The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 25, 1897, Image 3

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    EE See 4 Bans ies
Patton ‘Courier.
wn 0 ep
1. wis, L GRERNR, Editor.
Onse copy, One year, in advanee, < - - $1.00
oar ghd vasng rates made Known upon ap
Ne pipers disermtinned anti! all arrear
are paid, aniess at the option of the
Entered at the Postofiee at Patton as second. |
class msi! matter.
1. Substribers who do not give express
aotice to | hw contrary Are considered as wish.
Foe their iptions,
erihers order the Aiseontinoanes
of of their prdodicals, the publisher may oon
tinne to send them antl all arrearnges an
A Su
S$. If sulmeribers neglect or refuse to take
‘thelr i Aeiek dood from the postofice to which
they are directed, they are msponsible anti
they Dave a iied thelr bills snd ordersd them
4 a war {ors move to other places. with.
out informing the pobiishen, and the papers
aps Eirrer addons, they are oh
a The Crs ve decided that nfnwing to
Heads from the office oF removing
take pers then annealed Ka, iv prima facts
p ate riswind frand.
8. If sulsderibers pay io advaper they ate
bound to give notiee st the end of the time It
they do mid wish to oomiinge wkciing Hr other
wise the poibiishers Bs authorized oh Taerd Bt
and the subscriber will he responsible nti an
: mie, with pmyment of all armvar
TE putdisher
President Judge~Hon, A. VV. Barker,
om Ary Sam ae Th be
Register and FeparderF, 11 Jones,
per F. F. Spoeneer
Sheriff Linx 1 Wo Unniter.
Jaheri tr Blover Davi,
strict Attorney “HR Murphy.
Sonal . Jones, Hostetier and
Coamain der’ Clerk fakin €. fate.
Connty rinteapdent- T. Lo (3ibmon,
eh — Fertorvomn.
¥ 3
County A nditors A. fo Milwnierger, PM.
Laswrenit don Gittings :
Csmpyissdorers «Anson Weakinnd
a ge. Te Miller,
ifr. FN Lavi Seay.
sr Dripentiors James Romerviiie, Thos T
att Jarnes Mowe,
aan NI
Ist Mondae of March, | Ist Monday of Sept
Int ir of Jane. | ist Monday of Dec.
aA Conart is held Betwesn the shove
Burgess dyes, Priodible,
peti IV. €. Hubley, president. Alex
© Meme falph eh fwrks, mrt PL Jones Jew
Phage. LY. suds Plaid Wen 1 ter.
xt Board : Conwili, om 1h: fk
I Pee
", (Gomis.
dadye of Bieetion Maan fry
ed JN, Hous, ¥ ok FY pL
Mamas] Eo Jones
In Histes.
of eof Pesthoes. Howari Woemer,
wn Rtreet Commbsdoner.-Sa ml EB. Jones,
VOL. V., NO. 1.
With this issue, dated Thanksgiving
Day, November 25, 1897, the PATTON
CountEn enters upon its Afth year of
glance in the borough of Patton,
wmibria county, Pa., and as this event-
J date falls upon the important and
significant. holiday we can heartily
thank oanwlves for the following:
First. That the COURIER has pros.
_ pered since r has been established -
| Second That it has a large circala-
tion and it continues to grow.
“Third That it is considered a first
. clas advertising mediom from the fact
that 1t haw & large circulation.
Foarth. That it is well patronized
by the many merchants, business and
pftssionial men of Patton and else-
#9, fa lta advertising columns will
pe That we are turning out job
fo our full capacity and making '
| Ninth. That the future for the PaT-
70x CoUIER is promising.
Tenth. We are thankful to all who
hava patronized us and trast that they
~ will continge the same for which we
Weyler's procedure as a suppresser
of insurrection was very simple and
ery ator to Weyler, says the
Chronicle Telegraph. “It is
; true 1 bad many people shot,” said the
butcher, yesterday at Corunna, ‘but
before beginning to shoot I offered fall
pardons, which the Insurgents refused.”
Weyler was death. The inrgeats
preferred to die rather than to live in
servitude to tyrannical Spain and her
tyrannical governors. Their spirit was
the same which caused Patrick Henry
to cry, “1 know not what course others
may take, but as for me, give me lib-
erty or give me death!” The liberty.
loving citizens of the United States
cannot help sympathizing with a strug.
sling people who have had to contend ~
such a barbarian as Weyler, a
Tue vEW jail racket is being worked
in Clearfield county again.
Although the law of 1583 obliging
railroads subject to the jurisdiction of
the Interstate Commerce Commission to
equip their freight cars and locomotives
with automatic brakes and car couplers
is to become opersti tive on January 1,
many of the roads have not complied
with the provisions of the law. The
commission is authorized ander the act
to grant to railroads applying therefor
an extension of time within which to
comply with ite provisions, and it is
going to give a hearing to such rail-
roads on December 1. Out of 436 roads
reporting to the commission 75 roads,
or 17.20 per cent., will be equipped
with automatic conplers by January 1
Sixty railroads, or about 14 per cent,
will be equipped with train brakes by
the same date, and out of 517 roads 96
per cent., will be provided with power
driving-wheel brakes on locomotives.
id You Fver Know 1°
“Reyveral weeks ago in London,” said
an English tourist, “1 was standing be.
side an American acquaintance, when
I expressed a wish to know which
point was north. He pulied ont a
watch, looked at it, and pointed ont
the right direction. [| asked him
whether he had a compass attached to
hin watch. ‘All watches are com passes.”
he replied. Then he explained to me
how this was. Paint the hour hand to
the sun, and the soath is exactly half
way between the hour and the figure
XH onthe dial. For instance, sap
pose it is 4 o'clock. Point the band
indicating 4 to the sun, and IL on the
witch is exactly south. Sappose again
that it is 8 o'clock. Point the hand
indicating § to the sun and the fignre
X. on the dial is dae sonth. My Amer.
jenn friend seemed surprised that 1 did
not know this, and not wanting to be
left alone in my ignormnte | asked
Henry M. Stanley, whom I met the fol-
jowing day, whether he bnew of this
simple means of faking the points of
the compass. . My selfedtenm rose
when the famous traveler told me be
kad nover beard of i. So, perhaps,
there may be plenty of folks in your
¢eoantry who still remain in my origh
nal state of ignorance. | don't know
where my Amerioan frond bails from,
brit some where (5 the road West
Mr. Oleoson’s new building on Fifth
AVETIIG is nearing competion
Sheriff Coulter, of Ehenshurg, is
moving his family to Conemaugh, his
former home.
Gould & Beezer, the plumbers, are
making some changes in the steam
heating plant of Geo. 8 Good.
The Cresson Beoord of last week con-
tained a very good cut of the dead
bere and engineer, Chas. M. Gray.
Mrs. A FE Putten and children,
Edith and Alex, ft on Satarday for
Philadelphia where they will visit for
‘a couple of weekn — Carwensvilie
‘ounty Treasarer E F. Spencer has
puts 15 (i. Licyd’s house in the
East Ward, Ebensborg, the one occn-
pied by Sheriff Coulter. The consider-
tion was $1,800.
The University of Pennsylvania foot
. bail team defeated the Harvard club at
Philadelphia on Saturday by a score of
15 to 8 It was the most interesting
game of the season.
F. B. Gray, of Syracuse, N. Y.,
i. Gray, decesasd,
{who » was killed in the wreck November
12th, and C. K. Wolcott, of Corning,
'N. Y., arrived in Patton on Friday.
Mr. Gray retormed to his home on
John R. Cordell, proprietor of the
| Central hotel, has recently had his large
sign in front of his place of business
re-painted which is quite attractive.
He is alsc making some improvements
in his bar room by having the walls
re-painted and papered.
Burgess Geo. E. Prindible, Harry and
Ralps Godcharles, Dr. J. Van Wilson,
Lingle, of this place Jack
jhaev. of Barnesboro, W. C. Shiffer
and J. B. Diii, of Hastings, attended
the Pennaylvanis- Harvard foot ball
grme at Philadelphia on Satarday.
Blair Carry, of Ebensburg, who re-
ceived a severe injury to his left arm
while coupling cars several weeks ago,
was a pleasant caller at the COURIER
office on Monday Mr. Curry, whois
the efficient baggugeman an the Ee “Lim
work before the rst of Ge new year,
‘For Infants and Children.
Phe Be-
We. the nndersigned, do hereby
agree to refund the money on two 2»
cent hotties of Baxter's Mandrake Bit
ters, if it fails to cure constipation,
blonsnese. sick headache, or any of
the diseasew for which it Bb weom.
mended. We als gasraniss one
bottle to prove satiefactory oF money
refupded. For sale by C. W. Hodg.
kins, Patton Pharmacy
For constipation take Karl's Clover
Root Ten, the great blond purifier,
rrpes headarhe, neryonsness, eruptions
on tha face, and makes the head as clear
as a beil. Sold at Corner Drug Store
Have you been to wee the fine line of
Indien’ conte and capes and children’s
poate at the Miners Store oompany?
You should not mise it by all means
They are dandies.
Patton Murketa,
Suhject to market changes:
Fut rer cents per pear
Loa ha gee » we
Boek win! .
Egg = lea
Frovba toni a = Brebyed
Cardone LL §
Mivens Store Co. [Limited
To Core Constivmitian Farever,
The Quickest
3 Mail Order House
by in the State.
Besidrnes For Sale.
A new residence jst recently baal,
ard beautifully situated on the SoTher
Palmer and Sixth avenue, Patton, Pa,
for sale at a bargain. For particoluse :
call on or address BE. Will Greene, Pat-
1on, Pa
4 T=
Mr NN Osborn, wellknown at
Wondstock, Mich | was troubled with
a lame back, He wis peraisded to ow
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. 1 gave him
relief in one night. This remedy is
also famons for its ctires af rhenmatiens,
For sale by P atton Pharmacy, C. W
WanNING — Persons who suffer from
conghs and colds shonld heed the
warnings of danger and save them.
welven suffering and fatal ssnita by
neing One Minute congh come. It is
an infallible pom ely for oem, irda.
troup ard all throat and jung troubles.
rw Hodpkins, Patton Pharm TAC
WaNTED. General agent; need not
have had experience in agency work
na sobiciting required; party must be
intelligent, and alle to give security if
aed Write immediately. Brown
Brothers ampany, Continental Nuree-
rors. Rochester, N.Y. 42-0mo
oo n—
: werner
BUILT %- :
Servi em
pend mesg FE voy Tay
; makes SHOPPING
“hm BY MAIL wiutely safe, proopt plestard
y for the ladies of Central Penngyivan
We prepay Postage: sid
YOUls HOSED BY Sal, but Tor Tah oul.
Send f ir mew Be
. & ak shyt
& y LAY Wis to
¥ Caods Pons
Expresso of
Best Goods at Lowest Prices and
your Madey Sack # you
The question is asked pita
Can't complain; might be
‘want ot.
ESS? That
Well, it is pleasant to answer
» better: 1t has | heen worse; we're
getting our share; oo hat more should we look for: we are al-
ways ready to do all the business that comes our way and
try to make ends meet on small
i margins {2
The way we buy makes lowest prices
to begin with; the way we sell insures
a quick turn over of all stock ander all
conditions. A « uick command of ready
cash gives us the buying power, and
eYVETY advantage we get wm Lo yon
Ther's a difference, vou should know
it, for it means a deal to you when
rou are spending vour bard earned
ollars, So don't
That men govern the country, but
whet it comes Ww axtiing the fall
momy's worth for every doliar woman
demonstrates her infinite speriority
over man. So just send your wife or
come yoursel? and examine our new
line of
Wamankind is delighted with the
Dives Grounds Novelles we are showing
for full and winter wear, and the Ger
man Flannels, Henpettas, Cashbmers,
Shepherd's Plaids, Outings. and are
valine for the money
Io this line we carn save ¥iul money
All-wool Blankets from 273 to 1.25 the
pair: also a line of cotton blankets and
haps at prices that defy competition.
A fall line of gentie men’s, ladies’ and
children's in cotton and wool. Ask Ww
Before we furget it we wani to tell
you that we have added to our stook
the line of celebrated P. N. corweta
Every pair a perfect iL
[ews our new fine of lable and fAoor
(il Cloths for fail. Before patiing up
that gew stove you will want to place
under it a nice neat pattern of oil
cloth. We can furnish 1t from 15 ta
BG, per yard
Toe buy 4 pair of our Shoes means
that we have made an everlisting shoe
customer « of vou. The Kant Wnip ‘Em
for children are the bead school shoes
om the market. They don’t crowd the
children’s toes Suppose you ry a
well fitted stock of staple and
groceries. Judge the be ona wife
= EPOEries Sloe LEYS RNG fui ge a
y store by a it deli. We
weloime kind of judgement. We
have ©4 iy studied the Grocery
Baminiess aud [he market at ho ve, and
we hoy the best of everything and you
ean do the same by bay ny here. We
do Dot try te ses how cheap We on
well, but bow goods just ry some
our Wonder flour and you will wonder
hew vou got along without it; also
Pillsbury White Satin and Amber are
wonderful bread producers
We have some fine ploRiing vinegar,
both in cider and white wine, that will
stand the pure-food test. So in buyin
your Groceries, Dry Goods, Ete, dn
out for trash: or better still: Bay your
both very cheap.
before buying elsewhere.
Also Sell Cement
Cement and Hillshore Plaster,
wv Y
Plaster Pans made.
and living well, 1s m ju-
dicious marketing. Where
you buy is as of much im-
portance as what yon buy and
what you pay for it, when it
comes to fond. You want to
know the surroundings of the
things you are going to eat.
Notice the cleanliness of our
store. erything is fresh
and aj petizing and attractive
The prices are always right,
are a necessity
these cool nights and
we have just what vou
Miners Store Co,
Do you know
| am Selling
That | have the two best
Patent Plasters made?
The Diamond Wall Cement
Io Wall Plaster
(Get my prices
* wy % - - -
ate, Farmers’ IDhssolved Bone, which 1s
very low price.
man who oh his own confomion had uo,
aud » ’ rs see our feece-lined Uunderwear for groceries and provision here where Those conte roms hire . 3
DUST AX ALER Wide |. Our prices ar right. you run no risks. Lose coeorphoiig buiding or using dny of the above
the n ‘a Sons Fea articles will do well to get my prices before purchasing
3 ;
You rs For Trade,
Patton Supply company,
Pure Food Sellers.
of the enemy, and he
: pat the idea into practice. l= and Smoke Your Lil Away,
: To quit tobacco ensily and forever be mag
THER POKTOFFICE fight at Spangler is sedic, fall of 1le, nerve asd vigor, take No Toe
still kept up. Congressman Hicks must Bac. the wonder worker, thal makes weak men
be straddle of the fence, in this case, | strong. All druggins, $0¢ or #1. Cure guarus-
ited Booklet sod sample free AJ
with both legs tied to the bottom a Sterling Kewody Co. Chicago or New York ;