The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 18, 1897, Image 8
der was created for one pur- ely, a receptable for the us puch itis Bot Hable to any ane of two The frst way i= rom imperfect of the kid : second | rom careless I treatment of CHIEF CAUSE. unhealthy kid. ist Hief cans of bladder jes. 80 the wotob, ke the biad. wus created for one and ¥ not Area too much 1s not iable to weikness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very ele tn the bladder, tuereiore any , (lisease or inconveniences mas in the kidneys back. bladder or oo ary yp hen, by mistake, "attributed to pie weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error i& made and may be ss easily dl To find oul correctly wet pi urine aside for twenty - Aor hoars: a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. mild and ex- traordinary effect of Dr. Rilmer's Swamp-Koot, the great kidney and bladder remedy is soon realized. on need a icine you shonhd have bast. At draggists fifty cents and ome dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention the Parrox COURIER snd Sind Our 3d your address to) Dr. Kilmer & oto — Y arie ™ or QUATADLEE genuineness of pores ¥ curs tody Says So. £7 Soap whiny ta (he Yante, met peril Ly on Epipors, ver and boris, amtive weston, Slepel endds, ; iL tread cnsiirmlneh x "Please buy sed try a hex wy < 10 Zh MEpernis Ses amd cope by 811 droigisis. Cio to Kessler's bakery for your fresh bread and cakes. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thet Is what it was made for. SINESS DIRECTORY DR. S.W. Worrell, PHYS IAN ND RUBGEOX, Office in Good oising. Room No. 89-Cemiral Surgues and the Eve 3 Specialy A 0 alle wii revive prosapl attention J. VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. firafiate Puttafie] pia Promta! {ollage, Bpewdind aliontion ives to Ah preservation ol the natural Youth Artificin! teeth spuwein ity Dlowwd Ballding, Patton Pa Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SU RUEON. Pinte in Artiagieg bw X, Saint $3 F Eh Se OFFICE He Rs DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Solomon Big. on Filth Ave., near Palmer House, Patton, Pa Al culls, day of might, prolly respi fay, gat CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are prepas rephred to do all kinds of Casting. Mc , iron kettion, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re pairs. Our charges are reasonable. Od rowtad taken in cxchanpe for new work. | 2-151 CHEST SPRING TA Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ParTox, PA. Office in the Good Building. wx DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Enpxsntrc, Pa. Al loge] business promptly attended to Ofer in Parker Building. MILLINERY, wor dW oa BG Rha wii E bd vis apes short i 10, ALICE A A ARHOROYT, Oped te Commereiat Hotel, Patton, . TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest Hine in Patton at . J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on’ Magee Avenue, Dear a P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOU Ba CHAS. F. LEHMAN, Hsir {Mutling and Shaving Pariom, Good Boldin, at Malu Batranoe, . AIRY AND ELEGANT ROOM Y Give hin @ call Your Watch may need Regulating. Let uslook at it. Nock for exaxndnation, I i needs attention ih tell vou, and if you would have us pat 2 ahape we'll do it wel Wt oa gular charge that FOU wan't obion to. TUZER, The Palion Jeweler, CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best. First-class in connection. RA TE ey « - 3 PER ‘R PATTON | HOTEL Firsiwlass acovmmodalions. Table suppliad with the bost the ark et affords. Cheloe WINES snd: LIQUORS al DAY. wit the MARAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accomuarxiations firstciast. Best of Ligue and Wines at the bar. Stabling attached. GPRORGE FERGUSON, If Bar. MEYERS IN DRY Pras Beonrded ai Fhensborg wp to Frater Friday, October 29. BW. Lizinger et ox «1 al to Cruscsrge M. SRankers, Clearfield: consideration, I ini Joseph MeDona Jowmeph MeD maid tor Diver, Washington, 81 Executor of James Dever to WW, Armsbtiry, Mu tir Dravid I. Krels of ux Burnes ef al, Susquehanna, $4.50. Administrator of John CO. Escken rode to Henry Hoppie, Carroll, $355 Job J. James to WW. lathrop, Camberin, $1,066. William H. Humphreys et ox to W A Lathrop Summerhill and Cambria, $i A J Thompson et ux to John F Parrish, Cresson, $1,748 John Lantay et al i amphed i terson, Sasquelanna, §1. J. C. Patterson wo FP. Susquehanna, $4,250. Wiliam A. Fagan by the sheriff, to Life, Protective, Saving & Loan Ass) ciation, Hastings, $100. Clizabeth Douglass ef al 10 Margaret Douglass et sl Allegheny $1. Hizabeth Douglass ¢t sl to John Eckenrode, Allegheny, $i. Elizabeth Domglass ef ab to Ann Jane Stay, Allegheny, $1. George Lem to W. W. Anmsbry, jegheny, SRS. Edward Bradley to W. W Allegheny, 8730. Anthony J. Sill ev ux to W. bry, Allegheny, John Bows et ux to ww Allegheny, $1427. John Bollinger ot alt George ¥ Baker, Eider, 3150. Arvills V. Miller & vir to Wiliam A, Scanian, (Cresson township, $38. Joel A Gates pt ux to John 1 Gates, White, $300. Annie Amelia Norm Storm, Abeghany, $19 Mark E Donoaghe gt ux #1 al to WW. W. Amshry. Allegheny §2¢1 Heirs of James MeCartney to Mi artney of al, Reade, $1 Jomeph A. Gray «1 ux Lindeburg, Carroiitown, $850 Richard J. Thomas ef ux Hobert RB Jones Cambria Robert FL Jores bo Bioch®p ot al, Cambria, 31. "Assignee of Jowl 2% ¥ a fallen df Camibria connly 0 . Washingion, $6. yp BETS { Ex : Thongs 14s & Pat B. Cosgrove Al Amsbry, WW. Ams § wos agd dw Arnshiry, John T - x 0 wo Matiida &5 Soo ., k § Es 8 {snlew #1 ux Lo % § - White, AI iA Anron Lenya Priel a = Yainger.€1 ux lo K lawn Assertion, 2 po i. * fa ¥ pr AR TEV 3 Wo RITES Anna, $4,000 rere A the best Known { Spencer, Mo, ioneelf of the wore Rind of piles by cing a few baxes of DeWitt's Witelh Harel Salve He had been Sroutied th piles for over thirty Years a sad bod need many kinds of se called « errem, but DeWitt's was the one that did the work and he will ‘this statement if any one [write him © W. Hodgkins, Prtton Pharmacy. Pee LLIB Tan teat iflew thay CREP ine verify ANSEF The Edtiars Wiss . A New Jerwy suburbanile tells this one: There is an editor in our Little town who wishes for the prowent he were somewhere else. Desiring to compliment the school teachers of the place and extend the dirculatica of his newspaper tmong them, he wrote an ‘elaborate article, which be headed, “Pension 8 Lot of Our Schood Teach ers.” He then continged in an eloquent ‘strain to declare that "bere are about a dozen of known WTR in our schools, who becatse of their long rvioe in the harness, shoul sioped immediately.” MW intelligent rompositor got and as the odd man falied proof be was horrified to find declaring that there was a school tenchiors in that town who ough! to be “poisoned” irumediately editor informs me, with tears in eyes, that this is one of those [EE ant episodes which ocvar to an edito now and then thee beet tem? be pwn the DENTE us wre wha 4. M. Thriswend, of Groswek, Tex, says that wien he has a spell of indi gestion, aud feels bad and siugg takes two of DeWitt’ . Risers at night, snd he is ail | next morning. © Many tha others do the same thing fa C. W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. By TLE Littl ImaINGES 2 Granied 5s Respd's Because of adjournment of court and jegral formalities which must be ol served, it is probable that Darraud, the California murderer whose execs. tion, set for last Priday, will not be executed daring the present year. The latter part of next Feb: ruary or the beginning of March is regarded pow as the earliest date al which the sentence of death. imposed in December, 1595, can he carred cal. Whether he hangs then will largely depend upon the developments in the meantime, was prowl peated, wishes 10 Pre —~H W. Lucy The Deception of Distanos. “It's very deceptive to judge of the giz or cape ty of an ctgort whieh is foot or pond In tee mr, send an arobi tect tn the Writer as Wa weps passing the rovsl oomrre of jostice a few days BRO. Ne Jou bo the jww oor whewst TO Peon adv bows very wmail, big ¢nongh to bold of ue breakfusted | works were put in \ Every ey Kolrws Low deoeprive he : WW awrey Looking at the dial from fyremt {yoorpe Fires, peers gs if A mun rf meer wawiiy strewrly across the dial with gras Yer it wonid take four pairs rater pettus grems fo eros 1 The min wie band, whisk ites am owdanery walking oak is longer than the Iwo tallest ao idivey in the life gprmarde Bares on Lhe dial gre Digger than a Fyonr-oid chad, sre the second GOA wre as hig ax S 1 Equally ¢ Te Are farm is of the Atianfac stOmIners. J The Wins rej of thee Drpnburia sod Erroria are IX disrmeter, while the funnels of the grey- herinds of the Cunard lise, the Lovanis and Campania, are 31 feet arrose Esch fonde) from the wp to tion with thw fornsce ls 330 Jengts Bets are frequentiy o passengers as to the diameter Gre an CRITRETTE, wre PANY & IBGE has Pet raised when & passenger has 40) mated their dixpaeter at the pemongy extravagant Sgnre of 10 feet — London $y Hy ow TX depart a man. % he ne BRE Paw pavement 7% Hardly Yet a party tafe the hd bi A ¥ the smnbanik. it het Be Pe Cl ; é per oy from ek Fp i he font In Samething Nice, Acevamdiog 10 the following areodote, freon The Sacred He sr: Review, people who do right a% well ae those whe An WrOmg acme th me reeniTe never bo do it SER A pentieman heard thet 8 young gir whose moder Was poor circum stances wah ospvalescing from a dar gerous sickpess, Forthwith 1 0 8 froiterer’s and secured same choice tmpohas of Harsburg grapes st §i or thereabent # poand. He carried them, pt withoat sa self satiefactionm, to the hones of the in valid and eft thers with hed medio, whe pensived thes in a dndbives kied of marner that dd not Evins, Bs he thooght, mach grat? Thx Beg Perma ver, e@iled he roads him generoms to wir : Home ES - Pa Wey fF hs Tew Ct AWAY With “But sb There wis 16 hw ans Ted £ YR £0 ba En ier of Candas, sitlisg Semrdy Jaowgpfiad: whe for a» bref correstaldenes the delighted Benes It was intr in a speech delivered in detate on Irish Sunday chosing il Mr Blakes had, be ronSdentially informed the hoses, wb unche who regslarir ek six tomb iors of whisky teddy dasie Thi trembled him, and after mnch thongs he resived to Write and réemossirate with hes Sodom ing was the Jetter: My Dimas Dixie EO 1 shonid be 1 vou sould we tour war to iT ag np Foose ER plese of whims & fay. wore yom wend Bad wl sivas! Me Law greatest of w ars ceradadet, 0 wonbd be ening ror days The mmcie replied My Dwan Frexry-11 a pou for yor defile o struck by wield yor seid and in pertioniear 1 Foor wd Wiad te Semgthen my dears That = 1 Fraday § gave up the whhY : elarvs 3 are TERY. wy bey, me Too re Swed Te mend for, Devin, it wan the Sn Any ro pts Teer E Jrisd pewier ¢ ¢ ESL Se row need 2 2 No _—— ERY 1 Tu is a By in North Asserwoan Re view. Identical Matives When the [nd Carlisle, Pa, cane N Wp the gridins wit thelr brethren from Wisconsin gniversily, the popper colored visitors received a great deal of attention at the hands of the young women students of Dr. Harper's ons A group of the swart taken him prisone tiem him team fromm Si wipe pa iefaoe am Toeiball Chg Jaton and. having AIT, tan 1 OTOES Rew id "a Tigi resnarikesi ome radiant criatore, “whe dp vont pie paint your faces when you 20 on Lhe AO Por the same Teas that yoo white ladies owas? when Yom gO Pet, Chicage 3 Tell Si 40 goes or I presume, voour faces a co Sn wk the warpath 10 he lodian — Spl TER quietly Bt wierd principe, had lowkod aru while you wer» m aki of yours dons ack of 3 5 xn gi Supplicant~—1"m faint from wlx xt Rich Lady fel! Here smell seroasly How dread — NR we BLY Yinaigrette York Joeurgal Manshes of » —_—k From 1% sont time over 180 000 iy have wen Ie claimed from marsh and sea by the peo ple of Denmark Tam The delivery horse Miners ftire pny smd at he whi {ERE ternptaed 10 work of Tew shat] by others, river have proven & Ser Hitter the wagon Was eo god gk wl DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Copres Prive Scat Borns EET re FH #v 8 yeh. gw 5 ALL dh Om sre rempectf HCE ] (sf # HT ¥ wh : 5 i % 1 capes snd ooests T ey ¥ a Hank, and fail and winter wre darabios 51 to $25. 44tf For comstipation take Boar cares hemdaebe, nervous on the See, ard makes the Rye Flour, CHOP and MEAL, meow bed] Bold at P HE ret Pain’ mE Sear Carmen Thro rome Fatton Marksie » a Nether 10 Thar Cha goons $e Eoimad New Yoo [ramip snd Jowetis! Mabey 3 Frege T%er io lh Begley — A; The distingrusamd | The Front AND SIDE, ™ anc skit parts of the wou Makizad expoin sham: sheet 4 } a SER pa aa . Ha . or wd a LE RAR A BGRT po 5 = = Simply write os Fae slrewd, Mew fmel Engg iL nd ae oe TRAE Te sufferers shail vantage of Bak or ner Please tell the 1k nis offer in the PaThs © Wolf % Thompson Patton, Pa. To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE " EXCLUSIVE (3E OF RD “CASTORIAS AND “PITCHERS CASTCRIA, AS CLR TRADE MARK I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER. of Hy anni, Massachusetts, was the originator of “PITCH ERS CASTORIA. ‘he same that has borne and i ) qr OR every bear the fac-simile signature of : i 2 XTGRPET. This is the original © oTCHER'S CASTORIA." which has been used in the homes of the Mothers ¢ for thirt; . LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrope iis ind you have always bought on the amd has the signature of wrap Yo one has authority from me fo use my name ex- he Centour Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is aaake WW er # pe wh 2» Faas * Hd -, Olt 2AM se a, DB g7 . ; %ife of vour child by ac Dia some drugyg . £ I erase Bak a te pennies on gredients t3 of which even he dows not Kao Re. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF 1867 Fu SOS & war he ma WN more mek on Having | The Kind That Never Failed You. TRE SEN TRGR PERRY FT BRR STREET We THER Lore Wal Casrsrels spe Pio ube For the FALL SEASOX We prosent pod Hnes of Lindiew® (0 Jackets and Pom Xething lie thers in the olity fr Mtv, poovd £4 avd low pres Fors for the Faii Bats aod Boornets af a aa popniny ER 3 mes” Saka Reed Forent sims ri # “» Pres oot Seems rent &3 YOUR. FORTUNE 5 woe he Fawr bigped nas Ge Kowy bie Head and simer gud pesithy BY wan wm Ln A wn ® af weed 20 ene CrSMM AN» “a ENTROL TRS RR ATIRS or Fatt wie? Be peed ox reres. woxf EF FmEeaile a TA »n Fhe waft wer me shes DY KE gee ® ot te Sew nore rietmig IERTY ONIN fUSHWA . Toon owes gw 0 Boquiiens eend Ser BR panei, Bead Par Baed oe Beaftinel TISEYERR. WRF & ees El SAWEN LS PEE Oo. HANI ml MEN 2 NT; WOMEN e x sono pay et ra HT PT wa THE Haiwss = & £ a1 oncE Ewe EY Sw — pn we ES FIRE ina sn IRE James Melion, J.P rg SOs x . Lee wm ain = po o ” Good and rel San nl a _ 45 - Bu { Fi aod Magee Aves Oo O00 pe Patton Pa. arnell & Cowher FIRE LIFE AXD ACCIDENT INSURANCE- Loans and Real Estate OFFICE IN «00 BUILD ww % Ew ead wi ta i 5 Ak FirstNation'I|Bank™ OF PATTON. x a - Ba * ste E ER 4 & Lak alse ina Patton. Cambria Co. Pa R. I. Notley, Wines. L Beer 1Quors, , Rte. ww He _— vr and Purer So extend. Prices tr r \i trond Dies fanmaiiy AWE CRANCT On? are measonabie FLASHES, (CORKS, JUGS, ETH HASTINGS PA