The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 18, 1897, Image 4
+ BS ier ‘ Ck a ade Rt nats fo J BRE a ier. Ek WILL GREENE, Far. : AY, NOVEMBER 1x, 1897. Ome copy, one yenr, in advance, = x «$1.00 Advertsing mites made Enon upon ap discontinued anti! all arrear- unless at the option of the | Pntered at the Postoffiee at Patton as weond. | class rail matter, NEWSPAPER LAW. DECISIONS. who do pot give (Xpress are considered an wish ; ; a Timers order the dlasontinuance a hl a antl! all arrearuges are giset or refuse to take 3 1 whieh are trveted, Ter are responsible until have settled their bills and ordered thera Peribere meve 30 othe ois Anfrpaing the pabid 5, RE ” ih resent ty the Farmer address, they soe No Comes have deviled that ntming 1 8 nites is rors the offtes or an a Tr nealied for, In Prive theta ol o tater tions fmol, submeribers pay (a advance they are Boon to give notice af the end ad the ume "1 do mst wish to continge mking it a te JRbiabhern ix authorized to — : Tt the mibseriher wiil he responsible amtdd an | netioe, with payment of ail arvear- a to the pablly Presens Jadge Hon A.V, Harker. Hota mg raoe] Pavia : Revondter.. FF. B. Jones, a fslonery’ Cork. John OU Gentes Ra perintendent--T. fo. Giibwon., BLY! Sur eyor- Ay Fetterman Oeminty Andifors AL. Midestwrger, M. lawrence, John Gittings, wid W. 1 COI Hssiners we Apdo Wenichond tier. AAT merville, Thos. T Janes Somerville, “ Jones and Janes Moore tine or HOLDING OU KT mt of March, | Ist Monday of Sept. ar of Jasve, | fut Mapas of Dee Argument Court is hold between the Above | Peter Johnston, H. C. Lester, Morison MeCartney 2, Mra. Samuel Pyne, John BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess Geo. Prindibie ag €. Hstsband, president; Alex fieth, Ha fph Letaety, Pwr PP. Jones. oer | ee er a Calp J. 1 Bini, Wm, Lendbette Behind Bomnd 1. ( Crowell, president, : i eerciary: Ww. H. Randbord, Frese | Hotter, W a SS vy ge gon H. Sandford. Cheek K. whi int Codleetonr Jas. Mellon. dom, H. Ricker. Aton. Firoer Syaale, A Mallon, H Judge of Flection Sami Tryin. Inspeetar Lao. Hows, Fank Campleel! opiate Sg prove] FL Tones High Comnstabie.- Dan'l Holes. Chief of Poliee. Howard Woomer Breet Loan mimtomer sant Fo Jones. ea i A CORRUPT Congressman is a human leper, dangerous to all whe approach WHENEVER you find a legislator un- i | selfish in patriotism youn may know that you have found a jewel of states { manship set in wisdom. ST —— ——— OP Er StI AN EXCHANGE puts it this way: | “That Mark Hanna will slip into the Senate again on a banana peel.” ————————————————— tae is a youth down in Mississippi i ' who has an ambition to become a great editor. We would advise him to start ‘by being a plain editor. Editorial greatness of the sky rocket variety is perilous and perishable. IN ¢PITE of lens active trade daring October in most sections of the country | and the virtual stoppage of business at the south as a result of the yellow fever scare and the quarantines, the aggre. gate total for the month exceeded aven September's immense total and marks ‘the heaviest month's total since Jan. nary, 1888. This result was accom- plished, too, with the same number of business days as in the month of September. Mr N. N. Omburn, well-known at Woodstock, Mich, was troubled with a lame back. He was persuaded to use chamberiain’s Pain Balm. It gave him relief in one night. This remedy is also famous for its cares of rheumatism. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. List of Unelairned Letters, The following letters remain in the | postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Thursday, November 18, 1887: Gust Alberg, W. Boite, David Cas sell, Wm. Codimer, C. W. Cavley, Mrs. Sarah Dilanne, David M. Hartman, Quist, Mrs. Mary igan, Miss Lizzie | M. Shepherd, Andrew White, Persons calling for the above letters will please say the are advertised. pThe name and address of the sender should be on each letter or parcel before mailing. This is to feceliate a return to the sender in the event of misdelivery E A Meuon, PM WANTED General agent; need not have had experience in agency work; no soliciting required; purty must be intelligent, and} ible to give security if asked. Write immediately. Brown Brothers Company, Continental Norse. Since General Weyler has been re Sired as Captain General of Cabs and General Blanco has been appointed to fale his place, Spain has materially changed her tactics. It appears from the edict issued by General Blanco that Spain proposes to bribe all the patriots of Cuba by offering them unconditional pardon for treason, but those who have committed other offences in con. ection with treason should be tried the other offences after being pard- ofved for treason. Judging by the past ‘history of Spain this is nothing but a trap by which Spain proposes to en- snare the patriots, and after decuiving | in could offer except absolute inde- pendence. What the United States will do in the meantime is & matter of Soopers For the last tw years the 4 us blush With shame to think | the time bas arrived when the Jyople ean Stand by Sud foo | raising a band to | Is bankrupt. She now owes ish army in Cuba about $40,- besides other heavy expenses she has been failing to meet. The re- } that the United States is liable to interfere has weakened Spain's credit in Europe, and it seems that the end is very near. So far as Spain declaring war with this country is concerned, it is absurd to think of such a thing. Spain's resources are exhausted. She has borrowed money until she can bor- row no more, and she would stand no _ chance whatever should she go to war with the United States. : Let as hope that Spain, in the near future, will see the handwriting on the and give the Cuban their eda. Prion taking this re reries, Rochester, N. Y.-42-3mo Laven Fastitote, Reade and White townships will hold a joint institute at Roseland, No. 2, Saturday, November 27, 1897, beginning at 9:30 a. m. What 1s the true intent ‘of our local institotes? -B. R. Williams, Laura Bauman, Rebecca Lovell. How to create interest in geography. L. J. Lather, Ladia Durbin, John Esch ‘ Best methods for teaching writing in primary grades. Zoe 8. Howe, D. E Hollen, Vincent Mupivehill. How can we conduct our lisemry work so as to | produce the best resalita?--W. H. Trox- ell, Stella Stroup, J. BE. Brown. Solo ‘| W. C. VanScoyoe. How can we teach mafolly from the text use, Union Series™’. racken, (i. A. Ricketta, wman, Maggie Kesler. quested to bring “Ideal bh We wish to inform yon that we have a fall and comblete Hue of ladies’ coats . and capes and| children's coata. They are all i vigne ahd yon i Wre invited to call change. by accident. | The newspaper carries your message to a waiting audience. The ferice ani barn door “ad” is a miay be Jooked upon by a who have to go near it The newspappr “ad” goes into the home, takes a seat in the family circle, and talks right to the hearts of many thousands of people Who pay for that kind of enterthinment. They love the family paper hnd rend it with confi- ‘dence. Nothing equals a good, live local puper wien it comes to reaching the people. Try it and see for yourself. Disfiguremejats for life by burns or scalds may bd avoided by using De- Witt's Witch | Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. OC. W. Hoag kins, Patton Pharmacy. . How to Ours Bilous Colle. I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in my stgmach caused by billioas- ness and had tp take medicine ail the while until 1 uped chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cared me. Mm F. Batler, Fairhaven, Conn. Pe who are subject to bd- ious colic can ward off the attack by y as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkina Small pill, pill, best pill, De- * Witt's Little Exrly Risers care billious- i dri . po 4 One Minute Cough Cure, cures. i That is what It was made for. | ness, constipat on, sick headache. (. atton Pharmacy No-To- Bac for Fifty Cents Guarapieed lols do BabIL Cure makes weak meu struag, boou pure. Me. MB. Au druggies DEFIANCE THE CHAMPION, The Record of the Chimes Played by Tha Cab Dariag the Past Season. The Aitoora Defiance base ball team has an enviable record for the season of 1897. They lost four games out of twonty «ix played, shat out two teams and scored in every game they played. Following is the record: Defiance 3, Patton 2 Millville ‘ 4d 33 Monarchs 10 aa N Altoona 7. “om , (hravs (4 a s i. "13 i 9 Huntingdon 7. * 4. Quaickstieps 4. 4 4, Carnegie A. C. 3 20, South Fork 7. 24, Ancients 4. 22, Cross (ute 8. With the above figures to back op their claims to the championship of Central Pennsylvania, the Defiance team can langh at the people who fay claim to that title Tribune | There is no need of little children being tortared by scald head, ecpema and skin eruptions. DeWittls Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures permarently. CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Pont Totamesa V0 Lod Ripe! + % ner tif Mh art Lida CER Emy savbe. Tull of 1 fs serve and vigor, take Noto Blog the woe aries that makes monk men strong. All driacgisia, He or 8, Cure gouiao teed Booklist asl mumple free Adlress Roving Remedy Uo. Chicago or New York® @ A a a an A i - led The three-year-old boy\of J. A. John- son, of Lynn Centre, [IL is snblect to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely ose of chamberiain's cough Remedy, during A severe attack, saved bis little boy's life, He is In the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros of that place; and they handle a great many patent medecines for throat and lung dicases. He had all these to choose from, and skilled physicians ready fo respond to his call, but selected this remedy for use in his family at a time whens his child's life was in danger, be cause he knew it to be superior to any other, and famous the country over for its cares of croup. Mr Johnson sayu this is the best selling cough med. jeine they handle, and that it gives splendid satisfactian in all cases. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, OC. W. Hodgkins A Short Cot io Health To try to care A by taking pilin is like prof around in a circle Yon will ne Ver ress Hit Lhe proant songeht, hat anly get hack to the starting point. A perfect pataral laxative is Bacon's Celery King, the celebrated remedy for atl nerve Blaewd, stomach, Hyer and kidney discases. It reguistes the howels. OW. Hodgkins will give yon a sample package free Large «ees 15 and 50 conta WARNING: Persons who suffer from ‘eonghs and eolds shoald heed the warnings of danger and ave them: selves suffering and fatal resnits hy ping One Minute congh dare It is an infallible remedy for conghs, colds, eronp and all throat and long troubles C. W, Hedgleine, Patton Pharmacy What Dr. A. E Salter Sas. Buffalo, N. Y. -Gexrs:-From my personal knowledge, gained in obsery. ing the effect of your Shiloh’s cure in canes of advinced consumption, 1 am prepared to say it is the most remark. able remedy that has ever been brought to my attention It has certainly saved many from comsumption. Sold . at Corper Dmg Store, 5 4 seoveveoseosrererenreld TeeVvee . Cgaoarety are the Ideal Lave or gripe, bat Fanse raay satural reanits, Sam Chicape, Bantreal, Can. , or New York, 11. and living well, is in ju- Where you buy is as of much im- ‘ dicious marketing. portance as what you buy and what you pay for it, when it comes to food. You want to know the surroundings of the things vou are going to eat. Notice the cleanliness of our store. Everything is fresh and appetizing and attractive The prices are always right. are a necessity these cool nights and we have just what you want. %=-ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. Limited, The question is asked often; Can't complain; might be better; ESS? Foye : : tn Y a i ” 3 Wel 11, 1t 1s pleasant to answer T * t has been worse: we're getting our share; what more should we look for; we are al- ways ready to do all the business that comes bur way and try to make ends meet on small n argin f profit, ALWAYS BOOMING pt way we buy makes lowest prices to begin with; the way we sell insures a quick torn over of all stock under all conditions. A quick command of ready cash gives us the baying power, and every advantage we get to you. There's a difference, you — ald know it, for it means a deal to you when you are spending your hard earned wilare. Sodon't LET THIS FACT ESCAPE That men govern the country, hut when it comes to getting the fail money's worth for every dollar woman demonstrates her infinite superiority over man. So just send your wife or come yoarslf and examine our new line o Pohiildren’s tows GOODS NOVEL TIES. * DRESS Womankind is delighted with the Dives Gioods Novelties we are showing for fall and winter wear, and the Ger. man Flannels. Henrlettas, Cashmers, Shepherd's Plaids, Outings, and are values for the money BLAN K ETS In this line we can save you money All-wool Blankets from 275 to $3.25 the alr; also a line of cotton blankets and haps at prices that defy competition UNDERWEAR A full line of gentlemen's, ladies’ and children's in eotton and wool. Ask to see our fleece-lined Uunderwear for men. Our prices are right, CORSETS. lefore we forget it we want to tell Sor that we have added ta onr stock the line of celebrated PN. coreta Every pair a perfect fit. OIL. CLOTHS. Seo oir new line of table and floor Oil Cloths for fall Before putting ap - that new stove vou will want to place amder it a nice neat pattern of oil Sloth. We ean furnish of from de to . per yard, SHOEOLOGY. To buy a pair of our Shoes means that we have made an everlasting shoe customer of you. The Kant Wrip "Em fur children are the best school shoes an the market. They don't crowd the Suppose you ry a paar 4 wy tr 1 an Aatiy I.E. LAST fs car weil Atted steel of staple and vogroceries, Judge The house wife » groceries she Buys and judge & » hy the goods it wells. We his kind of judgement. We have cares weal’ the Grocery business and the market at home, and we buy the best of evervihing ami von ean do the same by Hayag here, We do not ry to mee how “heap we ean seil, but how good--so ust ry some our Wonder tour and you will wonder how you got along without it also Pillsbury White Satin and Amber. sre wonderful bread producers We have some fine plekiing vinegar, Both in‘etder and white wine, that will stand the pure-food test Sa in bavin FARED Lain series, Dry roads, Ete, Yok out for trash. or better still Ruy your groceries apd provision here where you ran no'risks, Yours For Trade, Patton Supply (ompany, Pure Food Sellers. Do you know That | am Selling all PLAS That | have the two best Patent Plasters made? The Diamond Wall Cement —AND THE——- Crown Wall Plaster and sell both very cheap. Get else where. | yet He buy ny my prices Also Sell Cement : 1 ee Pe rtiay 36, INDSIIGARIL Cement and Hillsbore Plaster, 4 4 rs a i IY x cabs Fox aon an 4 i hest grade of Plaster Paris made. nore Guan armers’ Dissolved Bone, which 1s 103 Co i nil] if SHINGLES which 1 am selling T h« ys Cian articles will ce i SCN here. both No. 1 and yey low price. ¢ building or using any of t to ot my prices before } * GOOD, PATTON, PA.