be of Clearfield, were visitors to Patton dorsed by esa grueary. FIR SLOVAK CATHOLIC No 1, meets every first Sunday afternoon | borough. A a bi Patton Gouri PATTON PUBLISHING €O,, Propriet od RB WIL. (iRERNE, Editor. prietor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, ion. | LODGE NOTICES. : fmproved Order of Ret Mon Kitbuek ik Tribe, | o, 30, meets very Wednesduy night In| Bell's haltat 8 p, m. Samuel Lioyd, Pres Frank Kinkead, Sec'y Relghts of the Golden ‘Eagle—Patton basis | meets ever Tuesday event Ne a7 yore y inh a Toy rein. 05 Patterson, N.C W.H H. Bell, M. R. : ton Lodge No. bee, nets overy Thumda evening at TR in thanx Hal. LP. Jones, N LAE. John Hunter, Soe. PATRIOTIC ORDER Roxs OF AMERICA Waals grton ump Nix, $2 nwels every onday | at TA ia Dells Liadh I. 8, Bell, Pros. W. H. H. Bell, Flee. Sec’y. Young Men's Institote Mareciius Coanell New #8, mets every Monday ovening at 800 PB m. in Yeager hati, Buttan, a. M Nova, President. F. X. Bauman, Ree By Un ioxn--of Patton, of each month at 2 o'clock p.m. Givarge Shika, Pres John Fornadioy, Sec'y, ern. SS ga rnin : field on business Tuesday. C INDEPENDENT ORDER OF 10D Frgws Pat. | ber 23). ; Vol. V., No.1 ~ Get your holiday ads in early. This is the day turkey ‘gets it in the | A. J. Todd came over from Altoona | on Tuesday. : A. Hunter, of Cherrytree, spent; ' Tuesday in Patton. A. C. Gray, of Fallen Timber, was in town one day Inst week. Hon. Jas. Kerr, came ap from Clear. The foundation for the new Goldstein | block is nearing completion. The Parros COURIER enters upon ite fifth year to-day (Thursday, Novem- Jas. A. Coadrin and Thos. Moore, of Altoona, were visitors to Patton on Monday. Several new board walks are vadly ‘needed in different parts of our D. W. Bilderback, a traveling sales. i neck.” Fill np your coal bin. Cash grocery is headquarters for | | country batter, Monday in Patton. Call and see the fine silverware given | away at cush grocery. Frank E. Taylor came over from | Philipsburg on Tuesday. Jacob Lusch, Jr., was looking after trade in Patton on Monday 0. GG. Frishie, of Towanda, was a | visitor to sur town on Monday. T. B. MeClain and sister, of Spang. lor, took dinper in Patton on Sunday. ‘Bquire 8. J. Lather, of White town- ship, was sn on our streets Tuaesday. Call at Boyee's cash grocery for any. thing vou nead in the grocory or green grocery ling. Robt. Johnson, representing John. ston & Ca, wholesale paper dealers of | Harrisburg, was a pleasant caller at | the Cover office on Monday. L. B. Drake, of Elmira, N. Y., peat | *"" life w Remedy,” Free, Free, Free! With every $25 worth of goods pur- iohased atl onr «tore you will be pre od with a beautiful piece of silver { ware, which can he seen displaved in | our show window. Rd Mirkin & KUSNER “The worst cold | ever had in my was ciired by Chamberlain's cough writes W. H. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. “This cold left me with a cough and | was expectorating ‘all the time. The Remedy cured me and I want all of my friends when troubled with a congh or cold to nse if, for it will do them good" Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins Shiloh’s Consumption CTs ‘where others fail. It leading cough cure and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold at Corner Drag Stare Care in the Care MitHoas Colle How 10 You can’t core consnmption but yoo ! ean avold it and care every other form enrable if taken in Leare {or the disease, A Famous German Doctor’ Work is now known to be time the German remedy known as Otto's Cure, having been found to be an almost certain Anthma, bron- chitis, croap, cooghs, colds, pneam:iia and all throat and lung diseases are quickly cared by Dr. Otto's Great German Remedy. Sample bottles of | Mto's are are being given away by our agent, C. W. Hodglkine. Large sige 25 and 50 centa Consumption There 8 no need of little children DeWitt’s Witch instant relief and Ww. Hodgkins, and skin eruptions. Harel Salve gives cures permanently. C, Patton Pharmacy. Whar Dr A, F Salter Save, Buffalo, N. YY. GENM™:-<From my personal knowledge, gained in observ. ing the effet of your Shiloh's care in canes of advanced consumption, [I am prepared to say it is the most remark. able remedy that has ever heen brought A pain in the chest is natare’s yarn- ing that pneumonia threatened. Dampen a piece of flannel with cham- beriain's Pain and Balm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on the back between the shoulders and prompt relief wil ow Sold by Putton Pharmacy, CW. Hodgkins. : DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. ie The Bazaar being tortured by meald head, ecapma ayy ng Faw als agice ew goods for Is having daily ¢ i of ch FALL & WINTER. Men's new hats dren's Infants’ style cloth Ladies’ and chil- coats and capes. WG 51iK and days returned to Patton on Monday. last Saturday, and our boys were con- ANCIENT ORDER 0F HINEMXIANS OF AMES fea-~Irvistan Noo 2 of Patton, {ambris County, meets every fired Sunday ufone of ach month. Philip Caliaban, Nee'y. Grand Army of the Repatiic « Ldentermnt Kaylor Pow, Ni BY moots SRNrY set aed fonrth Rataetay aftorndon at 230 pom in Bedt's halt, Videntine [rong Com, W_.H H. Beli, hetintan! IMPROVED Ogos oF Hrrrasiras- Patton Combe, No, 1s meets every wend and fonrtis Fridays of each mon go om in Gowns Hall Caves, {rin , Arehn. John Boyes, So'y man of Pittsburg, had business in Pat- ton Taesday. The Georgia Legislature passed a bill to abolish foot bull playing by a vote of 81 to 3. Wm. Dawson, formerly of this place, but now of Altoona, spent Sunday in town visiting ‘friends.’ Sailor Sharkey defeated Joe Goddard | in a six round “glove contest’ at San Francisco, Cal, Thursday night. Mrs. John M. Click is lying seriously It in {ill at ber home on Fifth avenue. | hoped that she will soon recover. . James Kirkpatrick, a prominent § farmer living near Carrclitown, was a | welcome visitor to Patton on Monday. : The COURIER § is pleased to note that ‘the saw and planing mill of B F. : Wise is running quite steadily of late. Small pill, safe pill, best pill, De B Witt’s Little Early Risers care billions ness, constipation, ok headache. C | W. Hodgins, Patton Pharmacy. | Joel A. Gates, of White township, and John W. Leonard, of Ansonville, ‘spent Tuesday evening in Patton. ‘They were here in the interest of the Clearfield Lamber company. A grand hop will be held in Wyland's hall Spangler, Thanksgiving Day, after- noon and evening. An oyster supper will be served at the Central Hotel A very plessant time is expected. Particnlar attention is called the changes the Beech Creek and Pittsburg & Fastern railroad time tables this week. Several changes have been made on the Pittsburg & Eastern road. G. W. Moses, of the firm of Smith & Moses, wholesale produce commission merchants, of Johnstown, was looking ‘gfter trade in Patton on Friday, Mr. Clark, the regular salesman, being on the sick list. Disfigurements for life by burns or s scalds may be avoided by using De- Witt’s Witch Hasel Salve, the great Pastamovreal, the great food drink, | remedy for piles and for all kinds of st cash grocery. sores and skin troubles. C. W. Hoag- Children's fall and winter coats “ kine, Patton Pharmacy. Miskin & Kumncr's. regular TN ny 4 inn mast of th K ay Jae a of be Bon Ton night, November 17, for the reason that : ‘there was not 8 guoram present. The Foot ball to-day at base ball park, next regular meeting will be heid on Patton ve. Hollidaysbu:g. Wednesday night, December 1st. Pee, pee, pee, pee, cow, COW, cow, Matthew Ryan, of this place, left on cow, gobble, gobble, gobble. | Priday morning for Alabama where he Numerous rabbits and pheasants are expects to make bis futare home. He being bagged by local sportamen. has several acres of valuable land in Go to Mirkin & Kusner and see their that state which he will look after. : fine line of fall and winter coata.-1% The CoumiEr observes on looking Frank and R. B. Barr, of Clearfield, over the Carlisle Daily Herald that peut a rw days in Fasion the firm of Tolbert Scholl, of Cresson Springs, who ‘is well-known in Patton, was one of the ushers at a very pretty wedding near Carlisle, Pa, on last Thursday | night. OAL BANS POWDER Of | EW YOR From Lo. A. W. [ailetin, to Far. fir fron qo aden ix the man Wohin when fw = = de ERR Wor sopir gota a “restos” thay He tes i to make n cake. “Many poi of many minds” A Saw woe ! Pratl Ewen very wel. brigt v0, fe Bands BO many men of many Kinds Wha have oo minds st all, Go rw as Miners Store Company, { Limited And see their fine line Of Ladies’ Coats and Capes, Visit Miller's White Shoe Store. a oui bus added several pew | the subscribers to its list during the past two weeks. H. F. Bigier, and H. J. Kintertieton, Prof. W. P. McBride has been in. the music publishers ‘on Monday. ‘sa having compesed the finest two- Try Parke’s unmatchable coffee and ep on the market. It. is known you have no other. For sale at ‘as the “Farmer's Two-Step” and it will be on sale at Lees’ news stand in | in about three weeks. WwW. C. Baum, Bros., wholesale tinware dealers, of | anag was calling on his many i i ds in Patton on Saturday. Mr. is it moo ; at Baum, who is a former resident of Pat- D. H.C. Warren, the painter, has od pion: + Sxpieaied aus in the rapid new house, No. 2, under roo - een for occupancy in a few days. Le iso Fo Lhe John L. Sullivan and his big show rence on Sunday. Of course he did are booked to appear at the Hastings pot wound it by shooting it, as that opera house on Thursday, December 2. would be breaking the Sabbath. He James Tonkin, of Fallen Timber, was probably struck it with a club. He injured several days ago while says it weighed 300 pounds -that is working in the woods by being struck what he said. on the head with «a large limb. A recent act of asembiy requires When you take a np to Ebensburg wire fences to be constructed along stop at the r house and you will be. [DighWaTS Where prsosat bord or rail Patronize your home bakery and buy your bread from Kessler, oppo- site the Palmer house. During the past few days the peep of cellent and rates moderate. -69-tf. Fred Morey, of the Patton am Co., who bas been visiting his family at Punxsutawney during the past ten farnish the wire for the construction of A wire fence. = The straightening of the lines of the” Pennsylvania railroad between Portage and Lilly, it is officially announced, nnot next sum-' i Seaprtnies 0 A TPOT® aor ae 3. Shes Standard. time the work will be suspended for John I. Sullivan, the world’s ex- the winter. Two large stone arches. - boxer will ie at the have been completed, and when the job : is finished it will have cost the Pennsyl- | | vania Company more than a million ; dollars. The High School foot ball team of Pe Fel to put in an appearance i i representing Grier y “3 capes {of throat or lung trouble by the nse of to : One Minute congh core. ©. W, Hodg: kins, Patton Pharmacy, my attention. It has certainly saved many from consumption. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Civil Engineer Elder, of Ebensburg, and his corps of assistants, are #top- ping in Patton this week. They are doing some surveying on the Kreamer lamber tract in Chest township. Pont 1 ! MILE OOS ng Coals. Nice large Blankets at $1.00 per Nice Parlor Lamp for ay pus, 1.00 line of DOL. L very fr ne wins the foot ball game at the \RTES Patton base bail park to-day (Thurs day, November 25. Patton ve. Hol lidaysbury. The game will be close, as the Holiidaysburg team is counted a strong owe, TE are still leading in all kinds o SHOES at prices and qualities that SO cannot find o~ tanwhere all and examine oar goods. A word Pay Ph rise RAVES MONEY? Edward Doyle, running al feather renovator in the Gliss building, | will locate at Cresson ater leaving! Patton. Mr. Doyle does good work and the people of Crosson will no doubt take advantage of the oppor. tunity to get their work done by ‘him. who is Bar AT THE BAZAAR, ) Casesretn are the Tdenl Laxanf Bam Brady, comtipation, gripe. bet canse easy natural Chicago, Sontreal, Can, , or New York, Pa 1. G1) Prop'r, Patton, Merchandise at prices for less than competition affords, including on sale high gr. ade We will place Corsets, Notions, Ribbons, Etc. WE ONLY ASK THAT YOU FAVOR US WITH A VISIT OF INSPECTION. We rely on our MONEY SAVING PRICES to SELL YOU. Hosiery, Underwear, Trimmed Hats, Kid Gloves, more than half what are accustomed to The paying. barely you prices quoted ATC - The satisfaction in buying Hosiery and Underwear here lies in the fact that vou get a larger and better better values and at a lower price. Our save you money. fecce-lined ribbed Vests, price 18¢. [.adies’ heavy ribbed Balbriggan "ests and Pants made of Combed Yarn, a soft - garment, fleece- price 25¢. hand. unmatchable at the Underwear, heavy weight + el a the elsewhere; © rhs 95 1D a One case Gray Blankets in good size and weight at 43¢c pair. All-wool Country Blankets m gray and f ancy plaids thoroughly shrunk at $2.98 pair. Child fren’s hand-made Worsted Sacques worth here on. y 33c. Ladies’ Zephyr Shawls, cannot where under soc; price here 25c¢c. Children’s Caps made of worth 39¢; here at 2lc. selection, prices always [.adies' heavy oe si] : k Vv 1 a y. : be duplicated else- ined. French Wool 1 DUVsS Men's Cashmere satin finished, $1.25 here 785¢. Men's heavy who cannot wear wool nothing better made, Silk and Faucy Astrakhan, goods SY way gs . 1 SE ¥ «init A igsrsih , SE I Tad prmpige £3 vf Children’s Handkerchiefs {¢ each. ribbed fleece-lined Underwear; to those this garment is just the thing, here only 49¢. - % Ty 1 and y Buttons, 12 doz on sar rd, 5¢ the 16] -made WwW aol Mics rcpt SARGiU 1 Ci iL £ mn ~L0i Sin . h 3 ¥ a Y. : . ig - Fine han idren 8¢ the pan Misses’ Fine Egyptian Pants ests. usual price son; our price 25c. & Ladies’ Black Woolen Mitts 15g, worth 25¢ Men's Weal Socks NAc iy Large Turkish Towels, extra heavy, Ladies’ heavy fleece. in 2c, our price 2c. . 25¢; our price |2¢ pair Huck Towels, full Misses’ wool mixed hose, sizes 6 toQla, at {Qc parr. ¥ 3 3 vial} x! should sell at Hose. black. worth ¥ of whi Cotton size with colored borders hiack ribbed, 9c. Worth vour w hi by looking at goods and asking prices. to drop in here vou'll see how easily vou can save money 0 Corner of Fifth and Kerr Avenues,
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