.
after be laid ander the ordinance now
in force, or which may hereafter be
passed, to canes the sidewalks along
their respective premises to be cleared
of snow when, ard as often ax the same
shall fall therean within six hours sfler
the sme shiall fulling, and on de-
fauit of such oovtiplers or owners hav-
ing sueh stdeeralis cleaned as aforesaid,
he, shes or they dhinil be ned in the
sum of one dollar, and the cost of
cleaning the pavwiment, to be collected
a# debis of tik rr ant are now by law
rescciovveerable ed it in made the
duty of the | ¢ toy that suits
Ars hrm wigEiid Ag ast 411 who may offend
against fos aniilianoe,
Tey Stow
FE pla
Odin No 8.
An Ordinance in regard to Horses and
Swi Le,
Be it enacted and ordained by the
Burges and Town Council of the Bor
ough of Patton, and it is hereby en.
acted and ordained by the authority of
the same
Section 1 That from and after the
passing of this ordinance no horses,
mules, bulls or swine, shall be permit.
ted to run at large within the limits of
said borough.
|we. 3 Te shall be the duty of the
High Canstahle to sedge and shat up in
some secure place each and
horse, mule, bull or swine, which may
be found ronning at large in said bor-
ough, and after five days public notice
‘hy three or mom written or printed
notices shall sell such animals ut pab-
lie outery to the hi st bidder, and
pay over the preeesds of such sale to
the Treasurer for the ase of the bor
ough: PROVIDES, thal ithe owner or
owners of the ammais so seized shall
have the privilege of claiming the same
previous io thes ale thereof, by paying
to the offleers having them in cha
the sam »f $1.00 for every horse, m
or ball, and dty cents for every swine
86 seized, opetber with the costs of
feeding the samme
Spe. 3. The High ¢ ‘onstable shall re-
ceive for his fees in executing this
srdinance the sum of fAfty cents for
each and every horse, mule or ball,
and twenty-five cents for every swine
seized by him, and shall forfeit and pay
a Hike sum in each case where he 1
Regier or refuse to perform his duties
hereby uposed upon him.
Have vou ordered your
Suit of
If vou haven't come in and
see our fine line of FOREIGN
GOODS—Not just samples,
but the genuine goods ready
to cut up.
The work we
have already done
speaks for itself No suit or wearin
apparel made hy as goes out of ©
shop unless it fits perfectly,
Dinsmore Bros.,
‘Nextto P.O, PR
Raha lh