WHEN | GET TIME When I get timo, : I know what 1 shall do . I'll cat the leaves of all my books > And read them through and through When I get time, Til write some letters then That | bave owed for wesss and weds To raany, many men. When | get time, Til pay those Bilis] owe, And with those bids those countless Bilis, I will not be wo slows Yhen I get time, il rogalbate my le In sa0n a way thar | many pes Avguninied with my wife When 1 pet time = Ch, glorious gronm of bila! A month, 6 for, ten fears foam now! But | oni Snieh (his ‘§ hve mo thane we Wire A PIANO FULL OF V/ASPS. They Kept Ouivt Until the Professor Strack the Load Notes The piano was an old grand. It had pot been need. for months The cmnpa ny had arrived mI town but a son tizne before the performance Deg ad Benes there had eet 0 time to teal the introns 1t Nevertheless, the profess or boldly opened wade the lids of tae long vuused grand and then set down | to the keys The first touch convinced hig that the notes were still cloar and strong. and that whatever dederts in tune there might be wonld be very ‘alight, so he began the soul luspiring selection : ‘Now, it happened that in all the months in which the plano bad remain. od mnuscd a colony of yellow jacket wasps had indostriously built them. | THE RETIRED BURGLAR. | Theosophy. It would seem natur:| that theasophy fis Carioas Experience In a House With Creaking Stairs “Yen know hpw the wairs pu op” said the retired puargiar, “after you stop using em nighty? You crowd ‘em down close together, solid, treading on ‘em ell day long, asf then win you lot ap en ear the fbdrs of the wood lift np again, aud the] stairs seem to swell You kore howl they creak sometitucd and sap a littl] when you go down ‘em feat fn the morning and some of tho whi a little ander the tread? tiling down tato place aers ¥ fygt'a tacia agin 1 bree to Near ‘em in the morning fF like the stairs waking apr asd spoiling to you as you go aliig Adve Bat 1 dior t like 0 hear ‘em at gicht And ak the hue 1 po about shov'va had a chabos to da pomsiderable pr fiog, aud no matter hoor velvet fosted It seeps Rinpd of x a man taay be hy echan't jeason his weight very willl, and wo d feared ony y to tread near the wall or near the {banistors @oinigl Bp stairs and pot a fie bow in thelmiddie The creak, or the Vist lo soft sig ast, time sounds so | pleasant in the no that : caly wonian | ioe piveiyy. 80 E mighty bast at whe everyihlt tiestill Mauviel, § WAS EWR, You Kuo, you could bead it from one ed of the ! Pons to the oli ; pot alarm avybpedy, betanse there's ote Ler sounds in al honse at night—souuie | that Jas pha dd rhorasnivos doe, I sap : poe, to changed in tetnporature. Boards | awell nnd sheik and shift a little, end {yon might hear a Hite sand S20 Wer) tin the hoase arly thue of wight Ba i iadways bated {to hear the stairs creak {when | was godjr up Chm, all the same, ge ’ LV ae Fe t Tor be sinrs, 18 mizal should come to ns in the wake of spr Hitunitsm and that both should seek in ithe ccenitism of the far past the =fim ‘glns of myatery peeessary to the Pym aticn of the one and the rehabilitation of the other Fut bers wa must bw eave fai net to wrong the tew gos], for heosophistx, we believe, are pow ans tons to disavow conpedtion with spant patie, thongh “so explore the hadeien | mysteries of untnrs wd the latent pow. ers of man one of the ‘orominens gims of the brotherhood. The stoyd of the society we Kpow. at any rate, dal Ihled jargely in secroanancy and spirit pers. and an ber work, has Unveilod, nen space i given to divinahions apd to: the isgdation of the cecnit sohracos of hbia and Egypt M- Mme Blavatsky accompagingd Colo Olectt to lndin her sojooren thers marked by such an exercise of so eniled supernatoral ponders as to bead thw ebical Research Society of England send pat some of is trasted my to jgvesticats the phenotuena, an anon fatal to the pretensions of the fonder of theosophy Mancure Conway das ginee also old os how the high priest ers of the pew religion was anghing mn cher sieeve while she wax seayding souver, whan ports of three atieged grace ticts oooor- Crepioes to ber devotees in Fagiand It is distagenuous, therefor, in the adherents of theossphy to disclaim kine ship with spiritoalivr ls it pot elaine ed for Mine Biavat-ky that she spent 20 years of fier Bite oan the stacy of the cecnit soaenoee, anid The propagating her gospel she Was va penny tein of a mysterious broths ood of adepts calls mabatiine who nn Titer had reached an tnoreditle age through the = Bowiag ten A Moment of Peril. When the lronsides commanded by Cap rain — afterward gron, was off Morris ikand, South Caro lina, while removing eral from ber | bunkers, it was discovered that the vos. 7) sel howl sustained a seriogs injury from a Confederate torpedo Ir bene noe eREAryY WY RDOW In what exten? the hull had evn affected extorusily uuder thy water : 1 he diver's beat was Brought along jow water and we fnstant was sopra! | when the tide ceased to rhb Thi diver went carcfally over the mart of the bed i fen oat thie dauaged portion ard Fle Cpesching the soel ponciudind to pass Gu der 11 and look at the other side He pad accomplished this aod vas on the other =ide. when Ie perceives thar Phetawaeeny to tnder, nun ae saw that the Vamsi 14 Swinging, wWouul pass close von sland Fo had font just swe | i plan ihe ordinary flat of commerce 2 | pot bathe. © don't judge this fom their | mission to the conjuring eutertalmnent | appoarsnos, heoauss they am 8 partion dita arirt ths divi Apscotule . oan | ATHY civan snd nice lot of men, | Mise atl fu GIVE Ansteiiae . i AR WAIL OF A FLAT DWELLER. * Caolts Cupboard, Conjurer? Characters—Conk washing op dinnes Admiral --Dabt- | My. Werkendnys Remurks on New York Apartment Bathrooms things, mistress sitting at the window “A omg and bitter experience in [making entries in her housekeeping artoaents forces ran to observe, said { book, little Freddy plaviog with his Werlonday, shivering as bo hopped | lead soldiers at thy table aileloth of rhe bathroom with Mistress— Meat, 10s fd | vegeta bles, foot. ‘that the architects who (88 4d; yes but Vimy siillings short cannot wlicve but | hat any ono with the Ah. 1 remesber, it wus the price of ad. Inst night (ook— Was it nies, please, ma'am? Mistroes— Very There were one of { least respect for the importance uf the | two things that struck me as particeler- i i i £ 2 3 bile bathroom conid treat it with, yach ar {ly onruer ax {ur from the bedrooms and Dear Los in or or AIDING Poon a8 possi It always is dark and ventilated perfectly empty cupboard, shut the door, instance, changing a porket handkerchief for a capary—bet clover-—f{or chitectaral stepfatin rhinos / I st abwe vs is shoved svar in a dark | the test of all was the magic cupboard. as Cook — What was it like? Mistress— The professor showed os a lI by an airshaft ap which there blows | mid gmickly, Une, two, three opened the ship was swinging to the pewiy | ak :y : perpetouily a diunal drafe that has the door again, and out stepped a little bet pom and the Reel fo pase | oo a i i ret i the Lila, ig an its mind and groans about | girl dressed like a doll It ought to have some ! 1 thing on its mind, for if is a sare kil er Then of course, the bathroom, be Sonk— Bah, 1 can do that myself! Mistress (astonished — You! Conk—Just give me your attention felons byw : hettom, and eves 3 i" idge of the andy bottoms, and even | oo ge ale plese in the house where | for a minute, ma’am. Here 1s an empty grind ito in. This most meviably cot off the siendir and delicate tube which conveyed air to bim aud also sever the one takes ¢F all his clothes and gets cupboard lines by which in came of accident, he | You know very well it bas wet all over, is the place which most | no double sides Now | am going to frequently has no bwsting appliances g “ Agmin, why do so many trchitects | soldiers (take ope of the young master's lead I open the cupboard door ams to be dra £¥ aste ned down by | : t was to bo drawn ep Fastened down by | pon Tl Gland in the hallway in- | inch or two and throw it in, sow 1 sy, 8 beavy weights, Le a pnetant | his beavy weights, it would Lenstant | 4 fr 4p | maffocation With tha sore 1 noum- | : ’ th al i iy that his : nd {that a man enjoys Lakiug DIN bath in Wm epdeavored 10 Liane or whether they act on the at the double quick out of the kitcban. brances [wortns! peach the keel and pass under 1t before it was ton jars The ship was coming mand rapidly He passed bis bead and the bathroom, where it be [me two, three © Jongs® 1 don't know whether they think | She opened the door wide A full i grown soldier stepped ent and marched theory that he ought to take iy gradual. | All the thanks she got for ly, preparitg himself for the bathtab lance was a severe wigging i i i body, but began to feel the pressure of | the keel against the soft oon dragging his [imbe and robes clear, and one arm was so prninfally crashed tha i by degrees “1 asked an architect once why he : Ldid it Well’ said he,’ we hardly over With arent effo vo osnorended In A * hone * v ® Tort 2 in do differently except in privat honsets Mani | “*Has only the privateer, thin, as the | | : the water became a Little deeper, bot | CO : 1a leek : Europeans call him, the rirht to takes a | Magazine smn Greek Officers It is perhaps in discipline more than ins anything «ise that the Greek soldier Even the Evzoni, however | goewi at guerrillas warfare in the moun Peotuplete bath in one room, or bas avo | : ft was some days before it was in a con | Totion rordueed a species of flutters who | tins, would probably feel this defect dition (0 ase — Youth's Companion. | naturally ar incapable of doing (4? in a regular campaign It is no unoom , —,e—————— | I wappose that the smaliness of bath- | 00 thing to bear the word of : ’ : vasnd dispoted or discussed on the pa- J elves a bome in the shape of 8 Dest 88 | Leonuso | alwatbs thon ht that as likely practice of magical arate Seif Caltare J bg a ‘i ok a Via ws Fl o g % Wy Ee large ash pond #izodd MA RCOT The will AM Wt 3 wives bd wake up wire be wi Y. sel sani r ‘ pianissimo prelude to the selection gen- | ghar | should {ued somebody sitting up ‘ stance Lends Fochaotment. tly woke the wasps from their sweet gn pad locking for me when I looked Wis DRIVOSR as atrrilinte exis 1 Does pgliness as an atiribute exist in Our Magoers. tabs is explained by the lack of room. Shi lo Sd a hr ws 5 wiwdomn iu slipping out of town wider | | gauzy wings viciously. dreams. But when the soft pedal was released and the notes Erew vigorous and the piano began to reverberate to the heavier passages the disturbed wasps suspected danger. They caried their bucks and stretched and shook their The profess or, nnheedful of the fact that the mu- sic, far from soothing the savage breast of the vicivos wasps mnbushed within that piano, was rousing ther ire, play- el ou. From planissimo to piano and from piano with one bound to fortissi- no the composition ran. All the while the wasps finttered their wings wicked- Iv, viciously, and all the while the pro. fessor played. Now came the climax, pow be was throwing together vast handfuls of notes in the basso profundo pegion of the instrument Just as the grand was belching forth from its ner great Wagnerinn opera the vengeanos banting army of yellow jurket wasps gwept ont of the imstroguint, with a buzzing war song, down the baliway and upon the asdience. Suddenly soul pending shrieks resounded through the ball. Men and women were striking about their beads, benches were upset, and a general stampede for windows and doors etisucl. Over the terrible up goar a shrill, piping voice could bo beard shrieking: 4 **Sharlie, come mii! como mit!" : Long lefore-the outraged burghers of Kerrville wero up a little band of men with tagunge galore wended thar way out of the town and sat down on the tailrond track. They wore the stereoids oo musicnl aggregation of Han Antonis, and their faces, as they recounted the family. horrors throoagh which they bad passed, were the image of that of Napoleon on the night of Watgrioo They fagmad the south bound passenger train aod ok possape for San Antonio Their oover of night bas never boca question ol —Zan Antonio Express. The Usanl Way. There aro some society girls who [ky #0 marshal together all the trophies a season, in the shape of enclire prize rman favors sod ovitations galore to all sorts of fonctions, whore they way be seen of men and bring green yon glances of jealousy into the eyes of other girls not favared quite so moe, § bat the gqueerest effort of this kind that ever caine under the notice of the writ or was 4 pyramid of empty candy boues wacked np from foor to celling ins cor ‘mer of the parlor. The largest was of course, at the base, and thire was cvey make and style, gradually diminsang $0 the top. This dashing girl. with the fmamenss caparity for destroyiog candy, excepto] every male yivitor to add to “the number as she started a plant in wach of the other comers of the rom. AH course a preraendionis pivilry wetit on aL ue ber visitors and slivers to get the Gncst and most unlioe mative and fmported boxes Strange to say, she married a man who had never addsd a lotic box to the pile, but he helped 10 destroy some of the most toothsomea offerings of other fellows —New Or- leans Times Democrat. A Woman's Movement. The presidents of the 33 literary clots which compose the Federation of Wom. en's Clubs in Kentucky at a recent mecting which they held for the pur- pate of Inte. Langing ideas open club work decided among other things to en. deavor to establish a bird day in the public schools of the differvnt cities of the state. This will be one qfortina movement to preserve the birds. The presidents will also vse their influenco to have literature upon the subject dis seminated, as they believe women are ignorant of the vast destruction of hats. “An English writer asserts that there pever was any (rub street in Laonsion, the - naute having been invented by Pope. Hungry authors became identi fied with that street because they wire | | ‘always trying to find it. Ey ep i 58 pa In Mexico the school children who have done best are allowed to smoke a3 while pursuing their lessons. \ York San. eh, Dbharlie fut thw door of arom, and, ssa un ter of fact, thal Cid sapetimes hiopen “1 Jocdiend ons pvhit, after a wrote led pair of stairs, lino a half Highted roma where | saw hb man, sitting opm ed, aver on the ote side of the roo, and looking plami at the door t $ I war standing in. As 1 told you, 4 ai ways on the Jepkont for Just this thing, but this ran shirprised re for all thet He sat tiers nn bed all keyed ap and looking sguaraiat ma 1 eonld see him perfactly plan. and 1 kvew he conid soe me just es plain, and | expected ov. ary minute hold God bis voice aud be gin to holler “But iostead of that be threw the clothes back off his Joes and swong his Jes aroand ont of ted and stood up. He put his rizhit Hand ont to eats a chair that stood Uy tho howd of the bed, and most soul the musical thander of that | ghey be stdrtedl for the door, bands out a Jittlo on each side of bin, and feeling out un little {fu both sides and sort of ahead of him ps he came slong ; “Homph! Blind, He'd heard the poise and wali going to look for it. 1 might have stiod thers and siogeed him easy as he went by, bot I didn’t want po rastle with a blind man. 1 just went out and left him thers hooking. "—New i © A HH SA HI A Story That Was Not Told. ‘om a little Jake in the upper part of the state where only a few clearings break | the monotony of forest. A delicate ap proach wis made To the main subject {apd then tho six footer, with long White benrd and Bair, wis asked if bebada | “Certainly.” Sin the responses. Bad 8 tried to play my proper pari io | the world just like any ‘other man who bas an idea that bo was put bere for something. i “Where ara your fois" i i wifi apd five children have a fine home To be accurate, is Ge Le | on a big farm | of the finest in the state fyver come to ses youl’ of were all up here about four | wed Sx ago. Brought their bedding with then, houted, Sahod, visited and bad a pood time generally My youngest Loy Walls to take np sige Lad aad make 8 farmer of bisnlf C2 Po yao ever intend to go back where they are to make your home? : vNeo I hike it herd: they Hka thers What's tl : or me netting ia the tine wheres it's mot enjoyable?’ * * i vores of either thom id you have an trols with your wil toa old ean 20% and smoked and soe ek] to be 1 doy “Trying to asked the interviewer “No, yorng man 1 waa just haviog a mental debate whether id thew through the window or give yom minutes to pot off the place. Iu less that half rhe time the hermid wis alone fn > A Stary of Thackeray. Dean Farrar gives the following rem. iniscence of Thackeray in The Inde pendent: “Dining with him as the bogse of Dr Butler, | remember thas be spoke of many thus, tat the only remark that | specially recall wis oom | atu himself He said that be had ree cently sat at a dinner next to an amis gent tragedienne, now demd, apd thas $e had averpowersd him with eestatic npliments A few days afterward be i sar next denny Lind, and the gross singer. with o frankness which delight edd Bim, said that she bad pot nad a Hue of ceie of hits writings aod koew nothing abant them, Of the two Ludies he greatly preferred Jenny Lind and Au accomplished interviewer went to i get the story of an old hermit who lives “Back east, where | left them. My _ .patare’ Can the ardent. sympathetic “lover of pature ever tind ber anlovely? (If natare ix pet otilitpriarn Be 1x noth: Peg We bv only wonder amd worship for her prociumid sud perfect aconomy Lpot does she always oouple beaaty with atiliry : | To one who loves | BATHS 18 never | piresonne fu spesting DOL she Iw | often mont lascinaring whets veilad Sif | 3s eels atnl tan pers mond halurs aad von freqRentiy disooversd to the too priss ing saizor, wud whitle these may quick Cem bis interest and faith they often dis sipate that halo of postry with Which first fancy clothed ber How els were Thorean 3 Jove songs taiked without sue? Lika the spots cn the sun, all other of patsre s Glens shes disapiear ib the gen. eral Blase of her loveliness when view ed throogh the veil of farness From the deep distance of a bed in the mead Low grass thers ix perfection of poetie motion, something thrilling and sud Jime in the fight of a buzzard far op under the very dome of) a blue sky, but lowsk wt that be ldhended, suaky necked {ierishios thal are creature upon a fence stake, aud you | wonder how leagues ints the clonds ov ker itd his ugly visage from yon Pad | las Laare Sharp in Lippincott 's Magazine i ns ant " i The Torn of Life, The torn of Jife 1s a tursiog either into a projonged walk or into the grave Between the agus of 40 and 60 o man . who has lived a proper life ought to be : His matared ecnsiderad 1 Dis prime strength of cotati remders bios ale | most {mi per ious to the attacks of dis (eames, and experience bas given him Ceonndness aud ripeness of ndgment ‘His mand 1 pesolute, firm and eqoel; | all bis functions are in the most perfect carrier | business, builds up a competence on the ; fonnddatioay Ge Bias Soret in eR/TLY naan. | hood and passes throogh a period of life attended by nanny gratiications. Hav. BR BoBC & Year of two past SU, he ar riven at a standeriil Bul hors anes what we hive terrood the tara of Gif, which. if sncoesetuily gegetiated, leads to old age. AL this period gout and apoplexy Jie in wast for the teaviler The system nud powers. having resched thelr Glonat esiaisiens, pow begin either to claw 10 jie dowers at suet Hr to break da Cae da judy gir excitenwnt, may fore 8 Levomed ils streugih, while a careful supply of pros and the gocos #ArY Care wid Rllenibn stun id suntan oh i $oeh rr dnns * elons stiauoidanl , Lhe systonm wn ib snd vigor New York fant As to €loarness, Fie sesuiies 0 mastery over Bis er charms me today precisely as it did | gyi for any one except an infant, and I have potieed, pot withoot sane awe, © often, aud perbaps he is too profuse IN | thar in each new flat into which wae his gefferal politeness. but he is beter | gave the Bathtub is smaller than ii was | than the Amwrican ederk who will sell | fy the ane preceding. As 1 am growing me an coupes of tooth powder as thouth | gonrer each year. un genuine misfortune | he were conferring upon me an especial | gop ane whose finances make a third or favor The English tradesman may | gourth flat necessary, Tam sure that if | al, But Do gen make two or thes mors ‘moves’ wa FOArs MRO Pthink himself guile your o | dowesi’t thrust upon yon belief The American trahestian get only thinks so, but malice his conviction * | patent fr all coanes te This of has “Mun { manners aud the other has not § | pers are not idle a great poet has said, | : bat we of tho west, asses and classes | put Even a Chemist © Car | i elaames yanore theme—aur Hue eluswes, | Lali, persist in ignoring them { Jat any -gentieman Peenrohiogly ask i Perhaps he mye sir’ too The conrtery of the London shopkeed- | Of course every flathonse bathtub is fx | this article of | wit on this scale of bathtah decrease, find a bathtub into which I will not EE vpuine It. | gentlemen he knows Whoss magiers are | puasgble to make wor sad blunders | really gentlemaniike Nearly every man | gpplving it to law and evidence There {of goed mpnuers whom | have met in Are cortaii things you can prove by it i : if yon are sure of yoar premises a | be bs suave of speech, gracious sud Bigh | pertain other things that yoo canbot | bead of deportrient, be is at once pros This thing of trying America is more or Jess anpopuliar If ¥ | gotneed stuck op airy, | Ustifly and champ : ; + #11 on ; Af . y x back. Ub, that feller bores me ott of | an that auaiyaed it. The ordinary test | fer hopseflesh aconrding to the authori thew, tn glviogen. This is a enbstancs | has | my boots! -~Fdgar FawecetL LE ———————— a Maore's Apology. i affect: | deg) by chemistry calls od © If ho dislikes Listening at his club | exrenet came that gave | to a certain style of stary. be is called | ary considerable aneasiness, clomebody got bold of his beef ox. | speech is refined, his language cholen | gpaet and claimed that it was made from | and theroughly grammatical, yoo will | hopeeflosh, and it was proved by analy- hear somebiddy say of bun bebind bis ge that 1s, to the satisfaetion of she | if his mode of | i % i that, speaking in a general way, Senator Chorge ¥ Hoar possesses tha | found in boroeflosh, bat die not exist | original of A Jetter written by Thianas | in beef, and it wax shown thar this par | | Moo in THIS to the editor of the Phil : ticular extract eogatained Riyoogen Padelphia Portfolia It as as follows than the roshness 1 was guilty of nuldisliing those erude and bovish U4 ments, both with respect to their na vionial and indovidual character. are heart, “The packer cme tous in some dis. | “This [fe is just long enough to come tress of mand for a way ont ef the Jif | pide errors dn, Lae ton short to Sliow us time to repair them, and there are few ! nothing but vase! and Lo wianited us ws | Wha. : Lof my erfors 1 regret more stooerely | help him prove it, and ws iad an toy hide ? relinf and to the satisfaction of the | Wo deanonstrated the rades against the Americans My sont {while an ordinary piece of wef did not | givoogen, it existed in the i culty Comeith ofosrw aontain tier and blond of esttie, a Cnet chamend stooe then, and I shisntid | moran of each of these might have blush, us a lover of liberty of | all tha hasty pres pees mots ha the bright pronise whieh peter of things tidn tae svorkd Bas aver yet wornesasd IT yon Lat continue In ie Lid wnEwr) £2veh ave ty lin ra istinoi ning ENA The aN vr aand ae Bettisp livia ispaere 2 » a op 3 Nw York Tri of slaves The Teo Haodred Guinea Fee, He was 3a venia He dido't know | whether ba sg Pans a phew Were sili Cae, WM grna od ii Pl toy HLL it aia h RE : fr was a Pwhich to ace a (06 mane tae Lest Bhunid ba fake weeniend G3 EY ITAlG Bagrer tO ler or being ternnsd nu The Valgae une Cornhill Magarie i Engiisbwaman of hb Wltieel fa MIIeW Dat Gis thy ueighil x his ‘Yr I. goani and MOTTE O Rare fell CC bondon, : enjoyed her frank indifference much | birds caused by their feather trimmed more than the falsome adulation.” ~ And He Uoaldu’s Have Both, tah-— Why dann't you got mar- BRT etgie—Deliread by ctistom, gh Eow sd In a &f Lsonviile graveyard of Caria Lin fantiy on ! Rresl sold Writer 8 LOL rush any other per London an- there——aipl the graves SOR DLare OF lass Riiowl P Bal I fois estiminted thant there are 1,300,- 900 Irish people la Agsiradia ; ‘ <3¥ Veler | the IT Wil as, olay 8 ie carves Dis syed topaat dia of my youth te Slind | tract. who bad arrived at sach sweeping oo Msierica affords of a better aud happier | elnsions from the Lat teat fred 10 Dn fram his position --Clcago » faney The result was that the chan down Ties Heralil Tha Nekw 1 The now ribs and aro or mip th re i oY Ti re ay bk 1 x oe aver 4 foatare of of epivayninee. The guid tha mivat fads able to get at all Now York Press A TEST FOR HORSEFLESH. anpot Always Ree RY 3 : “People gre apt to jump at coneln. | 1 now mean--to 8 Sogve that is wosfel | gions, said 0 chemist tn speaking of | a in New York ghe latest potable murder cass Chem. invsedf Bow many other | gry is a very nica sticnes, bat it is to prove a good | tiv rained the beef | 3 packer in this flo widd Bis extract vas mada o 11y fen the meking of the bed ex. yy si ATTEN: | pute ground or on the march Jt prob ably would be the smme on the battle fold The Greek is too democmatie in His tradition and character to admit the potion of unreasotiing obedience to any superior. ated, morvover. it is a sericus difficulty that tlerg 18 no recognized | elms in Greece fron whom enough offi ers cap be drawn Some rise from the ranks, und po Greek can exer regard bis cot panos as superior to himself. Thers w practically uo middie class 1p Greece Lov ties sutry atl are equal, except Viihpae magnates win would not think army. and if they did their purely local pres. tv tere are, indeed. plen : vied 4 istibunished families nd fron woe of hens the best officers wage, bot the pumier i thers is patura iy med in so ans # Oita « suany of the officers are merely | 1 Sales ards and oafes who protebiy despise their men, ord AY tek LUO BO Teepe saturday Reiiew fw i enteritipe 1a wail Lu in tow wieatis 1 Neal Dow's First Ten perance Work, Neal Dow was 36 years old when ba deliverad his first fempermics speech. It | was at an anniversary supper of a fine | pompany to winch he belouged, and bis | streguons on position to the use of liquor was effective to that degree that the fir Lomspany adopted temperance as a prin. Later Le prevatied opon the E Maine Machamwes' Charttable associas tsom to forego the ase of wine at its an. ot spe jupser wos almost une fe Of Che o0- Pog tiand io tee days Fiae town bell ab 1d Py odvay of warning to Jal 10 was 1RGe 0 loaves I nis custom the dex in havieyg porstadal most Cd at. | ho Portland satplovors to disodntines I BUREIYING Their wert With nor Alter Lis Dsl ico Neal Dw felt thal toaupenitoe Was the ost in portant cage of the age IL Was owing Liargely wo ns efforts that the Yoosg Mow «Distal Alstipenoe smxioty of Port Sand wis organized Ms Hest seeing, WB ie omdil owas nda an the OOURIILR POOH of a distiliery Harpo 's Weekly ud 3 Leiple ju § HU § 3 a LH pean dia pasha AXA dan sD PH be wil! fat 4] - Former lostraments of Torture, Ess gE gases, ine eo struies tao of erture were teal fOr pio an el vise farure of the yooug lady of wo | Baif a oeniury age & pollemparay i ut avs tha ganda puasiern wand dows | schoslvoom Civ E1 De Des rvend it wostid wok’ i the dota Gash ir shindex of slip re SET % a oveived sirip Axin there ar many sie Mg wether wg Ciriental bro 3 { J 4 pe PELs rariury, “HG ond minicom By the 1d fron Ships Lighter Than Wamien Vessels widow were of i An ron shitp wetshs ahear JU per Gent less TIN a Wie «fon boss ner cl Inesio brs wails 43 fupd it will carry aden WW cent TOE Cf WED Now JY urk Sun i we ail Iw sum win th nent voy [pass for og Telnet ingqutsation J bom sani be Diaitg £3 for the Buooaw ithe oheamar ins pailers for eer. with sauhts attached Fai CRetnbile 10 whan uature had buen apical unkimdily, was found wnutiag 3 orien (ial Iie abe of steel, aw easiatidd : Lc a ated SUT ped down Won aia soonred at tn stn iaiaceer ny tide spite With a slog chad my throat, fastened (ehihd The machine proved a Gury Gnd S08 Was put onder the mition of a dail sr geant, who did for ber all that was re quired. — "Social Fogland She Saw Her Mr Mann Utd vou see that woman Sue As wa crossed over Mrs Munu— You neat the woman in the cated s Gair gown and beaver sacket the ope Who sl an bronze shoes, a hat truumed with fuchsias and helio ope, with piok nboons and a ehaflon veri Noo 1 duis © netice ber mm particy. lar. What were von going to say about’ her’— Basten Transenipe : The finest and largest collection of Bibles in the world 1s sad to be that sg the Bibie house of the British and For eign Bible sccaety mn Queen Vicwna treet, famdon f : | Agpstralia could be made to support aio coma not whi to bay a onaades | 400, 000, 060 Inhatatants of the black or micht perhaps be able 10 noo widow a yellow races able to endure the climate. The present population is caly 5,000, - SOU. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers