! SAMPLE CORP... Beheme of an Ohio Undertaler Tor AS verthsing En:balmiug. ‘An Ohio apd -rtaber doesn’t allow woutioen with business. He can't oof why to: shoemaker adjoining bis est. should advertive nis sid by bis samples, or the til on : street hang bis Batest savtotn fo ooond tion Mx his fromt window =i Balmer's ood work ment beneath wx fect of varth almost as Boo a8 it has been aceon plished Mark Twain, when be was chown the mummy of a Pharach who Hvis tn the time of Moses shropoet his shonliors ith contemptaons indiffcrenee ard re marked to the earator of the masear: TEE 490% # af ry hoa a it “Haven't yom got a corpse that sa) Htle trestioer” All Mari bas to do is to visit the fu. neral direc Siony establishment “ Me Pearce at Aridimere There be will prob ably find eoonetbing more 6 hie fast idi one famcy in the shape of a sam ple i embalming. kept on view by Mr Pi : inspection by bis ¥ CHstIaners i Fi baoet has pow Aone serve for 5 f of three years, aud the proprietor mifdertly expeots that 10 will Tas ae Bye as he remuins in bosiness beely in guestion has been in 1 a of his estab. warmest workroom RE all this while and the leather like flesh of the oorpee ia totaliy free | from odor or putrefaction Some say the hair on a body will grow after | death This probably originated in the | mind of 8 dramatist or novelist, who wanted to sersationalize hie readers to sell his books. for there lies Mr Pearce's dead man. with his very last hair cof the sare as it was two or three years Ago Then some say that the hair will | ont, bat yon conldn't pall the baie | ont of that body with tweezers Each | bair seems to be particularly riveted in. $0 the hardeniug ledther sud bene Even the fury. lighter buirs of sll other parts of tlie body! remain the sama | 8s they wore ar death Borsealdehoy le, a prodact of wood | aleohol, Bn compmextively recent product, oh fn fluad with whith the! was embtobued, and Br says that there is now a‘fuid, with oth. er elements added that is far better thau the 130 ounces or a lattleover © 0 | gallon —82 worth —of the turnmaldeherde need for the dessication of the body le New York He Fait A New Tee For Orran Grinders. A well dressed woman intely entered | } Jewolor's shop snd asked 10 we sone ralantile gold Pius While sho was examining them a man began flay ing a barrel organ before the door The muosic secmed 10 astoy the dude and, 8 10 the door. she threw 5 jaeon if money to the mon and wid Lin to 80 away. which he did at once On reterning to the conuter sho sid that nome of ihe pins smite her but that a8 some compensation for the tou he had given she would boy a . Bhe socordingly chose coe. paid wa for 1 and was baving fhe pi the Jeweler psscd a dia pmo great valae from among 40 she bad trou examining He ne rdin fy stipyed bis cnstouier, who d highly mdipnm and insicred | ued Pearee | tiraent so bnteriore arts at Harvard gniversity, whom Mat- Plogpesw TO MARROW EDUCATION, ‘on Biology. Charles Eliot Norton, rocid described as the only gen obser ts Tost hears. thew & ticrpan in Apwriea, fly to undergraduate specializing. He the English aniversity train: tng. waich gives a rann a broad edocs. tron and a Hieradd ship which makos of him a enltivsted gentleman Frofomey Novos ood whom be Bod tied WAS 8 MODlaann gy He deer ier #3 APRS ¥ the gg 1 thromeh the rognd to take mors bo year. As Am imtiw tenclod tn elo be livres in rather more sacdenig to the profossar Foo to oa witigie sul wivals of edna “int yoo think that vor 14 eventually ey to yourself god | others tf vou wers ta snring pire and Th : is pre destined £0 For some time Profosscr Norton was gilesit Then be said rather atmently I "Daron crmtine Li tionary brane of bn Cie face of the er : rightened It Was evirent that he dud To thee prt EE there was & th tle a4 well a bonorons 1g the reply that came i quickiy Ch vex My work ts entirsd ed tow study of the white a Crimes =—=Exchange HAD NO ° ft COLDING LOCKS i ; Tried to Giblige a Friend, bat She Got An | ETy Aboal It, Nori pantie Are abe | tmet as oF thas in ROY who wishing 06 make friondanother v Gay presenT, deeide uf at Aire pair of shell side coisa | Noth ng eon ld have been noore appr Ppriate for the blond i friend, sud the giver felt moe } With her selection when she tem] oon ber sid give Ger the name? € ¥ i i 3 Lriomses 2 ht von wold ghe 3 Lenn ber friend ghia BY Huukod her i rug ores moa axed ber gr # : that aoe giv 18 GING 2 0 prop-iiter S Wile searching ber, | $ ie) srak damd. bot oo pin owas foun ood jeweler then set his sioer the woarmin, who was secs i Sather gov TRS. ant ase te maken por tow when the! Isl —Ulitoogs Times § grinder made js a 8 ho began play guRarae As sriy 3 Shoe sia Chidet My. i & 5 AR AE 0 8 BEAR AA Love befell, mae tucney and over reed Biz to) Bet the poren who wis or ber perceivid that with the be Bad griven the man a piece of This vias 6b otce wade Kae =randard Ont Pn Lh) sia that BHTNINE 5 10s clerk wos police, who arrested beth, nnd on ming the man they foqud several | : of selon [roperty —I'ans Let. | A RA Ne What Squirrels Eat. insta manner, valid as ls do vot entirely subsist on ae most pple wa wo 1. A grow. in ID woo | Yeids. ght cur never story these, for They devour them greedily ae come to light and revisit the spo | fresh si spawn renews the fan. | are, however, many kinds | Flay are 3 perly wh A few dave fale i kr Mr Flagler, when ERTS pomiversalion hlaek moeetiehend isn ; at mweing hig. gi ve Flagler some Cf struetions and Jett the room Wii you tell me wi tha? FEAn av the Sn Phesinntug to be reak Bi 4 “That wos Mr Boeke fel & reply I: vias the elo? with the bead ¢ f 1 tht squirrels know to be | Subs im atin cand those (hey will pos! - Detroit Free Presa | Interesting Information. “The reason they make so much {nes &ver my birthday.” explained Kitty to | the young wau in the Jl who was | wo sed w ‘em she don t even mention | many birthdays have yon wai. Mr. ‘Spoonamore '—Chicago Trib- minion to be 5, 125, 43%, a gain of rather Jess than 300,000 since the census of 1891. In 1890 there were two states of _ the Union that exceeded Canada in pop- 3 —New York, with 5,997,858 in- nts, and Pennsylvania, with Frogs and toads have remarakbly ate hewrnug ve viciuiry of a pond will at once at- tract the atts fon of the rmogs aud pus The shghtest noise wn | ating In. Mexico. Mexico is a laud where teat anal cat a goad dal ‘ Ptzble is well sorend, and there is abundance Forel ts served 1a conras fand often mauy of them Aon bill of fare in thounsauds of hoa Bovin will be birth; ree, or macaroni, Snows asso pa: baked and stuffed toauatoes and ar tichukes, a nos: delitiogs vegetable roast, or chops snd steaks, toes, salad, and then coffee { separately, served by oa boy or mand This is a very usual repast and is In Cor Boston Herald Tititerate Turkish Women. {int i. 4 Fonseca jnrae ne 1m hep of vomer trtidee—time popRiation x ae Iv 1 Gi) IH —~got wore than b, tie Iai Or wre Professor Norton Miastrates With a Story professor of t for citiren- : Girseit to any por will &r beers BO Landy t wr fasten Gp bwin i Ente ix Ra Vg he : ; J " ; soup, cain caldn, orl two kinds of meat. often chicken and af fried pota- | teans, Which siwavs ap! pear; fruit and several kinds of sweets Eservthing comes on | guently varud with tish from Vers: Cruz or the fresh water lakes. Red wine and pulque are usual table dnoks — The sone man em hnsiaNrn Wa - fF mtsIon i pe ow ov DESFER ONE OF THE MOS INALR OF #5 TIME a > A Daring and Conliness That Mave Seldoey Been Fanaled MHanged at Last For Sur der The Refined and Pioos Waoinan Whe Mourpnd Hon. ’ £ fo Eyles tr LEE JEONG fdr ; FEE NEHER GY THE ine In The party ) EA% FER features and WAYS Wire melita RH § my Wr i Bopvrs 2 1 Rt very + made him u termr to town eionwed with bis come i | besmtifal roung girl, carefully reand fr ywas a short hogeymorn The & rif bay 1 Pri word fom hot am Bid trail to al ne his ftuy with bi pt the bow ef Rochester weil and was presen barged in that town in *ihag $ : ners het rer ow Fv ; Sndhesror tie TOANH LER Se banged Phe us still pair of roth abet her AYET BANE the steps sou ng as if till 1 Sash he revnarkes Thay (ot bio foish 12 “His death trode his poor wife’ hears ko sav bu vo or three years aft. erward, and «un } ; and the grax to her hair mig rT a tis $5 ‘and perhaps she 18 bore yet York Sun. ar The Pa fried mire wa nligreped Friar sab : | % Eaten Won on 8 Fla® Gepersl Torr and the Neapolitans, “That case in Maire reealls an nef. “Did vou huive sey difienicy with kin experience, mid he fhe Neape! 1 asked Nome, ™ Inrgely open the eid Torr Virewing eriedde will ! f others “There give pen an Hr relations w hd ng in the tem STIR practise amd alter bre | had only tess governor Pi i se was given dwvs wo 3. BEng out of Rater a restaris, | aw an ime way sxpeeinily Yi eda favirite sumer anid hae ER Bites PTT : wath Pr Brag beees ie three of the ringlegdera 1 sonfer with oe a to ! what it was al} time BY 8 abies a Sern was Cambardells, 5 val af 30 who ; pestis sown the Sebermen slimmed nox Lowitie i trom By walk Bes ant ooh tie that they wanted $00 ren “ id rine She crior of Moeing ¥ am Thre ii. + return mudsual brik aid bandera regis ETT raion 5 iis general.” mrs he which oO pe bewn ows with a gran HOP Sorel te Sar WE py we wo marry and [| owe Free Press The | Firmt Cate Likn the bhaose cal wore (introduced £3 Paris but sume ten years earlier ther capital Hore thal the Wisting. tiled, tha Le fhe 85% B» nich ae pever tire of FRING SORT Waskington have ois. Lng Hi any i¥. or thes Degten te Hs way WAN 4% tT As ax 11 1s Ba dated Ire - Maganue fente ive Troshle The Plows «fg Genigs. HEYRE Tales Fl REY iN Gaiaer x IrRilY Yolo aan Lids ih 158 Laat «ig : thes 3334 a BY gave Ol Resi WhCh avy iosd DRrdeis e— i The Process of Eilminstion, £ i 3 108 AR OR AM saad the excited Cllisin wo tive chp e suburh where | roid much obliged 0 you, © replied} eRiR GDB INRp sted | 4 toosend a masn On tf thax He i same place 1 Die Sane, in il ® sw Wee WS ON fo \¥ ash gto Mar x Cs ———— PITY «Or Lhe Orin ad INE” Men ire Growing Figger. i ete eons show teat our Nat an Absciate Negesity, FORO Men are suriceing them prede- heres | soseors (twit bY every Boe of wmnsen! wall It has been demonstrated, that's morisever. iat the average Aimnerican can 3 afford io Poopie can ive man bas become tafier by at least one nuk. LIne wittitn the last TWO Reneranions ANION Was a0 grant and that compared with his European thoroughly ao. | conteraporaries ite has been steadily ven few amd proving larger of limb weightier io the ame ha “Ege ith za “in 5 Epa — Phy A 1 A WTTGARROS / ee
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers