The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 11, 1897, Image 5

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    PATTON PUBLISHING co; Proprietor ors.
RB Wiis (HEENE, Editor.
BOR ROT why Lote oof He's sunshine
i oy tr tie world's deem
# LOO REAR A fen Gi
Te the tat of another man's dog.
1 like m Nie when she ealle mo “Dens, "
“Her { €) “ and “A Precions He
And “Dove” ix a fenst 10 my yours ng she,
And “Pet” ma sant of jor,
Are the Toms PHA whe whispers when
. Bhe presses her Hips against soy cheek
And mummers, “ff wants ten,
To the
Miners Btore
Company, ( Limited )
And see their fine line
Of Ladies’ Coats and Capes.
Visit Miller's White Shoe Store.
Fresh Gray butter at Boyoe's groc-
J. Edwin Parnell Sandayed at Cloar-
Jas. Allport came over from Hastings |
on Friday.
Gio to Hastings Opera House on Sat.
urday night.
Next holiday is Thanksgiving Day,
November 25.
Chas. Weld drove over from Coal
port on Sanday.
The best line of shoes in town at Pat-
ton Supply Co.?
J. R Marshall came np from Johns
town on Thursday.
Children’s fall and winter coats at
Mirkin & Kosner's. ;
R. A. Wilson, of Tyrone, had busi.
ness here on Monday.
Wm. J. Haid, of Lortio,
on our streets Toeeday
I. F. Baughman spent Sunday with
his family at Brookville, Pa.
Wan seen
» F. J. Lord, of Tyrone, was hustling
up trade in Patton on Friday.
Patton borough now has a ‘‘pound”” :
Chas. A. Wolfe, of the Palmer hoowse, |
but have very little use for it.
‘Have you seen the new line of Indies’
wrappers at Patton Suppiy Co.?
. “The World Against Her" at Hast
ings Operas House Saturday night.
J. H. Bressler, of Johnstown,
up to Patton on business Monday.
Cane |
Ye Yun Wah, the laundryman, visit- |
od friends at Altoona over Sunday. :
= Go to Mirkin & Knsner and see their
fine line of fall and winter coats.-1t
The railways of the United Kingdom |
possesses nearly 20,000 locomotives.
The Bachelors were entertained at
ye editor's home on Thursday evening.
"The returns of Kentucky will not be
complete until the coroners’ juries
of South Fork, and Geo.
wii, were in town
fmear Carrolitown, has
i the Letts property on
Da Avenue.
John E. Ketzinger and John Morgan,
* of Hollidaysburg, were visitors to Pat-
ton on Sanday.
C. C. Bailey, a traveling salesman of
Chicago, KlL., was looking after trade
in Patton on Monday.
Ed. A. Mellins new addition to his
postoffice block on Magee avenue is
nearly ready for occupancy.
J. W. Morse, of Buffalo, N. Y., anc
_ Mrs. W. A. Luce, of Cleveland, O.,
stopped in Patton on Tuesday.
Fred Newman, the efficient clerk in
the Temple Clothing Co's., store, spent
Sunday with friends at Altoona.
H. M. Gooderham is attending the
State and National Grange convention
being held at Harrisburg this week.
Before another year Patton will no
doubt have paved streets and electric
light. Won't we be a ‘daisy’ then?
Patton will have another Beech
Creek passenger train to go into effect,
November 15. More will be said about
it later.
Chas. Cassidy, of Carry Run, whose
wife died at that place Friday, is re-
ported dangerously ill of blood |
venient entrance to his livery stable. |
He has made a driveway from Magee
avenue in between the Cornelius and
= Run on Monday,
| friends at Clearfield this week.
{ents at Clearfield over Sunday.
ment court at Ebensburg on Monday.
: Republican
‘buy your bread from Kessier, oppo-
K 4 tien lin can |
Lock Haven last seasoy,
i merchant of
The mites in the Patton region are
running fair. ;
Prof W. P. McBride, spent Sanday
at Philipsburg.
F. W. McCoy came up from Carry
Durrant, the California siirderer, is
at last doomed to hang.
Mrs. Will
L. Thompson visited
Mrs. Harry Hasson visited her par
See the Cinderella stove ud in another
! part of the COURIER this week.
The town of Mabaffey may be lighted |
by electricity says the Ganette.
R. Bomervilie, Esq, attended argu-
Revival services are being held in the
| Methodist Episcopal church this week.
C. H. Ferry has been appointed the
postmaster at Chest
The finest line of fresh groceries in
Ihatton at Boyoe's cash grocery next to
Don't miss attending the theatre at
Hastings on Saturday night. It will
be a good play.
Patronize your home bakery and
site the Palmer house.
Chas. E. Wilson, the familiar shoe
salesman of Philadelphia, spent Friday
‘and Saturday in Patton.
Hut the totsrhingest wear thm ber 1Ongne oan
Alex Grief and Julius Rager, two of
Carrolitown’s prominent citizens, had
business in Patton on Saturday.
C. A. Repsher, of the COURIER force
attended the Lutringer— Campbell wed-
| ding at Carroiltown on Tuesday.
Fred Barker, who is stationed near
Flynton, this county, with sn engineer”
ourps, spent a few hours in Patton oT
Mrs. John Walker, of Johnstown, ac
companied by ber two sons Broce and
| George, is visiting at the home of her
ancle, Daniel May,
Peter Sperlein, hase ball pitcher for
has been
‘signed by the New Yark National
League club for next season.
Daniel Potts, of Philipsburg, bat
whe has been stopping at Youngstown,
, for the past year, spent Tuesday in
| town the guest of his brother.
The wind storm of Toesday morning
‘did considerable damage by blowing
down trees morose the wagon roads,
railroads and telegraph lines.
The J. E.
When you take a trip to Ebensburyg
stop at the Blair house and you will tw
used all right. Accommodations ex-
cellent and rates snoderate. 69-10
D. H. C. Warren has wold his new
residence on West Magee avenoe and
has already commenced the erection of
another one East of the one be sold.
, Councilman W. C. Habbard and
spent a few days hunting in the wilds
of Clinton county, near Beech Creek.
Rev. D. 8. Monroe, DD. D., the popular
presiding elder of Altoona district, deliv-
sd an elogaent sermon in the’
Methodist Episcopal chorch last Sgn,
day evening. :
Have you been to see the fine line of
ladies’ coats and capes and children’s
coats at the Miners Store company?
You should not miss it by all means.
They are dandies.
Geo. H. Adame and hie renowned
troupe producing comedy, vaadeville
and pantomine will be at Hastings
Opera House on Monday night, No
vember 15, Don’t mies it.
Chest creek ws beginning to wake op
since the recent rains. During the
‘drouth a good-sized cat-fish stood a
poor show in many places--not the oat-
fish which fell into the pool and was
*. A. Sharabaagh, the hustling cloth. |
Carroiltown, had
gaite a unique ad in the Cambria
‘Herald last week, subject of which
was “Almost a riot al Carroiltown.™
It was quite catchy and original
The final act in awarding the Coban
mail contract for the next five years to
‘the New York and Coban Mail Steam-
iship company was accomplished on
Priday when Postmaster General Gary
affixed his signature to the papers.
The COURIER acknowledges the re
oeipt of an invitation to First An-
nual ball of Baid Eagie Lodge No. 410
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen to
be held in the Opera house, Jersey
Shore, Pa, on Thursday
vember 25, 1897.
evening, No
On Sunday several hogs which are
“allowed” to run loose in Patton
borough, rooted up a considerable por-
tion of W. H. Moore's lawn in front of
his office near the depot. It is a shame
that citizens are compelled to tolerate
| such £ NUISANCE.
J. W, Tupfer, of Gallitesin, wili sue-
ceed H. 8. Godcharles as manager of
Geo. 8. Good’s large store in Patton.
Mr. Tupfer comes to Patton as a man |
{of mach experience in the store busi-
Todd Nagle now has a new and con-
ness, having been connected with the
Gallitzin Supply Co. for some time,
where he gained many friends by peing
{a genial and courteous man to do
| business with. ‘
! Optical THasizos Often Decelv: Behobors|
Don’t be deluded into the ides that
; Boral,
‘and be created a man who didn't
Kirk Hardware Company !
has secured the contract for putting
the new hot air furnace in Dr. Marray’s
new residence on Beech avenae.
es BUNA Ea
(there is no difference in Spectacies
{There is ax much difference in the
| fervaen of spectacles as there is in wodl
and cotton. The most serious optics]
| illasion may be discovered when los
Ciate. A few minutes of your time may
save you more than you may know.
if your eves trombie you there is no
safer, surer or cheaper method than to
coment me. Examination free
| mer house, Patton, Pa, November 16th
The members of Patton Lodge No
L109 will attend service in the Metho
Loy 20th,
£p4d Feiiows,
dist Episcopal church next Sanday at
1:30 a rm. at which time the pastor,
Chas. W. Wasson, will deliver a
special sermon by request of the jodge.
All Odd Fellows living in town are in-
yited to assemble in lodge room in
and proosed
A oordial in-
everbody to
Good baiiding at 10a mm
in a bexdy to the church
vitation Is extended to
sttend this service
Fiaim's Festod Since
In beginning (vod created the heaven
and the eri Then he made the ad
Por and the herald advertiser and the
prompt paying sutweriber, and it was
The next day » bigzard sel ip
lieve in advertising and be rested.
Then the devil got into the back ro son
and created the man who takes
editor's paper for years and fais
pay for it. The devil then took a re
tat the editor husn't rested since. FE
We. the nnderdigned, do
agree to refond the money on two Ib
cent bottles of Faxter's Mandrake Bi
ters, if it fails core conetipatio
billousness, sick headache, or anv |
the diseases for which RB is Pec
mended. We ales gusrantee ostve
Botihe to prove satisfactory or money
by €. W. Hoi
t ix
Por sale
re fein Sa
wick fr Prasssmges.
Murphy, a widow living
at Gabitrin, has brought suit for £5 006
apaunst lie Fen WEY IVANIA Railroad
eompany for the death of ber hosbund
in an secident wt Routh Fork several
months ago He was run over bys
a iatier place wile M-
terng pring to cross the tracks
Mrs Mary
Snir a aa
Pein a Le
Parton Markets,
es pra rkel changes:
For Infants and Children.
: yh
Cn | farnited |
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The femous Tite pills.
pans Tatmles
oo & dyspepein,
Kipans Talmles assist digestion.
Mali morvios 100 Allmeika,
- Postoffor Department has modi-
of September 3, a8 to
from: Seattle,
go trafBe. wo 1 permit
cwimaster at Seattle to dispatoh
v the stedorer Farrelon twits A
month from aboot ® Suplensber 3, 1887,
Ni natesd of one trip
rail mer oe
te Dye,
The barn on the farm of Michas!
Waltz, near Chest Springs, this county,
was burned to the ground last Friday
wits a coments, incloding
hay, grain, horses, bogs, chickens, ete,
There was no irsuranance. The fire
was discoversd at 5 ofplock 8 mo, and
no cause can be sssigoed.
merning, fis
Faint For See,
tard te Bae wid £90 PARRY
of Thomas Baily,
gles mine, Patton, Pa At4
Twe 3 Te of
Mag ye x 3
[Hsfiguren bares or
soalds may be avoided by osing De
Witt's Witeh Hazel Salve, the great
remedy for piles and for all kinds of
sores and skin troubles. CW. Hoag
Kins, Pation Pharmacy.
nents for life hy
Vhorew wie With Cavrareis
CHa RS Dorel er
WHEE Rta refund meieeey
bet De
Fkmenre Your
: igre
Fai Sy
Small pill, wafe pill pil,
Witt's Littie Farly Risbrs cure billions.
ness, constipation, sk headache
W. Hoxigins, Patton Pharmacy.
With every 825 worth of goxwis pur.
chased at OUT store you wilh be pre.
tifal piece of silver.
ware, which can be seen displayed in
Fees, ¥F ree!
series wilh a Paarl
Minin & KusweER.
pyr who
The Bazaar
By eg 4 ER
Aa<% YL H8 »
NE ia is
dali 5
¢ iren 18
Yu ‘eo
* 4 3 3h EE Ses
aa o Cats.
Niew large Blankets at §1.00 per pair.
Niow Parlor Lamp for . 1.008
8 very Sine line of DOLL
. WE are still leading in all kinds o
SHOES at prices and qualities that
yon ean sot find elsewhere (all
and examine our goocds. A word
to the wise “SAVES MONEY.”
[pa AT
Patton, Pa.
(3, Brady, Prop'r,
a A A WHS S405
» 0 B00 OPO
25¢ S0¢
Jie ad Booklet free. 44.
T he best
A SBE yea
1538 ss ©
money's worth—and
x * *
¥ Ala at
Wi AN >
3 .
i TC
: hk WY iY sons Ya :
Ee pao HAY Dues to
L tit Li)
Tiras uh
2adt Ie.
fOr Our new
William F. Gable & Co.
pa The Quickest Mail Order House in the State.
and living in ju-
argh) ] a
ving well, 1s
divwous marketing. Where
you buy 1s as of much m-
$e pp Yes: 4
ance as what you buy and
what you pay
Cones Io food.
oh PE
4 als
i 3€ Dries are al Way:
are a necesspy
these COO) nights and
1 " 1
we have just what vou
Miners Store Co,
nestion i is asked often:
mplai mm; mught be
ng our share; what more
WwW ay & read)
try to make ends
*> & PL th =
20 G0 di. Lag
neel on
8 1 ter
3 Yr 3
Torney on ss
L & +
we re
IOOK We are ai-
comes our way and
lh . .
Mt proht
1.00 ag WLS aE RE
WW i, be. pleasant iG
been worse:
ia ian
we OT
TAS ch
The way we buy makes Jowest prices
to begrin with, the way we soll insures
a guick turn over of ail stock ander all
conditions. A quich command of ready
cash ives us the baying power, and
every mivantage we get goes la you
Tuer a differenon, vou should know
. for meas a deal to you when
srw sperniing your hard earned
Sellars So Sata ge
5 4
That men govern the country, but
when i comes getting the fail
maney’s worth for every dole Wotan
demonstrates ber in nite stperiomty
over man. So just send your wife or
sure yore? 3 examine our ew
are uf
Womankind i» delighted with the
Dress Cowods Novedfles we any showing
for fall and winter wear, aml the Ger
man Flanneis, Henrietias, 1 asbinerns,
Shepherd's Plaids, Outings, and are
vadnes for the money
IME sRVe YOO maaey.
Tat ali f55 the
in (dis Loe we
Allwond Blas nitets oan 1
wir: als a line
Ps a3 prices Tha
A fall line of gentlemen's, indies’ and
childrens in cotton and wow, Ask wo
see our Hescelined Unnderwear for
men. Cur prices jure night.
Before we forget it we want fo teil
vis that we have sdded to our stock
the line of F NN. corseta
Every pair
seladira tet
a pertentt I 8:
Sew oar pew line of table and for
Ol Cloths foe fall. Before poiting ap
that new stove vou will want fo po
udder it a nice neat patiern a oil
cloth We can furnish it from 15 to
Mie. pwr ard
Ti buy a pair of our Shoes means
that we have made an everlsting shoe
customer of von. The Kant Wrip "Em
for children are the best school shoes
ot the market. They don't crowd the
children’s toes Suppose you wy a
I ANT hut rit
-. aad a
ane well-fed stock of stupas amd
funey groceries. Jadge the Bouse wife
by the groceries she buys and judge 3
grocery store by (he gous it sein We
wedome this kind of iudgem wnt. We
have carefully studied the Grocery
besinens and the market at home, and
wae by the best of everything and vou
can do the same by buying bere. We
i lry to see how cheap we can
sill but “how good sc just ry some
sar Wonder flour and you will ‘wonder
how yon got along without it, also
Pil lstuzry White Satin and Amber are
sondertil bread prodtcers
We have some fine pickling vinegar,
hath in cider and white wine, that will
stand the pire-food test. Ro in buviag
vour Grocertes, Dry Goods, Fre | Took
at for trash; or better still: Bay your
groceries and provision here where
you ran no risks
Yours For Trade,
Patton Supply company,
Fure Food Sellers.