. lh PATTON PUBLISHING 00., Proprietors. E., WILL GREENE, Editor, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1897. De A TT S— TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, - - - $1.00 So-Advertising rates made known upon ap- plication, &No pa es are h ener, Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second- class mail matter. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary are considered as wish- ing to renew their subscriptions. . If subscribers order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the prbiisher may ‘con- tinue to send them until all arrearages are id. i) If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the postoffice to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled their bills and ordered them discontinued. 2; indoramin the. publishers, and th out informing the publishers, an e papers are sent to the ore address, they are Rela responsible. 5. The Courts have decided that refusing to take periodicals from the office or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. 6. If subscribers pay in advance they are bound to give notice at the end of the time if they do not wish to continue taking it; other- wise the publishers is authorized to send it and the subscriber will be responsible until an express notice, with payment of all arrear- ages. is sent to the publisher 2 COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge—Hon. A. V. Barker. Prothonotary—Samuel Davis, Register and Recorder—F. B. Jones, Treasurer—E, F. Spencer. Sheriff—David W. Coulter. Deputy Sheriff—~Elmer Davis. District Attorney—R. S. Murphy. Commissioners — Jones, ostetler and Hoover. Commissioners’ Clerk—John C. Gates. County Superintendent—T. L. Gibson. County Suryeyor—S. G. Fetterman. pouty Auditors A L. Miltenberger, P. M. wrence, John ngs. Jury Commissioners — Anslem Weakland and W. D. Miller. Coroner—Dr. F. 8, Livingston. Poor Directors—James Somerville, Thos. T. Jones ahd James Moore. rs discontinued until all arrear- unless at the option of the laces with- TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 1st Monday of March. | 1st Monday of Sept. 1st Monday of June, 1st Monday of Dec. Argument Court is held between the above dates. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess—Geo. Prindible. Council—W. C. Hubbard, president; Alex Montieth, Ralph Leisch, Dan’l P. Jones. Joel Dixon, J. 'T. Culp, J. D. Blair, Wm. Leadbetter. School Board—C. C. Crowell, president; G. H. Curfman, Secretary W. H. Sandford, treas- urer; H. E. Barton, C.'C. Holter, W. C. Lingle. Justice of the Peace — Jesse E. Dale, Jas. Mellon. Treasurer—W. H. Sandford. Clerk—E. Will Greene. Collector—Jas. Mellon. Assessor—Jos. H. Ricker. Auditors—Elmer Smale, W. A. Mellon, H. . Gould. Judge of Election—Sam’l Irvin. Inspector—Geo. Howe, Frank Campbell. Constable—Samuel E. Jones. High Constable—Dan’l Holes. Chief of Police—Howard Woomer. Street Commissioner—Sam’l E. Jones. MIGHT HAVE BEEN MURDER. Patrick Quinn Fires Three Shots into Frank Shupple. Frank Shupple of Portage, was shot at that place Friday night by Patrick Quinn, a resident of South Fork. The shooting occurred in the bar room of George Yeckley’s hotel. Quinn was at Portage on a visit to his mother during the afternoon. While in the bar room in the evening Shupple came in. There is an old _ grudge between the two men and hos- tilities began on sight. The two men exchanged words when suddenly Quinn ‘drew a 82-callibre revolver from his pocket and fired three shots into Shup- ple’s body. After the last shot Shupple threw up his hands and fell in a heap on the floor. He finally struggled to his feet and staggered out of the room with all the appearance of being mor- tally wounded. The spectators were so taken by surprise that no one essayed to follow him. Afterwards a searching party was organized, but at a late hour he had not been found. Quinn gave himself up and was lodged in jail at Ebensburg. Later it was learned that the man was found a short distance from the hotel and that the bullets had only in- flicted slight flesh wounds. Made Another Attempt. At a late hour Sunday night an at- tempt was made to burn the fan-house at the Sterling mine in Hastings, which is in course of erection, and only the hardest kind of work prevented ite total destruction. After the fire was distinguished it was found that certain parts of the fan-house had been sat- urated with oil. The building was not damaged to an extent great enough to cause the mine to shut down and they were running Monday as usual after a few repairs of burned portions had been made. Reward. The Patton Fire Co. No. 1 will pay a reward of $5 for the arrest and con- svietion of the party or parties who shot a hole through the torch at their park gate Saturday, Sept. 18th, also the parties who broke open the stand in grounds Sept. 21, or any other parties destroying anything in their Park.-42t2 Patron FIRE Co. No. 1. Anyone wishing to buy a good four- room house cheap would do well to call on John Boyce, Patton, Pa.-43t2 Resolutions of Respect. WHEREAS, It has pleased the Al- mighty to remove from our midst and the bosom of her family our esteemed sister, Elizabeth Dumm, therefore bow- 4», ing to the alwise providence we tender to Brother Dumm and his afflicted family the sincere sympathy of this Concord Grange, No. 1126. RESOLVED FURTHER, That we drape our charter in mourning, also that these resolutions be printed in the PATTON COURIER and Carrolllown News. J. H. HOOVER, J. J. THOMAS, W. T. GOODERHAM, Committee. P. C. STRITTMATTER, Sec. Cuurier. ee - pha mre CHORAL CONCERT ; To be Held in the Firemen's Hall October 2, 1897. will give a musical concert in the Fire- men’s hall, Patton, Pa., on Saturday evening, October 2d, 1897, consisting of the following selections, with additions and variations: I V. K. Rowland Call” . V. K. Rowland, V. Moore, “Medley” 8, McCully, KE, H, Westover Bass B010.......cvens cornseesnneennennnn Clark Westover “Off to Philadelphia’ Quartette... Miss T. Moore, Mrs, Huston, V. K. Rowland, V. Moore. “Come Where the Lillies Bloom" BOI0....cc cirrus iraessniasssssssassssnssssessss E. H. Westover “Whistling Coon" W. J. Seabrook, B. McCardell C. West~ over Kiarn, Mrs, Seabrook, Seabrook, V. Moore Greeti g Quartette... Messrs “A Little Farm Well Tilled” Duet and Cho......... Mrs. Society 8010. 1 crssecrassrsorsriseissis . Moore “A Little Piece of String Around His Neck” “Old Mother Hubbard” ..............oueisunied Society Solo and Cho........ Messrs. Westover, Seabrook, McCardell, Westover “Did You Ever Get Left? Quartette............ Miss Cummings, Miss Moore, Messrs Rowlahd and Moore ic 0. P. R. A.” to Hi ..McCardell and Rowland “Mrs. Brown's Mistake” Quartette............... Mrs. Lahgham, Miss Moore, Messrs, Rowland, Westover “Friendship, Love and Song" 0..ver evens srsnsesenns seems M188 Nora Westover “Sweet Bunch of Dasies” The Society is under the training and direction of Mrs. M. M. Langham, of Westover, Pa., and is made up of some of the best talent that has ever visited Patton, and will, beyond a doubt, be the treat of the season. Admission—Adults, single ticket 15 cents, 2 for 25 cents; children under 12, 10 cents. Doors open at 7, concert begins promptly at 8. Proceeds for the bene- fit of the First Baptist Church of Pat- ton. Come early to secure a seat. One night only. Jewish New Year. The Jewish New Year, or as they term it, Rosh Hashans, began at sun- down on Sunday night and continued until 6 o’clock Monday evening. The observance of this holiday continues two days in all orthodox churches, but by the reformed congregations it is The Choral Society of Westover, Pa., MUSIC AND THE HAIR. | The Effect of Vibrations Upon the Cover- ing of the Head. In a recent scientific assemblage a discussion took place upon the influ- ence of sleep in skin diseases. One of the gentlemen who took part stated in his criticism of the paper which had been read that one might as well talk of the influence of music upon the growth of the hair. It would seem that the suggestion of a possible connection thus thrown out in a jesting way has been taken seriously. At least a corre- spondent of Le Temps has made the discovery that music of certain kinds does in reality prevent the hair from falling, while that produced by certain instruments has the most disastrous ef- fects in causing rapid development of | baldness. He finds that while composers | are as prone as others to lose their hair at an early age those who play their compositions upon the piano preserve, if they do not acquire, a luxuriant growth of hair. On the other hand, wind instruments, and especially the cornet and tfombone, are fatal to hir- sute adornment. The violoncello and the harp keep the hair in pretty well, but the flute cannot be depended upon to preserve a strong growth after the fifti- eth year of age. A number of pianists, including Pa- derewski, are cited in confirmation of the pronounced influence of piano music. It has been admitted for some time that music has a certain therapeutic worth, and it will be recalled that Dr. Ferrand presented a report to the French acad- emy on the physiological influence of music, pointing out what ways it could be employed with therapeusio aims. Subsequently Dr. Betzchinsky re- ported an instance of night terrors in a child of 8 years, who was cured by hav- ing played to it each night music of a calming nature written in a minor key. A test was made after a few nights by omitting the music, and that night alone the child had an attack. It has not as yet been determined just what key is most favorable to the pre- vention of an early bald state. Prob- ably a reasonable way of settling the disputed point would be to make a few experiments on dogs, thus proving a tolerance for different strains and avoid- ing the horripilation to which some pa- observed by one. According to the Jewish calendar it marks the year | 5,658 in the month of Tishri. All dif-| ferences between man and man are | considered at an end, according to the | Jewish belief, when Rosh Hashans is ushered in. New Year is a season of | done to effect reconciliation between | enemies. Yom Kippur, or the day of rejoicing, and everything possible is | oq tients of refined tastes might be sub- jected. Wind instruments .are always dangerous if the hair has not a good hold, while stiff haired people can stand anything. Possibly a good rule for any musician would be as soon as he finds his hair falling that he should THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Readers, The distinguished New York chemist, T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his dis- covery of a reliable and absolute cure for consumption (Pulmonary Tuber- culosis) and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest diseases, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general . decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLES (all differ- ent) of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the PATTON COURIER writing for them. His ‘New Scientific Treatment” has cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible cure. Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently ex- perimenting for years, has produced results as ‘beneficial to suffering humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and consumption are curable in any climate is proven by ‘heartfelt letters of gratitude,’ filed in his American and European labra- tories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. Medical experts concede that bron- chial, chest and lung troubles lead to consumption, which, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent. Sufferers should take instant ad- vantage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that you saw his offer in the PATTON COURIER. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, 81. Ail druggists. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. “That is what it was made for. SEE cease playing for others.—Medical Rec- | | —_— | A Gond Squirter. | atonement, follows Rosh Hashans. 1 One of the public drinking places comes 10 days later, and the day is | erected by the Philadelphia Fountain kept with fasting and church going. | society is embellished by a rather unique It is considered the most solemn of the | design in the form of a man’s face. It Hebrew holidays, and the days between is rather grotesque in appearance, and Net Year and Yom Kippur are set | this effect is heightened by the faot that art fi ti £ ial Tepentai | the water comes gushing forth from the apart fora time OF spec pentance. | outh of the stone figure. Two China- | The feast of the tabernacle begins| yen gyidently the proprietors of laun- October 11. | dries, stopped in front of the fountain TS Ladian Hotton ; and seemed deeply interested in it. ... | They cocked their funny little heads to F. W. McConnell, of this place, will | one side, gazed at the spectacle from soon have quite a curiosity shop in the | every possible point of view, and after way of ancient relics. He has in his | a moment of contemplative silence pro- possesion a large collection of Indian relics such as pipes, arrow heads, spear heads, etc, which] were picked up not more than four | or five miles distant from Patton. | Several of the specimens were found | on what is known as Fort Hill, near the | Beaver Dams in Clearfield township, | about seven years ago. It is worth your while to see his collection. | Season to Open Soon. t The Hastings Opera House will open its doors to the lovers of amusements on Wednesday, October 13, with Kittie Lamont, in an up-to-date comedy. “Sporting Craze’ will hold the boards on Tuesday, October 26, and the “World Against Her” on November 13th, Manager McNeelis is sparing no pains in securing good companies for this popular house and should be en- couraged by a large patronage at all | attractions. "Will Bulla Soon. The St. Mary Catholic church organi- zation of this place are making the preliminary arrangements for the con- struction of a new brick church on their lot on the corner of Palmer and Sixth avenues. The structure will be 60x90 feet and work is expected to be commenced not later than early spring. “An are Invited. Everybody is invited to call on H. 8. | Buck in his new store on Fifth avenue, | next to Patton hotel, and see his fine | line of new furniture etc. Come one and all. Undertaking a specialty.—43t4 | | | Jesse L. Test, Esq., an old resident ceeded to pass critical judgment upon it. “Him squirtee belly good,” said one. ‘“Yes,’”’ replied the other. ‘‘Me likee havee him all alongee my laun- dly.'’'—Philadelphia Record. Pardoned. Some sentences of court martial were presented to the youthful Queen Vio- toria for signature. One was of death for desertion. “Have you nothing to say on behalf of this man?’’ asked the queen. “Nothing, madam. He has deserted three times, ’’ said the official. “Think .again, my lord,” said the queen. Whereupon the gallant soldier replied: ‘““He is certainly a very bad soldier, your majesty, but he may be a good man for all I know to the contrary.’’ ‘‘Thank you,’ said her majesty and wrote ‘‘ Pardoned’’ on the paper. The smallest book in the world is a Konversations Lexikon, published in Berlin and prepared by Daniel Sanders. The volume occupies the space of only six cubic centimeters—0.866 cubic inch —although it is claimed to contain 175,000 words. The book must be read through a microscope especially pre- pared for it. Man is a bundle of habits; in a word, there is not a quality or function, either of body or mind, which does not feel the influence of this great law of ani- mated nature. —Paley. To the Public. Dr. W. I. Dowler, of Burnside, has located in. Patton and will have his office on the first floor of the Solomon and highly respected citizen of our building, opposite Palmer house, on town, called this morning and after! Fifth avenue. Mr. Dowler is a grad- purchasing a bottle of chamberlain’s | uate of the Western University of colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, | Pittsburg.-42t2 said: “If anyone asks you if this rem- | TA Ladi Pops edy will do what is claimed for it, tell] po fer a whole age of ver them yes and refer them to me.” H. | interesting reading a otras, Alexander Stoke, Reynoldsville, Pa. wi) pe devoted to the ladies in the No one can doubt the value of this aoyprer It will be found on one of medicine after giving it a fair trial. | 4,0 jngide pages and will contain hints Then it is pleasant and safe to take, |, fashions, ete. Don’t fail to look it making it especially valuable for | children. For sale by Patton Pharm- | acy, C. W. Hodgkins. ! Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers | are very small pills in size, but are | most effective in preventing the most | serious forms of liver and stomach | troubles. they cure constipation and | headache and regulate the bowels. C. | W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Y Oracker dust at Beck's Grocery. ! i up every week. WANTED—General agent; need not have had experience in agency work; no soliciting required; party must be intelligent, and able to give security if asked. Write imediately. Brown Brothers (Jompany, Continental Nurse- reries, Rochester, N, Y.-42-3mo ‘fo Cure Constipation Forever, Take Cascurets Candy Cathartie. 10¢ or 2x. It C. C. C. t#fl toeure, druggists refund mur.er. Mackerel at Beck's Grocery. These prices: 56-piece Tea set (nice goods)... 100-piece dinner set, fine wa 100-piece best decorated war Good large dinner pails, 3s Men’s heavy work shoes Men'’s fancy dress shoe: And many other bargains which we have not space to quote. Below we name a few of the articles found on our 10 cent counter. 10-pin folding hat rack 3-quart coffee pot lg-gal oil can | foquart water pail 3}4-quart sauce ps 4-quart covered bucket Nice frying pan Ai stove brush ‘arge granite pudding pan Large granite wash basin 60-foot clothes line 50-foot white cotton line 40-foot wire line Best bridle bits Good bits or brace Set silver plated spoons Good hairbrush Nice clothes brush Good thermometor Pencil box with lock and key Serated bread knife Also a variety of other goods which are sold at twice the price we ask. Call and see at THE BAZAAR, G. O. Brady, Prop'r, Patton, Pa. From Every Corner of town people are point- ing tous as THE CLOTH- IERS. Unceasing effort to obtain the best material, to produce the most perfect clothing, and to charge the smallest price compatable with good work- manship has been appreciated by the thousands who have come to look at our stock, then bought, and forever afterward remained our customers. WOLF & THOMPSON, EE fi We would say that we have just opened a large line of Winter DRESS GOODS Among them the latest styles in all wool and novelties. We wish to call your attention in particular to our line of Children’s Novelties At 12c. the yard; the very thing for school dresses. Remember these are all new goods. We have no old stock to get off our hands. The only reason that + we sell so much muslin is that we give than you can get else- where, both bleached and unbleached, it’s all the same. As soon as the ladies see them they say: “Well, that’s the best I ever saw for the money.” See our fine line of GROCERIES sso. Miners Store Co, Limited, Do you know That | am Selling That 1 have the two best Patent Plasters made? The Diamond Wall Cement ——AND THE— Crown Wall Plaster Get my prices and sell both very cheap. before buying elsewhere. Also Sell Cement Giant Portland, Rosendale Cement and Hillsbore Plaster, which is the best grade of Plaster Paris made. ALSO Phosphate, Farmers’ Dissolved Bone, which is made by the Baltimore Guano Co. I have just received a car load of FINE SHINGLES, both No. 1 and No. 2, which I am selling at a very low price. Those contemplating building or using any of the above articles will do well to get my prices before purchasing elsewhere. GEO. S. GOOD, Patton, Pa. PATTON, PA. . 0 IF PTO Fall and > Beiter Ualue for the MON EY > Ne le every day sc LUTHE] Improv 0. 36 Bell's Frank Knight: No. * Bell's W. H. INDEPE ton IL« evenil John relatiy week. Mis: ited h nesda; Jac a visit Tuesd Ali of Mr nesda,; Mis: of H Mond Miss tgwn, Patto C. Carro Patto The fae o v
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