{THE CLOCK WINDER. * A NEW YORK MAN WHO MAKES HIS LIVING AT THIS CALLING. ‘Whiten of Some of His Patrons Whose Timepiecns He Looks After— Mystery of the Clock That Wouid Not Go on Friday. Pwenty Clocks In One House. Clock winding seems a simple enough ik to be performed by owners for pspective timepicoes, but them ar | fey many people who find it sfficiently Purdensome to make them delegate it to some one else Hence bas arisen the profession of clerk winder, which as yet claims probably fewer members than any other calling in the city For some years jewelers have attended to the repairing of clocks which they mold and have even Iocked after the winding wheres this was especially desired. but _ they never tried to obtain this kind of Swnness, and it was dono merely as an meermmodation to their castomers. Now hove 13 at least cue man in New York-— ‘thors may be more. though pot many whims only occupaticn is the wind- ing. regulating apd occasional cleaning of clocks for namerons families He makes daily rovnds so as to cover bis : entire route. but Be never visits the ame hoowe oftener than once a week. | {Om thie diy his oomaing fs expected, avd | has fren access to all the rooms | [ohother they are ocvapisd at the time ornot Through the varions halls and partments be goes, from the top of the ‘house to the bottom, winding the clocks and giving a touch here and there to a regulator whers he finds it neRWErS Of ccures he does not pay any attentic to the little nickel alarm clocks, w Nich ran for only ope day His care, being given weekly, %, spent upon the eight day cleks of more cxpensive design and werkesanship i The clork winder whom The Tribune, peperter maw had several stories to aboot tho permit of bis occupation. *'Bome people arc very part frnlar about 7 Ee Pe the striking of their clocks’ be said | They will ask me if 1 can't arrange to ave all the timepieces in the hous striks together Now, as a general thing that is an impossibility, and JI tell you why Same clocks are arranged 6 strike just half a minate before the ‘Dorr. some for a quarter of a minn before, same for a fow seconds after the ‘hoor find soon. You see if I fixed them 80 that they wonld strikes together they ‘would pot be exactly together in point ot setnal time, which is mors important one hanse on roy list the family owns 20 clocks. Of these | suppose 5 or 6— perhags more—strike in unison, and ‘the others all within & minute. My or- ders in this house are to have all the clocks exoept : one at precisely the core oot time. This odd one is the timepiece dn the bedroom of the mistress of the house, and she wishes it kept three mines fast. 1 think that is the only ; tat the TO heaotnn, : tis difference go stopped ont Fridays That waa quo than ever, anti} by chance I bis servant, while dusting the room on that day, wan in the habit of passing ber leloth along the mantle under the clock. Thin woald have made po difference with many timepieces, but this ome had ‘an open bottom, through which the tip {of ths pendulass projected The dusting cloth just touched this enough to stop 4t_The girl did not know what she bad doom, and thos the family were mysti- fod unew each week by finding that the clock would not go an Friday. J "I clean all my clocks regularly cnoe $n two years, and in that way keep them fu proper running order. Most people ‘think that it is just as well to let a clock ron until it stops, fairly clogged up with dirt, but that im’t so. By thas time it may be so bad that it will be Limpossibie ever to make it run as acce- mately as it did before {1 am uscally paid by the month to take entire charge of all the clocks in a ‘house, it being understood that 1 make weekly visita Sometimes, though, I am employed by the year In the case of the house | was telling you of, where they have 20 Slocis, they pay use $100 speoralle for cork Tt takes a good Gai wa muy use ta the course of 13 months apd T don’t ill my pockets as ‘fast, as some folks seem to think I ought,” concluded the clock windeg with 8 smile. —New York Tribune Scarcity of Material. { “The Rev Mr Jingle is running his mission in regular vacdeville style ‘Had a pie eating match there on Mou- day, and last night he offered a prize to the mother who would wash the greaé- est number of boys’ faces in the short est time. It was a dead failure.” . : {What was the trouble?’ “Couldn't get the boys "—Cleveland gy di Bonk | tare. 43 | i COAL AND IRON. The Important Relationship of These Two Valuable Minerals. Statistios show that, whereas Great Britain in 1840 produced 75 per cent of the world's sapply of coal, at the pres ent time it prodoces omly 34 per cent Atlantic liners no le carry ooal from Great Firitain for t » return jour. pey They now fakes in American ooal and no less than 1,500,000 tons of American ocal were thos consmmed in 18858 The condition of ths fron mana: facturing industries has always exer clend a most important inflaence on the production of coal, ac that a largede mand for iron draws with it a large de mand for mineral fuel During the last 95 years the world's production of pig fron has increased from 12,000,000 so 26,000,000 tons, but the share taken by Great Britain has fallen from 48.8 per | cent to 29 per cent, while that of the United States has increased from id} per cent to 26.2 per cent, that of Ger many from 11.4 percent to 21.4 per cent, and that of Russia from § per cent to 4.7 per cent Indead, iron is now be ing imported from the United States into this corntry, and, incredible as it may seem, the railway station at Mid. dlesbrongh, the center of the iron trade, is built of fron brought from Belgiom Surely, then, thé anthor of om Coal | Resources at the Close of the ) Nine teenth Centnry’’ is bardly right in ' thinking that British ccal and iron still hold their own He argues that other countries of Europe are exhausting their eal supplies just as Great Britain is yet the figures he gives show that Ger many has in reserve, within a depth of : 8,000 feet, 108, 000,000,000 tans of coal as compared with oor (England's) 81,083, hy 000 tone within a depth of 4.000 foot And this estimate docs ot fnclnde brcwrn cecal, of which Gormany raises 25,000,000 tons snnually. —Na Jodi gn CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES. ghey Have Done Mach to Redoee the Loss Prean Water at Fires, Mr. Charles T Hill writes of “The Fire Patrol" in St Nicholas, the final} © paper in his series on the New York fire] sors t Mr Hill mys: The “chenical engine.” osd consid. erably in the fire departments of sever: cities, has aided materially fn lowering} the loss by water at small fires The preparation carried in the tanks of those engines bas a double advantage—nos only does it extinguish a large bidy of fire with the nse of a small amount of water, but the lignid itself evaporates quickly, leaving very little “drip” in the apartments or floors underneath the fire. The tanks of these engines are charg- pi with a solution of bicarbonate of so da (baking soda) and water, with a small cylinder of sulphuric acid ms pended at the top When the tank is in. verted, this acid is emptied (nto the soda and water, and the mixture as enos generstes carbonic acid gas ata great premmare Charging the liquid with this gas gives it the necessary pros sure to drive it a considerable distance The bose is coiled around a reel on top of the engine, and always connected with the tanks, so when the firemen ar rive at a fire all thoy have to do is 0 ron off as much hose as they need. dash un stairs with the line, give the order to dump’ one of the tanks (there are two, carrying 60 gallons cach), and they are all ready to go to work The chem | fend engine has extingmisbod mare than 25 from of considerable size since it has been ip sorvien in the N pent, a little over a year Ir is station- ed on the upper west wide of the city, w bie thers ure a great number of éwellings sod fata, and it hos aided 5 matermily in keeping Shown thus fire’ mam Ln Wat part of New Yark sr nd RA is Lalpeie. 3m: Yemtel CC Barrows, in an article the New York Independent on Plain 3 Thought! as exemplified 0 EAITUIRITY se tive greut Jrsome ght market Now York depart | was thonght = their friend tionately on the other's shoulder and f ower wnt 2 ha branty ASOT When mneh of £ phew Yaad 3 her atl pay i scorn the wealth Ls nog the highest and 08 fig the High on Yaw, the phenomenal gt ena yachting craise ree LCahfornia. The wink, and she soon tock to » of her freeads. going to - she wins progressing, beard : inn a most pecal- ¢ nuud came 0 rpinined that Miss Yaw {2 stuging, 7 the vie “Nom, | know,” ane t Miss Yaw moans WAY is won't disturb -atsas Clty Journal gs : ER GIaaTT PAE BARS * Her Tier * Ha s oof one London compa bout 30, G00, 000 miles In f a year— half as much as is suit by the trains of the kondon and (western mailway-—a distances sali- pt to take then nearly thive tines sonnd the world every day corse racing were abolished, it is viiated that over 20,000 people would thican out of exploywent io Eng- ad = Ls & ta he - »” WEPRCEY A lO dis. As so the Price of & Deg. There was a dog show in a southern town several yrars ago, apd a New York man carried a lot of setters und pointers down to compete The dogs were the dest on exhibition, and the New Yorker provided a pedigrees for each of them as long as his arp. He knew bow to handle them, ang they took moet of the prizes Two of the loeal sportemen cy to one of the dogs, and in t paid a large price for it——about §5 wonld never tell what the The pointer was sent from or 3) place in the hope that it would take prizes, as the New Yorker bh sented it to be one of the finest in the conuntry, bot it never chime in for a much as ‘highly commended Within a few months it died withont jeaving so much as a puppy Wy mourn at its grave in the turnip patch Nobody could find out wha uw paid for the dog. Some month after. ward one of the purchasers was jt Niag ara with a friend who bad been waiting for a chance to get the information Each had taken many cocktails, and finding the mar of the river a burden | they wanderad away from it and saat down on a log. The friend thought his time had come. He put his arm affec. steading Bim. "Ray, Frank and what did you 3 ek "4 AnYin x aay The other ross to his mination. Wall full, but Bans sly tas tl And noo oe Sun. 14 rite H a sald, Zive for man," Frostace foot with deter. he wad, ©} may bw wel of D'oh drank »y - Enows yor XNlw York Clever With the Cards Bones yore apg ar Was umdergoing oe daring whnh line ars § Lap mar ke Ca ¥ 1h Bailie rival IONE eared were fonnd Hewes tintand » Hu re +3 WW for tie ¥ wp vil Kile seeaitd fora the wie 2 Bis private oon speals with thet ; When he git the m alone, boiiy Kind man and a rear Dawerith with every ot, bo silted thom as a favor to tell him where they bad hidden the aur, Then they told bim that as the sergeant and his oocurade their soil they stuck the pack [in baw! pocket and picked it agam before be Jett, as a proof of which they prpwented him with the much used pack. 4~-FPear- son's Woekly a very I 8s pers tered Crookers Pioguent Proxm Ther ix cone place in this joontry | whers they think Richard Once 18 a goat orater. It is in Utab, 1 never msde a speech in omy sail Mr. Croker, “esorpt by jo the Demorratie national eo SERBS held in =t. famis, thurs war temt irr delooent ions from Unb haps dois ast ux was far Clevel the other atinst him erm 5 WE wit she Vital Lola to hve 4 noRer pr wutat oh 4 ts 10 5 ye Gt 0 lifts, ry. At) tion of | CE {ime of nd and Natarally our h attir | When | ww aaked sone of dar bi B15 od ive} the tha Ron ag io Bo CLANS van a % # fis 3 Anil nai 0B BX in the ye fay oh % kisurto playa Jel remds Tor ne irks vr ges Ioana givas Laat ss HE sade i Ekin wel in pet Tomes $j NE ry Cramer tranny. weed es * ¥. Porald 4 lar Sold) Sas —— ro Paavo Bag’ headoobe whieh 1 fain : i ct vib Sade PAE Povsle positions t al besarte bd wid LIE dant l 1oLisen Lowe's Bod. sAaramea, whe do von wil Ir is Bonn i Love GRR wa we mo Mec ewnrT. ve him alr aBooes- Nost Bess Ind w ageInunt; A 2344; —— 11 fon —i nicag » 4 ¥i at do's kno Such, do <5 6 en | New Re 1 Hopxine. Us pndastodn aban. a feb FRB. nisin } Psnbitoe i New fe LISI bo iat Munk fier PURE viens | FORTUX Beech (Jreek Railroad NYO &HR BERC Less CONDENBEDTIMETAGLN. mt Up Xe Mail May i 8 ET Exp TT New N | ob hes @ Down B49 ilibar.. #4812. Bas si » a sii 1 Kerrauooe...... Lys 6 ww MMipore.... Ne WEP aR ph. - 5 1 8 35 uunsse & : sep * i Paaipebers Eo 2 HAT... Suan rot] 7 . wens W3 nhurmme. .... a ox ro Red NN BRAEERERHS - wu 5... Jeremy slo... 2 9 BLve.. Wililameport...A AN oN i Yewsvenms~4 * Dg on i ! MM EN ; amean ETLAEEAN BE! DEENE TES NR R RHIE - om 5 3 ges a ms Phils. and Reading R a2 Shar Willlnrspers oii Wy... Phlindeiphis “Ar Tex Y.¥ia tamsiua Ar fa te New York via Polis Ar. be ema ai 8 SlBNE NguNERSg RUSHY JuBe EN a wil TWeekduTe, HB rw Anus inns 5AM. Mondays, HLM New Y wengers traveling vis Philsdeiptin on 10 &, oh, veada Pom Witllazuspord, i cars at Codempibila Ave, Plaine p bi £ ns De OnN~~ AL V 4 Heading Rallway, Al Jeise so Fal Brook Ky, at Mi Hall Central Rallrone of Penpsyivania peburg Connecting RL AL Cleartfle voy. wiiak 5 Tops ®eld divin of 1 5). BEE IaN eo w we ¥ PH PRI & fim port wilh rallade Fseyulor with Atl Phd pebury with Penns. B. Band Aitoons and 1 a he Hn ®ein, Bocherter and Pitbarg mi At Manasiey sod Potton with Csmbris ie Peuosyivenis aired AY Mehafter with the Pennsyl vant sud Norhwestemmlivay oo ” AN, AGPALMER, Ge’ seenger Agt. Burerintand: pl. ¥ phin. Pa. ALLEGHENY YALLEY RAILWAY, in enter! May I, 180 LOW GBADE DIVISION, A.V. RY. » EaNT BOUND, A.W, = #) uw LoEE cide 2 Mo & M.A KP, Piristanrg Hod Mans Hromk vile. ¥Fiiller eM a * . 1 = 55 iis Hevoniduviiie Faiis Url... a Bale ws ft Qn Winterhirn... Penfield . Taiwe, Lm Sontestila Mandix aE WR od Bd ESENERYstEE B00 EWE ng Ak ed Bw ow EW ERE Ea 3 i i DR BB Be ee ns HE £ oh i ak ak Gas fig pol | CERGEMegLanEN £ - - a os a a OO 0 TS 0 ae GEE pphas Lert Swot Mix Ran, Dent x Run Henpnaseite, Madix. bo Bayes LiageeEy A RO Saaesle - we £3 RE ad Tyler : Penfield Winterburn, ABE AARGEAF ESS rd ie NE Be fant Ra a wg ug by al whe + odd Fails Creek... Revoaidevilie 5 Lage Puller, Brook vtlie 2 od a ogi mE am we We Lo wwe wk enw pris : ogc e g¥ PHERMETR. nn Teas din costed Che, Wa * EY . $2 H. Aa LW Y fed 4 Das Pal . ew Dester apd hei five Puw and Cleomttadd. AY Dinfteond # Phibeileiph ts and Erte 1d inanmgort, Bigg irs aml sll . . & Bacrik with River In 5 He of) Ww NR at wt thd fue {5 2. a Biel + 3% Git Ye i aN MX a RI dye Supt, Jak I ANGER BRUN Lee lam AQ ¢ $a Bow od Seberean Cane rts the Refise of Cltieow fo Steam, Furtillsers, Soap, Fie Will wii dy Leet FARA, reer dy onl land placed in wit ¥, wh TERE sd A= ta wn. proitiie Pits, FROM GARBAGE. | gor | THROU G) , snrronnded is RR or Ros oy # A ex mE SE a Teg ¥ Fee ip § ™ wm i adi 32V0 Roi - BI Fat wiweld by passing § wefan illow Fringe. raw CITT ink faite BLT, :oNILN al {1 Phin wa) 3 and 4 was a Ne wi ur ‘raperies abd amp ROUTLY ino Inakes wag iit ® Is suiinbiv ow fringe a dosed Sim shu iF pis sARY x be Ll rad | 1 fo x sofa pil than | or it Lipa 42 { tight = fur any purpose woul a IDGWAY AND CLEARPINLD RM, sn oxi lore WEEK Pa * a STATIONS, WETHW A nD, Dre wor rad Erygeaiuns »i, & Matyw RAY Johnmuburg TTT Ridgway intmerd Hon Mil Haven ‘and Hhorie Mills wi Rok Run Brock wos Lanes 3 ' AE AA RE WeSC wo 4 BD, wn re a or Bushes | LEEEAE REE pil ly file CryEEENEERY FE ANLDLS ol wh wf oh Nd E285 252 Ww ew == Folie i reef Reyronidevilie Ervwsle idle New Heth lobo Had Bank Piiastarg Bas ad * Be 00 BG os bor ad le pb] i caraanls uss 24 » -. "1 ia! A . Pp TRAINS LEAVE RIDMIWAY, Eastward Wamonrd Train 8, 7:1 a. mm, Train i Sim ww, Train §, 12 i p,m, Train | His, wx. Trals 4 75 pa mm, Train 15 58 pm. Sunguehanns and Clearfield RR. Tratne are ran ou Toesda y's Tooredny's and Mata riny's Meath ward Train 2 Irn ven Kentingnt 95a mand arrives at Kartbans 11 3a, mm, Northward-Tmin 3 aves Karthane 0p moand arrives al Kesting ot 106 p.m Removo at 313 pon TRAINS LEAVE KEATING, Fastward. Weowtws rel. Clmln A Fhe Mm, Teun 4 IF p.m, YTimin 8, 44 5 my Train 3,94 a m, IrRin wIPp tn Yimin 6 3 In pe ta = Soe Renovo only. Wook dave 2 Toenda ye Thnrsiays and Mainrisys, IB. Huatebineon, JB Wont, Gren, Manager. Gun, Pass, AY” . § a i is » * Lwmily. B: ALD EAGLE VAL Wee i i Trains lene Tin HBavwnat® j0g mm. 1 Tein ari ve nt Tyrone sovirey Waomoand 215 pas 40 om. LEY ras ty. fave Be lmivasle and Look % ed B™ FEPONT Ry Tein ® ANGW SHOE BRANCH elt Days Oly a Bellrfonte Ta. Wm aryiving Soow THE Le! Louse Kym Shwe rte pmecthons bd Een =n. r SLE we oo arriving ! Fr) Pe Lioony Fad) pom Leave Bow Bho 15 om arr ving at Belletonts SP Ce Philipehurg and Modhannon Branch, Trains lesove Oweodsn for Mlodiedaie sand Hels msg st S01 and 05 ac om and BR 5 om, Traine artes at Uneven Traits Heiwma aad HBoctadpic mtv ih a. mm 3 und 60 pom. Tratn myes Morrindaie for Helmens and way ations 4b 4 #8 pom Treats arrives al Mosvistaie from Beleens st $m v Main Line Peansyl Mativownd, Trains lasve Tioone dally fhe Fhlindel pin mired the oma wt 7050 B00 om IRR 34 sp om, For al mone and Washington 7 15 T 8 and 1 Wa me 120 and 0 pom dally. Por Haltimote only 74% p.m, dad Por Hpreahumerg only 580 pay. 4 iy. For Hustingdoes, wow days, i Tpom. Trai wave Tyme dally Ree Altoorss, Pits vig and the West 6 35 a, me, and IJ 11m, 2: Fig TMB p.m Wank days only, | Za m, J.B HUTCHINGS NY, J. 8, WOOD, ei Mansger. Gen "I Pam. Agt “| pron YELVANIA RAILROAD. IN EVFRCT AUGUST 1, a, Bris Raliromd Iriviston Patisdel he Br PBriftwood ARD, Time Table. rminel RAST $10 A, M. ~ Trin Kwek days for manbory, Wilkestarme, Neminton, Ha . Potiavti ving and iedui yin, £8 5. ms ani 4 m New BB m.; ig’ ba ae PB Ww 5 Ph rr ¥ianingics hamepars to Foliage fis, wad passenger concise s rom Kane Wo Shia 98 PF MM ~Trin & week days, or Har Fit apd intercaediste dations, srry Imaleiptiy al £0 wm. ew York a wee Paibmsn Seeping curs from Hay w e Puncdgua aid New York, TRC THIBALL | Ieee r ERE Wakil Tie. mm. 2PM Tein & distil for Suney 8 Ha Tris axl ler aredimte Aine, ATTEN Lg oh Sametalntibe, aly mi New York @iffa um ho Amys sud rE a. mon Hnudups Hal dusore, $20 5. @ Washin oo Il Pullen cars sD Pane n gikr owe fresip Porte and Willmppsesrt do lle della om atch WoiHamerort Wo Washington: Paseiligeis 1 piowepyer dvr Paadiivibire ase Waly agin wi « rg airreed jute Wastin Hepes rd Willermaport, Posenger oometios rare Brie ty Phladeiphile at woe mepart uy Bedi Fare sien WERTWARD Trin 8 welt devs, fr Erie Bales, Clstmponl sod pine pms rryveed ete Mili; e P80 A.W. ~TTe poset ipte nhs can M.- PET gp &. Er dd A. NM. 15a owmary tod Brie ws tne wood week dais, or Kaoe sing at i, Tas % IN» wads th THRE MEANT A N'Y Para N Gg 54% 1, FH BRIFfWOO! Py SE Lo L¥ sora Noir s 3 #5 th Vroiiompsg slew gmre a B Kier tes WOT IER SOIR, » Hew SC iy Eo Westie % bi aN haiti KE Fh EY hE “Hh, Pu esd Vaslernie lo Wi LAE CRY TORRE TIE lg tf ives Ty Wears Philmdes Jui ie mad ar, Baltiouare sol a. on Hi Wea BELT Urftwood al fob mo No. wo car from on Amaia plain fof iu tx Weta of JORNSONBU Ba RALLROAD, i Wiek dev) TIALLY 10 maven Ridgway al #5 wm, Joon. woo bari al In a, ra, arriving at Chormson et 2 Ie om, X98, g mar "ee Shans ¢ Jersaont wl peing at Julrsepnbarg st LL Ridpway at 12048 poo mg Aw. mi, ar we WB, sud | BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURE « mere} mame Dn and after Jans Pwtil arrive and de apd Sanding, Ae Te HT, Dassinger tradi wrt from DaBols daily a . TRAINB DEPART Wi bE SS we rwenevi sand (le Revnaideville, ¥& Hamed lord and Roelicster, BEY Panzsutawngy. ET In, Fails FONR a PE HIS Phe and Toearfedd. axed fo tai =” 5 Ev % > Poe. sad Pun sstlawiey, TRAINS ARMIVE, Ponce wey, Falls Uresnk, Carweasviiis and Clearfield, Pun salaw ney. Hrs, Unrwensvillie snd Paaxsntaws ey. Fails Cnwk amt Revooldevill Falls Ur ok a Bradiond, Hoohester, Panxsutwney and Hig Ran. ree sviiip a Fails Creal. Toonsand mils ttelied good for passape Det ween aif stallions al 2 ornis per mile Rell, Hime tables and tall Ws. Im {Sem foil, information CA, Dubois 21’ Faas, Agen, | osmiemn CEE NESSES MAR! | Da leds | DraBets Junetion andre ; Lethersharg. Hoth ton p. 1 THIS aur Fal, ROCRESTER & PITTSEURG RY aM, TDIVIRION Joemd Time Tule (nn Eset June 7, IT. EAST BOUND. Ax PX PM L Bepunt 270 Um calf wT fey Agr 14 84 SeRnaNiEzezeT wo ge4 * jan bn - — A Sry wits HE 0 ve VET hd -w EHREBGARLS FCG Gn bl AG BR we ee “hag ad hag a SHE aise Andeomn Vieduet Bi Bion me ERGEG EER SRELENE REG Curwessviiie Cotitre Clan rtbeld, Market “ CloarBetd B, ¢ Dept Ar. > PE Has A.M Vv H.TH. FREE ENCE EASRLEINKAE BElUNIEsxaE fii # $ i 3 Train 71 conoeets at Iwilods for Ridgway, Jot ee TE Sion Hewat ferrd an 3 Howlomter. Tein N t Dulles fr tad ford andl bas Puliman sievp wevptag Sar from Philadel phils to Wille Train No. 3 IH: Howw iy ey Len a al «emerald with the Creek mliroad Gor Phittipshors, (sei tad 2 ewe ® mies Willig ene nort, Philadel. vg wie Wen York Pas wren Rw con tnemdan? Try pit rei ee takes Axe £91 etd FR. AvieXiens a. a. soi wat leoweiand Fes eimaiRe wien Iarem are pmld oa irs @ ere eRe offer is oo ¥. Fai LAPEY, Gn Pass. At. Howisenter N.Y. jd! Fr RY. MARYS A ID wi HN HAL LROAD T Too take often Monday, Ass IY, ex sept BGKY a MOTH FE TABLE & Nh Lia, NT > iM Lema wn ed a ? North 4 Pom BTATIONA i Gk de ae a ee Be WES EE dR : Clersaeent.. ARerioont TREK. “ co Wwe nd by Fork mi RY Piorg ; Airey ation. iene Marys, SRA Raut, 4 ral 1. r 8 4 Hp=jsuexaig™ BREESE BA WE CHS SLERL BRUT HES WOR EK NE he een or ) JH Fle. » Www Rees 58 Ha » m f | gr 25 E oon nertione at XU. Ma wt Pog me nts emat | vet. Supt fae ail oh id TIE Pr ron and at Hyde ioe aii on Toby Seach o Erie : BE WELLENDORF, Supt. BK. CAPTGIWGHT Geo. Pas. Apri wx ¥ ed, = 2 ot SUMMER TIME TASLE North Bend and Kettle Cresk RAILROAD CO Taking «wt Monday, March 8 sive None. TT pas | o “iw STATIONS, | 1. | 3 a “Fam om North Head, - Win ip mn i Ml a5 ® Ch lemmontion, 1s » 3 ow 4 + 8 FEOING SOUTH, _Readt Up, res k ind a Down, A. IF nase. Howsrdvilie FREE EE £211 5 Bi Rrased. 0% a 5 = Shen Lick. 43 #3 5 oo _ Ten NM is. : 11s 5m Olona J une. 4 J Iai SLeto & 3 Junction, 7 ITA Mg ny. sR Gre View | 3 0 at 0K lete Hub 83 £8 lh hE EYEE BUNSS GER Eee PREY BREBER XA 8 5 PR wp Train Noy oo Saturdays anly, Aid other tite dally elena sunday. HIACK WEILL KF BLAC A ise ION KW BI. 1. Gen’! Pass A > ( og DATEN TL. AND #5) iN EUGENE W. JOHNSON. Selicitor and Alloraey in Patest Causes 1H Neg Yon Avs, BFPO EsTARLASHED 1988, FL Moderate Washington, DL Charge Carevapandense Heguestod msn ai JOB - PRINTING OFFICE " A >