The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 18, 1897, Image 2
mbes and green monkeys This queen ne - WOMAN SW ORLD. JERSEY CITY WOMAN WHO 1S NOT-! BD AS AN EGYPTOLOGIST. NA A Pp “about 16 pounds of nice ch | day : ove 2 i fren Is the Klondike. . Eunice LL. W. Rowbcttom of | City is the probable Anielia B. fwards, or American Egyptologist. of future. She has stodied diligently ten years, has lectured successfully different cities and will devote her © o in futore to the platform and to : i and exhanstive trav- : exploration in Egypt. od Rowbottom is a young and at- | tractive woman, a devoted mother and am scoomplished housewife. Her father Jaa profosor of Greek. and throogh hig influence and amociation she be- coame, early in life, an oriental scholar. 5 Ten years ago. when recovering from an illness, some friend sent her a copy of “Ten Thousand Miles Up the Nile.” This she read with avidity, and while “still confined to her bed she tanght her self hieroglyphics and Egyptian my- thology, after which she read Egyptian history, Jiterature, fiction, poetry, es Egyptian commonplaces—in that has any bearing } The Jersey Bas seut atrond and works for he ase. ‘The Exyptian Ritual of Life and Death, ** which is known as «he Book of the Dead, ** Mrs. Rowbot- tom found it almost impossible to get as the Astor library in New York, where, suse the book is so rare, an attend. ant was detailed to watch at hor elbow i , ihe read:ft In Biosiiya the Ii- Peary anthorities charged her for its pe vasal So the Jersey City library sent of J heond for a copy of this original liter- i Mm Row bottom is now translating a which is the story of Queen | a's vovage to the land of Post | Hatasn introdaced sailing ves | lean was altogether progressive She ‘was the “‘wew woman’ of her time came to her from all over the | ‘world. and the qoeen. clever woman that she was, always want ont to meet wach dressed in the national costame of her visite Moreover, she | invariably assumed at such times the yuculiar dialect of her guest, & combina | i tion of dress and language which never | ale to make her popular. Queen Hatasn reigned 50 years, Mrs | Rowbottom says and she it was an _doubtedly who originated the Suez ca- mal. because when Do Lesseps made his | excavations he found her cartouche on the stoves She sent an expedition to the land of Punt for myrrh, in addition | > which her ships brought back pri: AA SR was even more advanced than Elimbeth ‘of England, for her reign was all for | peace ans progress in the arts. partica- larly in architectore. She wasa Pha rach, aud as wach her rank obliged her | © 30 learn architecture In this good queen's old age her sdopted sen, who was ber nephew, found some way of getting rid of her, whether ty assassioation or seclusion * Wonen, +3 Mrs Rowbottom, “were highly pita and very ALA na RN sebolarly w Queen Hatasu's day. They were. ton. supreme in their own hotse | boids If they desired their husbands not to enter. all they had to do wea to put their little shoes outside the door. Whea on the throne, Queen Hatasu al. ways wore a sort of Lloomers, the dross of the male pharachs, which was in re- ality an accordion plaited divided shart, | worn poder a short toga This was when Egypt was io its prime. The wo men were finely educated, the children were never irreverent, “Men settled ten times as mucs mon. ey on their mothers 2s upou any other member of their fasnilies, and the ful. lowing words are from the court poet, ‘Remember thy mother Dat she not suffer for thee, and shouldss thon not gladly care for her pow? ""— Jessie Hopkins Seibold io Chicago Rec- a 5 im a New Ocenpations For Women. + It is a rare thing nowadays to hear 8 | woman say, “1 can't find anything to do.” Euglish women contend that! American worden am pever at a loss to! find employments In view of some of | the odd industries that give a livelihood | | to women here this seems more than half true Mrs Barotti, in Chicago, makes a good income by conducting a nut crack: ing establishment. This is an innovation | and one that pays well Nuts are cracked | at other places in Chicago, but Mrs. Ba- rotti's establishment is the cue best, known to confectioners, street venders | aud the best known society people. At) this scason Mrs Barotti’s business has a boom and will econtinge to increase until after the Christmas holidays Her | place of business is a long, narrow room | ‘extends a 8 long table surrounded by men, opening on the street. Down the center warnen and children | person ix a wpmre i i pried high on one side of it Lach w FP morning a 111 night ity New York san | amon the onion effort in its deep ain iss onary Ww stranger. the good ras asked whers he | | membership does Paty tie In front jron shun wv er bas a hammer and pegs away from Nii] 1s required avtract the meats withont breaking thems A good nntaoracker can rack out An nuts a For that grmonant the cracker ree or a little more In the busy sensony Mra Barotti employs from 30 to C50 hands A Philadelphis woman bas hit on a povel plan of converting mows into eash When her hashand, iaboring man, died, leaving her with fhe, small | hildren with healthy appetires, she de cided 20 becoma a prof fonsional cleaner | of kitchen floors She bas worked ber | | specialty to advantage and is so efficient | that ber regular customers would as soon think of allowing a plumber to! “tune a grand piano as to permit any ong else to tonch their kitehan floors Many kitchen floors nowadays are made of hard wood or tiles or are oov- | ered with oileloth or linolenm. An ax. pert can clean them with great rapid. ity. as this woman has proved. She makes the average fOOT A% DEAT AX WAX | in half an hour and charges only 2p cents for doing wo. She onrries her ‘owh { gools, soaps and cloths for getting the dirt off and putting the shine on and leaves things spick and span behind her For each aastomel she has a certain half hour on a certain day. Nhe is an | exact woman, and, knowing this, her customers have the kitchen ready for her She earns from #3 to 84 a day and savs she likes the work better than standing behind a connter. For some time a number of women ‘in New York have been doing profes. | siomad mending Expertness with the | poodle is the only preparation Docessary fer this business The menders are mis gionaries in a way, for they seek ont bachelors at their boarding houses, acartments and ho sels and make a con- tract to keep Hultons on (Ont Vosta and tronsers, to darn hosiery and to close | ap rents mw clothing The price chirped for such service varies according to the! size of a man's wardrpte This scheme of a perambulating re. pair shop appeals to thie avernge man, for it means money in his pocket. Tail | ors charge good round sums for orld | jobs and a woman fixes np wany things {that a tailor would net touch 1tas casier, too, 0 have a woman drop in, while a man is awny at bosinpess, and | | rid him of all the worry about the oon. {dition of his clothes ita her customers at stated intervals — The fie Mulo Women's Calon. The Paffaio Women's onion is a atrong wousectarinn association where | Protestant, Catholie and Hebrew and | those of Bo church at all, laying aside all differences of roel cr tradition, have come together to an equal footing to work for a commen goad Sometimes | gts work is wisanderstood becanse of the practical pame Por fllostration, a forlorn woman came to the president one day with a complaint teat she nad | poss defrauded and desired the mid of the protective commithies, and when asked if she had made any effort to ool she made this rather startling assertion: “Uh, no lam a Christian I cannot Baht It do for me, 0 1 came 1 ron forenoon betwiwn notsectarian and Lon. { loot her clam Tha dif peligions 1s clearly defined, and while there is no outward religions obsery. ii cance touches at the roots of what is | highest and noblest 1 life in a rovent | essay on the © Art of Living Together” ta the following aot lueteation: A hi | parm, ia bs tarct famed, went to a ha bantized the answer | had heard the gospel. and | emit, 1 have not heard the gospel, but i] have seen it The soion aims to be a thought cen- ter It stands for liberal fellowship, : progressive education, home deals aud free hearted hospilality It demands aud reccives the loyal service of pod wernen beeanse of its high ideals. These are some of the anderiving principles which are the foundation of the War en's Edacotwonal and [ndastrial anion We long to extend our borders, to ses the number of unions in cur own and other lads incronend. Slmilar organiza. | tions already exist in Paris, Londen and Geneva It conta little to begin Enthu | Slasrn, COnseCTAtion of gmrposs and 8 bt | tie money are teerod The Dufalo nulon began its work with the sum of B65, received froam fn every town and | prides tive work is peesded Wotnien. becaase of ignorance of the law, are often defraoded; woocent girls and | helpless children fall victims to ‘bud | men. and Leave women must stand for | them tn these days of political Sarvag. : tio if { the helping baud to the triendises and | persecute of Woes, sn 3 prey wil To exwua woe wt condoning ber mistakes if abe hay made them, b ut. | yew of boman weakness, rendering wim | terly aid aud sympathy, should te the ~tarper’'s Bazar Radelife College Girla. RBadeliTe college, which has started on another year was begun in 187% nuder the name of the Soctety Por the Collegiate Instruction of Women, or more familiarly the Harvard annex. la | 1584 11 was made a oollege wader the game of Radeliffe, wn houor of Anne Bndeliffe, the first woman who gave money to Harvard The instroction pro- ! vided at Radcliffe is practically wienti cal with that at Harvard There are the sate professors god the same curne. wlom: In 1868.7 there were 303 stu dents This year there are more. It 1s supposed very geueraily that there 1s very little social life among the girls. Whenever this is mentio tra | Radeliffe girl she locks surprised, tor Rodoliffe giris seen to think that they have considerable social life—as much, 10a The monder vis. wonld not | Being a just | es ASS i SA Rr i i | ment Llossed privilege of the pure amd | | Banpy woman everywhere The Buffalo | | amon has entered the fourteenth year | of reaetieal werk for its city and state the spirit i for by maias a lie Smit ED guvway, as they have time tras there iw no dormitory hie at Rad | elife. The girls who come { tunes board in private famibies. Att same time theme ix hardly a day when! sei hing going on at oul | pupers and letters thera is not so fem There ave the various clubs The Idler! the largest and a purely social one alrermmte Fridays times plavy are given are dancing and refreshments a vear the members of the [diver are’ odd “ey thir friends at Fay as The girls eal these receptions opan mestingm 2 Among tha other clnbe C Freeneh. Eoodish, German, [| Philosophy, Classical and is It meets on Ar tha! History, Se jontife | | These clubs are partly social and partiv| Then thor iz the athletic eluby te literary fir the girls pasinm and foal of the gyn ROGIER wires sLtdoee ara of smaller clubs Every Wolnesiay Mra Agasar, Rad cliffa’s president, an Miss Coes the secretary. the parlor jeast one ‘Cop meeting year In addition to these etal meetings and receptions there are other affairs which call the girls meetings dress and evening fecturas All of the evening Jsetures at Harvard are open to the Radeliffe girls pear a args city is always an advan tage, for there are the theaters and cou- ocorts to be atsended. Latest 113 Waists and Blossea receive in It is very cortain that costumes minde entirely of coe handsome material fake the palm for clegance among gowns da. sianed for cartain oorasiona made gowns are thos “botlt” It 18 quite as feruiin, BOWever, that for other pequiremonts, no matter what has fw and | differing from | gid to the ecntrary, the beantifal seprrate waist, the skirt. as a rile, in both fabric and coloring, will be as fashionably worn this winter ax if this were the inihial getann of 1a vogae There is no dont abont this assertion The tatlors aud dressmaker protest against it. bot the troth recsatus that at the most noted importing houses in the oity, and throughout the country, will be found the most varied and elaborate dusplay of dress and fancy waters that hax ever bewstt known in the history of trade and fashion and both for smartness, style and general attractiveness, the metels canto well be surpassed Sen gly the forme of geaios in this dire tion can no fnrther go A fentore of sorue of the latest si ik. mitin and velvet Lionses wa detactind hsgna, whieh is fastened 45 the Bion hy a folded indie, a wetal belt nr nib hen bast with empire bow on the left wide This makes a dressy finish to one of the most ary lish and alse eonvenisat bodies that 4p to the pressnt time have ever been vented Some of the hasjues remind one of the pepluom of classic erigin Women with vory wide h pot Sud the short addinons—tabs, crene fated of viuniyke baspnes ete. -—hwlow the waist 52 all becoming 1a their caw The looper peplum style Just referrd to is very Ccauplimentary New York Post Even ‘n the Kondo. Advires goddtinlds pews of the Women's Klob of Kion dike Althongh Just organized the so ctety shows that 11 has already grasped aps intentions of the great movement The rie manoal setting forth the peactices and primchments of fhe klub, a few copies of whieh have found their way east, will gladden the heart of ovary aidor and abetter of or ganized effort From the list of subjects for divegsdon 10 will be sn that noth ie of the sitghrest relevance to any thing pearer than the antipodes will te slowed fosoks for such topics as “How tn Cas lee,” "The Way Keep Warn With Mercury at a Yantshing Point’ and CA Camparativo Analysis of the Gastronomic Merits of Ratier Devise and Best Backs will dupappatnt. 4 No regular day or date the uusrings of the kiab Ly Niwl fice The worm of the Kind is’ in Koldest Klondike” The calirs are yellow and witty, wtgnifyiug the prinel pal products of the regiot-—gold a td enoww The badge 4 in the form of a pn and bears the design of a gold plek rampgnt npon a eld of on 11s youngest daughter, wo heartily 1 a hed with its comsthitotiopal sims and juterrsts, the General Pederstion of Weanien's Clubs bas already seut a or din] mvitation Wo beoome a the great body 1 1s really remarkaiie that, wu spite of all topographical handy caps, these brave women of Kiondike dressy Yee foamy Thi mie WG £0 tha Le rae i Prop wha a0 Ts, [have at once set abwat the aowadays imperative detail of femimne existence —a kink —-Phtisdelphia Times The mourningiike garb so li arid waitresses 1s bang pure white gowns Certainuy a fresh white gown, a sheer muslin apron with the folds still bs it and a be coming CAP Aare more appropriate for a well heated and brilliantly lighted din tng roons than the sabie, nuntitke nn form. amd such a costume is much more y for the wearer aro i {Rin MR Wh placed Ly popnfortat vu has heen wii A schon] of houstheeping opesed wn Boston, where women wish to Iweome professionals wm this prageh of domestic service may be eda saris A course of three given and students thoroughly trained in all bragches of bousekerpiug acd do mes IC MTV ION, Ey months witli Ow Fifty Philadelphia yonng women have args ire themselves to an susilary to the Woman's Health Protective as scetation The special line of work of the new club will be to assist in raising funds for a proposed pay hospital tor contagious discasos A home for deavonssses is to be opened shortly in Jersey City The project is in thie hands of the Newark conference of the Woman's Methodist Home Mission Ary SoC. LER ee s ria BA ia | wnt Warnes | Afterward there! Twi few CTiaww ars alse class grpamsizationg and a number: i pubhieation Miss Irwin, the dean, | All the larger clobs ive of daring the Loge ira Liane | laving All tatior ips dis Capresso Canning bring : Ppeeils 0 ie “Kairu re mivber of | RAS ar wr. It i] OLD PAPERS AND LETTERS. | A Collectinn of Great Interest In thie Pos session of Mra AM. J. Gage. Mrs Matilda Joslyn Cire 19 the pos- anor of an interesting ecliection i‘ oid winch she j¢ now ob reference and Eeepiuir nye ber Rive of ol ack 10 the days when her public services be arranging for iif eamewial val IW RTI DOTY, 200 gaced in t hme may be found the weekly Tribune for the foil time of . oivil war and throngh poeanstraction dave and files of Wood. huil and Clitin's Weekly Particoiar interest attnchey too3 wnndls of The published during thie ax. IX 11 Philadelphia by the sateptital committee, booause ony with it of Mra teil of Benjamin Rin Amid EP New York =~ Naw Century. rowngion of LC iiligL) af the associat graondtanghter Fravkim There The Nato amy REY seal romnlete sopies of Citizen and Ballot Box, a in 1978 at Toledo ander tire ansproes of that city’s Wom: an Sallrage assooiation Then there Tig d warrant HEL YN GAGE Pex of Italian, French and Fag: sid pamphlets, ail tearing weet in of woman Tage and Eke an SEETtion of ref. wlerful to &on- witnbeins to handis Frags (reassure iv oh oeiten wok, containing iii with the move: are po’ Hiab papers on tha of biel EEE 4 SEALE Tad “ri Etiasit We 1 iin Aher Mrs mails Le Apaer- relies of Ler nu of Seas iands aa bd pag soannfactared in Asti set? in Lon agunfactaosd (Dew 0st. afr She plate oi the front os ‘Us Aster. No.'TH New Patent spe 45 yours ago made her coh for woman's rights in a Samvention held in Syrenss 1g the odd eity hail Sue was one of the plofeers 1 thaw mio verine nt ed worked long and persistantly alainsT chmtaciae, disap pointinents ated odinm to as abe de the way for the wallient berlin OB Wi bareh amd Mate, “Whe Planned en? and © Woman's New Yori Av ren wl, Jan Eon ATT of 1 ise fond crnhiil first Three R Her are’ Waornan { man as jnventor plarsd Hn 8 UL Rights Catching rite Protertiow Against Colds White ovary of sudden ovidd, rheire are tame Ha in Lhe per Way wWontier are, especially when theme are wipes from #4 ly Heat Wo rare [ow pe rais who f Lavras preradive ot They ity w ehanges and pomediately sel ont an overcoat, o Jneket, a sar! or a wm uffler This shorilcder cite of spate awe and the fonther tows OF Wrap that last ap clo eis aR Rm ary hate Tie ries Im 1H the neck and covers the fn that these APE Toe TE protection in of tas Cliest ix yt hinges 1ewtead thteser shoes and Warner Boss were AoZWariper covert afforded take m atid ex peed nls 3 bowl fein want Cold ined tow Inueh Pret Sty for the i of t care of iad revilie Heh tier 5 fie 181% rt vid extramiities PI Rial Lae avr wrapning a weiy past ion aod Tien disene ive the that. © af edd salt and water uno rising As batly of thw sort eof great advantage. dat th yt 3 sent of the throat and chest is al way for seul wens bie method is 10 ; ATHIS & Aandi farming est and s#Yyery PALIN wid Qe - BY De iT Re WR aiid ake of this thint affect this wn My AW WYRMATY Lady wYRRel er Winter Myles, TT winter tusiitiy wr stele for the cruuing Now wis art. Lddes of ier UF pling, says a York on Bi ye Gre RLrROtive, SI a T but writer have (hey awh r osAlis Pre ur ehegalt ie the gown ALLIEN around SEE Lio Ver Udall Yaga dennrran, anal the teria ated rich, wonder fully varied, moderate in price and near Iv all beautiful tothe eye aud the and Tied v2 Ris CRAY pire siITTAY TAREREE Mas tae sear Lae J trees esd Iie nd graceiud ari ares are timer 17 a nel. The moiifod slopves outline of the wid spr A nce 1A LO thy ston or slender grace nor beauty nor Done art styles when grossly exagpe atid 10 thelr pontonr, aid It is surprising bow gnu Kiy Wis cat Deeonie Aco nstomel new of In mode, transferring oar to a radical change are variously créated for favor sr short wits netted the tad There tu fIpgme prefuragoes designs as they $ i add rosgihl ap One of Alabama's Women, Mrs Lelin Seton Wilder ts ane of the lending women in the state of Alabama. She is the owner and manager of Wilder Place. on the Tennesses mv er, near Decatur Wilder Place ts une of the finest plantations in the south, containing, as 18 does, 1,800 acres of mich land, a part of which is under eal tivation. The remainder is heavily tum. pered. Mrs Wilder is a widow and a heavy taxpayer. She manages the entire plantation nnd employs over 100 negro laborers, who mise abundant cotton Ups i pew tea Loy. gween that time and the present. yachts, great play nts Win i tha Tennessee wis fais o wdrits the neoesewity Cthat eviets for goseding agBiost axon claimed | ANNOVIIIOD LO in Than Was their babit ff brushing Pater Lo nut on and | were ff: derorated with rows of black gh Ctranmed that the office is Lent in one continuous lenjth, i 10 skirt Paitlar band | mKirt pun |B vin rather stant wore - ghar walstod. -~ Exchange tiie | i wha | primibation and agnostic fokets her election thera we { women, the the reduesd | ading skirts are | | fhesd and MN diseonraged Mrs Henry is a Keatueky Fwoman of phases ‘pt she will LBRO. wi FEY pRFNICIAL ¢ Bt Sashes Arve In Vogue, : : Qashes are in vogne and are to be worn of varying widths and textures, | knotted, looped air loft plain and falling to the hem of the wines A pretry model of rich, heavy black Beir adv pernsa the ands with! a full quilled rofling of black ison About a foot from rhe tottam en bor der of cream colored aT Ine put on bins Another sash iy also of moire edped all armnd with a scant roching of hlnek , Both of thes spo 8 inches wide and have only a bunch of loops where the plaited belt fustens at the waist A handsome sash for evening wear is of Roman striped «ili, bordered and | edged with plaitiogs of block brussels pet. Another, of helistrope satin and Black thread lace, is knotted and loops wy | at intervals of a fount skirt. the wide soft folds of the giving an artistic affect The hlrase bodies, in varying forms, | bas riven rise to thes sashes and they threaten belts, oven for sveryday hoose ATTNst WA i9 ws iia: ox 9 fan satin toy smperevde or gens and rodixtes prisndiot that it will | pot be long before the old tune fashion Cof witirts sewed visibly to the will come in stele again Aloeady the peevens arp honse pede in Tg of joining 1+ courealed, and it is just a eis Bias gten between that and the Jaearyevar, old fashinged eri simply with a cord, wars, ‘hedy.” with the skirt gath- on to it and strengthened thst our grandmothers Pifty Years Ago. In pleturing some of the ect itiona | of life in her girlhood Mrs MEW 'Epistie to Posteri cirrtain inirasts In the early forties and fifties almost every- body “had enough to lye on” and, Lyonng ladies dressed well on $100 a year The dang in Poston wero drossex] with servnnl plainness, and the wife and ownnd ane broesde, which did service for several years Display sins consid ered] vulgar. Now, alas, only Quen Victoria dares to go shabby Fi clothes hivwn Dewan fn neooisity to josey lights Tha greater proportion of Sherwood, thus in her nites Yas. as 3: a : ps jade Ars happaer Taam thors wis not such emulation, such viglpar samy. ing nor such soaring, foolish ambitions, Then men are women fell back on their aw for that entertainment which pow week in fast horses and sonstunt change, journeys wo Europes and to Newport Pooks took the place of dives and a When a young lady was intr deed into society, one bouquet did do. ty for the 70 which now are ennsiderd quite wo few. Thane was on sober ale gancoe among even the first in position and the richest tn pocket. There was no talk stout money, It has become a subject of copversation since thie war, int ihete Ley A Brave Ploover, Phrven mahers, thie manage of the the. atsr 2ud a policeman tried to indoes an Atlanta woman to remove a particalar | iy abpeticnal In" ny from her Poly Taviar of fears hat” {ayer Ei Na Lida hecal whitle Nis hatture mpartment The FORT SHE LAY FREON Lady of ines wih flddie soon that wr by Ler or compelling ler to rier when they wantod to Leave the the poet o drink, Bhe sald farther that when that peculiar pnpands, 19 which all waonien sre continually sub. jected in theaters overywhore, was ai dik ished she world consent Wa her bat, but sot antil then heave pioneer fur a peforas that shonbd be lu. stituted in the management of Dearly every theater —Iachange TERETE bg WEEN Nralding and Randa {i loth gowns for braiding in tan amd gold ds mneh sme ployed, and blseck and steel appear an gowns of prelate purple and danish blue Same of the gray wool gowns are velvet or | in dark shades of red, and 1t poticeabls among the Gnbortsd this skirt amd waist are if a gnrsoet the gimp carried froan shonbder corsage edge. and upon the dress just beneath this edge begion a that is carved vuands are added to the guile LTE is that a fk ar valvet bands i Nimtlar in heoken lengths, aud this is to be particularly comnended ty ifr skirt tose who A Candidate For Poesident. A candidate for the 1000 will be Mra Josephine BR oslo residency i Henry, th be seaninisted With wid 1 ther apposition to sending the frouciiime 10 Dingley tart law would tha government wankd be wer of coal mines, railways telegraph and telephone lines, functions wonbd te abolished or simpli Sabbath observance would Fy Hes TTY tw repealed, ene the ov aE ad bes adneation and many sooo plishments While she is a prohibition aot bie connected With any and ref akes Jinn Christinng Tamperance ark Tribune ardor ti Wo Tar Lit ave) pens 8 N £1 ve Hertha VV. Thompson. wr T™ thertha 3 WOT WK Og) To Psaa, ryitnated in [NUE FI CERT Ra of isiikosh, Wik, ar Ides, to sucessad Dr. RCN. Nintzel, the regular cat grepeadest Troan tigation. Dr man to hold the in the state of Wis in Neenah, Wi a ars and hospitals before studying medicine ly wornan physician in Oshkosh. ‘aty peading an ISIN fow wv Eye ie Lag asl an it flies on the | The waist line very much ing evidenon this Le i JREW TIE ars nuer, althoagh the line fitors of the richest man other Prune thr 3 the ; {oper part a hive oF brignt tape PA vhs tiie Eien Fares a dings cand [os daniidiross wear is down th . Cealheets them are i | onr oan Dir widy tine wn bright young | ata Chi | Hoge, has been appointed | by May- | ahysician, who has beon © Ives | Thoaupson is the frst wos : office of city physician | She was born | and was a teacher for then served as parse in She JIMMIE ( COBB. | Aw Asnusing Creature of Wonderful Yel. “tmple Construction. Select five corncobs—one large white anh, two of medium size and two small pipeorn cobs. You will also want five ~immon wire hairpine and some bits of uy cloth. Be gure that all the cobs are perfect in shape. Now push ope of the hairpins into the pith at the large end of each of the fone small cobs To do this, press the points together and push down firmly anti] het one-fourth of an inch is left, i thus forming a wrong wire bon Now take the two larger cobs and hang both, [hy these loops, to the fifth hairpm, which must te pushed finnly into the larae end of the largest coh These form Mr Jdiminite’s which are thus en. abled to move abont quite satarally Wake a hole clear through the larger coh frm side to side altvns thes inches fr Pana strony cord throngh the wire loon of one the popearn cobs, creed fhe finde of the beady cob int the loop of the o . bowly cob and back aguin dire ngh the hole, then tie the two ends firmly together. This fin. + » IR, othe tion Lishes the body of Jimmie, whose arms {and leg swig naturally Tio make Jiinmie's face, dmw a piece of white mosiin smoothly over the ap of the vob, sewing 8 firmly just alwite the srips Patut his {features or Arpw then with ink aud be sur to Qive him of seniling counteuanos Now make | a pir of trousers of some bright oolor, sity the in over is legs ard fasten them aly alvin bis | easier drawn not ly % fmsrigranl ut £$ Make a joowe cont, fr wiv 5 aes ja% pox, nud «lip Aid ra secatie, and for 1 fon, wilted madi tion 20 «nile oom, fastening 11 aay + ed virgregee Cand he 1 Te oniy rire pital res ars 3 $4 will jet Lu . i Zaid relist it UT soma? fr of this Fs Bn, a {| thes, — lotsa Kove Piaxine “Wan Rhsnealty.™ ny oi the counting of the long iz of the long ovo fries grad the sub FIIs abel parties they bring oon the old gues ron. Clan't tire saushing pew that wan. play?’ It i ad sltopethey freely if the wiiteh Om : We wavs diMenit to Hud snvebhing original, and some 4 trifle worked over suit frvshened will be found quite ax interesting ae anvihing else For oe BLO, are many wond giunes, hat pot ome of then 16 quite like the little fummaker kpown ss the “word rhap- In play gute each of Ete 18 upped to choose wal Wit in wWrilien stim] by the host. averh a ar any other apoest sell, The cands ap atl the hostess vars ona large phe of ra<l peneil, =o that, An be wen all iver 5a ine is invited to ry i He th woes appr ars, ail if then Iw itig praatioally all 0 8 ann to LD tis of work shoal | flim sptand fo en mang When ROTOR BTR thus Anthors are ie vitowd to pad saad, or the hostess anid ress them hers (ff ren very amusing The CASAS SY EES al leber prmes, nr ¢ Soaps wiv ing ios was 5 8 caiiad vy inl ‘ rrp FL It may be FEV, OMITNGEH iN word tha Bw writes all the Ww white TERT an 84 Hoenn tisaisy at freed 1th * i ths tywill Bene SS wher Bt preie vn wri on ahr wl hich pvery prant Thies FEE Tyee dria LA Gas . 4 The rossits are! rhianns aise makes a atv aoand erpise Chicago Record Pluribus Unem.™ Wi are indebted to Jolin Adameiite national mest, UE Plurtbas * White he was minister to Eng. Priata ick sugposted tt Adar s as a asl motto to ned. cate the anton of the colonies It was sutiiitted to congress amd adopted by ait of congress, June, 1782, The sagle in its twnk bears a ribbon on which is the ruotta. In the early days of its ase the eagle bore also inoits talons a boa. din of 13 armws but when, i 1841 a pew seal was msde 10 take the place of the old one, had become warn, only six arrows were placed in the tal. ans. Whether this change was ordered | by law or not is not known The idl Latin motto was in. ase iu Eagland as fur hack as 1780 on The Gentleman ‘s! war Lian Jolin tir Mr ier whic 41 Magazine —5t. Nicholas Her Awful Dream. A tle maid of tender venre Had saeh an awfal dreams! She caine 10 ie slimes? 10 Tears HS Just was gUiLE tO sTesn sWhen both my open came open wide TAnd, of | was so glad To find 11 was 4 dreams, she orted, Hoon 11 was ac lad!” “What could it be, poor chiA 1 eadd “Were yOu prrsued ty beers? Perhaps your dolly troke her head? Or did vou fall down stairs?” woah, dear! It's most too had to tell] Yom khiow in sohocl cur oles Are havip ‘zamminstions. Well 1 dresaned didn't pass!” ; —Elimaboth kK. Durns in Privacy Education.